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      文档预览: 7 Contents 1 Introduction to SAP MaxDB 11 1.1 History 11 1.2 SAP MaxDB Features 12 1.2.1 General Features 点击下载
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      文档预览: -Socks Server Socks 是一个网络应用层的国际标准,当内部网络 Client 需要与外部...服务器级:支持Netware3.x/4.x,Windows NT Server 3.51/4.0,OS/2, ... 点击下载
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      文档预览: xserver-xfree86 (or xserver-xorg) xf86config-knoppix,discover, mdetect and read-edid kudzu is a hardware probing tool run at system boot time to determine what hardware has been added or removed from the system. kudzu-knoppix is a knoppix ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:all 更新日期:2012-03-01
      文档 popcon.ubuntu.com
      文档预览: 35 xserver-common 1462203 171167 1277459 13350 227 (Unknown) 36 libcupsppdc1 1001605 171097 819614 8258 2636 (Unknown) 37 libcupscgi1 1001348 170935 ... 点击下载
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      Excel表格 Feuil1
      文档预览: A B C D E F 1 2 Tarif au 21/01/11 3 4 Nous commercialisons la plupart des marques (plus de 80 000 références) 5 Nous consulter pour toutes autres références 6 Livraison des produits ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:pdf 更新日期:2008-04-09
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      文档预览: Background: All graphical UNIX applications connect to an X-Windows Server to display graphical data on the monitor of the computer. The X-Windows Server... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:all 更新日期:2012-03-01
      文档 www.grahamkendall.net
      文档预览: What is Xserver mode (RS RightArrow) used for? I assume it's similar to Server mode (RS+RightArrow) used be the PC Connectivity software which doesn't seem to work with Xserver mode. Is there something else that uses Xserver mode? does it ... 点击下载
    • 文档格式:all 更新日期:2012-03-01
      文档 sandbox.dfrws.org
      文档预览: OLLL GdkP _@@@ XGdkP o,,, _999 O### OFFF?QQQ _<<< GdkP GdkP <$gnome-dev-removable <hfile-wordprocessor gnome-mime-text-x-csrc =0printer-default GdkP o GdkP)s 9 pyq D GtkFileSystemHandleGnomeVFS pyq D GnomeVFSDrive 点击下载
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