加拿大魁北克移民手册 http://www.5yhua.org TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1 魁北克的历史与文化 6 2 设区服务CLSC 7 3 社会保障新举措 8 4 社会保险卡 9 5 太阳卡 10 6 医疗保险的享受条件 12 7 药物保险 13 8 银行服务 14 9 邮政 17 10 怀孕分娩、孕妇假期、出生登记、生孩子的法律 19 11 离婚与分居 20 12 申请父母探亲 21 13 蒙特利尔妇女中心 23 14 美国签证 24 15 Montreal交通 25 16 就业 29 17 生孩子的福利 31 18 儿童福利 33 19 电信 、上网 34 20 驾照 36 21 出入境携带货品,访客消费退税 41 22 ACCES Montreal 43 23 创业投资 44 24 工作有奖 46 25 买房、卖房 47 26 蒙城购物 49 27 如何办理单身证明 52 28 蒙城十个最佳露天酒吧 53 29 学生和工作签证 62 30 租车 66 31 启程入境 68 32 租房、迁居、纠纷 70 33 司法、人权、法庭 73 34 蒙城会计师事务所 75 35 中加贸易知多少 75 36 加拿大进出口法规 76 37 加拿大关税政策 82 38 新移民从事进出口生意的经验点滴 83 39 新移民做中国代理走出一片天 86 40 经销大陆电器 87 41 加国生意经 经营乾洗店 88 42 加拿大开小酒吧 赚钱较容易 89 43 小生意援助计划无资产抵押最高可贷五万元 90 44 蒙特利尔小企业顾问答录 91 45 如何在加拿大注册公司 92 46 在加拿大怎样过马路 93 47 如何解决好移民后的读书及发展问题 94 48 加拿大防止避税的条例 95 49 特许连锁式生意 97 50 经营钢琴学校 98 51 西方文化背景下移民孩子怎样健康成长 99 52 木兰游记 "魂之旅"-蒙特利尔 102 53 我的创业路 104 54 网上购物安全技巧 106 55 电话卡消费常识与注意事项 107 56 怎样选择和使用电话卡 109 57 什么时候买东西更便宜 110 58 十大消费骗术揭密 110 59 实用法语句型 112 60 我到加拿大"Montreal"的留学攻略 115 61 MBA的专业选择和发展方向 118 62 加拿大的大学语言班简介 120 63 留学生申请加国本科指南 121 64 魁省申请学生贷款的条件介绍 123 65 加拿大语言学校名录 124 66 加留学费用一年要花2万五 127 67 在加拿大有限公司如何支付工资 128 68 移民Québec,学习法语的体会 129 69 法语中分数、百分数、小数的说法 130 70 魁北克移民面谈常见的7个法语问题 131 71 法语最重要的10个动词 132 72 Oicq法语聊天手册 133 73 法语中的祝福语 134 74 法语谚语 134 75 移民Québec,应对面试学习法语的秘诀 137 76 个人陈述范例 138 77 教你怎样写读书计划 144 78 简历 166 79 留学申请文书的写作技巧 194 80 推荐信 197 81 必背一百句(含分析) 217 82 华人移民购屋需全面考虑生活方式 235 编者后记 237 魁北克的历史与文化 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 魁北克是加拿大最大的省份,面积524,253平方英里 (约合1357817平方公里 )占加拿大陆地总面积的六分之一,东北是哈德逊湾,北面是西北地区,东部与纽芬兰和拉布拉多接壤,南部与美国的纽约州和缅因州交界.安大略省位于它的西南,而东面则是新不伦瑞克、爱得华王子岛和新斯科舍.魁北克省的水利资源极其丰富. 魁北克省的人口约640万,仅次于安大略,大多数人居住在圣劳伦斯低地,特别是Montreal和Quebec 城之间地区.省内90%的地区实际无人居住. 魁北克地区首先是由法国探险家贾克斯.卡蒂尔于1534年发现的.早在1608年 法国移民就已建立了魁北克城.1663年,它成了北美法属殖民地新法兰西的首都.但当法国于1759年在魁北克战役中失败后,这块殖民地就被英国攫取了.英国为了巩固对这个前法属殖民地的统治,随后通过了魁北克法案.保证讲法语的大多数居民有宗教信仰,使用自己的母语以及保存自己风俗习惯的自由.1867年,魁北克新斯科舍、新不伦瑞克和安大略等前英国殖民地的劝说之下,同意和它们一起联合建立了加拿大自治. 魁北克人有百分之八十是法裔居民.由于法裔加拿大人保留了他们的语言以及天主教信仰、法裔和祖先的许多传统,省内的第一语言是法语.然而,在法国失去了对这块殖民地的控制之后,许多爱尔兰人、苏格兰人和英国人以及一些美国人先后来到魁北克南部,特别是在城市地区定居,所以很多城市居民都会讲两种语言:法语和英语. Montreal是魁北克省最大的城市,人口接近三百万,占全省人口分之五十四.是世界上的第二大法语城市.虽然Montreal距美国边界仅五十公里,但居民有三分之二是法兰西殖民者的后裔 .Montreal的法国风情几百年来一直保持下来,它的通用语言是法文.尽管如此,它还是一个多种族文化的都市,也是一个重要的文化中心,每年都主办盛大的艺术活动,如国际爵士音乐节、嬉笑节、烟火节、电影节等. Montreal位于渥太华河与圣劳伦斯河的交汇处的一个岛上,它是海洋船只进入圣劳伦斯河的入口及北美洲五大湖的水上交通中枢.Montreal岛长约五十公里.南隔圣劳伦斯河为Monteregie地区,简称"南岸"(Rive-Sud),北隔普腊里河(Riviere Des Prairies)为Laval 地区. Montreal的气候,四季气温变化较大.春天通常在五月份来临,为时较短.夏天晴朗,间有雷雨.秋天凉爽怡人,红叶遍地.冬天白雪皑皑,俨如童话. Montreal的航空、铁路、公路、地铁交通十分便利.整个城市充满着浪漫情调,社会治安和城市管理均良好,饮食居住条件比较好,市民的公益设施健全齐备,因而,被被评为世界最佳居住的城市之一. Montreal的社会福利机构十分完善,对市民和新移民的关照、服务甚为周到.在保护妇女、儿童、老人、残障人士方面有非常完善的体系. Montreal成功地举办了1976年奥林匹克运动会.于1985年与中国的上海结为姐妹友好城市.使Montreal与中国的交往日益广泛和深入.位于奥林匹克公园附近的"梦湖圆"(蒙沪园)堪称为在中国本土之外的最大的中国园林,是Montreal的著名景点之一 .位于St.Laurant大街的"唐人街",是中国的文化和传统的缩影和窗口.现居住在Montreal的华人约为十万人. Montreal,中文普通话翻译为"蒙特利尔",广东话翻译为"满地可",台湾国语翻译为"蒙特娄".由于最早定居Montreal的华人是来自广东台山,所以在当地中文和港台报纸上一般称Montreal为"满地可",有时简称为"满城"、"蒙市"、"蒙城".英文简称"MTL". 设区服务CLSC 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ CLSC--是一个健康和社区服务机构,遍布蒙特利尔,在你家的左近就有一个.不知道当初建立这些机构的时候,倡导者是否参考了理论上共产主义的模式,但它确实体现了"人民公社"的特点. CLSC--Local Community Service Center 跟医院和诊所联系提供一些基本的医疗服务.可以提供健康医疗咨询,心理健康咨询、儿童预防针、老年看护、体检等服务.还可以提供妇女哺乳期服务,妇女生完孩子,CLSC会马上前来献爱心送温暖. 流动服务.为新移民和市民提供有关社会福利方面的服务,帮助申请牛奶金,帮助低收入者报税等. 家居修缮服务. 工作保健指导等. 它也是一个很好的信息源.通过它你也可以了解发生在社区的活动. 联系CLSC 1.注意你所在区域街道的CLSC(绿底白字)牌子,这是一个在街道上经常见到的标志.看牌索址. 2.你可以通过电话(514-873-2111)查询你所在区域的社区中心的电话.注意打电话前,先弄清楚你所在区域邮政编码的前三位.他们是按照邮政编码的前三位帮你查询的. 3.中文服务:为了便于有英语或者法语语言障碍的华人,能够享受大家庭的温暖.在蒙特利尔众多的CLSC中有一处提供中文服务:1250,Rue Sanguinet,Montreal(Metro:Berri-UQAM),电话:(514)527-2361分机:657(尤太),分机:628(叶先生). CLSC各区的电话(点击) ClSC官方网站(点击) 社会保障新举措 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 魁省除了辛勤工作的纳税人与因过去的工作而领失业金或退休金的人以外,还有一些既无工作又无多少财产的社会福利金领取人. 社会保障新举措 社会福利金为无经济来源的人提供了基本的生活保障,同时还在医疗,牙医,住房,生育孩子,读书等多个方面网开一面,给予照顾.但社会福利金是作为"最后的救济措施"而实施的,领取人虽不能因此而过上豪华的生活,但不会饥寒交迫.政府在发放救济金的同时,大力采取措施鼓励救济金领取人而投身劳务市场自食其力. 魁省从1999年1月开始实施的新措施保留了原有措施的大部份内容,又增加了就业培训与安排的服务,对参加培训者给予更多的资助. 新措施的福利金发放标准分为"参加标准(participation)"、"非参加标准(non-participation)"、"不能参加标准(non-disponibilite)",与因老弱病残等原因的"接济标准(soutien financier)". "参加"是指参加政府为就业而举办的培训班学习与指导,以及在政府根据本人特点为他找到一份工作时,本人承诸接受就业."参加标准"的福利金发放额较高,单身每月$623,两夫妇为$967.而"非参加标准"则较低,单身每月$502,夫妇为$771. "不能参加"是因怀孕,抚养孩子,照顾老人或残疾亲属,本人因逃避家庭暴力而暂时住进收容院,或本人已经55岁以上等原因而不能参加政府的这些培训活动,"不能参加标准"的福利金发放额居中,单身每月$603,夫妇$947. "接济标准"则是指本人身体或精神有严重问题,或本人已过55岁,已难以适应劳务市场的要求,而且看来这种情况不可改变,会长期如此,"接济标准"单身是$726,夫妇是$1079. 上述各类标准除了基础金额外,领取人还会有省销售税的一些补助.各类福利金领取人如上学就读,除了会有学生待遇外,还会有另一笔学生社会福利金,金额从$145到$330不等."混合标准"是指夫妇双方有各不相同的"参加"状况而混合的发放标准. 此外,福利金领取人如做点小工赚一点钱,也是允许的,不会被视为恢复工作而影响福利金的发放.此允许额是单人每月不超过$200,夫妻不超过$300."接济标准"领取人每户不超过$100. 咨询电话:(514)872-8888,1-888-643-4721 社会保险卡 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 新移民报到后,第一个要办的重要证件是SIN ( Social Insurance Number).下面介绍如何在Montreal申请办理SIN卡. 社会保险卡,简称SIN卡,或称白卡,由加拿大人力资源发展部核发.从某种意义上说,社会保险卡是一个人居住在加拿大的身份证明,但它远没有中国身份证那么多信息,一张名片大小的白卡上,记录着发证机构、申请人姓名、签名,及最重要的社会保险号,这个号码将永久伴随你在加拿大工作和生活,加拿大人力资源部门的这个卡号下,记录着持卡人在加拿大生活的相关重要信息. 每一个在加拿大工作的人都需要申领社会保险卡,这张卡可以用于申请保险、纳税、申领儿童福利金及其他多项服务. 如何申请社会保险卡? 新移民第一次登陆加拿大时,在温哥华海关,移民局的工作人员会发给你有关申领社会保险卡的资料和表格.新移民在蒙特利尔申领社会保险卡可以直接去有关政府机构申办. 不久前魁省移民部把移民服务和帮助新移民融合分开,机构进行了调整.地址也发生了变化.在本站采访移民部的官员时,他希望新移民最好先通过电话: (514)864-9191预约.接待人员会帮助安排.预约时,用英语没有问题. 移民部官员说,以往中国新移民不习惯电话预约直接找上门,这样有可能得不到及时的服务,浪费双方的时间. 新移民申请社会保险卡时,要带上护照、移民纸的原件和复印件,在DRM的门厅索取相关表格,填好后交给工作人员,稍事等候,有关人员会在查验了你的资料后,发给你一张接受申请的通知,两到三个星期后,你就会收到这张社会保险卡. 新移民在蒙特利尔申请社会保险卡的政府机构,其实也是蒙特利尔接待新移民咨询的一个官方服务机构,这里有各个族裔的工作人员为你解答问题、介绍有关蒙特利尔主要服务机构和生活常识等信息. 同时,在申领社会保险卡的同一地址,你可以提出去政府组织的法语班学习的要求,这就是我们通常所说的COFI(Centre d'orientation et de formation des immigrants),有关人员会为你作预约安排. SIN卡的官方站点:http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/sin/nas2120e.shtml 太阳卡 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ "医疗保险卡"称为"太阳卡"一是因为太阳为生命之源,二是由于卡的背景就是冉冉东升的太阳.一卡在手,看病无忧. "太阳卡"的适用范围 持卡人可以享受如下服务: 医疗诊断、化验、手术和住院服务; 救济金领取者可享受免费处方药品; 救济金领取人的视力验光服务; 10岁以下儿童与领过6个月以上救济金之人士的牙医服务.部分口腔手术,不受年龄限制. 弥补身体残障的装置; 视力残障的装置; 乳房切除手术或乳房完全无发育的妇女的隆胸手术; 永久性骨胳矫形手术; 魁省境外的同类医疗服务. 但"太阳卡"不适合于心理医生、针灸、美容、配眼镜(包括隐形眼镜)、私人诊所的注射.此外,"太阳卡"也不适合于驾驶执照、护照、保险单、求职健康证明、入学健康证明或法院、移民局、行政、入学、或者俱乐部等的体格或视力检查. "太阳卡"的申请 因为"太阳卡"是享受魁省"医疗保险"的具体体现.所以,符合享受医疗保险条件的人士都可以申请"太阳卡". 外籍人士需要有移民局发给的准许居住文件,外国留学生或培训人员须得到教育部的奖学金,出具教育部文件才可办理.具有三个月以上工作签证的外国人也可办理临时"太阳卡".一般留学生、旅行、访问及探亲的人士均不能办理.加拿大其他省份前来魁省读书的人因已有本省的医疗卡,故也不能申请"太阳卡".(外省来魁省的学生注意,如果你只是来魁省学习,学完之后再返回原省,不论学习多久,则不可以申领魁省的医疗卡,在这里读书期间看病后到原所在省报销;如果学习完之后,想住在魁省,那么三个月后可以申领"太阳卡") 首次申请"太阳卡"应提供"移民纸"和护照、社会保险卡、居住证明、结婚证明、照片(照片要求为六个月以内的彩色照片,并且背面有照相馆注明的拍照日期)."太阳卡"由表示持卡人姓名、性别、出生日期的数字和字母组成,还有管理编码,有效期,持卡人照片、签字.14岁以下或者75岁以上的人士不需要照片和签名. 未获得永久居民身份的人士须提供工作签证或学生签证办理临时的"太阳卡". 从2000年5月份魁省政府修改了对来魁省新移民发放医疗卡时间的政策,使之与加拿大其他省份一致.即新移民来魁省后需要三个月后才能取得"太阳卡".在取得"太阳卡"之前,为防不测,可以购买医疗保险. 申请"太阳卡"的地址: 425,Maisonneuve West, 3 楼,Places- De- Arts, Bleury出口 咨询电话:(514)864-3411,1-800-561-9749 更新变更地址 "太阳卡"的有效期为四年,在失效前三个月医疗保险管理署会把更新通知寄给持卡人.你可以把表格填写好后寄回管理署. 如遇改变地址、婚姻状况变化、卡损坏或遗失、搬离魁省回返回魁省等情况都要告知医疗保险署.如果你有驾照,则向魁省汽车保险局打电话通知即可.如属换新卡或有更多资料要修改,可以带照片与签名的表格和其他两个身份证明,前汽车保险处代办. 如果你没有驾照,带齐两个身份证明文件和照片前来社区CLSC服务中心或医疗保险署办理. 补办"太阳卡"交费$10元,65岁以上老人或救济金领取者可免费. "太阳卡"可否在魁省境外使用 魁省居民短期出国或出省旅游仍可享受魁省的医疗的保险.持卡人可在境外预付医疗费,然后回来报销.报销的标准按照实际支出和魁省的最高限额取最低者. 境外救护车、的士或飞机的病人运输费用,私人或半私人医院的费用、药费、心理医生、护士、美容、脚病、针灸、戒毒等费用均不报销. 魁省人搬迁到国外定居,"太阳卡"在出境的当天失效.搬到外省定居者,在抵达外省后的第三个月后失效. 到国外或省外工作的魁省政府、外交或军人可保有"太阳卡".到境外工作的魁省人如果其家属仍在魁省居住则可保有"太阳卡"12个月. 医疗保险的享受条件 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 加拿大拥有最优良和完善的社会保障体系,医疗保险制度是社会保障中重要的组成部分.医疗保险制度因各省而异,我们在这里介绍魁北克省的医疗保险制度. 享受条件 所有魁省的居民都可以享受医疗保险,但是如何界定魁省居民呢?凡是加拿大法律允许在魁省生活并经常居住在魁省的人士,均可被认为是魁省居民. * 第一次移民来加拿大,并且居住在魁省的加拿大永久居民;从外国回来的定居于魁省的加拿大公民.到达魁省的第一天就可以享受魁省的医疗保险. * 从加拿大其他省份搬迁来到魁省定居的加拿大永久居民,到达魁省的第三个月可以享受魁省的医疗保险. * 持有魁省社区文化与移民部颁发的接纳证书,在魁省学习工作的的人士,在居住期间也可以享受魁省的医疗保险.(国内来魁省的留学生属于此列) 下列居住在魁省境外的本省居民,及其负担的成员,均保留魁省居民的资格: * 在本省或外省的学校注册并在外省读书的学生; * 在外省的大学、或大学的下属机构、研究单位、政府部门、或国际组织中参加无报酬实习的人员; * 在省外工作的魁省政府官员; * 法定总部设在加拿大的非赢利组织,为了完成卫生和社会福利部委托的国际或合作计划而派到国外工作的人员. 在国外工作的其他人员,以及情况比较特殊者,应该将其具体情况报告给医疗保险管理署(Regie De I'assurance-Maladie Du Quebec)研究决定. 