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  • contextualization

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    文档作者:Liesbeth Opdenacker
    Multimedia unit

    The QuADEM project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
    For a complete multimedia assessment unit with operating instructions, scoring manual, methodological compendium, glossary and bibliography, please consult this chapter in the QuADEM handbook.
    Assessment Unit
    In ICT the term 'multimedia' refers to the combined use of all or a selection of the following within the same digital learning module: audio, video, pictures, animation and interactive elements (i.e. games).
    When audio is integrated in a digital learning module this means parts of the content of the learning module are presented as audio files. The learner has the possibility to use the electronic equipment to play the sound and access the information. Audio can be used to further clarify concepts or to offer background information through interviews or radio items. For audio to have a positive effect on learning it needs to complement the written text or diagram.
    When picture is integrated in a digital learning module, this means photograph or drawing are used to graphically clarify, visualize or illustrate the text or a concept from the text. Most of the research suggests that pictures have a positive influence on understanding and learning, with text being remembered and understood better when the graphic additions support or clarify what is written. It is vital however, that diagrams, pictures and graphics which support the text are unambiguous (Crisp et al, 2006). Ideally each picture is labelled to allow for easier contextualization. The overuse of pictures "can in fact be counterproductive. What teachers should do is to select the critical points in a course or course unit in which the efforts required for multimedia are best placed to illustrate learning progress and the acquisition of knowledge" (Peters, 2000).


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