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  • Introduction to Translation Course

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    Equivalence above word level
    Grammatical equivalence
    Textual equivalence: thematic and information structure
    Textual equivalence :cohesion
    Pragmatic equivalence
    1. A Brief History of Translation
    By "history" of translation, we mean the origin of translation, its development as well as the present situation. Do you know anything about the history of translation, e.g., translators, principles, successful translations, methods?

    Do you want to know more about the history of translation? A detailed study of it would probably bring about your objections and refusals such as "Oh! My God! It is not the unpractical sermon I have been dreaming!"
    Hush! Be quiet. It is a regret that Francis Bacon hasn't produced an essay entitled "Of History". Anyway, let's stay with God for a moment. Here you are only asked to read a short story from the genesis of the Holy Bible about the start of translation, since most undergraduates simply equate translation with translating practice.
    1.1 The origin of translation (Why do we need translation?)
    In the west
    The Tower of Babel
    A story from Old Testament about how the Lord/God/Jehovah "confused the language of all the earth." The story goes like the following:
    Genesis begins with six days of creation and the Sabbath in which the following were created:
    Light (day and might); Firmament /sky (dome full of air);
    Seas and earth; Luminaries (sun and moon);
    Birds and fishes; Animals and man
    Adam and Eve (First sin and its punishment)
    One day, the Lord formed a man, Adam, from the dust of the ground, and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it. He also took one of Adam's ribs, in his deep sleep and made it into a woman, Eve. Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Knowing this, the Lord drove them out of the garden to till the ground.


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