下列人员会丧失魁省居民资格: * 离开魁省到其他省份定居者,从其到达另一省份的第三个月的第一天起,就不能再享受魁省的医疗保险; * 离开魁省到其他国家定居者,从离开本省的第一天起,就不能享受魁省的医疗保险; * 在外地居住,并每年的(1月1日到12月31日)在本省内居住的时间不超过183天,则不认为是魁省居民; * 在魁省以外的地方连续居住12个月以上者,自离开魁省之日起的第12个月的最后一天以后,就不能再享受魁省的医疗保险; * 离开魁省虽然不满12个月,但已经在外定居.自定居之日起,就不能享受魁省的医疗保险. 从加拿大其他省移居魁省的居民: 原在省的医疗卡可以继续在魁省使用3个月; 在这三个月期间,持其他省的医疗卡看病,因医生而异,如果医生接受外省的医疗卡,没问题;但如果医生不接受,你需要先买单(按正宗广东话,应该是"埋单"),然后到原在省报销.报销当然可以用邮寄的方式进行. 药物保险 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ "太阳卡"只解决了看病和住院的问题,药物不在"太阳卡"的庇护范围之内.1997年魁省建立了药物保险制度,解决了用药之忧. 药物保险 魁省医药保险制度仅为有处方的,在魁省境内购买的药物起作用. 与医疗保险的经费来源不同,医药保险制度的经费不是来自于公众纳税人的公款,而是医药保险费,由纳税人在年度报税时付给魁省政府. 在药店购药时须出示处方,太阳卡及有关文件,并支付部份费用.每个月个人须承担的药费为$8.33,超出部分,由个人承担四分之一.与成年人一样, 65岁以上的老人必须支付同样的费用$8.33和超出部分的25%.但老人根据收入的不同,每月个人负担的药费限额比成人的低. 购买儿童的药品费用全免,购买医治性病的药品的费用也全免.一般人每年用於购买药品的个人负担部分最多是$750. 药物保险的支付 所有成年居民,不论是否购药物,每年都必须支付一笔保险费,其金额按各人的所得收入不同而异,最高保险费金额是$175年.此保险费是在各人年度申报所得税时付给魁省税务部的.但是,下列四类人士不必支付保险费: 17岁以下的少年儿童; 18岁以上25岁以下,无配偶,仍在全日制学校读书的青年; 领取社会救济金与其它有权申报福利金的人士; 低收入人士. 此外,政府鼓励各公司或机构以集体福利的形式参加医药保险制度.参加了某个公司或协会的医药保险后,个人便享受该公司或机构的福利,也不必向政府另外支付保险费.在个人退出这种集体保险系统后,才须与政府联系,重入政府的医药保险. 新移民在申请"太阳卡"的时候,建议你向工作人员要求加入药物保险"Drug Insurance".对于已经办理了"太阳卡"的朋友,如果你不能确认你是否已经加入了药物保险,请你打电话查询. 有一种确认你的太阳卡是否含有药物保险的简单办法是,到街头上任何一家药店比如Jean-Coutu或者Parmaprix去卖药的柜台,把你的太阳卡给服务人员在电脑上查一下(药店是全魁北克联网的)是否有药物保险. 咨询电话:(514)864-3411,1-800-561-9749 银行服务 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 新移民落地后第一个,并且可能经常打交道的服务机构就是银行.这里的银行的服务内容和手段跟中国有些不同,如帐户设置、个人支票、网上银行和信用卡等. 银行服务 魁北克有多家金融机构,这些机构都是受政府严格监管并值得信赖的,它们的服务内容和收费也不尽相同.开户前,可先对各机构的服务情况进行了解,然后选择符合自己需要、服务费用较低的银行. 如果你的英语和法语能力较低,你可以选择在唐人街附近的香港汇丰银行、CIBC银行、Royal Bank of Canada,这三间银行有大量的华人雇员为你提供中文服务. 帐户种类: 储蓄帐户:可分"开支票"和"不开支票"两种.开户的储蓄帐户可以签发支票而存款可获利息.不开支票的帐户利息略高. 支票帐户:这是专为付帐的帐户.利息较低,但手续费也低. 活期帐户:通常商务上使用,每个帐户有一个编号,以便与银行交易时使用. 一般电话费、电费、煤气费和有线电视费都可以通过银行支付,但收手续费. 个人支票: 签发支票:付房租、帐单和购物和个人之间的帐款往来,都可以通过支票,简单、方便、安全.支票上填写受款人姓名(名称)、金额、签发日期.付款人签名.支票上不得有涂改,若做少量修改,则必须在更正处签名,否则支票作废.但是,签发支票的要求比起中国在支票签发方面那种能把人给气疯的苛刻程度要宽松和简单得多. 银行收费: 加拿大各银行收费名目繁多,如有的银行帐户没有支出消费要收费、退回支票要收两元邮寄费、柜台服务要收费等等,更不用说银行卡的每笔交易都要收三至五角钱的交易费.目前,加拿大各银行已取消活期支票和储蓄帐户免收交易费的优惠,也就是说,用银行储蓄卡(DEBIT CART)在柜员机、电话银行、网上银行、购物消费时都要收取相应的交易费,如果每月转帐次数较多的顾客,银行会提出两种避免每月交易费过高的措施: 在活期或支票帐户存上银行要求的额度,能免去相应的交易费.如TD BANK 每月帐上保持一千元,等同于购买每月$3.95的服务计划,可以获得十次自助理财服务免费、四次柜员服务免费,超计划部分要收费;如每月帐上保持一千五百元,等同于购买每月$6.95的服务计划,可以获得二十次自助理财服务,等等.固定数额的存款保持得越多,获得免收交易服务费的次数越多.详情请查看各银行的收费手册. 如果每月帐户交易较多,且不能保持较高的固定存款数额,银行会推荐购买各种类别的服务计划.目前,加拿大各银行最低服务计划如下: Bank Fee Packge Free Transactions Laurentian Bank $1.95 8次/月Caisse Desjardins $2.00 7次/月scotiabank $2.50 12次/月National Bank $3.50 12次/月Bank of Montreal $3.50 10次/月TD Bank $3.95 12次/月CIBC $4.00 12次/月Royal Bank $4.00 12次/月 各银行收费以各银行公告为准 网上银行 北美的信息技术十分发达,应用也十分普遍.银行在信息化方面提供的服务确实给客户带来很多方便.电话银行、网上银行为你提供24/7(每天24小时,每周 7天)服务.你可以在网上查询帐户余额、查询每一笔的交易清单、历史记录,查询信用余额、信用卡记录,支付帐单,转帐等.如果你已经联网(如果你因为费用问题尚未联网的话,我们在"帮您省钱"栏目中向你详细介绍免费联网的办法),建议你使用此项服务. 使用网络银行服务、大家最担心的末过于安全.在这方面,银行作为服务的提供者,始终把网上服务作为吸引客户,增强业务竞争力、减低服务成本、提高工作效率的主要手段,他们采取的措施和花费的心机绝对可以作到让其客户放心.目前银行在安全方面采取的措施主要在两方面: 银行业务方面.一般电子银行业务(自动柜员机ATM、电话银行TeleBanking、网上银行PcBanking)不提供在不同客户间的直接转帐服务. 网络设备和技术方面.在硬件(物理隔离、防火墙等)软件(高位加密技术)上下功夫. 北美的网络安全采用的是128位加密技术.尽管有人声称128位加密已经告破,但它却仍然被广泛使用.建议在使用网上银行服务前,认真阅读银行在保密安全方面的说明和建议.在开始使用此项服务前应先下载支持128位加密技术的浏览器Netscape4.7(128bit)和IE5.0(128bit) . 据我们了解,不是每间银行都提供网上银行服务,为了方便大家,我们把开设网上银行服务、在Montreal 开展业务的主要银行列在这里,供大家参考: CIBC Bank of Montreal Royal Bank of Canada Scotia Bank Toronto Dominion Canada Trust Bank National Bank of Canada Caisse Desjardins Laurentian Bank 信用卡 如果楞把东西方不同文化的东西往一块儿扯的话,"信用记录"这个东西在西方就象中国的"人事挡案".在北美还真有这么一个机构叫"信用局"(Credit Bureau), 不恰当的比喻它就象中国的"人事局"记录你的操守一样,管理你信用记录的地方. 如果一个人在北美没有信用或者信用不好,别说买房投资贷不到款,就是一些常规服务如租车等他也享受不了.房东在决定是否把房租给他之前,也可能到银行查一下他的信用情况.所以,尽快地在北美建立起个人信用很重要.建立信用的最直接简单的方法就是到银行申请信用卡,信用卡的意义远远超过购物消费的方便. 不同的金融机构,对发放信用卡的要求不一样.对新移民,有的须交一定数量的押金即可发放;有的必须有一定的工作收入才发放;对留学生,发放的条件比较宽松,只要能证明是一名学生就可以. 这里的信用卡比"牡丹""长城"好使.但是,方便是以可能付高利息为代价换来的.在信用卡公司规定的期限(一般为一个月)内还款,不计利息;如果还款超过期限则高利计息.所以 ,在用信用卡购买大宗商品时,要注意自己的还款能力. 除了银行发放信用卡外,大型超级商户如"Canadian Tire"和"Zellers"等也发放信用来促销商品.一旦你拥有了第一张信用卡和良好的记录,其它各种信用卡公司就会找上门求你加入,这就是"信用"的作用. 邮政 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 邮政,在加拿大的重要不只是邮寄包裹信件,从某种意义上讲它是联结政府与社会的纽带和桥梁,因为与政府打交道的渠道之一就是邮政,从申请各种证件包括护照、医疗卡,到报税退税也都是通过邮政来上传下达的.知邮用邮,将使你的生活方便不少. 邮政服务 加拿大的邮政服务由Canada Post(加拿大邮政部)统一管理.加拿大的邮局是一个政府机构,但是也可以由私营店主申请代理邮政服务. 邮局分布在城市的各个角落.在蒙特利尔,既有正规的邮局营业网点,同时,邮局也设在Jean Cotu、Pharmaprix等连锁超市内,甚至在一些小的私人业主经营的便利店里也可享受便捷的邮政服务.只要你在商店的橱窗上看到图1标志,没错儿,这里就有邮局. 邮局提供邮寄普通信函、包裹、挂号邮件(Registered)、特快专递(XpressPost)、汇款(Money Order)等服务,各邮局为顾客准备了各种规格的信封、包裹袋、包装箱,不论是寄厚厚薄薄的信函,或是寄CD、磁带、生活用品,都有相应的包装箱来装载.当然,街上到处都有红色的邮筒,你也可以把贴好邮票的信件直接投入邮筒. 邮资: 寄往加拿大国内的普通信函: $0.48 寄往美国的普通信函: $0.65 寄往世界其它国家的普通信函:$1.25 较大的信封及超重的信件,邮资会按比例增加 邮政编码: 所有寄往加拿大或美国的邮件都必须写上邮政编码.任何一家邮局都有邮区号码目录供查询.除此之外,也可拨打加拿大邮政部咨询服务处的免费电话1-900-565-2633 咨询,或在网上查询邮政编码(Postal Code). 其他服务 有关加拿大邮政部的其他服务,可以拨打免费电话1-800-267-1177,或去Canada Post 的网上查询.邮政部的网络提供多项电子商务,在网上还可查询到离你住处最近的邮政服务点(Postal Outlet). 几项特色服务 1、特制个人邮票 从2000年起,加拿大邮政部推出一项世界上最先进的邮政特色服务,为你印制个人邮票. 你可以在邮局索取免费的申请表,填妥后,附上你的支票和你喜欢的任何一张5"X7"(横版)照片,寄往Picture Postage,就可以在15个工作日后收到印有这张照片、面值0.46元、全世界独一无二的25张个人邮票. 印制个人邮票的价格为: 每版25张,$24.95(税后价为$28.70),印制个人邮票可以用支票付帐,也可用信用卡付帐,或直接通过邮局汇款. 详情可拨打加拿大邮政部免费电话:1-888-350-6763 2、2000年圣诞贺卡最佳投递日期 每年圣诞节前,加拿大邮政部都要推出一张小卡片,列出市民寄往世界各地的贺卡、贺信的最佳投递日期,以确保您的祝福能在圣诞节前传达给您的亲朋好友.今年,加拿大邮政部门建议的最佳投递日期如下: 目的地 航空邮件 平邮 邮件与贺卡 小邮包与包裹 小邮包与包裹 美国 12月12日12月12日11月28日 香港 12月08日12月04日10月30日 亚洲其它国家 12月04日11月27日10月02日 日本 12月08日12月04日10月30日 西欧国家 12月08日12月04日11月06日 欧洲其他国家 12月04日11月27日10月30日 澳大利亚 12月04日12月04日10月10日 新西兰 12月04日12月04日10月10日 南太平洋其他地区 11月27日11月27日10月02日 加勒比海地区 12月04日11月27日10月30日 南美洲 11月27日11月27日10月30日 非洲 11月27日11月27日10月02日 怀孕分娩、孕妇假期、出生登记、生孩子的法律 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 生孩子光荣!在这个自然人口增长率为负数的国度里,社会对于勇于生孩子的父母们表现出十二分的尊敬和关照. 怀孕 妇女发觉怀孕后,应尽早见家庭妇科医生,并按时接受检查,直至产后一段时间. 一般社区健康部及社区服务中心都提供产前及产后讲座.父、母皆可免费认识哺乳、卫生及父母子女关系等常识. 妇女分娩通常是到私人妇科保健医生隶属的医院.住院费用由医疗保险处负责. 出院后,应按时带婴儿见儿科医生.婴儿於两月大开始接受防疫注射. 怀孕后,特别是最初的三个月,是保有婴儿或保障婴孩健康的重要时期.你此时如果在工作之中,则应看看你的工作是否对自己与孩子有害,如有,便要请老板给你换个工种.如果你觉得工作有危险而又换不了,应该回家休息,你还可以向CSST魁省劳动健康与安全委员会申请孕假补偿, 此后,你也可以享受法定的度假.申请这一切待遇前,你可请你的医生为你填写一张"怀孕或哺乳期女职工的工作照顾或暂休"的表格(Certificat visant le retrait preven-tif et l'affectation de la travailleuse enceinte ou qui allaite). 然后你可以到住址所在的CLSC社区医疗服务中心咨询全部程序与参加其产前学登班,电话与地址可在电话薄黄页上找到.安全休假补偿也要向所在地CSST劳动健康与安全委员会申请. 假期 劳工法例对孕妇有特别保障.凡为同一雇主服务满20星期者,有权请怀孕假期18星期(生产前及后均可),如有医生证明不能马上工作,孕妇可以多获得不超过六周的假期.雇员於产后有权恢复未请假前的职位,若做同样职位的同事获得加薪,她亦享受同样权利.怀孕更不应影响其升职机会. 产假必须在分娩前的第16个星期开始才可享受,但如果有产期推迟,有流产危险,产出死婴,母亲身体不佳等特殊情况时,女职工可以享受额外的特别产假(不带薪). 合法堕胎及流产有权申请不超过3星期的休假. 如遇流产,孕妇于产后可以申请不超过5周的休假. 女工在向雇主申请产假时应该提供医生开出的怀孕证明,同时写书面信,说明目己产假开始与结束的日期.雇主应该准许女职工休假,同时保障假后让她恢复工作并得到与原来一样的工资与福利待遇. 除产假外,女职工可以临时请假去医院作怀孕检查.她应尽早通知雇主,雇主也应该准许她暂时缺勤去看病. 男职工如妻子生孩子也可请五天的产假,其中两天是带薪的,三天是不带薪的,条件是他事前在该公司工作时间超过60天.如果他仅是因收养孩子而请假的话,则只有两天不带薪的假期. 产后女工须在复工2周前通知雇主,而雇主则应于雇员预定复工日前4周通知她. 父母假 父亲和母亲都一样有权享受52个星期的不带薪的父母假.父母假是从孩子出生后或领养到一个学龄前儿童后才可开始,但结束时间不得晚于此后的70个星期. 父母假时间如果未超过12个星期,雇主必须准许该职工回返工作岗位与恢复原工资.但如超过12个星期,则无此法律保障,一切由雇主决定. 离婚与分居 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 按照魁省的法律,如果夫妻双方有下属情况之一可以申请离婚或者法律上分居: 1.一方对另一方造成伤害.包括身体上和精神上; 2.出现了第三者; 3.意见不和. "法律分居"与"离婚"的不同,即是财产没有最终分配裁决. 在魁省可以协议离婚.协议离婚不用上法庭,律师做文件即可.协议离婚需要: 1.分居一年;在分居的过程中,如果双方恢复同居的时间超过90天,则恢复同居前的时间不计. 2.子女和财产分配有协议; 3.递交法庭的材料齐全. 离婚的财产分配: 1.现居住的房产; 2.家具; 3.车辆; 4.注册退休储蓄(RRSP)和魁省保障金(QPP). 不参加分配的财产: 1.继承的遗产和礼物; 2.结婚前一方所自己拥有的财产(包括保险); 3.衣物、结婚前购买的首饰和个人用品. 赡养费: 赡养费是为了孩子的健康成长,孩子的归属是以有利于孩子的健康成长为决定因素.赡养费是根据父母的收入来决定的.法院有一个计算表格,即赡养费是固定的. 如果当事人来加拿大是以移民为目的,那么离婚后,如果有人向移民局举报,则移民局有可能取消其移民资格. 离婚可以请律师代为作文件;也可以自己根据法院的要求准备文件,法院离婚文件的表格在官方网站上有PDF下载,地址是: http://www.justice.gouv.qc.ca/english/publications/generale/dem-conj-a.htm 法院地址:1 Notre Dame,Old Montreal 地铁: Place D`Armes 申请父母探亲 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 申请父母探亲所需文件: 申请费 每人400元人民币 英文申请表(IMM 5257:Application for a visitor visa)两人合填一份.可以去加拿大驻中国大使馆和领事馆索取,也可在互联网上下载. 中英文家属表(Family Composition Information) 每个各填一份(必须在加拿大驻中国大使馆或领事馆索取),你可以直接到加拿大北京或者上海使领馆领取:1、家属表,2、教育经历细节表.(这两个表格可能随时变化,应以官方发布的为准.如果有朋友发现这两个表格有变化,希望能够及时通知本站,以做修改.) 申请人有效护照 申请人照片 每人准备四张护照用照片 亲属关系公证 父母与子女的关系公证原件 两张写有申请人地址的标签 邀请函及信封 写明父母二人的名字 邀请人在加拿大的身份证明 移民纸、护照、签证等的真实复印件 邀请人在加拿大的收入记录 最近六个月的工资单 邀请人的受雇证明 雇主证明邀请人的职务和工资等 邀请人最近六个月的交税凭证 邀请人最近六个月的银行往来帐户 日常银行帐户水单和定期存款证明等 父母的存款证明 如果邀请人在加拿大的收入较低,可以由父母在中国开具一张至少五千美元的存单,表示父母可以自己负担在加拿大访问期间的生活费用 体检 65岁以上的老人在收到签证前要到指定医院进行体检 办理过程:将以上文件准备好,亲自送往或寄往加拿大驻中国使领馆.