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  • 17025:2005中英文对照版

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    ISO/IEC 17025:2005中英文对照版
    4 管理要求 Management requirements
    4.1 组织 Organization
    4.1.1 实验室或其所在的组织应是一个能够承担法律责任的实体.
    The laboratory or the organization of which it is part shall be an entity that can be held legally responsible.
    4.1.2 实验室的职责是以符合本标准的要求的方式从事检测和校准,并能满足客户,法定管理机构或提供认可的组织的需求.
    It is the responsibility of the laboratory to carry out its testing and calibration activities in such a way as to meet the requirements of this International Standard and to satisfy the needs of the customer, the regulatory authorities or organizations providing recognition.
    4.1.3 实验室的管理体系应覆盖实验室在固定设施内,开其固定设施的场所,或在相关的临时或移动设施中进行的工作.
    The management system shall cover work carried out in the laboratory's permanent facilities, at sites away from its permanent facilities, or in associated temporary or mobile facilities.
    4.1.4 如果实验室所在的组织还从事检测和(或)校准以外的活动,为了鉴别潜在的利益冲实,应界定该驵织中参与检测和(或)校准或对检测和(或)校准有影响的关键人员的职责.
    If the laboratory is part of an organization performing activities other than testing and/or calibration, the responsibilities of key personnel in the organization that have an involvement or influence on the testing and/or calibration activities of the laboratory shall be defined in order to identify potential conflicts of interest.
    注1: 如果实验室是某个较大组织的一部分,该组织应使其有利益冲突的部门,如生产,商贸营销或财务部门,不对实验室满足本标准的要求产生不良影响.
    NOTE 1 Where a laboratory is part of a larger organization, the organizational arrangements should be such that departments having conflicting interests, such as production, commercial marketing or financing do not adversely influence the laboratory's compliance with the requirements of this International Standard.
    注2: 如果实验室希望作为第三方实验室得到认可,应能证明其公正性.并且实验室及其员工能够抵御任何可能影响其技术判断的,不正当的商业,财务和其分方面的压力.第三方检测或校准实验室不应参与任何损害其判断独立性和检测或校准诚信度的活动.
    NOTE 2 If the laboratory wishes to be recognized as a third-party laboratory, it should be able to demonstrate that it is impartial and that it and its personnel are free from any undue commercial, financial and other pressures which might influence their technical judgement. The third-party testing or calibration laboratory should not engage in any activities that may endanger the trust in its independence of judgement and integrity in relation to its testing or calibration activities.


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