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    Supplementary Teaching Materials
    【World Trade Organization】
    Hong Kong will be hosting the sixth ministerial conference of the WTO in December 2005. This will be a great event for Hong Kong. The free trade promoted by the World Trade Organization is important not only to the present day Hong Kong, but also to the growth and development of Hong Kong throughout the 20th century. The World Trade Organization was established in 1995, with the primary objective of coordinating world trade. Its origin can be traced back to the end of the Second World War. The establishment of such an organization has affected the whole world in an important way. Since Hong Kong will be hosting the sixth ministerial conference of the WTO, let us take the opportunity to review its establishment process, impact, and prospect of development. This may help us get a better understanding of the issues relating to "The growth and development of Hong Kong" and "International cooperation" in the junior and senior History curricula.
    Teachers may make flexible use of these materials according to students' abilities. For example, junior secondary students with higher academic ability may attempt some data-based questions and participate in class discussion. Likewise, teachers may arouse the interest of senior secondary students with lower academic ability by asking simpler questions before proceeding to class discussion. Teachers may refer to the suggested answers and amend or supplement them based on the level of their students.
    【The growth and development of Hong Kong】
    How important was free trade to the economic development of Hong Kong in the 20th century
    Assignment 1: Data-based Questions
    Hong Kong Today
    Study Sources A to D and then answer questions 1 to 4.
    Source A
    The following is extracted from the government's press release article on Tung Chee Hwa, the Chief Executive on 1 November 2000.


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