亲自送交者,可在三天内到大使馆领取签证及所有申请材料;邮寄申请者,将等候大使馆将签证及所有申请材料寄回.如需要面试,使馆将另行通知. 父母探亲签证延期所需文件 英文申请表(IMM1249),在加拿大移民局索取,在Montreal的地址:1010 St-Antoine West,电话: (514)496-1010,1-888-242-2100 申请费:75加元,通过银行支付 父母护照和签证的复印件 邀请人身份证明(护照、签证、移民纸等的复印件) 邀请人银行存款证明 返程机票复印件(如果有请附上) 体检 收到续签签证后,移民局会要求申请人到指定医院体检 申请表填好后寄回的地址: Case Prcessing Centre Vegreville AB T9C 1W1 办理过程:在探亲签证到期前一个月,将以上材料准备好寄往加拿大移民局指定办事机构,约三周左右,移民局会把续签纸或拒签声明寄往申请者在加拿大的居住地.续签纸的附页列明了申请者可以选择体检的各地医院,申请者可以预约进行常规检查,体检结果不会影响第一次续签签证,如有异常,将会影响到下一次续签. 附录: 加拿大驻中国大使馆 地址:北京市朝阳区东直门外大街19号(邮政编码100600) 加拿大驻上海总领事馆 地址:上海南京西路1376号上海商城西峰604室 (邮政编码200040) (加拿大驻上海总领事馆的领区范围包括中国长江三角洲地区的上海市、江苏省、浙江省及安徽省) 蒙特利尔妇女中心 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ Montreal除了各族裔社区的一些服务机构外,还有一些面向社会的公益和福利组织,为大家提供服务. "蒙特利尔妇女中心" 创建于1973年的"蒙特利尔妇女中心",是加拿大最早的,也是最活跃的妇女服务机构.这个组织类似于中国的"妇联"作为"娘家人"在保护妇女合法权益、争取妇女利益方面做了大量的工作.中心作为非赢利组织,提供培训、就业指导等,帮助妇女同志建立自信自尊自爱. "蒙特利尔妇女中心"可以提供如下服务: 就业方面 帮助写简历,帮助准备面试 提供劳动法规 帮助找工作(条件:妇女、有合法工作的权利、未工作过或拿救济金) 扶贫 提供救急的食物,衣物和婴儿用品 圣诞礼物 提供免费的语言学习(条件: 穷人) 法律援助和心理咨询 收费低廉的培训 为新移民的妇女和家庭提供帮助 反家庭暴力 为家庭和社会的暴力受害者提供各种服务. 联系办法: 地址:3585 Saint-Urbain Montreal,QC,H2X,2N6 电话:(514)845-4781,845-4780 网址:http://www.cedep.net/~cfmwcm/e_home.htm 美国签证 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 在中国,移民顾问公司和移民讲座中会煽乎种种移民加拿大的优点,其中之一就是移民到了加拿大后去美国会很方便,这一点确实不错.高傲的美利坚合众国与加拿大仅有一步之遥,从蒙特利尔开往最近的美国口岸,仅需一个半小时. 自2001年7月1日起,美国大使馆的非移民类签证由原来的直接面试申请签证,改为先预约再发面试办理通知的方式. 预约电话为:1-900-4512778(每分钟两元加币) 网上预约为:www.amcits.com 在网上看到有朋友谈在Toronto申请美国签证的亲身体会时写到:签证申请费必须预先存到某个银行,并且进美国领事馆时什么也不准带.但在Montreal申请美国签证,没那么多清规戒律,一向骄傲的美国人在这个充满人情味的城市里也变得Nice起来了. 申请费US$100,交现金,领馆可以找零.照片可以现场拍,四张照片两元.可以带包,但包和手机必须存在门口的保管箱内.如果申请人符合条件,一般容易取得签证,申请后的第二天就可以得到签证. 准备申请文件要使签证官确信:你在Montreal有一个比较固定的职位,工作的需提供工资收入证明和雇主证明;学习的则需要提供学生证、成绩单、取得学生Loan和Bursary的文件;即使没工作,也得有足够理由,让签证官确信你不会滞留美国不归. 申请美国访问签证时,需要先填写一张表格,然后再交费,进去排队等候.为了节省大家的时间,便于大家在填表前了解其中的项目.本站将表格做成PDF文件,供大家下载或者网上阅读. 声明: 此文件只是为了方便大家熟悉表格内容,本站不保证利用下载本站的表格填写后被美国领事馆认可接收; 表格内容可能随时变化,以美国领事馆官方发布的为准. 下载或者阅读表格. 在Montreal办理美国签证的地点: 1155 St. Alexandre Street,Montréal(在Rene-Levesque大街与St. Alexandre的交口) 电话:(514)398-9695 Montreal交通 来源:http://www.5yhua.org/ Sinoquebec Media 市区 Montreal拥有一个含有65个站点的地铁网络,140条线路(20条夜间线路)的公共汽车,再加上2条线路通勤列车基本上可以满足人们的交通需要.这里跟中国不同的是,公共汽车在区间各站都是定点的. 所以,在出门前先看好公共汽车到达乘车站的时间.掌握时间有三种办法: 按照乘车站牌上列出的电话,打电话询问; 查线路行车时刻表,该表可以从地铁站免费索取; 上网查询. 票价:2003年的月票$54,周票$16,六张连票$10,单张票$2.25,三天票$14.00,一天票$7.00.车票通用于所有的公共汽车和地铁.如果你去某处要乘几路公共汽车和地铁,你不必每次都付钱或给票.在上车时向公共汽车司机要一张转车票,或在乘地铁前,在自动出票机上取一张转车票.转车票上注明有有效时间,在有效时间内可以继续你的行程而不必付钱或给票.未成年(18岁以下)和老人(65岁以上)可以购买低价的优惠车票和月票(非Montreal居民不合适此项).居住在南岸的居民如果乘坐由南岸交通管理部门管理的公交车,需要买高于蒙特利尔岛的公交车票,可以同时用于这两个地区. Montreal地铁线路图 地铁服务时间 线别 繁忙频度 非忙频度 绿线 3分钟 7分钟 橙线 3分钟 7分钟 黄线 5分钟 10分钟 蓝线 3分钟 7分钟 繁忙时间为:07:30--08:45,15:30--17:30 每天第一班始于05:30,最后经Berri-UQAM的 时间为00:58 (周六为00:28) 对于居住在西岛、LAVAL等远郊地区的居民来说,坐通勤火车进蒙特利尔岛上下班也是一种不错的选择,因为火车的运营时间比较准点,各火车站在市内的下站点多与地铁站相邻,周围公交线路也比较多.目前,蒙特利尔的通勤火车由 Agence metropolitaine de transport (AMT)负责,票价根据区域的不同而不同,月票价格从$62至$170不等,火车总站位于Bonaventure地铁站附近的Gare Windsor,其他车站还有Vendome、Jean-Talon、Henri-Bourassa等地铁站附近. Montreal通勤火车线路图 蒙特利尔南岸的公共交通服务 由Longueuil交通委员会(Le Réseau de transport de Longueuil)负责,票价则根据区域不同分为两个等次,在蒙特利尔岛上的Bonavendure地铁站,可以搭乘多条驶往南岸的公交汽车,各条线路的行车时间和路线可参看官方网站.南岸公交车票在Bonavendure地铁站上的南岸公交售票处、Longueuil地铁站公交售票处以及南岸的部分超市、便利商店有售. 蒙特利尔岛内外公交新票价 蒙特利尔岛内2004年公交票价 月票 $59 (半价$31) 周票 ?$18 (半价$9.50) 六张连票 ?$11 ?(半价$5.50) 单张票 $2.50 (半价$1.25) 官方网站:www.stm.info 蒙特利尔南岸2004年公交票价 月票 ?$66.25 ?(半价$36.25) 六张连票 ?$13.50 (半价$7.75) 单张票 $3.25 ?(半价$1.75) 官方网站:www.rtl-longueuil.qc.ca LAVAL市二四年公交票价 月票 ?$64 八张连票 ?$20 单张票 $2.85 官方网站:www.tul-laval.com 2003年12月加拿大大城市公车票价 单张票价 月票价 Montreal $2.50 $54.00 Longueuil $2.90 $60.60 Laval $2.85 $58.00 Quebec City $2.35 $59.90 Ottawa $2.50 $61.75 Toronto $2.25 $98.75 Winnipeg $1.75 $65.45 Calgary $2.00 $65.00 Edmonton $2.00 $58.00 Vancouver $2.00 $63.00 长途 经营长途客运的有"灰狗"等北美著名大型公司,也有小型个体跑单帮的,还有称为"Car Pool"的合伙搭车.这三种长途运输的特点: 大型运输公司,有较齐全完善的站车设施.发车时刻定点准时,班次较多,讲究的是服务.但票价较贵.比如从Montreal到Toronto票价将近$80.00(包税);长途巴士站:505 De Maisonneuve (Berri-QUAM);电话:(514)842-2281 "CarPool",有两种形式.一种是会员制,一种为非会员制.是由一个机构登记到各地的愿意提供座位的私人汽车,和登记到各地去的乘客.这个机构实际上Match--Maker,然后根据时间地点去撮合配对,负责牵线搭桥,从中赚取信息费;乘客因以较少的费用达可以到目的,并且在旅途中还能结识新朋友;车主也没放空至少可以赚个油钱.所以三方皆大欢喜,这是Three-Win的典型案例. 不论采用那种方式,你都不用担心人身保险的问题.因为魁省的居民自动拥有交通意外保险(不用投保). 铁路 作用和地位越来越弱的加拿大的太平洋铁路却记录着两个多世纪以前中国最早一批移民的艰辛. VIA中央火车站地址:900 Dorchester Ouest,Montreal(Bonaventure) 查询电话:(514)873-1331. 上网查询可以得到详细的班次和票价信息. 航空 航空售票请与机票代理联系.航班信息请访问机场网站. 市区和Dorval机场之间的交通有三种方式: 一、机场巴士:机场巴士穿梭于机场和市区Downton之间.每半小时一班. ??? 市区停靠地点: From Downton to Dorval Ariport From Dorval Ariprot to Downton Berri Central Sation Dorval AirPort Station Aerobus Station Sheraton Hotel Queen Reine ELizabeth Chateau Champlain Chateau Champlain Queen Reine ELizabeth Sheraton Hotel Station Aerobus Station Dorval AirPort Berri Central Station ??? 机场巴士票价: Montreal Dorval/ Montreal Downton ?One Way ?Return Adult $12.00 $21.75 Child $8.25 $13.75 Senior $1050 $19.25 查询电话:1-800-465-1213或(514)394-7377或(514) 931-9002或上网查询. 二、乘公共交通工具到Dorval机场: 乘地铁到Du College站换乘202路巴士(起点)到终点换乘204(起点)到机场.地铁卡和换车票一路通用,所以这种方法最经济,但时间没有保障. 三、的士:从Montreal Downtown市区到Dorval机场一般为$25元. 多数航空公司的经济仓往返票对老人有30%-50%的折扣,建议买票时向航空公司查询. 学生出游 If you are a student, you can get a free ISIC card (International student identity card), no matter you are a Canadian resident or citizen, then you can get big discount for air plane, train or bus. Every university has travle agency and can help you apply this card. Good luck! 就业 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 尽快地在新的社会环境中找到自己的位置,能够有一份自己喜欢的工作是每个新移民的期望,也是生活稳定和快乐的前提. 就业渠道 与政府的人力资源部(Centre De Main-d'Oeure)或就业中心(Centre Local d'Emploi)联络(CLE).求职者可往所住地区之就业中心求职; 朋友介绍; 媒体招聘广告; 网上求职,直接访问欲求职机构的网站,在"Career"栏目中查找招聘信息;或者访问专业职业介绍网站; 向专业工会询问就业机会; 直接向各机构传真求职信自荐; 联邦和省政府均设有特别部门帮助移民解决就业问题.联邦的移民就业中心及省政府的就业服务部都有顾问为你解答有关问题,协助你填写履历书,告诉你各行业的需求及加拿大、魁北克省的劳工条例. "满城华人服务中心"为了帮助新移民解决就业问题,开展了"人才库计划".你可以直接在本网站填写信息采集表,你的信息将进入人才库以供用人机构查询. 就业中心 加拿大就业中心的主要任务是协助雇主找适当的雇员及协助倨员寻找适当的工作.换句话说,就业中心是国立的职业介绍所.中心的顾问会按照求职者的资历推荐他做适当的职位,如果当时没有适当的职位,他们则会指导求职之方法.又如求织者没有足够的工作技能,顾问会设法为他们改善目前问题,例如介绍他们攻读一些专业训练课程等. 大部份的就业中心附设工作资料供应服务:包括标贴聘请告示,就业问题咨询.此外,就业中心更有全国性就职机会的资料.凭电脑系统可以查询在该国内何处何类空缺.为著鼓励那些失业人士寻找工作,政府特设有人力流动计划提供以下服务: -探讨资助 -求职人仕到附近有空缺地方求职 -移民资助 -鼓励求职者与家人迁至有工作地方就业 -短期受雇者交通费资助 -方便到原居他以外地方工作六个星期至九个月的雇员而为他们解决交通费用问题 -季节性农业工作者交通费用资助 -方便农业工人到原居地以外地方受雇而为他们支付交通费 除此之外,移民就业中心更提供以下服务: (1)为移民办理就读移民语言训练班手续; (2)处理社会保险卡(Centre d'assurance social); (3)提供翻译人员为帮助移民就业服务. 就业中心地址一览表 省政府还有特别部门协助专业人士的移民解决就业问题.以下是该机构地址: Centre d'aide aux professionnels immigrants? 6796 St-Hubert,Montreal 电话:279-1945 就业保险及补贴 与就业相关的补贴和保险可以找联邦的人力资源部(HRDC)或者魁省的CLE咨询. 生孩子的福利 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 儿童是国家的未来.未来的什么?未来的纳税人.魁省和很多国家一样,注重培育税源"从娃娃抓起",重视儿童福利.魁省儿童福利的政策向低收入家庭倾斜. 儿童福利金与家庭补助金 儿童福利金(Prestation Fiscale Pour Enfants/Child Benefit)是加拿大联邦政府的福利项目,家庭补贴(Allocation Familiale/Family Allowance)是魁省的福利项目,两个项目亦合称为"牛奶金".申请表格可到加拿大税务局、孩子出生的医院、加拿大移民局、以及华人服务机构等领取.填妥两份表格后,依照所附信封的地址寄到税务部门,联邦与魁省的税务部门会根据申请人的家庭年收入等计算出应领牛奶金的数额,以后每月分别将支票寄给孩子的父母或直接存在父母的银行帐上. 牛奶金具体发放数额是根据孩子父母上一年度的总收入、家中孩子的数量、出生顺序、父母的家庭状况(如己婚或同居、单身母亲或父亲、分居或离婚)而计算出的.一般来说,高收入家庭的孩子就没有牛奶金了. 就2000年来说,联邦的牛奶金最高可达每月$191.25元,魁省的牛奶金每月可达$52.08元.税务部门会在每月20日寄出,或每三个月寄出牛奶金的支票.牛奶金的数额每年7月都要重新复核计算,每年七月到第二年的七月算一个财政年度,由于加拿大的财政预算案不断改变,有时上半年的牛奶金总额与下半年的牛奶金是不一样的.据联邦财长马丁的新预算案,明年的联邦牛奶金最高额将涨到每月可拿到近三百元. 牛奶金领取人的条件是18岁以下的加国公民或居民,孩子在加国或国外出生都可以领取;父母每年要报税(没有收入也要报).新移民第一次申请牛奶金时,要将近三年内在国内的收入状况如实填写在申请表上,并付上家庭所有成员的移民纸复印件、护照复印件、孩子的出生证明等. 孩子在出生后一个月内亡故,便无牛奶金可领.牛奶金是依顺序仅发给孩子的母亲、父亲、继母或其他养育者. 咨询电话:联邦税务局 1-800-387-1193, (514) -283-8577 魁省税务局 1-800-267-6299, (514) -864-3873 魁省收入保障项目下的怀孕补助 魁省收入保障项目下的怀孕补助如果怀孕的妇女是社会福利金领取人,没有产假与特别失业金等的待遇,但可以申领魁省一项怀孕特别补助(Prestation speciale de grossesse). 此补助金是利$40/月,从怀孕开始领取,一直到孩子出生为止.此金额加入到她原有的社会福利金中,作为她怀孕期间改善饮食、保障母子健康之用. 申请此项目的补助金时,必须提供医院开出的怀孕证明,到所在地点的魁省就业中心与其福利金负责人联系,办理申请手续.一旦得知怀孕,便应尽快申请,因申请前的怀孕期的补助是不补发的. 魁省残疾儿童补助金 如果儿童有身体或智力的残障,经医生证明,便可领到此项残疾金.金额是每月$119.22,不必计算孩子父母的收入情况,一直领到孩子年满18岁或治好残障为止.此项申请要向魁北克社会福利金管理局(Regie des rentes du Quebec)填表申请. 询问电话: 1-800-603-3540 魁省喂奶费和代奶费 在孩子出生后的6个月内,母亲可以领到喂奶费(Prestation Speciale d'allaitement)或代奶费(soutien a l'achat de laits maternises ).