• 鼻中隔高位偏曲 > 内窥镜在鼻腔疾病中的应用
  • 内窥镜在鼻腔疾病中的应用

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    作者:姚立平,刘雄光,洪元庚 作者单位:广西壮族自治区北海市人民医院耳鼻咽喉科,广西 北海 536000
    【摘要】 目的:探讨鼻中隔矫正术对促进鼻内镜术后恢复,预防复发,提高疗效的意义.方法:回顾分析125例伴有鼻中隔偏曲的慢性鼻窦炎患者行鼻内镜鼻窦手术病例资料.随机分为两组.处理组75例,术中同期行鼻中隔矫正术;对照组50例,术中不行鼻中隔矫正术.全部病例术后均随访6个月~2年,对两组鼻腔通气情况、术后鼻腔粘连情况、上颌窦口开放情况及疗效进行比较.结果:处理组与对照组术后鼻腔粘连率分别为1.3%和16.0%,两组在鼻腔通气、上颌窦口开放良好率及疗效上差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论:鼻中隔矫正术可以提高慢性鼻窦炎患者鼻内镜手术疗效,能改善鼻腔通气引流,降低鼻腔粘连及复发率.
    【关键词】 鼻窦炎;鼻中隔;内窥镜;外科手术
    Application of endoscopy in the treatment of nasal diseasesYAO Li ping, LIU Xiong guang, HONG Yuan geng(Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Beihai People′s Hospital, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Beihai 536000,China)
    [ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore the significance of correction of nasal septum for quickening recovery, enhancing curative effect in endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic nasosinusitis and preventing recurrence of nasosinusitis. Methods: Data of 125 patients with chronic nasosinusitis undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into two groups randomly. Namely study group, 75 cases ,combined treated with endoscopic sinus surgery and correction of nasal septum; control group, 50 cases, treated with endoscopic sinus surgery alone. All patients were followed up for six months to two years. Situations of ventilation, adhesion, opening of maxillary sinus and effect in the two groups were compared. Results: Adhesion rate was 1.3% and 16% for study group and control group respectively. Situations of ventilation, fine opening of maxillary sinus and curative effect between the two groups all had significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion: Chronic nasosinusitis patients with deviation of nasal septum treated with endoscopic sinus surgery and correction of nasal septum can get better effect, improve ventilation and drainage of sinuses, decrease adhesion and recurrence.
    [KEY WORDS] Sinusitis; Nasal septum; Endoscopy; Surgical procedure, operative


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