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  • 杭州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试命题纸

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    杭州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试命题纸 杭州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试命题纸
    杭 州 师 范 学 院
    2007 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
    考试科目代码: 724
    考试科目名称: 综合英语
    7. We are also persuaded by mounting evidence on cortical plasticity, __________ that synaptic connectivity is the product of input to the cortex.
    A. illustrating B. demonstrating C. explaining D. revealing
    8. Smith _________ the infants' learning mechanism at a lower, causal instead of formal, level.
    A. depicts B. delineates C. describes D. portrays
    9. On the other side, Smith _________ that theories couched in the terms of the nativist-empiricist dialogue are dead ends.
    A. declares B. remarks C. argues D. proposes
    10. But the _____________ of shepherds' pipes and the wooded serenity of a Hollywood backlot are, upon closer inspection, strange in Marlboro country.
    A. trill B. thrill C. quiver D. warble
    11. Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of ________ linseed oil as the bean sinks earthwards,
    A. glimmering B. glistening C. glowing D. shining
    12. The patient has rapidly ___________ to the treatment.
    A. responded B. reacted C. replied D. answered
    13. Haze and mist __________ all into gray: gray water, gray sky, gray air and gray hills with a tint of green.
    A. mixed B. blended C. admixed D. compounded
    14. She ___________ this point by describing a series of elegant experiments investigating infants' developing knowledge about the relationships between objects and their supports, containers or occluders.
    A. illustrates B. demonstrates C. explains D. reveals
    15. She was so __________ in her study that she didn't hear anybody knocking at the door.
    A. attracted B. absorbed C. concentrated D. drawn
    16. _________ the child if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop.
    A. Ignore B. Neglect C. Overlook D. disregard
    17. Mr. Foster _____________ that he'd broken the speed limit.
    A. admitted B. confessed C. acknowledged D. consented


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