如果母亲自己给孩子喂奶,则可领到每个月$50的喂奶费,用於改善母亲的饮食.如果母奶不足,母亲则可到药店购买豆质代奶或不含乳糖的其它奶制品,同时得到资助.但喂奶费与代奶两项福利只能选其中之一. 此两项费用的申请地点是当地的魁省就业中心. 托儿与看护 魁省的学前教育年龄是5岁,学前班是可选择的,但是全日制的.从0岁至5岁的孩子可享受托儿与教育服务,在政府资助或家庭中,孩子会受到很好的服务和法语教育,收费为每天$5. 咨询电话:(514)873-2323 儿童福利 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 儿童是国家的未来.未来的什么?未来的纳税人.魁省和很多国家一样,注重培育"税源从娃娃抓起",重视儿童福利.魁省儿童福利的政策向低收入家庭倾斜. 申请儿童福利的资格 十八岁以下的儿童有权享有每月的政府财政津贴金.该款领取人是孩子的父、母或监护人,是和孩子生活在一起的纳税的加拿大居民,应符合下列条件: 加拿大公民, 加拿大永久居民, 符合联合国公约的难民, 在加拿大居住十八个月以上的访问者或持有部长许可的人. 儿童福利金将根据以下几个条件而定: 孩子的个数, 孩子的年龄, 家长的婚姻状况或家庭情况, 家庭净收入. 家庭总收入, 托儿费. 儿童福利金的领取 申请魁省儿童福利金须首先向加拿大联邦税务部(Revenue Canada)申请儿童补助金,由联邦税务部确定你的申请人资格并发给你联邦的财政补助金,然后魁省的儿童福利金才能够发给你. 申请儿单福利金的表格可以打电话到税局索取. 低收人家庭(年总收入在 $20,921以下者),就2000年来说,联邦的牛奶金最高可达每月$191.25元,魁省的牛奶金每月可达$52.08元.随着家庭总年收入递增,儿童福利金的数额就会递减,家庭年收入在$54,000以上者,一孩家庭的儿童福利金就会降少至零. 此外,残障儿童还可在领取上述福利金的同时再领取残障儿童金.此项金额在97--98年度是每人每月$119.22.残障儿童福利金须向魁省福利金管理局申请. 由于儿童福利金的数额是根据你上一年度的家庭收入来计算的,你上一年度必须向魁省税务部申报所得税收入.就算你没有收入也要申报. 如果你原来没有申请过儿童福利金,而后来再申请,最多只能补给过去十二个月的儿童福利金. 如果你的家庭状况发生变化,例如结婚、分居、离婚、同居,孩子或配偶亡故,就必须通知联邦税务部,以重新评估申请的资格,作出数额的调整.如果你分居90天以上,便可重新确定你的分居身份,增加儿童金数额. 如果你本年度的收入大为下降,希望重新计算儿童福利金的数额,你可以提出重审要求以便在7月1日增领儿童福利金. 如果你认为你所领取的儿童金数额不合理,你可以在90天内提出书面的重审要求.如果你对魁省福利金的重审结果仍不满意,你还可以在60天内向社会事务委员会提出上诉. 咨询电话: 魁北克税务局:(514)864-3873, 1-800-667-9625 网址:http://www.rrq.gouv.qc.ca 联邦税务局:1 800 387-1193 网址:http://www.ccra-adrc.gc.ca/benefits/ 电信 、上网 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 信息时代,Being Digital,电信与人们的生活息息相关,电信服务反映着一个社会发展和文明程度.逃脱了"中国电信"的垄断, 在北美你将享受自由竞争给你带来的经济和方便. 固定电话 市话,在Montreal 由Bell Canada独家经营.服务项目、收费标准在其网站上可以方便地查询,这里不再赘述.不用担心语言问题,因为它有中文网页. 申请,拨打电话310-2355查询或者到Bell公司的营业厅,申请时带齐两个证明身份的文件和房东的地址电话,还要有一个愿意做你的Reference的朋友的姓名和电话.初装电话对于新到移民可能收$200.00左右的押金,6个月后退还(押金利息为:0.28%). 申请时注意,客户代表会问提供一些电话服务项目问你是否需要,诱导你消费.如果你不是太清楚的话,可以简单地回答需要基本的(Basic)服务即可,免得付帐单时花不必要的钱. 基本市话包月$22.85,所以对上网的朋友,如果你用的是免费的 ISP,则等于每月无限量上网并且包全部市话费每月也就是$22.85. 长话,在加拿大是自由开放的市场.经营长话的公司很多,中国"两岸三地"的线路大部分被来自港台的同胞经营,所以相互杀价也很残酷.因为,客人可以自由地在不同电话公司之间选择或者转移.不拿出真正实惠的话率,留住客人不是一件容易的事情.IP电话的出现,中国电信市场的开放,打到中国的电话将越来越便宜. 提供长话服务有三种方式:1、直拨:即在座机上直接拨叫对方号码.2、中继:在座机上先拨一个服务商提供的中继号码,然后在接着拨叫对方号码;这两种适合有固定电话的用户.3、电话卡: 实际也是中继,先拨服务商提供的中继号码,然后在输入卡号、个人密码,再接着拨对方号码.这种特别适合旅行者和没有固定电话的用户. 不同公司推出不同的服务计划,有的打北美地区便宜,有的非繁忙时间便宜,有的打中国指定地区(如上海、北京)便宜.你可以根据自己的情况同时选择几家公司,根据不同的需求使用不同公司的服务. 移动电话 移动电话(俗称"手机")越来越成为留学生和新移民通讯工具的首选.因为手机费用并不比固定电话费用高多少,所以"手机"不再是"大哥大"专用的掌中物件了. 在Montreal经营手机业务的有:ClearNet、Bell Mobility、RogersAt&T、Fido等几家,所用的系统各不相同.有PC、CDMA、DDMA系统等,服务的收费计划也不一样.一般的计划:每月服务费$30元,你可以享受150分钟免费通话、400个来电第一分钟免费、周末1000分钟免费通话,超出部分每分钟0.20元.当然你可以根据的需要自己选择不同的计划.服务商还提供指定型号的手机供免费使用. 可以看出,使用手机不比固定电话贵多少.对于跟别人Share住房的留学生和新移民,开一部手机确实是一个不错的选择. 上网 在北美,在这样一个时代,不谈上网是说不过去的.加拿大的网络应用已普及到千家万户的日常生活,很多事情,如银行付帐、购物、查询、申请递表等都可以通过网络来完成.加拿大有51%的家庭上网. Montreal的网络服务提供商ISP,一般大公司对拨号无限量上网月费在$20.00左右.经营拨号上网的公司有Bell, SprintCanada, VIF, AeI等等,街头免费的电脑杂志上列出了许多提供拨号上网的公司.只要打电话去申请,一个小时内即可开通. 由于最近北美新兴的免费上网服务为一般拨号上网用户带来了福音.你可以不用支付任何费用地无限量使用Internet. 如果你刚到Montreal,尚未来及购买电脑,你可以到大学的图书馆,或者公共图书馆去利用那里的网络和设备去上网,同样不用花钱. Montreal街上的网吧,一般在收费在每分钟$0.10左右,相对较贵.唐人街的"巨堡门"茶餐厅每小时收费$3.00,位于Downtown的Ste Catherine大街Chapters书店的网吧上网20分钟收$2.00元. 最近在Downtown不少Cofe馆门口和地铁站新安装了上网设备.投币、信用卡都可以使用. 有笔记本电脑的朋友,初到Montreal如何马上上网?(请点击) 公共事业常用电话黄页 生活、工作、学习、旅游在Montreal,总会有这样那样的问题,利用各机构、部门提供的电话服务,你会得到快捷满意的答案. "蒙城黄页" 驾照 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 北美是轮子上的社会.曾几何时,老福特车就象西部牛仔一样为北美文化的表征.尽管Montreal不象Toronto和Vancouver那样没车办不成事,但有车就是比没车方便. 驾照考试分为笔试和路试. 笔试又分为:道路安全规则(16题)、路牌和道路标试标示(30题)、驾驶技术(50题).每部分单独计分.如果哪一部分的答题正确率小于75%,则认为这部分没有通过,你下次只考这部分即可. 笔试允许几个族裔用本民族语言考试,中文就是考试语言之一,但用中文考试者必须是Landing三年以内者.中文只能笔答. 英文考试是用电脑进行,每答一道题当即显示结果,如果你认为自己的心理素质不够好,建议你考虑是否选择这种方式. 路试比较简单,一个考官座在副驾驶位,让考生开着上路,根据考生对交通规则、交通标志的认识和理解,以及安全驾驶意识投鞴娣督衅婪帧H绻?5分就算通过. 路试路线:(Henri-Bourassa考场有4条考试路线)考试时只走一条.考试路线就是实际的城市道路,有大路,也有小径. 笔试考试注意事项: 1.必须电话预约考试时间. 预约电话:加拿大或美国公民 (514)873-5803;新移民 (514)954-7771. 如果急着拿牌,建议你提前预约.注意:取消或更改笔试和路试预约,必须在考试的48小时以前,否则可能被罚款$20. 2.注意约定的时间,并不是考试计时的时间,也不是进入考场的时间,而是等待报到的时间,所以不用太着急,因为按照约定的时间到达以后,前面准有一大群人在你前面等待.然后,你会在等待的人群中等待门童的传唤. 3.别忘记带:证明身份的文件;考试费用(一次笔试10元);如果你有中国驾照,应该带着驾照的法文翻译公证件和原件,正证和副证都要.如果你用英文考试,可以带上字典,以备不急之需. 4.如果笔试顺利通过,如果你有中国驾照的话,可以马上预约路试的时间;如果没有,需要8个月以后才能参加路试. 路试注意事项: 1.租考试用车.在考场附近有几家租车公司提供服务,建议你考试提前一个小时去办理租车.考试一次租车费用一般30元左右.交钱之后,租车公司给你个条子,考试前把它交给考官即可. 注意:一般驾校或者补钟师傅也提供考试租车服务,比在考场附近租的车便宜. 2.别忘记带:证明身份的文件;路试费用25元;笔试考试时发的考试卡. 3.越是在中国有驾车经验的朋友,建议你考试前至少找个师傅补钟一次.熟悉考试路线、注意事项等.一般而言,没参加过当地驾校培训,又不请师傅不钟,而只凭着"艺高胆大"直接参加路试,一次过的机会不大. 4.这里的路试,主要是考安全驾驶的意识,而不象中国那么看重技术.在中国考倒桩、钻竿之类的高难技能.而这里,路试最难不过是平行停车了.当然,这是国情所致.这里地大人稀,用不着倒桩钻竿. 如果你在中国确实有驾驶经验,实际上你可以不用到驾校培训.理论课找两本考试官方指定的书:《Driver's Handbook》和《Driving A Passenger Vehicle》,或找朋友借或到书店买.对付笔试最简单的办法找朋友借驾校发的模拟考题看,有的放矢,事倍功半.路试,确实需要找教练"补钟",带你走走考试路线,指指你驾驶的不规范动作.别仗着自己开过多少年车不信邪,依我们观察,越是在国内开车多的,因为你的驾驶动作安全意识不合这里的要求,第一次考试往往通不过. 如果你在中国没有驾驶经验,是个新手,建议你从对自己负责对他人负责出发,还是认真去驾校学习为妥. 持"中国驾照"者: 1.在Landing之后,你的中国驾照可以在魁省使用90天; 如果是访问者,可以在魁北克驾车6个月.注意:驾车上路时需要持有中国驾照的法文翻译和驾照原件. 2.如果你在中国有两年以上驾驶经验,笔试通过之后,可以马上参加路试; 3.中国驾照需法文翻译、公证.有关事宜请向SAAQ咨询,电话:(514)873-5803 驾照考试收费 类别 收费 笔试(每次) $10 路试(每次) $25 驾照制作费 $24 保险 $34 保险税 $3.14 管理费 $10 塑胶皮 $6 照相 $2 收费标准随时可能改变,以当局公布的价格为准 SAAQ网站:http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/ 驾照考试地点: Montreal岛上,到855 Henri-Bourassa West 考试.乘车路线和方法:乘橙线地铁到终点Henri-Bourassa下车换164或者171路Bus,看到855号的牌子(在接近穿孔桥的地方)下车.之后在右前方便是.或者到橙线地铁的另一个终点Cote-Vertu下车,乘东方向的171路到855号下车. 去南岸考试: SAAQ LONGUEUIL: 8735803 ADD: 1000, Cure-Poirier East 在longueuil地铁站下,到汽车站(不是地铁站,在地面上 )售票处买bus票(最好是6张连票,否则贵,一次用不晚下次路考用),$11.75六张.也可投币,应该是$2.7左右(忘了).顺便要一张免费地图.乘10或17路(建议10路,17路走小巷.售票处旁有线路图,上面也有局部地图),在上述地方下车(路口左边有provigo超市).过马路走500多米左右,路右手就是.旁边有super C超市. 其他国家驾照换发魁省驾照 本站与SAAQ(魁北克管理驾照的官方机构)的官员核实确认,魁北克允许美国、欧洲、日本等国家的驾照直接换发,而不用考试.对于移民,下列国家(地区)的有效驾照可以直接换发Quebec驾照:香港、日本、南朝鲜、德国、奥地利、比利时、丹麦、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、冰岛、南爱尔兰、意大利、西班牙、保加利亚、芬兰、法国、希腊、新西兰、澳大利亚、美国. 对于国际学生,只有三个国家可以直接换发Quebec驾照: 日本、南朝鲜、法国. 对于在加拿大其他省份居住过的移民,如果你能出具在该省居住6个月以上的证明,可以直接换发新照,否则需要通过考试才可以换发. 换发时需要提供以下文件:1、驾照原件、2、移民纸;3、魁省医疗卡;4、由发照国领事馆将将该国语言翻译成英文或者法文的驾照件.带齐文件直接到:955, Blvd. d'Maisonneuve East, Montreal办理即可. 在蒙特利尔如何申领出租车驾驶执照 允许在蒙特利尔进行出租车营运的驾照为4C(classe 4C)或者比4C更高级别的驾照,如1, 2, 3级, 4B. 4C驾照也可以驾驶5级,6D,8级等级别的车辆. 获得4C驾照的条件: 你必须有12个月5级(classe 5)驾照的经验. 学徒证书:不需要 视力检查:需要 健康评估:需要 驾驶理论考试:需要 路考:不需要 驾照费:$50 更多详情可与蒙特利尔出租车办公室(Bureau de taxi de la Ville de Montréal )联系 地址:4949, rue Molson,Montréal, H1Y 3H6 电话:(514) 280-6600 官方网站:http://services.ville.montreal.qc.ca/taxi/ 出入境携带货品,访客消费退税 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 有些朋友可能是第一次到加拿大来.有些可能往返多次,对于加拿大海关许可带入境的规定未必清楚.对于来加拿大旅游、考察、访问的朋友,在离开加拿大的时候可以取得联邦GST退税,下面介绍这方面的知识. 入境携带物品 进入加拿大海关的时候,什麽东西不可以带进加拿大来,是常让旅客困扰的问题.首先,从其中一个主要原因来说.某些东西之所以不准带进加拿大来,是恐怕带进病菌或虫害,对加拿大的农作物或渔产、林木等天然资源造成灾难性的影响,或对公众健康造成威胁,不过,由于美国对相关物品的检疫标准与加拿大相近,因此从美国带进来的东西,往往可以网开一面. 基於以上原因而被禁止携带人境的物品,大多是食物以及各种动物、植物,根据联邦政府的法例,旅客过海关时,对於携带人境的所有农产品、动植物及相关制品,都必须一一申报.不准带进或不合规格的这一类物品,会被海关没收、销毁,或要求加以处理后才能携带人境、销毁、处理的费用,概由旅客本身支付.不依法申报者还会漕受罚款甚或面临刑事检控. 准许携带人境以供个人享用的这一类物品,有些在数量上有所限制,比如乳类产品、新鲜水果及蔬菜等即便如此部分此类物品的人境则要求备有许可证.一般来说,含有泥土的物品(来自美国者除外)都是不能携带人境的. 负责就以上原因对人境物品进行检查的单位,是"加拿大食物检查署"(CFIA),在部分情况下,该署人员可能要求旅客支付检查费用(此外,加拿大卫生局、加拿大环境保护局、国税局海关暨消费税部门,以及各省省政府,对于旅客携带人境物品,也各从其本身管辖范畴另有限制.非自用的商业用途产品,须遵循商品进口程序,食物检查署对此另有一套规定食物检查署在其网站内,对於准许及禁止携带人造的农产品及动植物产品,开列了一份常见物品名单,可供一般旅客参考. 要查询该名单以外的农、渔、动、植产品,或有其他进一步查询,可致电该署设於各地区的"进口服务中心". 访客离境退税 作为来加拿大的访客,你在短期返加旅行后出境时,可以向海关申请退还GST(Goods & Services Tax)联邦货物劳物销售税. 具体规定如下: 1)你必须是加拿大的非居民或无加国身份的外国人; 2)你需要提供原始的购物发票和信用卡签名的存根;收据影本或信用卡签账单一概不予接受. 3)每个发票的消费金额税前不小于$100元; 4)所有退税的消费税前不得小于$200元. 5)申请退税之连续住宿夜数, 应不超过一个月.申请表上要包含一次以上进出加拿大的日期,另外列表说明各次进出之详细日期. 所准许退税的范围主要包括住旅店的费用与所带出加国的物品. 旅店退税的规定是:你是付费人,你所支付的旅店费包含了税款,你的旅费收据上有写明住宿天数. 货物退税的规定是:你是购货人,你支付了税款,你所购之物必须是要带到加拿大境外去使用的,你购货的日期距离你出境的日期不得超过六十天,否则海关便会认为你所购之物已在加拿大境内消费而不准退税. 不可退税的货物包括所有在加消费了的物品或购 后留在加拿大的物品,此外还有:食品饮料、烟酒、机票、船票、车票、租车费、修车费、停车费、加油费、洗衣费、补鞋补衣费、婚丧服务费、娱乐费、租用野营帐棚费、租游艇与旅行拖车费等. 从2001年4月1日起,所有申请退税者,必须在出境时备妥欲退税之购买物品与收据正本,在加拿大主要国际机场,供海关人员查验盖章予以认证(收据正本及所购物品均需手提, 勿置于托运行李中, 否则将不予认证) ;若是由陆路离开者,则由指定办理退税事宜的加拿大边境免税商店的工作人员,或是经过授权的加拿大海关人员,予以认证,始能申请办理退税手续.查询电话是1-800-461-9999. 如果你想取得退税现金,可直接到: 705 Ste-Catherine Steet West,Eaton 中心四楼,蒙特利尔. 如果你想从境外邮寄,请你先索取申请表格,然后: 1.填写申请表格; 2.附上原始票据; 3.寄到:Maple Leaf Tax Refunds, 900 West Georfia St.Vancouver, BC, V6V 2W6, Canada; 4.