摘_ 要: ArcGIS9.0是美国环境系统研究所开发的新一代GIS软件,是世界上应用广泛的GIS软件之一,是我国GIS领域常用的商业软件,其功能十分强大。通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、建立三维可视化等一系列步骤,利用ArcGIS 9.0软件,对湖南师范大学北校区虚拟校园进行了初步实现。通过虚拟校园,可将现实校园的各项资源数字化形成一个数字空间,实现学校的教学、科研、管理、服务等活动的全部过程,从而达到提高教学质量、科研水平、管理水平的目的。
_ A Preliminary Realization of Virtual Campus of Hunan Normal University
Abstract: ArcGIS9.0 software, newly developed by American Environment System Research Institute, is one of the most extensive application in the world, is a set of business software which is often used in China GIS field, and is very powerful. Through a series of steps, such as collecting information, preprocessing data, making models of construction using 3DMAX , importing the 3D models to ArcGIS, and displaying three-dimensional visualization ,.the virtual campus in the Northern Campus of Hunan Normal University based on ArcGIS 9.0 is realized. By means of the virtual campus, we can set up a digital space after the digitalization of various resource of realistic campus and realize the whole process of teaching, science and study, management, service ,and so on, in order to realize the aim of improving the teaching quality ,the lever of science study and management. _____
Key words: virtual campus;ArcGIS;Campus of Hunan Normal University,
数字校园是数字地球的微观表现形式在校园区域的具体体现[1]。虚拟校园是数字校园工程的重要组成部分[2]。在 ArcGIS 9.0中, ArcGIS 3D分析扩展(3D Analysis Extensions)模块主要在三个领域提出了新的功能:三维可视化(3D Visualization)、三维符号(3D Symbology)和三维地理处理(3D Geoprocessing)。3D分析扩展模块把一个专门化3D可视化应用程序ArcScene增加到desktop中,扩充了ArcCatalog和ArcMap,能更有效地管理3DGIS数据,进行3D分析,编辑3D要素,建立具有3D视图属性的图层。用户可以从已经存在的二维GIS数据中建立3D要素,或通过在ArcMap中使用表面提供Z值来数字化新的3D栅格数据和图形。通过ArcScene用户能制作现实场景,在该场景中对3DGIS数据进行访问和操作[3]。本文通过收集资料、资料预处理、矢量数字化、建立三维模型、导入模型、制作现实场景等一系列步骤,以ArcGIS 9.0中的ArcGIS 3D分析扩展模块为依托,建立了湖南师范大学北校区的虚拟校园,从而为数字校园的建设打下良好的根基。
1 建立虚拟校园的流程分析