请特别注意:对于个人陈述来说,我们鼓励您使用英文撰写素材,这以便您获得更多时间和母语编辑成员沟通交流文章内容深度. 您也可以用中文陈述一些您觉得用英文难以表达的内容(请在有关专有名词后附上相应的英文供我们参考).我们建议整份个人陈述表格的英文素材部分超过80% ,如果用英文填写大量素材对您有困难,您也可以用中文填写(质量不受到任何影响,也不会增加任何翻译费用,但中文素材请控制在2500字以内,英文素材无限制);当您用中文填写的素材内容超过20%时,将导致交稿时间4天左右的延误(加急服务的时间不受到任何素材填写语种的影响),因为我们需要48小时翻译素材,更需要时间掌握您素材的重点,具体我们会在确认信里预先告知您.
在填写完成相应的表格后,请通过我们的网站 注册用户,登录网站,选择相应的服务提交订单,并将完成的素材表格上传至网站.
The form is specially designed for undergraduates or bachelor-degree holders who intend to apply for graduate schools. If you do not meet this condition, please refer to other forms on our websites.
Before we start the process of composing your personal statement, we need to have the following information that will be used as raw materials. Please answer the following questions carefully.
Please note: We encourage you to supply all information in English, thus you will find more time to share opinions with your Native Speaking editors looking for a right direction to compose a special tailored personal statement with depth. You may provide some data in Chinese if you find difficulties to express them in English. (Please do specify Special Terms and Names in English). We suggest you supply most of your information in English (80% or over is preferred).
We will treat the order submission with information over 20% in Chinese differently, for these orders we will have to delay the number of completion days by 4 days according to the complexity of the data. (Please note this will not affect urgent service orders). We usually need 48 hours for the process of raw material translations from Chinese to English; We need time to grasp the essence of your information provided in Chinese. Please be rest assured that we will inform you of the timeframe required when confirming your order.