如果你有酒店住宿发票,你还得提供机票和登机卡. 您可上网进一步了解游客退税申请的详情:www.rc.gc.ca/visitors 或下载退税表格:www.rc.gc.ca/forms ACCES Montreal 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ ACCES Montreal--顾名思义就是进入Montreal的门户和钥匙,在你居住、生活的左近有一个办公室等待着你的光临. ACCES Montreal 可以提供如下服务: 了解(通过电话、或前去访问)Montreal的各种活动安排、服务设施、根据你的需要帮助你与政府部门联系. 有城市各种活动的日程表、地图、市政文件,以及市政部门办公地址、事故报告单等,供你索取. 在这里你可以申请养宠物执照,领取回收物品用的绿色塑料箱(新移民需要). 办理在你附近的区停车的卡(全年$50元),这样你就可以把车停在指定的Reserved区内,停车确实方便不少. 你可以在这里用Cheque、银行卡、信用卡交纳交通罚单. 申办做小买卖、在地铁站演出的牌照,或者其它经营许可. 办理ACCES Montreal 卡(蒙城卡): 花5元钱办理一个卡,你全年可以到指定的电影院、展览会、音乐会、博物馆、体育场、娱乐场、科学馆、剧院、旅游项目等享受购票折扣.物超所值,该办一个. 办卡需要提供下列文件: 近期护照尺寸照片; 居民证明(驾照、或电话费单、或电费单等,注意租房Lease不接收); 身份证明(医疗卡、或SIN卡). 联系ACCES Montreal: 注意: Montreal自去年(2002年)并市以来,Access Montreal分布在各区的地址有所变更,原来的网址也改变了. 建议打电话:872-1111, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m,报告你住地的邮政编码,他们会告诉你距你最近的办理Residential Parking Permit的地址. 打电话:城市的信息,你伸手可及.热线电话:872-2237 (有英语服务) 上网查:http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/cam/engl/cam-e1.htm 创业投资 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 拥有企业 创建新企业.从零开始,需周全考虑策划,有一定的风险; 购买现有企业.可以查看、检查和评估该企业的业务经历、客户情况、经营成本、利润收益、雇员设备等等;相对风险较低,但需有资金支持; 购买现有公司商号及商标使用权(Franchise,在中国叫"加盟经营").加盟经营的好处是可以直接借鉴现有企业的经营理念、技术、经验和一定的客户群体,并且卖方提供人员培训、广告宣传等.这种方式风险较低,但需要资金支持,且经营的业务性质的选择余地较小. 开设公司 一般来讲,在加拿大的企业分联邦和魁省的两大类.在法律性质上有如下几种: Sole Proprietorship(One person) Company, also call a joint stock company(One person alone, or a group of? two or more people) General partnership(Two or more natural or legal pesons) Cooperative(12 people or more and, in certain cases, three or five people) Joint-venture company(At least two natural or lagal persons) 如果你的业务跨省跨国经营,应注册联邦企业. 注册联邦的企业,请联系: ?Consommation et Corporations Canada ?Complex Guy Favreau ?200, Rene-Levesque Ouest, ?Montreal, H2Z 1X4 ?Tel:(514)496-1797? Fax:(514)283-3096 Internet:strategis.ic.gc.ca 魁省企业 独资企业(Sole Proprietorship) 这种企业最简单.如果企业的商号是经营者自己的名字,经营者可以不用注册,自己干起来就是了.如果企业商号不是自己的名字,经营者应该到企业经营所在地区的高等法院法官办公室去注册登记公司名称,而且必须在开始使用公司名称后15天内完成注册.注册费用低、且手续简单.这种企业的经营人承担对企业管理权和负全部的法律责任.公司的债务、亏损、包括私人财产在内,都是承担后果的保证.(这实际上就是中国的无限责任公司) 合伙企业(Partnership) 两个或两个以上合伙人联合经营,每个合伙人须签定协议,明确各方的责任和义务,包括:利润分配,债务分担,结算方法等. 股份有限公司(Corporation) 各股东的责、权、利是基于注册资本.股份公司为法人资格.公司拥有自己的财产,并承担公司的债务.股东的私人财产不会被牵连到债务.股份公司的董事会由股东选举产生,其职责是贯彻执行公司的方针政策、任命经营管理人员、监督经营的效果.股份公司的帐目、税务、行政管理比上述两种企业形式复杂,还须支付不少的律师费和会计师费. 在Montreal注册魁省企业的地址和联系方法: 注册、变更、索取资料: L'Inspecteur General Des Institutions Financieres, Gouvernment Du Quebec Niveau Promenade, Tour de la Bourse 800, Place Victoria Montreal???? H4Z 1H9 Tel: 1-888-291-4443 注册: Palais De Justice 1,Rue Note-Dame Est Montreal?? H2Y 1B6 Tel:(514)393-2106 Internet:www.igif.gouv.qc.ca 工作有奖 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 魁省政府为了鼓励人们工作,采取了一系列的奖励措施,为的是靠社会福利金度日的人,走出悠闲自得的家门,投入到社会劳动中. 复工奖励 从1998年6月开始,魁省社会福利制度里增加了一个新项目,所有失业或无工作的人士找到工作后都可获得$500的奖金(the Return to Work Supplement). 领取人的基本条件是:社会福利金的领取人;每周$250以下的失业金领取人.这些社会福利金与失业金领取人在找到一份工作之前曾有连续三个月的领取记录.而且复工奖可以领多次,每复一次工,便可领一次,但上次领过后,三个月后才可再领,每年最多可领两次. 复工奖的最高金额是$500,社会福利金与每周领取$150以下金额的失业金领取人复工时可领此数之奖金.每月失业金在$151到$200之间的领取人复工时可领取$100. 复工奖的申请手续非常简单,复工者只要写一份书面复工确认信给当地的魁省就业中心便可,政府随即会把钱一次付给他.复工奖发放的限制是失业者不得与雇主达成暂时失业与将来复职的承诺.而且复工后所找到的职位每月的最低工资与工时必须在$740与100个小时以上. 咨询电话:(514)873-4721; 1-888-643-4721. 抚养孩子且坚持工作奖 为了鼓励人们工作,魁省政府近年来设立APPORT社会福利项目,资助有孩子而又坚持工作的低收入家庭.申请人的基本条件是:公民或永久居民,且居住在魁省,有一个或多个尚须抚养的孩子(18岁以上者须在全日制的学校读书),父母之中至少有一方在工作,家庭收入在一定标准以下. 可领取的金额按家庭人口,子女数量,现有年收入金额来计算,如下表: 年收入 一孩单亲家庭 二孩单亲家庭 一孩双亲家庭 二孩双亲家庭 2,000 280 280 280 280 4,000 980 980 980 980 6,000 1680 1680 1680 1680 8,000 2380 2380 2380 2380 10,000 2292 2292 3080 3080 12,000 1432 1432 3780 3780 14,000 572 572 3365 3365 16,000 0 0 2505 2505 18,000 0 0 1645 1645 20,000 0 0 785 785 22,000 0 0 0 0 这个奖励项目跟家庭财产有关,如果家庭财产高到一定数额就失去了申请的资格.有关详细情况请向主管机构咨询. 申请办法:打电话索取或到当地的魁省就业中心领取表格,申报现有的工作与其它各种收入以及财产,填上预计的各种未来收入,附上自己与孩子的身份文件,最近的工资或其它工作收入的支票存根等.申请应及时,过期不补. 买房、卖房 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 买房 你打算购置房产,可选择一个对你所希望居住的地区十分熟悉的经纪.这可能表示虽然你现时的经纪十分卖力替你推销,你亦应再多聘一个经纪.通常一些熟悉地区的经纪可告诉买家何处有问题,如附近有嘈杂的工厂,不好的邻居等等. 经纪亦应明白你的未来计划,如你希望将来有多少的子女人数,花园的大小等.一名好的经纪人会引导你买一些在你买价以内的房屋,而不会推荐一些售价比价值高的给你. 如你是与超过一名经纪人接洽的话,应直接和坦白地告诉每一名经纪人. 记住向卖方索要所购房产的图则. 可透过测量图则,预先知道欲购入房屋有否该等限制性设施,从而作出相应的决定.地段内若有地役权在内,在其上面的房屋价格将相对下降,举例说,地段上附有电话公司的网络装置小盒,亦算是地役权的一种,而电话公司职员可以在未知会地段业主之前提下,自行乱挖土地,修理电话网络,其他「地役权」可包括市政府的污水处理渠道及灭火水喉等,至於"周界"的资料,可避免屋主以后因地段正确面积问题,与邻居发生法律上纠纷. 买房时不但要向房屋卖家索取测量图则,更重要的是要确保其资料为最新的,原因是随著时间流逝,地段上的建筑物亦可能有所更改.买屋时,要求卖方在交易完成前,先行提供测量图则审阅,甚至将其交律师查核.在些情况下,买方即可对购买物业掌握充份资料,若发觉地段上附有用界地役权,亦可调低出价,或决定放弃购买计划. 测量图则在房屋买卖交易上所起作用,大致有三类:首先,测量图则清楚的标明房屋是否处於既定地段以内,防止建筑物超越地段界服务外;其次不同市政府有相异根据法律,测量图则便对以上根据法律建筑商购入物业,测量图则可确保地段面积与宣传册子上所述一致. 法律上虽未规定房屋买卖须附测量图则,但律师都建议买方向卖方索取,主要是保障买方权益.即使责方故意推掳,亦得请专业人士重新绘制一份,以备万一.银行在安排房屋按揭之时,向借款人索取测量图则参阅,已属必然. 卖房 你打算卖掉你的房屋,在聘请地产经纪时,应首先看看周围邻居的买卖告示,以确定哪一家经纪做最多生意. 在选择经纪前,应先询问他们几个问题,包括:他们的业务纪录、对你周围和你所处地区售价的认识、以及为甚麽你要选择他们.因为一直到你的房屋卖出以前,地产经纪将会成为你生命的一部份,所以应找一个你认为最好的经纪人. 你应询问经纪他们将会用何种推销方法.你当然会希望他们能积极推销你的房屋,以便尽量最多买家能来看你的房屋.经纪亦应给你一份详尽的售价和房屋特点分析,以确定你房屋的售价是实际的. 记著要确定你的合约是"多种名列服务(MULTIPLELISTING SERVICE)".这种服务可使你的房屋出现在Montreal地产局的电脑网络上,因而所有的会员经纪都可看到.由於这个原因,你的潜在买家将会大大地增加,而越多人看你的房屋,便有越大的机会在你所定的售价内卖出房屋. 在你房屋被经纪售卖期间,你有权询问你的经纪做了甚麽实际性的工作去推销你的房屋.如有需要,你可提醒他*她一些在签约时所作出的承诺.你应和你的经纪合作,听取经纪人的建议,使你的房屋更易被买家看中,如摆放一些花,再添层油漆等等.再者,一间凌乱的房屋会给买家一个坏印象,所以应保持家中清洁整齐.就算你或你的配偶正在迁出期间,也应确定房屋现时仍可住人. 你应确定你的经纪会办理"开放屋",亦应答应把你的房屋开放,虽然是不甚方便.在"开放屋"期间,你可离开家中或留在后园,让你的经纪为你应付来看屋的人. 注意事项 如你的经纪人对你有任何特别的承诺,应尽量要求用书面形式记下,以免将来发生误会. 确定你的经纪人已替你把购买或售卖过程全部完成,以防止没有"后遗症". 千万不要误导你的经纪人,任何关於你家房屋的欺诈描述或表达,这可使合约变成无效,甚至含使你遭受法律制裁. 应保持所有的接洽专业性,尽量不要介入你和经纪人的个人问题在内.否则,假若他或她有经济困难,你可能会被迫在过早购买或售出你的房屋. 蒙城购物 选自:http://www.5yhua.org/ 为了帮助初来乍到的新朋友购物方便,我们整理了"蒙城购物"这个栏目,目的是为了帮助大家方便地尽快熟悉环境,置业安居. 这里我们列举了一些在蒙特利尔比较有名且靠近地铁便于新移民出行的商场和大型超市及其官方网站. 对于新来的朋友外出主要是靠地铁,因此本站推荐两个乘地铁购物的两个Shopping Mall比较集中的地方.一个是Downtown的绿线Atwater地铁站,地铁站的出口就是一个大的Mall,里面有IGA,Zellers,Canadian Tire等;另一个是绿线终点Angrignon地铁站,出来后坐106路或者109路一站下车,那里有Sears,Future Shop,Bureau En Gros,Maxi,Loblaws,Sport Expert等,还有很多其它各类商场. 为便于新的朋友出行方便,点击这里看蒙特利尔地铁图和Bus路线. 百货类 La Baie 百货商场 地址:585 Sainte-Catherine West 地铁:绿线McGill站的东出口即是La Baie的地下入口. Sears 百货超市 地铁:绿线 Angrignon 站转乘106路坐一站即可. Wal-Mart? 百货超市 地铁:橙线Namur 站出来后,横穿过Decarie大道, 在左前方步行500米左右. Zellers 百货超市 地铁 绿线地铁Atwater站所在的Mall,地铁售票口同层. Pharmaprix 以药品杂货为主 地铁:McGill Jean-Coutu 药店起家,也经营日杂.那里是拍医疗卡用的照片比较便宜的地方.分布遍及Montreal. 食品类 SuperC 食品超市 地铁:Lionel-Groulx,出口后向南走百米 地铁:Vendome或Atwater转90路向西, 在LaSall区,在马路的左手边. Loblaws 食品超市 蓝线Parc地铁站的背后,乘地铁去最方便的一家 . 住在市区东部,绿线附近的朋友,也可以到Prefontaine区的Loblaws.乘地铁到绿线的Joliette下车乘67路坐4站下车. 绿线终点Angrignon地铁站,出来后坐106路或者109路一站下车. Maxi 食品超市 到蓝线地铁站Cote-Des-Neiges下车转165向北,约六七站,在临近穿孔桥的那一站下车,右前方即是Maxi的停车场. 到蓝线地铁终点ST-MICHEL,转141路(起点),大概5、6站后下车,有一个MAXI. 绿线终点Angrignon地铁站,出来后坐106路或者109路一站下车. IGA 食品超市 绿线地铁Atwater站上面的Shopping Mall里一楼. 唐人街附近Rene-Levesque大街和St-Urbain街交口处. Metro 食品超市 橙线地铁Snowdon出来后沿大街右行百米.Jean-Talon地铁出口,Bell大楼对面. Provigo 食品超市 地址:1953 Ste Catherine West,在Montreal Downtown.在绿线地铁站Atwater和Guy-Concordia之间.另一家位于Downtown的店在Shebrooke和Parc街的交口. PA超市 地址:1420,du fort 地铁:ATWATER或GUY-CONCORDIA 4001号犹太人超市: 地铁:Place-D'arm 到唐人街转55路Bus向北数门牌号到4001 家居类 Canadian Tire 五金交电,居家用品. 绿线Atwater地铁站上面的Shopping Mall里一楼. Reno-Depot五金交电,家居装饰装修,庭院花园用品 地铁:Vendome或Atwater转90路 向西,在Lasalle地区 ,西行的右手边. 乘蓝线地铁到Acadie转179路向北 Rona 五金交电,家居装饰装修,庭院花园用品分布在市区的各主要商业街 Home Depo 五金交电,家居装饰装修,庭院花园用品分布市郊的大型商贸区 乘蓝线地铁到Acadie转179路向北 IKEA 家具家私 地址:9191 Cavendish,到橙线的DU COLLEGE下车,再转202路汽车就可以到达.开车走40高速向西,到Cavendish出口转出 图书文具类 Chapters 书店,以英文图书为主 地址:1171 St. Catherine Street,绿线地铁Peel站,走Stanly出口后左转到Ste-catherine大街. Indigo 英法文书店 地址:1500 McGill College Avenue? 地铁:McGill BureauEnGros 文具办公用品超市 地铁:Bonavendure地铁站,温莎铁路总站 地铁:Namur转92路,Acadie转179路,Angrignon转106路,Downtown分店,在Notre Dame和Union两街交口处,乘橙线地铁到Square Victoria或者Bonaventure下车. 绿线终点Angrignon地铁站,出来后坐106路或者109路一站下车. OmerDeSerres 地址:334 Ste-Catherine Est? ?地铁:Berri 地址:2134 Ste-Catherine Ouest? 地铁:Atwater SportExpert 体育用品专卖连锁店 在Downtown,Ste-Catherine West街和Mansfield交口处.绿线地铁在McGill站. 在唐人街附近,St-Urbain 街和Ste-Catherine West交口处的Complexe Desjardins 一楼也有一家体育用品店. 电子电器 FutureShop 大型电子电器连锁店 乘绿线地铁到McGill下,走la Baie出口.在Ste-Catherine大街与La Baie商场斜对面. ATWATER地铁站出口,PEPSI FORUM Radioshack 电子连锁店(电子器件、工具) 主要商业街都有分店.