• superkids2 > Supervisor/Co-supervisor
  • Supervisor/Co-supervisor

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    David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI)
    Hong Kong Baptist University
    Tel: (852) 3411-7273; Fax: (852) 3411-5128; Email: lewi@hkbu.edu.hk
    LEWI Resident Graduate Scholarships (RGS) Programme
    Information of Potential Field Supervisor/Co-supervisor
    Family Name: KANG Given Name: Phee Seng // also known as JIANG Pisheng
    Professional Title/Position: Associate Director, Centre for Sino-Christian Studies
    Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy
    Institution: Hong Kong Baptist University
    Tel No: (852) 3411 7295 Fax No: (852) 3411 7379
    Email Address: kangps@hkbu.edu.hk
    Potential students may contact me directly.
    Potential students are advised to contact LEWI Secretariat in the first instance.
    Academic Qualification/Education:
    Ph.D. (systematic theology and historical theology), University of Aberdeen, Scotland
    M.Div. China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong
    B.Sc. (Hons), B.Sc. (mathematics and physics), University of Singapore, Singapore
    Brief Biography:
    Have participated since 1991 in Reformed-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (representing the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Geneva). Serves as Regional Director of Science and Religion Course Program, Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (Berkeley); Consultant to "Truth in the Test Tube" (Mandarin Program), Trans World Radio; Chinese Union Bible Revision, Hong Kong Bible Society; Consulting Editor for Theology and Science (Berkeley), Regent Chinese Journal (Vancouver), Journal for the Study of Christianity and Culture (Beijing), and China Graduate School of Theology Journal (Hong Kong); Editor of Quest: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Asian Christian Scholars (Hong Kong); Research Fellow of Institute for Religion and Morality, Tsinghua University, Beijing; Founding Member, International Society of Science and Religion (Cambridge).
    K. C. Wong Education Endowment Lecturer 2001 (at Fudan University, Shanghai); Recipient of CTNS/SRCP Science and Religion Course Award in 2001 (Berkeley); Visiting Professor at Peking University in 1996.


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