• 国际惯例英文 > 国际结算(英)教学大纲
  • 国际结算(英)教学大纲

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Ye wenqin
    课 程 编 号

    International Payments and Settlements
    课 程 类 别
    专业选修课(Elective course)
    适 用 专 业
    先 修 课 程
    2 学分, 共32学时,其中理论课30学时,实验2学时
    Close-book examination
    Participation and attendance 10%,final exam 80%,
    Practice 10%
    课 程 简 介
    This course is one of the important courses of international banking practice. It will introduce the evolvement of the international payments and settlements, the principles of draft, documentary collections, letters of credit, forfeiting and factoring and their usage in international payments and settlements as well as the international rules and regulations regarding international trade finance payments and especially introduce UCP 500 and the upcoming UCP600.
    建 议 教 材
    Shen Jincang, International Payments and Settlements.(first edition).上海外语教育出版社,1996
    参 考 书
    [1] 顾宏远.跟单信用证与国际惯例—UCP500详解.杭州大学出版社,1994
    [2] 顾宏远.国际贸易结算.(第1版).浙江大学出版社,2006
    [3] 苏宗祥.国际结算.(第1版).中国金融出版社,2004
    [4] James E. Byrne and Christopher S. Byrnes
    LC Survey 2002, LC Survey 2003, LC Survey 2006
    Institute of International Banking Law & Practice, Inc.
    [5] Professor James E. Byrne, LC Rules $ Laws Critical Texts, 2003,Institute of International Banking Law & Practices, Inc.
    二,The feature and students of the course
    The course is open for the students majoring in International Finance, Accounting and International Trade. It will provide the students with a comprehensive overview of bank practices in international payments and settlements and introduce various techniques in international trade finance.
    三. The aim and requirements of the course
    Aim of the course:The overall aim of this course is to develop the students' understanding in international payments and settlements and to increase the students' ability to conduct international banking practices. The students will develop a better understanding of the advantages as well as the risks involved in using these payments methods. By the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the documentation, international rules and regulations regarding international trade finance; to understand the principles of letter of credit, documentary collections, drafts, etc.; to understand the different types of letters of credit and their usages in practice. This course will also keep the students well informed of the latest developments in international finance.


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