请用Store Locator查找位置. 二手店 Value Village("便宜庄")橙线地铁Namur站转92路向西一两站下车,有一家.另一家在Ontario East和Pie-IX两街交口的地方有一个Value Village,附近Ontario街上还有一些小的二手电器店. 7250 St.Laurent 蓝线地铁站De Castelnau(靠近Jean-Talon市场); 绿线PLACE-DES-ARTS下,转80号BUS,过PARC后两站下车,街对面不远处有一家卖二手家具. 其他特色店 Costco 大型仓储式会员超市 乘蓝线地铁到Acadie转179路向北 如何办理单身证明 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 在加拿大定居的民民或公民,如果要与中国的未婚夫(妻)结婚,需要向国内的民政部门提供官方认可的单身证明,国外居民的单身证明必须经中国大使馆承认才能生效,每人只能办一份单身证明.目前,经中国大使馆认证的单身证明主要分三类:未婚证明、离婚证明和配偶死亡证明. 1、未婚证明 所需证件:公民卡、社会保险卡、护照、移民纸、太阳卡等身份证明文件的复印件. 填写大使馆规定的申请公证、认证的表格. 提供经加拿大公证员(NOTARY PUBLIC)或律师公证的单身证明书(即无配偶证明书).证明书须写明当事人出生时间、地点及婚姻状况等,办理者将在公证师面前签字宣誓自己为单身.接着,该证明书须经加拿大联邦政府或所在省政府指定的主管部门认证后,再送交中国驻加拿大大使馆认证.该证书须在签发之日起三个月内办理认证方为有效,经大使馆认证后的证书半年内有效. 将以上所有文件备齐送交中国驻加拿大大使馆. 2、离婚证明 办理都除需准备与办理单身证明一样的身份证件、单身证明书和填写相关表格外,还必须提供离婚证书的原件. 在中国结婚并在中国离婚者 提供由国内民政部门核发的离婚证书原件. 在国外离婚者 提供经公证师及所在省政府有关主管部门认证的离婚证书的真实影印本,将其拿到中国驻加拿大大使馆认证;再将使馆认证后的离婚证书送交未来配偶所在中国城市的中级人民法院进行裁定承认,裁定时还需提供原配偶的国籍证明(若提供国籍证明有困难,可以用声明书代替). 将离婚证书、连同公证师管理局已认证的单身证明、身份证明复印件、申请表等一起送交中国驻加拿大大使馆办理认证手续. 3、配偶死亡证明 办理都除需准备与办理单身证明一样的身份证件、单身证明书和填写相关表格外,还必须提供配偶死亡证明书. 配偶在中国死亡的 提供由国内公证处公证的死亡证明书. 配偶在国外死亡的 提供经公证师及所在省政府有关主管部门认证的配偶死亡证书的真实影印本. 将配偶死亡证明、连同公证师管理局已认证的单身证明、身份证明复印件、申请表等一起送交中国驻加拿大大使馆办理认证手续. 中国驻加拿大大使馆工作规程: 大使馆办理认证手续需时五个工作日,每件收费30加元.如因急用,要求在24小时内取件者,每件须另付加快费50加元;要求在48小时内取件者,每件须付加快费35加元.以上费用请以汇票(MONEY ORDER)、担保支票(CERTIFIED CHEQUE)或现金支付.大使馆不接收个人支票. 凡以邮寄方式向大使馆申办认证文件者,须附回邮信封,写明本人地址、电话号码,贴足邮票并另付代邮服务费7加元. 自2000年7月1日起,中国驻加拿大大使馆领事部已停止直接受理通过邮局或快递公司寄送的公证认证申请.大使馆全权委托渥太华万里旅行社处理与邮局或快递公司的联系业务.申请人如欲通过邮局或快递公司向大使馆申办公证认证,须将申请材料直接寄送万里旅行社,由万里旅行社向大使馆代办申请.自7月1日以后,凡直接寄送大使馆的各类申请,将转由万里旅行社处理. 万里旅行社的地址、电话和传真如下: GOLDEN MILE 2000 Travel Consultant 203-1390 Prince of Wales Dr., Ottawa, Ont.,Canada K2C 3K6 Tel:(613)224-6863 Fax:(613)224-7863 蒙城十个最佳露天酒吧 作者/来源: Sinoquebec Media Bacci 地址:4175 St Denis St和3553 St-Laurent 电话:(514) 884-3929 玩撞球游戏和饮酒休闲的最理想场所. Notte 地址:3518 Saint-Laurent Blvd. 电话:(514) 848-0644 蒙特利尔最新潮的餐厅之一,但非常昂贵. Cafeteria 地址:3581 St Laurent Blvd 电话:(514) 849-3855 由名师Viau负责装潢设计,优雅而生动.工菜单以意大利通心粉、烤肉和蚌类为主. Chez Alexandre 地址:1454 Peel St. 电话:(514) 288-5105 已有二十年历史的咖啡馆,代表了真正的法国风情. Copacabana 地址:3910 St Laurent St. 电话:(514) 982-0880 最好的观赏风景的餐厅,便宜的饮料可以打发美好的时光. Ecco 地址:2035 St-Laurent 电话: 特别风味的意大利烹饪,堪称美食者的天堂.吸引了各个年龄层的顾客. Else's 地址:156 Roy St E 电话:(514) 286-6689 自称为"蒙特利尔最老的朋克"的店主Else Smith用丰富的色彩和灯光以及她在世界旅游时收集的小纪念品装饰这个小店. Foufounes électriques 地址:87 St Catherine St E 电话:(514) 844-5539 蒙特利尔闻名世界的一个招牌酒吧之一.厚重的三层楼墙上刻满了另类的图画,热烈的摇滚在蒙特利尔燃烧了近二十年. Globe 地址:3455 St Laurent Blvd 电话:(514) 284-3823 由著名厨师David McMulan集中了他在许多世界最好的餐厅主厨时积累的经验,调制出世界一流的美食. Les Bobards 地址:4328 St Laurent Blvd 电话:(514) 987-1174 轻松休闲的场所,提供最好的啤酒饮品.每两至三周更换艺术陈列,是艺术家、知识分子和职业人士常聚的地方. Piz Pistol 地址:350 Ste Catherine St W 电话:(514) 393-1822 为市中心的白领人士供应简餐的时尚餐厅. Porté Disparu 地址:957 Mont Royal Ave E 电话:(514) 524-0271 可以享用到不同风味的咖啡饮品. Montreal十佳跳舞俱乐部 1. Club Dome 32 St Catherine St W tel: (514) 875-5757 蒙特利尔最时髦的DISCO俱乐部,宽阔的舞池有点旧式的韵味,轻松的音乐、活跃的氛围,是夜晚的城市里最充满生机的地方. 2. Club Unity 1171 Ste-Catherine St. E, Montreal (514) 523-4429 Thursday: $ 4; Friday: $ 5; Saturday: $ 6; Sunday: $ 2. Club Unity的营业方针是面向所有大众,这里集中了各个阶层的休闲者.他们为每晚的行署舞会设立了不同的主题,周四的"Sexy",周五为女士和学生专场,最有名的是周六的"One Nation United".楼下的酒吧装饰得欢快、轻松,地板有一些坡度,其中还设有电子游戏机、台球桌等,正迅速成为都市青年聚集的热点.而夏天的时候,坐在Club Unity的屋顶上,更可以欣赏城市绚烂的夜景. 3. Club Extreme 2020 Crescent St., Montreal (514) 288-2582 4. Club 737 1 Place Ville-Marie 43rd Floor, René-Lévesque Blvd (514) 397-0737 这个位于蒙特利尔最高建筑物Place Ville-Marie的舞厅堪称全城之高,可以看到蒙特利尔最美的城市景观.夏季,他们会专门辟出两个大阳台,让玩累的人们边饮鸡尾酒边看夜景. 5. Tokyo Bar 3709 St Laurent Blvd (514) 842-6838 位于 St-Laurent和Pine街街口的东京吧门外飘着日本国旗,自称是本地最典型的亚洲式酒吧,内里分为两个区,主厅装修简单、大方,在厅的一边环绕着一排白色真皮雅座,令人会想起日式的浴室.夏天时,他们会打开宽大的屋顶阳台,让人们一览Saint-Laurent 街的夜景.这里的音乐形式多样,从house music到hip hop,从disco到怀旧的钢琴曲,适合各种品味的休闲者. 6. Le Polly Esther 4240 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal (514) 286-1874 门票:$ 5 Polly Esther的灵感来源于美国大都市的迅猛节奏,他们用不拘一格的disco舞曲,表现七十年代到九十年代的多首流行歌曲,使人们在四层楼的舞厅里感受不同年代的风味.70年代这层楼陈列着代表这十年最重要事件、带有迷幻色彩的"flower-power"、饶口令游戏、以及一辆开住伍斯德克音乐会的老巴士;80年代这层楼挂着当年时髦的魔方,墙上贴着麦当娜等歌星的海报;最后一层90年代楼里只是装饰了一些信用卡和光盘,楼层里荡漾着富有时代节拍的歌曲. 7. Thursday's 1449 Crescent St. (514) 288-5656 8. Club Central Station 4432 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal (514) 842-2836 9. Club Stereo 858 St Catherine St E, Montreal (514) 282-3307 门票:$ 17 - $ 25 蒙特利尔最热闹的酒吧之一,吸引着18到30岁的各类时尚青年.整个大厅装饰得富有雅致、优美,主厅悬挂着巨大的旋转彩球,可以俯瞰四周的大阳台,巨大的舞池,都将陪伴人们渡过一个不眠的夜晚. 10. Sona 1437 Bleury St, Montreal (514) 282-1000 门票:$ 15 通过五年的成功经营,SONA现在每周都会有三千多名顾客光临,它已经成为本地最有名的舞厅,成为不少北美游客必去的景点.恰当好处的幽幽灯光,四壁播放着缤纷节目的电视屏幕,都令人陶醉.这个俱乐部分为三个室:地下室是"hip-hop room",在DJ的带动下,尽情摇摆;酒吧叫做 "techno room",充满了使人兴奋的狂热旋律;主厅名为"rave" room,在蒙特利尔最好两名DJ — Tiga 和Yaz的主持下,人们可以一起渲泄自己的情感.SONA的节奏让人分分钟钟不停运动! 带外来的朋友去哪里玩? 皇家山 老城 旧港 各色的Club? St. Laurent 大街 Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen? (犹太人开的烤肉店,在St. Laurent 大街3895号.加拿大总理、歌星Celine Dion都曾经前去开过荤 ) Ste. Catherine 大街 Restaurant Altitude 737 餐厅 (位于蒙特利尔最高楼Place-Ville Marie的顶层,此处也是Montreal的10佳观景点之一) 蒙特利尔赌场 生态园Biodome,? St. Joseph's 教堂 和Crescent St.街 蒙城十个带孩子游玩的好地方 1. 每年六-七月的焰火节 地铁:Jean-Drabeau 网址:http://www.parcjeandrapeau.com/ 2. 老港 地铁:Champ-De-Mars 网址:http://www.oldportofmontreal.com/ 3. 生态馆 地铁:Pie-IX 网址:http://www.ville.montreal.qc.ca/biodome/ebdm.htm 4. La Ronde 公园 地铁:Jean-Drabeau 网址:http://www.parcjeandrapeau.com/ 5. Safari 野生动物园 网址:http://www.parcsafari.com/english/index640_1998E.htm 6. 生态博物馆 Eco-Museum 7. 全市各大公众图书馆 图书馆分布图:http://www.ville.montreal.qc.ca/biblio/acc02.htm 8. 住家附近的公园 9. 延自行车道骑车或溜旱冰 10. 周末爬皇家山? 周末去处 丰富多彩的冬季活动 漫长的冬季带给我们的不仅是屋外的寒流和室内的暖气,当我们这些过惯暖冬的人们抱怨天寒与地冻时,魁北克人却早已抖擞精神,投入到寒冬里的另一番激情中,这是他们盼望的季节,有他们热爱的运动项目——滑冰、高山滑雪、雪地远足、雪橇、攀岩、冰上钓鱼.有他们展示风采的另一个舞台. 加拿大最好的滑雪胜地大多集中在魁北克,魁北克有穿越全省的上百公里自然雪道,迷人的风景,足以让滑雪爱好者在冬天里也能欣赏壮丽的河山;各滑雪胜地都有经验丰富的教练、方便的食宿、良好的服务、花样繁多的活动,带给人们冬季里别样的乐趣和享受.不管是新手还是老将,都能在银色的世界里体尝运动的快乐. 观赏枫叶 秋风渐起,落叶飘零,不经意间,枫树正由绿变黄再变红,在阳光下闪着斑斓的光芒和融融的暖意. 秋天的魁北克洋溢着丰富的色彩,绚烂的大地正经历着寒冬前最后的辉煌.秋天赏枫是一项独有情趣的活动,朗朗秋日,迎着和暖的阳光,踏着落叶铺满的小径,嗅着郊外清新的空气,看多彩的世界在眼前铺开,看漫山红叶在风中轻扬.魁省各大公园都会在秋枫正浓时举办枫叶节,邀人们共赏这一年中最灿烂的时光. 千岛湖 游览千岛湖的游船码头在安省的小镇Cananoque和古城Kingston,两者相距20多公里.一般游客大都从Cananoque登船游览. 从蒙特利尔出发20路公路向西,到魁省和安省交界处会自动转为401号公路,再往西,在安省的Brockville附近,会看到棕底黄字的大路标,即向左转向1000 Islands,沿着大湖区内的PARKWAY一直向里走,直走到小镇Gananoque,就可以乘船游览千岛了.千岛湖距Montreal大约在275公里左右. 去千岛湖游览,乘船游览分3小时($18)和1小时($12)两种,建议参加3小时的,看的风景较多.注意下午3点钟截止乘船游览. 建议早点出发,先去千岛湖,然后再到Kingston,加拿大曾经的首都,那里有著名的Queen University和皇家军事学院,是一个宁静的古城. 枫糖节 风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到.白日渐长,天渐温暖.在每年三、四月份冬夏之交的时节,人们都会纪念魁省自己的富有民族传统和情趣的活动--"枫糖节".周末,或挟家小或约朋友到Montreal近郊的"枫糖屋"作客,领略一下历史上魁北克的"大食堂",尝一尝魁北克传统的食品,品一品原汁原味的琼浆玉液,参观一下制作枫糖的过程,将是一个不错的"周末去处". 溜冰 活动:Amphitheatre Bell (Atrium) 室内溜冰场 Atrium 堪称蒙特利尔最温暖的溜冰场,全年都可以享受真正的冰上滑行,12月23日到明年1月7日,吉祥物émile将和男女老少在这里同乐.并且,每张票不限时间,尽兴为止. 地址:1000 de la Gauchetière Street West,近Bonaventur地铁站. 票价:成人、16岁以上少年:$5.00,儿童:$3.00, 冰鞋出租 $4.50;Locker免费. 联系:电话Tel: (514) 395-0555; 网站:www.le1000.com 圣劳斯河畔一日游 目标:蒙特利尔西部,圣劳伦斯河畔 路线:从与Av.Atwater最南边交接的Boul. LaSalle出发,延美丽的圣劳斯河畔向西行,经过地区有:Verdun, LaSalle, LaChine, Dorval, Pointe-Claire, Beaconsfield, Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue, Senneville.所经街道为:Boul.LaSalle, Boul.St.Joseph, Bord-du-Las/Lakeshore, Boul.Beaconsfield, Rue.Lakeshore, Rue.Ste-Anne, Ch.Senneville, Boul.Goin, 回到蒙特利尔. 特色:开车延圣劳斯河西行,环绕整个蒙特利尔西岛,可以看到最自然的风景,享受到大自然最惬意的宁静.万顷碧波,蓝天绿草,自由生活的小动物,风格各异的河边住宅,都让人不禁要赞叹生活的详和,以及自然的纯朴.几个世纪以前的庄园、牧场让人怀旧.开车倦了,可以随时停下来,歇一歇脚,与自然融为一体.延河有不少风景点,Sayak, Le Moulin Fleming(建于1815年的英式风车屋),Parc Rene Levesque de LaChine,Macdonald College of McGill Univ.,Parc Cap-saint-Jacques(夏日游泳,BBQ的好去处)等. 摘苹果 摘苹果,是魁北克地区秋末冬初一项很有情趣的户外活动,三五知已或一家老小,开车去郊外果园,一边拥抱美丽的大自然,一边品尝劳动的甘甜,着实是一次难得的享受. 魁省最早的苹果品种是十七世纪中叶种植在蒙特利尔皇家山上的Sulpiciens,目前,魁省畅销的苹果约有二十多种,如Geneva,Empire, Delicious, Jerseymac, Lobo, Liberty, McIntosh,Melba,Spartan,其中的Fameuse还曾在1874年的一次食品大赛上得过金奖. 蒙特利尔地区著名果园(请点击) 圣劳伦斯河畔的Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Mont-Saint-Gregoire,Rougemont, Hemmingford, Saint-Antoine-Abbe 这里的果园为游客准备了丰富多彩的活动,如采摘苹果、与园艺师切磋、试开拖拉机、野餐、儿童游戏、游览山野风光等. Mont-Saint-Hilaire有一个苹果生态博物馆(Economusee de La Pomme),展厅里陈列 着魁省种植的各类苹果的相关资料. Rougemont的Jodoin家族拥有百年历史的苹果酿酒厂,他们的果园和酿酒厂均向游人开放,他们生产的Le Pedoncule苹果酒曾在1996年获得魁省苹果酒大奖. Hemmingford的Cidrerie du?Minot果园,位于蒙特利尔西南方60公里左右,这里有丰富的苹果种类. 