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  • Management 300 Syllabus

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    Management 300 Syllabus

    Organization and Behavior 1



    Instructor, Web Sites, and E-mail


    Dr. Gene Milbourn, Jr.

    Room 557 Business Center

    Office Phone: 410-837-4966

    Office Fax 410- 837-5675


    Professor’s Office E-mail:____ emilbourn@ubmail.ubalt.edu

    Professor’s Web Site____________ http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbmilb

    Textbook web page:_____________ Robbins= book:__ www.prenhall.com/robbins

    ______________________ Gomez’_ book:___ www.prenhall.com/gomez



    Catalogue Description:


    An overview of the context in which organizations operate including international management, environmental concerns, ethics, the role of technology, managing diversity, and business strategy and service quality._ Focus will also include job analysis, personnel selection, individual differences, motivation and training, the role of perceptions and attributions, and the management of productivity.


    Course Overview:


    This course is designed as the first of two courses dealing with the interface between the individual and work._ Traditionally, these areas were taught as three courses--Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resources._ The current two course sequence recognizes that an organizational member is part of an interlocking set of systems which can be understood by looking at different Alevels of analysis.@_ At the individual level of analysis which is the focus of MGMT 300, organizational members can be understood in terms of such factors as perceptions, motivation, and talents._ At the work group and organizational levels of analysis (the focus of MGMT 301) issues of communication, team building, conflict, power, and organizational development can be understood. Thus, MGMT 300 provides a micro perspective of organization and behavior, while MGMT 301 will provide a macro perspective.




    1._____________ Be familiar with basic management concepts, especially processes for goal setting, strategy, motivating, reinforcement principles, and employee selection and compensation;


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