• 中国对外贸易的摩擦现状及政策 > 中美纺织品贸易摩擦的经济分析及对策研究
  • 中美纺织品贸易摩擦的经济分析及对策研究

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    The Economy Analysis and Countermeasures Research on the Trade Friction of Textile Products between China and America


    Abstract: Textile industry is China’s dominant industry in exportation. America, Japan and other countries began to interdict Chinese textile by all kinds of trade barriers, such as quota system and tariff, which make seriously influence on the development of China’s textile. Therefore, it needs good cooperation among government, enterprises and trade associations to break through these restrictions. This paper applies the related trade theories and summarizes the present situation of our country’s textile trade scale , product structure ,the change of the trade between China and America, and so on ;It analyzes the reasons for trade friction of textile products in international and national between China and America ;it considers that under the regulations of WTO, in order to realize our country’s textile globalizations strategies ,it should take some countermeasures, such as deepening the system reform, improving the competition of products, achieving the international operation standards ,paying more attention to the market of America, to resolve the trade friction of textile products between China and America.___


    Key words: the Trade Quota; Friction of Textile product trade; Reason Analysis; Countermeasures.


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    引____ 言


    一 中美纺织品贸易摩擦的相关理论分析


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