每逢这个季节,有些社团机构如"满城华人服务中心"会组织到郊外摘苹果,每人交少许费用便可享受自采自摘、领略自然的乐趣. Mont St.Sauveur(雁飞提供) 目标:Mont St.Sauveur 路线:15号高速向北至58号出口. 距离:车程1小时. 门票:夏季水上世界,成人19元,儿童12元,其它季节不收门票,停车免费. 网址:www.montsaintsauveur.com Mont St.Sauveur冬季是著名的滑雪场,夏天是游水的好去处.山脚的St.Sauveur镇完全是一派欧式风格,咖啡馆酒吧小商店都别具特色.附近的小湖幽静典雅,有小路蜿蜒崎岖,可开车登上山顶. Parc Oka(雁飞提供) 目标:Parc Oka? 路线:13号高速向北,与640高速会合,直到看到Parc Oka的路牌(在此之前有一路牌写着Oka,是左转通向Oka镇,不要转) 距离:车程45分钟 门票:免费,但停车费5(冬季)-10元(夏季) 网站:http://www.sepaq.com/En/Parks/extractionParcOka.cfm?site=14&Activite=N Parc Oka是一很大的森林公园,里面绿树参天,小径通幽,森林中环抱一大湖,湖水水浅清澈,沙滩上可 以打排球,亦可BBQ,是夏季家庭野餐戏水的好去处. Mont Tremblant(雁飞提供) 目标:Mont Tremblant 路线:15 号高速向北至Sainte-Agathe,15号高速与117高速汇合,顺117继续向北经Saint-Jovite,在Monte Ryan右拐,继续前行即到. 距离:车程1个半小时. 门票:乘索道成人12元,儿童8元 (随季节变化),自行登山和停车免费 网站:www.tremblant.ca? Mont Tremblant 被称为北美第一滑雪胜地,山高林密,湖光山色,美不胜收,且四季皆宜.是世界级的旅游景点,观光游玩,登山锻炼,非常适合周末家庭出游和约三五好友结伴游玩. Coteau-du-Lac 目标:Coteau-du-Lac 路线:出市区,沿20号公路West 距离:距蒙特利尔市区50公里 门票:成人:$3.00/人,家庭:$6.00,免费停车. 网站:http://www.parcscanada.gc.ca/parks/quebec/coteau/en/index.html Coteau-du-Lac是北美第一个船闸,16世纪英军修建这个船闸用来抵御美国独立战争时期来自美国的攻击,并且为驻守在加拿大Kingston一带的英军提供军需给养. 除了古迹之外还可以欣赏Lawrance River的景色及周围小镇的静谧. Coteau-du-Lac距Montreal50公里,走20号公路,注意在50公里左右的出口松鼠图案棕色标志 "Coteau-du-Lac, Historical site". 途中你还可以在位于蒙特利尔岛西端的McGill大学的农学院和Macdonald校园走走,参观一下奶牛场和富有欧洲风格的校园. La Maurice 目标:国家公园La-Maurice 路线:40号公路East,后55号公路North,217号出口 距离:距蒙特利尔150公里,车程约2 小时 门票:家庭8元(随时可能变化) 网站:http://www.parcscanada.gc.ca/parks/quebec/mauricie/en/index.html 本站评介:Somewhere Like Paradise,有点象天堂的地方. BBQ,Canoe,湖光山色,郁郁葱葱遮天避日的林子,轻松享受自然的人们,使人会想象哪里是天堂. 学生和工作签证 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 作为"社会主义"加拿大的"特区",魁北克省以其良好的社会福利和教育资助,使得Montreal的几所大学正在成为中国新移民进军北美的"延安抗大"和"黄埔军校". 学生签证 问:我到加拿大学习前需要学生许可证吗? 答:如果你不是加拿大公民、永久居民或者外交官家属,那么,在到加拿大学习前,就必须先得到学生许可证.外交礼节规定,到加拿大从事外交、领事、官方工作的人,都可以获得护照,如此就不用在学习之前先得到学生许可证了. 问:如果我未得到学生许可证就上学了,会有什么后果呢? 答:如果你未获得学生许可证之前上学,或者违反了许多规定,那就违反了移民法,延期签证时会遇到麻烦.如果上述情况发生,你要向移民官员作详细解释. 问:有没有不需要学生许可证就可以学习的课程? 答:下列情况下不用先获得学生许可证: A.学习为期三个月以下的英语或法语课. B.从事非学术性、专业性或假期性学习,例如消遣性质的工艺美术课、旅游课或者护理课等. 问:我可否在加拿大境内申请学生许可证? 答:符合下列条件人可以在加拿大内申请,上学前必须拿到学生许可证: A.持签证到加拿大来的军官、神职人员、记者、体育运动员的家属. B.在加拿大持工作或学生签证人员的家属. C.在加拿大内持有效学生许可的人员. D.持部长特许证人员的家属. E.难民及正在申请难民的人及其家属. F.因非学习原因居住在加拿大的人员. 问:申请学生许可证需要什么材料? 答: A.若申请学院、大专或类似学校,必须出示该校信件,信件内容包括:学校名称、录取通知、所学课程、每星期学习时间或所修课程、学习何时结束、录取或接受条件. 申请初级学校,也必须由学校、校委会、学校所在区或分校发出信件,说明所学课程深度及课程结束时间. B.如申请入学魁省教育机构,必须持有魁省移民局及文化交流部的接收证明(CAQ). 下列人员不需要CAQ: 加拿大援助发展中国家计划中录取的学生. 驻加拿大的外交官家属. 每学期只选课不到二十小时的学生. 持"魁省挑选证(CSQ)"及具资格申请加拿大永久居民的学生. C.申请学习许可证亦需要存款证明或者经济资助证明. 需要加拿大银行出示你的存款证明. 奖学金或助学金证明. 经济资助人的证明(写明与你的关系及资助计划). 申请难民资格的人及家属不需要出示上述证明. 注意:在中国申请加拿大留学签证,可能需要提交的文件与此不同,请向加拿大驻华使馆或当地留学咨询服务机构查询. 问:学生许可证上有什么规定吗? 答:移民官会在签发学生许可证时写上具体规定,规定可能有以下几种: A.不许在加拿大工作. B.必须到移民官指定的大学、学院或大专入学. C.必须学习移民官认可的专业. 如果你想改动上述条件,必须先行申请.如果擅自不遵守规定,将影响签证延期及合法居留身份. 问:我在上学时可否申请工作许可证? 答:如果你在加持有效学生许可证,那么也可以申请工作许可证(工作之前必须拿到许可证).某个职位的工作许可只能在没有加拿大公民或永久居民申请时才能签发给学生,届时加拿大人力资源部会签发"工作提供证明". 在高等学院专职学习的学生在下列情况下不需要"工作提供证明"就可以得到工作许可证: A.由教育机构的学术负责人提供证明,说明工作是课程学习的一部分.但下列学生必须得到"工作提供证明": 会计的学生; 内科、外科的医学院学生. B.在学生所注册的学校工作,工作许可证可以与学生许可证日期一致,或者最长期为一年.如果你已经进行过移民体格检查,得到工作许可证后可以往校园内做任何工作. 如果你未通过体检,拿到工作许可证后可以在校园内工作,但不可以从事幼儿看护,初级教学和健康服务工作.如果你来自一个加拿大健康组识认为传染病菌携带率极高的国家,那么通过体格检查前不能从事农业工作. 结束专科或大学课程,想在专业范围内从事一年以下工作的学生,不需要"工作提供证明",但必须符合下列情况: A.证明你已成功完成所学专业(列出所学课程),并且符合新工作的职位要求. B.提供雇主的雇佣信件,说明你的工作、薪水和雇佣期. C.收到最后一学期学分的六十天内申请工作许可证. D.持有效学生许可证. 工作必须与所学课程有关(加拿大同专业毕业生必须也可能被接受从事此种工作).由加拿大国际发展机构(CIDA)资助的学生,必须提供该构构准许工作的信件. 自身原因而暂时不能按期收到经济资助的学生,在提供暂时贫困证明后,可以不需要"工作提供证明". 问:我是学生,我的配偶可以在加拿大工作吗? 答:在大学或专科内全职学习的学生配偶可以得到工作许可证,许可证日期与旅游签证期一致,或者最长时间为一年. 申请时必须提供下列证明: A.申请者是持有效学生许可证,并在大专或大学专职学习学生的配偶. B.申请者是持工作许可证并从事与专业有关工作的学生配偶,还必须提供"工作提供证明". 已通过体检的申请者,可在工作许可证的规定范围内申请,从事任何工作,未通过体检的申请者,不可以从事幼儿看护、初级教学或健康服务工作. 如果申请者来自加拿大卫生组织认为传染病菌携带率较高的国家,体检通过之前不能从事农业工作. 问:我的学生签证延期通知未到来之前可以离开加拿大吗? 答:如果你未持有效学生签证而暂时离开加拿大,有可能不能再回来,你必须等到延期签证下来后再离开,进入加拿大海关俞必须向移民官员证明你符合返回加拿大的条件. 工作签证 问:我在加拿大工作之前,必须拿到工作许可证吗? 答:如果你不是加拿大公民或永久居民,那么在加拿大开始工作或继续工作之前必须持有工作许可证. 但在下列情况下移民官不能颁发许可证: A.颁发工作许可证会影响其他加拿大公民、永久居民的工作机会. B.颁发许可证会影响某项劳工争议的解决或者影响牵涉及劳工争议中的人就业. C.申请人以前曾经未持工作许可证工作. 问:我不拿工作许可证工作会出现什么后果? 答:这样就违反了移民法,签证延期时会遇到麻烦.如有上述情况发生,最好向移民官作具体解释. 问:什么叫做"工作提供证明"? 答:这项证明是为了让加拿大人力资源部确信,雇佣外国人并没有影响本国公民或者永久居民的就业机会. 申请"工作提供证明"时,要由雇主向加拿大人力资源部要一份工作提供表,填上雇佣者姓名、工作性质、工作条件后再递回人力资源部裁决是否颁发"工作提供证明". 问:我可否在加拿大境内申请工作许可证? 答:下列入员可在加拿大境内申请工作许可证. 已经申请成为加拿大永久居民的人.这些人已被准许於加拿大境内申请永久居留权,所以不再用人力资源部颁发工作提供证明. 难民—这些人及其家属已被有关方面允许成为避难者. 体育人才—包括为在加拿大的体育队、体育组织等效力的运动员、组织者、教练等,以及在加拿大体育组织工作的裁判员等,不用先取得"工作提供证明". 贫困者—在移民官看来,这些人需要帮助,并且可能具有下列情形,如已申请公民、申请正在处理中等. 紧急维修工—包括那些在紧急时刻修理机器,保证加拿大工业运转的人,不用先取得"工作提供证明". 持有工作许可证的人—在加拿大短暂工作的人及其亲属有可能要求延长工作许可期限或者重新换老板,这种情况下可能需要先申请"工作提供证明". 部长特许证持有者,包括获得部长特许来加或在加逗留的人员及其家属,有可能需要"工作提供证明". 艺术家—这些人是根据合同来加的.只要提供合同或邀请信即可,不需要"工作提供证明". 学生—指持有效学生签证的人员及其配偶. 问:我的配偶短暂工作的人员家属亦可申请工作许可证,一般来说,任何旅游者在申请工作许 可证之前,都要申请"工作提供证明". 答:在加拿大短暂工作的人员家属亦可申请工作许可证,一般来说,任何旅游者在申请工作许可证之前,都要申请"工作提供证明",不需要申请的除了上面所述外,不包括下列情况: 外交官家属—外交官员家属工作时必须向外交事务办公室提出申请,可能要向雇佣中心取得"工作提供证明". 在与加拿大交流活动中,与加拿大联邦或省府官员共同工作的外国政府官员家属,在得到工作 许可前,可能要向雇佣中心申请"工作提供证明". 外国军官家属—家属首先必须向国防部申请,提供身份证明,与家长的关系及在加居留时间证明,并得到批准不需要得到"工作提供证明". 问:申请工作许可证需要什么材料? 答: A.工作提供证明(必要的话). B.如果在魁省工作,需要魁省移民局及文化交流部的接收证明(CAQ). C.相应费用. 问:工作许可证土有什么具体规定吗? 答:颁发工作许可证时,移民官会根据移民法在许可证上加上具体规定.有可能包括下列条件: 作性质规定; 作地点规定; 作期限规定. 如果在工作中想改变上述条件,必须先行有申请,否则将不利於签证延期及影响居留身份. 问:什么情况下需要体检? 答:体捡与否与你即将从事的工作,及过去生活居住地有关.如果你从事幼儿看护、健康服务或者初级教学,就必须先体检,并且体检结果令人满意后才能从事此类工作.如果你来自传染病菌携带率较高的地方,在从事农业工作之前也必须体检.移民官会通知体检事宜并会寄来体检表. 问:我在工作许可证延期之前可以离开加拿大吗7 答:如果你没有拿到有效工作许可证前离开加拿大,有可能回不来.你必须确定拿到延期的许可证后再离开,在进入加拿大海关时,也必须让移民官相信,你符合进入加拿大的条件. 租车 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 一般租车行不提供Walk In 服务,必须打电话给预定,届时带上合法驾照、和信用卡取车即可.为了方便,这里列出几家在Montreal Downtown 的租车公司,他们的电话和租车价格在网上都可以查到.注意:有的租车公司在不同的Location可能会有不同的价格. 各租车公司会有不同的市场定位,比如,有的公司租搬家的Van便宜.有的提前预定的时间越长就越便宜. Car-Sharing Car-Sharing,顾名思义就是跟别人Share Car,Communauto公司在蒙特利尔市开展的Car-Sharing服务已有5年的历史,在Montreal有1200人参加.由于该服务没有广告宣传,所以鲜为我们华人所知. Car-Sharing其实就是一个会员制的用车俱乐部.参加者需交纳500元的押金(如果想退出,一年后可以取回这押金)和35元的年费,当用车的时候可以随时申请,调度中心将在你需要的时间,并且离你最近的Post为你准备一部车.租车的价格,尤其近距离短时间内的租车价格比上述的租车公司优惠很多.比如,一天驾车距离不超过58公里的租金为20元(含保险). 参加者首先需要提供信用卡、魁省驾照、SAAQ开具的驾驶记录和保险机构开具的驾车事故报告等文件.此服务的经营理念和方式比较新颖和独特,完全建立在信用和严格的规则基础上. 在公共交通十分便利、停车位紧张的Montreal,对于偶尔用车周末出游购物的朋友参加这个服务确实是一个不错的选择,既没养车之虞,也没修车之忧. 由于游戏规则和租金计算比较复杂,这里不一一列举. 感谢Diane Shea 女士提供信息.Thanks to Ms. Diane Shea for this information. 停车? 魁北克省各路段的停车泊车(PARKING)标记多为法语,因此,对于法语不太好的驾车者来说,有时比较难于理解.总体来说,停车标记分三大类(见右图)——不准停车路段、不准泊车路段、有限制泊车路段,每个标记下又分几种,各种标志所指示的规定请参看官方网站. 另外,居住在市中心某些路段的居民如在自己家门前停车,还需申请特别的停车许可证(SRRR),申领时要带上车辆注册证、车辆保险证、住所证明(如电话、电费、卫星电视的交费单等),价格为每年25-50元/张.申领地点为: Plateau Mont-Royal Accès Montréal office 201 Laurier Avenue East Telephone: 872-6752 Ville-Marie Accès Montréal office 275 Notre-Dame Street East Telephone: 872-6395 888 De Maisonneuve boulevard East, 5th floor Telephone: 872-6395 如未能遵守市政府有关停车泊车的规定,会受到相应罚款: ?罚款原因 Fine 拖车 总计 ?扫雪时违章停车 ??$42 $50 ??$92 ?违章在公车专线停车 $136 $50 $186 ?违章在公共场所停车规定 ??$42 $50 ??$92 ?违章在私人车道规定 ??$42 $50 ??$92 如果被市政府拖车后,请打电话(514)872-9412联系. 启程入境 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 拿到移民签证后,考虑的问题很多,有些问题因人而异.我们在这里只介绍一些新移民关心的来加拿大的共性问题. 准备 护照出境卡: 中国公安部出入境管理局规定,新办护照第一次出境,出境人的机票目的地必须是到申请护照时申请的国家和地区,在新发护照上订着一张卡曰"出境卡"写明出境目的地.有些朋友在申请移民前已经有了护照如果已经激活,当然没有问题.但是,如果没有激活,即"出境卡"还没有撕,并且你的"出境卡"的目的地不是加拿大,这就有了问题. 解决问题的方法有二:1、去申请护照的地方换"出境卡";2、持"出境卡"上写的出境地为目的地的机票,然后,....对不同的朋友,这两种方法各有难易.自己视情况而定. 带钱: 中国人民银行外汇管理局和海关,对出境的中国公民携带的货币有明确的规定,数量有限.如何把想带的钱带出来?也是一个不大不小的问题. 建议你带美金,因为人民币在这里的兑换率很低.如果不多,把超过规定部分藏匿起来,靠运气过关;如果有些数量,到当地"中国银行"开美金汇票,到加拿大任何一间银行都可以解汇;如果数量较大,只好从我们的特别行政区中转一下,办理美金汇票. 物品行李: 物品:电器最好别带,因为这里是110V电压,即使带个电压转换器也不好使.并且这里的电器卖得便宜,赶上"Boxing Day"你还真能捡个"风落枣".电脑产品,这里的配件价格跟中国差不多,90%以上的配件是"Made in China".少量的电脑光碟可以. 加拿大海关对新移民第一次带的所有物品入境是免税的.如果你第一次带不了太多东西,并且计划日后再分次携带.建议你出发前用英文写一个打算带到加拿大的物品清单.入境过关时交给移民局和海关,他们在这个清单上加盖公章,以备下次入境时跟你带的物品核对,属于清单所列的免税. 行李: 注意不要超重,航空公司有明确规定,每个乘客可以带两大一小.一大件不得超过30公斤,如果超重,超重部分所付的费用可能会比你的物品还贵.各航空公司要求不同,建议你向航空公司查询.下列航空公司有从北京、上海、香港飞加拿大的航班. 机票 每年的暑期和圣诞节前后是旅游旺季,机票上浮很大,建议你不要凑这个热闹.安排行程应避免这个时期,你会节省不少.另外,机票最好提前预定,提前的时间越长,你选择的余地越大. 最近,针对大批中国大陆新移民来加拿大定居的客观需要,加航(Canadian Airline Internatinal) 和枫叶航空(Air Canada)推出了一种新移民特价飞机票.某些从中国大陆飞来加拿大的机票价格也有所往下调整.加航推出的新移民特价飞机票目前只限於由中国大陆飞往加拿大的单程航线.北京或者上海飞到多伦多,特价机票还不到六百加元,比平常市价的七百八十加元便宜了四分之一左右.特价机票仅限於新移民第一次来加拿大时使用,航空公司规定购票时必须出示加拿大的移民纸. 入境 来自中国的入境口岸只有Vancouver和Toronto,入境地因航班不同而异.这个你不必担心,即使到Montreal你也可能在Vancouver入境. 尽管移民申请表上有"Destination"一栏,入境后你到什么地方去全由你了,不用再向"组织上"申请汇报了. 注意: 1.在入境时移民局会问你带了多少钱,回答的最少数额别少于"an independent applicantis usually expected to have at least $10,000 Canadian dollars plus $2,000 Canadian dollars for each dependent"这个标准.如果你说没带钱,真有可能让你同机返回. 2.在移民局报完到后,向海关出示你的物品清单.保留好加拿大海关核准的清单,下次入境时使用. 补遗 关于办理海运,移民出关是否要注销户口,带钱,带家常用品,电脑软件光盘,DVD播放机,携带电脑配件,带笔记本电脑来后如何马上上网,等问题在本站"信息交流"的BBS中"相聚魁省"和"数码生活"里,有大家谈自己的亲身经历体会,也有热心高手为大家释疑解惑,可供大家参考. 如果有入境报到的问题,可以在本站BBS的"相聚魁省"栏目跟发帖子提问.但是,注意,在提问前,建议你先耐心通过屏幕右上角的search查找,因为你的问题可能已经有了答案. 租房、迁居、纠纷 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 初到 安居才能乐业,但这里没有"安居工程".落地报到之后,第一件事就是找房子住下来.第一次到Montreal来的新移民,一般临时住下来有4种选择: 1、预先租好房子.或是请在这里的朋友帮忙,或是通过Internet在网上找; 2、住旅馆.费用较高,一般每晚在Cdn$30-70不等. 3、临时居留所,时代赋予的新名称为"新移民接待站".一般费用较低, 一个房间每晚在Cdn$25左右. 4、住YMCA.这是一个为青年人提供服务的国际组织,在世界各大城市都有营地.一般双人房为每晚46加元(这个价格在Downtown是属于便宜的),卫生安全居住条件良好.另外,付少许的费用还可以用餐.YMCA还可以网上订房,网址为:www.ymca.ca .但是,临时住下来后,接着就是找房子租房子. 如果说,上面一段话是写给在途的新移民朋友的,那么下面的内容对已经住在Montreal的朋友同样重要,因为对于魁省的住宅租务法例,你未必清楚. 签约 出租方(房东)和承租方(房客),双方的责任和义务: 房东:提供一个条件良好可以居住的房屋.(注意:条件良好除了包括房屋设施功能良 好外,还包括居住环境良好.比如房内温度不能低于21C,安全,安静等). 房客:在保持房屋状况良好的前提下,按时交纳房租.一般是每个月的第一天或者第一周. 建议你认真检查房屋设施,炉具、冰箱(如果在合同上写明提供的话)是否功能良好.并且在居住的过程中,发现有些属于房东应该提供的设备有问题,应及时向房东提出.如果 房东不予理睬,你可以向租屋委员会或者租屋法庭投诉. 续约 租房合约到期后,如果房东和房客双方没有异议,租房协议自动续约下一个周期.合约不是一期一签的(这跟中国不同).如果双方同意,住上三五年的租房合同就开始的那一份.不要以为房东没来找你签合同,就可以随时般走. 如果房东在下一个租期内加价或者增加条件,则房东会在在合约到期前三个月书信通知房客,你如果有异议,你必须在收到信后一个月内给答复.否则,视为认可.你可以拒绝房东的加价和增加条件的要求,如果跟房东协商不果,可以向房屋委员会投诉. 解约 如果房客在合约期满后,不打算继续住下去.房客应提前三个月(租期低于一年的应提前一个月)书面告诉房东. 如果房客提前解除合约,则必须符合下属四个条件之一: 1、房客申请政府的廉租屋获得批准. 2、发生意外致残,不适合继续在这里居住. 3、申请到"养老院"或者"老人之家"的居住获得批准. 4、房客意外死亡. 除非上述四种情况之一,房客的任何个人理由,都不构成合法解除合约的条件.如果房客单方面终止合约,房东有权向房客索赔损失,严重时可能还要导致罚款,更重要的是影响房客的信用,从此他的名字将会进入各社区的租房委员会的"黑名单". 即使满足以上情况,房客都必须提前3-6个月(如果租期少于 1年的,提前1-2个月)通知房东.但是,如果房客确实有情况需要提前退房,可以转租. 转租 转租分两种情况: 1、如果你是阶段性的离开一阵子,那么你可以把房子临时阶段性地租给另外一个人,你可以做二房东.(这种情况叫Sublet) 2、如果你是永远地离开.你可以转租给另外一个房客,写信告知房东,由这位新房客继续履行你未尽的责任和义务.(这种情况叫Transfer) 注意 一、投诉房东要"有理、有力、有节".凡是牵涉到租房事宜(比如:异议、要求 、解约)跟房东打交道,一般采取如下程序: 1、先口头提出; 2、如果无效,向房东写一封陈述问题和要求的书信(信件格式:不续约、拒绝加租、提出问题),复印留底,挂号寄出保存挂号回执; 3、如果仍然无效,向租屋委员会投诉; 4、必要时上租屋法庭. 二、交房租,如果用现金,记住向房东索要收据;如果付支票,有银行记录备查,收据也可以不要,除非收据有其它用途. 三、房东不具备任何法律依据,以任何理由向房客索要除了房租以外的金钱.不论房间里了提供什么设备.向房客收取押金之类都属违法. 四、在租房合约未满之前,房东以任何借口和理由加价,都是不具法律依据,房客有权不予理睬. 五、如有经济损失,你不可以拒交或抵扣房租.这样可能会使你由主动变为被动. 六、在合约到期之后,如果房东没有大装卸(修修门窗之类不算),且房产税没有提高,房 东在下一租期内可以加价的平均幅度为0.6%.如果房租是包暖气的,加幅为不得超过1%.如果房东有大装修,则按照每1000元装修费加房租每月加5元的标准计算.装修的费用多少不是房东一面之词说了算,需经租屋委员会核准. 政府关于房租上涨的最新解释. 七、这里介绍的是魁北克的租房法例,加拿大其他省份当然与此不同. 八、租屋委员会的名称电话: Regie Du Logement?Tel:(514)873-2245??? 官方网站:www.rdl.gouv.qc.ca 术语解释 户型:蒙特利尔(魁省)的户型定义既跟中国的不同也跟加拿大其他省份也不一样.所谓"N个半(N是1≤N≤5的正整数)"指的是:N=卧室数+厅数+餐厅数,半=卫生间.比如:"1个半"指的是一个卧室,一个卫生间,这样的房子一般厨房饭厅跟卧室混在一起没有隔断."3个半"指的是一个卧室一个厅一个厨房和一个卫生间,注意,这里有些"3个半"房子,卧室和厅是没有硬墙隔断的. Sublet:转租的意思,上面有介绍. 司法、人权、法庭 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 政治与司法 加拿大是一个政宪体制国家.联邦政府管辖由十个省份两个行政区合组的政体,各省则由各省政府管辖. 加拿大议会的由众议院和参议院组成.参众两院在属于联邦成员共同利益的方面立法(国防、边境检查、货币等等),但不涉及各省的权力所辖的范围. 魁北克省的政治体系结构分为三层:联邦政府(即加拿大政府)、省政府、和市政府.管理由省议会通过立法. 在移民方面,加拿大宪法确认联邦政府和省政府分享权利,因此,魁北克的移民同时取决于联邦法律和魁北克省的法律.魁北克的政府和省议会通过大选更新,根据传统,大选每四年举行一次.当选议员人数最多的政党组成政府,该政党的领袖出任总理即政府首脑.每个当选的议员代表其选区的民众的利益.只有年满18岁且在选民名册上登记的加拿大公民才有投票权,并可作为议员的候选人自由参加竞选. 市政府同样有权在其管辖范围内通过规章制度,特别是有关领土整治市政管理的问题.由当选的市长领导的市议会也是经普选产生出来的. 人权与自由 魁北克人权和自由宪章规定了所有魁北克居民的基本权利.道德和宗教自由;思想、信仰、舆论和表现自由;包括出版和其它方式的广播通讯自由;和平集会和结社自由. 民主权利: 每位加拿大公民在选举众议院和立法大会议员时都有投票权和被选举权. 居住权利: 每个加拿大公民有权进入、定居和离开加拿大.公民以及永久居民身份的人有权移民和定居在加拿大任何省份及在任何省份谋生. 所有的人有权在法律面前完全平等地确认和行使人的权利和自由,包括种族、肤色、性别、妊娠、性生活方式、身份、受法律管辖的年龄、宗教、政治信仰、语言、原籍民族或国家、社会地位、残障等. 所有魁北克居民有遵守法律的义务及享受法律赋予的权利和保障.每个人都有权反对无理搜查和没收、不被擅自拘留或禁闭的权利. 警察与法律 加拿大警察力量的职责是确保公民的安全和法律是实施.在魁北克,警察分别属于三支警察部队:城市警察、魁北克保安局和皇家骑警.大部比较重要的城市拥有城市警察,魁北克保安局则在整个省内行使职能,尤其负责不存在城市警察的地区和维护交通安全.皇家骑警是保证联邦法律在魁北克得到遵守. 在各种紧急情况下,你都可以请求警察介入,你如果遭到了抢劫、侵犯或者诈骗,或者你是一起不法行为的见证人,等等.在魁北克各地可以拨"0",在Montreal可以拨"911"向警察求助. 警察必须以合理合法的方式执行公务,不得滥用武力.除非是刑事犯罪,警察应告诉你逮捕的理由,并尊重你请求律师帮助的权利.在被逮捕时,不要武力反抗,以后你有权利对这一逮捕原因提出异议,如果你认为不当,你还可以控告. 民事法庭: -案情轻重以诉讼涉及的金额而定. -四千元以下诉讼案归省政府法院属下的简易法庭(Prtites Creanses)处理,所有简易法庭作 出的判决都不能上诉.当事人必须亲自出庭,不能委托律师代理. -六千元以下诉讼归省法院(La Cour Proviciale)处理. -所有六千元以上诉讼归高等法院(La Superieure)处理. 刑事法庭: -案情轻重依所犯罪行抵触刑法之程度而定. -市区法庭专门执行市区法例. -太平法庭专门判处较轻的刑事案例,如200元以下的盗窃. -高等法院刑事部专门聆听上诉及其他严重的谋杀、叛国、贿赂等案. -青少年法庭专门处理青少年犯罪案件(La Tribunal De La Jeunesse). 对于没有经济能力而需要法律服务的人士可以申请法律援助.所有领取社会福利金有权免费法律援助. 任何认为未获得法律公平待遇者,可于事后15天内上诉,并要求重新审核他们的档案.申请法律援助者应去该区办事处办理. 法律援助办事处: Commissions Des Services Juridiques Tour De I'Est Tel:873-3562 Fax: 873-8762 蒙城会计师事务所 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 东升会计师事务所 电话:(514)288-1320 陈云秀会计师事务所 电话:(514)874-8018 包春香专业会计报税 电话:(514)748-8765 Email: mailto:bao@baotax.combao@baotax.com 如果他想拿到退税,就要报税;如果他有海外收入也要报税.截止日期多是4月30日,表格可到邮局或银行(desjardins)拿. 中加贸易知多少 选自:互联网 与中国的贸易关系 中加两国同处太平洋沿岸,一个是最大的发展中国家,一个是西方工业强国,两国在经济上互补性很强.两国自50年代起就开始了民间贸易活动,正式贸易关系始于1961年中加小麦协定.1970年10月中加两国建交以来,双边经济贸易关系发展顺利.目前中国已成为加拿大第五大贸易伙伴,加拿大成为中国第4十三大贸易伙伴. 经贸关系的丰硕成果 1993年10月加拿大自由党执政以来,采取了一系列务实的对外政策和措施,将其外贸重点转向亚太和拉美地区.在开拓亚太市场上,加拿大政府尤其重视中国市场.自1994年以来,包括加拿大总督、国贸部长、农业部长、交通部长,外交部长、亚太事务国务秘书等在内的政府要员及省长、地方议会议长、市长等领导人纷纷到中国访问和考察.同时,中国以邹家华副总理为首的中访加代表团以注重经济、讲求实效的作风,在加拿大也引起了震动. 正是在这样良好的环境下,中加双边经贸关系结出了丰硕的成果.两国的进出口商品结构向多元化和优化方向发展. 中国在加拿大投资的主要行业有:资源开发、工业生产、建设承包、农牧渔业、餐饮业、科技文化交流、交通运输、咨询服务等.加拿大是中国在境外投资最多的国家之一. 随着中国改革开放程度的提高和中国经济的蓬勃发展,加拿大政府积极通过各种渠道帮助加拿大企业进军中国市场,其中最有力的措施是加拿大政府对华提供的优惠贷款.中加两国政府于1986年、1988年和1991年三次签署了关于加政府向中国提供政府优惠贷款协议书.1994年7月,加拿大外长访华朝间,中加双方签署了第四批政府优惠贷款协定书,加方承诺金额2.5亿加元,约合1.8亿美元.通过数年来的贷款合作,中方解决了引进技术所急需的资金,加拿人企业提高了产品在中国市场上竞争力和知名度.加拿大政府优惠贷款对促进和扩大加拿大技术、机械和设备的对华出口起了积极的推动作用. 中加两国自1983年签署发展合作协定以来.在中加双方的共同努力下,发展合作进展顺利,合作成果显著.中加发展合作项目为中国培养了大批有用人才,帮助了中国的贫困地区,加方通过技术转让、咨询、做可行性研究、提供关键设备等方式,使中国许多项目部门在技术和管理水平上都有了不同程度的提高,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益. 贸易结构 中国从加拿大进口的主要商品:小麦, 化肥,机械设备, 纸浆及各种纸张,机电设备. 中国对加拿大出口的主要商品: 纺织品, 机电产品, 轻工工艺产品, 粮油食品, 土畜产品, 五矿产品, 值得注意的是,近年来中加贸易的进出口产品结构已开始以传统的初级产品或原材料产品开始向技术设备产品转化. 中国对加投资 中国从1983年起开始在加拿大设立贸易企业.在加拿大中资企业的经营范围包括了中国进出口加拿大的所有主要产品. 经过多年来不断地开拓、探索和实践,在加拿大中资贸易企业已成为中国涉外经济贸易队伍中一支不可缺少的力量,在推动双边经贸易往来、传递信息、开拓市场等方面发挥了积极的作用. 中加合作的前景 加拿大是典型的外向型经济发达国家,出口是加拿大的生命线,约1/4的就业人口直接与出口有关,其生产的产品2/3以上用于出口.加拿大新政府上台后以发展经济、创造就业为施政重点,而其经济的发展有赖于国外市场的开拓.亚洲是当今世界经济发展最快的地区,中国强劲的增长速度格外引人注目.1995年,加拿大对外关系的重点仍是加强其与亚太地区和南美国家的经济贸易往来.所有这一切就为中加经贸关系的发展提供了有利的大环境. 随着两国政治关系的全面恢复和改善,经贸往来的不断密切,中加两国政府也越来越重视到两国经贸方面的互补性,两国均已将对方视为外贸市场多元化的开拓重点.中国不断改善的投资环境,为国外企业包括加拿大商人在华投资,进行经济技术合作铺平了道路.从1994年开始,外商投资的行业领域大大拓宽,尤其是在第三产业中,原来禁止或限制外商投入的许多领域开始向外资开放.房地产业、公用事业、咨询服务业、商业、公共饮食业、物资仓储、金融业已成为外商投资企业的新热点,中外合作的会计师事务所也开始试办.这些都为加拿大企业来华投资提供了广阔的舞台.加拿大在水电、电信、石化、航天航空、粮食储运等行业有丰富的经验和先进的技术设备,在航运、咨询等第三产业也有很强的优势.另外,加拿大政府也将来华投资作为促进其出口的重要途径, 总之,中加经贸合作的潜力很大.只要两国在平等互利、互通有无的原则基础上不断探索和努力,中加之间经贸关系一定会更上一层楼,结出更丰硕的果实. 加拿大进出口法规 选自:互联网 税则加拿大税则把所有商品分类为A、B、C三大类(Scheduce). A类是应税或免税商品,这里面又分为12组(Group),组以下设立税则号(Tarirff Items): B类是供国内消费的退税商品; C类是禁止进出口的商品. 关税的种类 现行进口说 1.普通关税 它适用于既非英联邦成员国,又同加拿大没有贸易协定的国家对加拿大出口的商品.这种税率运用范围很小..此类关税税率是加拿大对进口货物征收的最高关税税率. 2.最惠国关税 它适用于关贸总协定(今世界贸易组织〕成员国及与加拿大签有贸易协定的非英联邦国家,但是享受最惠国待遇的国家欲将其产品销注加拿大,该国必须负担了50%以上的制造成本.该税税率高于英联邦优惠关税,而低于普通关税税率. 3.普遍优惠关税 它是目前加拿大最低的关税. 1980年,加拿大也给中国以普遍优惠关税待遇.加拿大《关税法》规定,产品的原产地是享受普遍优惠关税待遇的国家,该产品才能按普遍优惠税率交纳关税.所以,货物进入加拿大市场时,为了证明其原产地确实是享受普遍优惠关税待遇的国家,进口商须向加拿大海关提供原产地证书. 普遍优惠关税税率低于英国优惠关税及最惠国关税税率的1/3. 4.联邦销售税 它是按进口商品的完税值而征收的,即按进口商品价值加上关税总额征收.目前,加拿大征收的进口商品销售税税率一般为进口商品完税值的12%,有的商品(如建筑材料〕则为8%.还有些商品可以免征此税,如用于制造和加工的机器设备,农、林业设备,某些种类的服装和鞋,重型卡车及食品等,可以免征联邦销售税. 惩罚性关税 这是一种临时性的的关税,当某个国有的出口产品以不公平的手段输入加拿大而使加拿大国内相同工业受到重大损害时,加拿大政府会宣布对这些进口产品征收惩罚性关税.1993年1月29日加拿大宣称正初步决定将德国、法国、意大利、新西兰、英国和美国列为向加拿大倾销钢铁产品的国家,并拟对这些国家征收惩罚性关税. 反倾销税 进口货物以低于"正常价格"输入到加拿大市场,并使加拿大相同产品的生产受到实质性损害时,该进口产品即构成倾销.如果国际贸易法庭裁定进口货物的倾销对加拿大同类产品的生产已经造成损害,或正在造成损害,便作出倾销的裁决.反倾销税则据此进行征收.征收的数额相当于倾销幅度.已经征收的临时反倾销税则根据最后裁定的反倾销税税额,多退少补. 反补贴税 根据加拿大《特殊进口措施法》的规定,确定补贴对加拿大相同产品的生产造成实质性损害的标准及反补贴调查程序基本与反倾销相同.反补贴税的税额相当于该进口产品接受补贴的金额. 关税的征收方法 加拿大征收关税的方法是采用从价税,即按进口商品的交易价值征收.所谓货物交易价值,通常为发票价格,进口商将以此价格向政府纳税. 按照《关税法》的规定,如果发票价格有出入,不能作为交易值,可以使用其他估价方法: 1.相同货物的交易值; 2.相似货物的交易值; 3.推论价值(从转售价格向后推论); 4.计算价值(从生产成本向前推算). 在使用这四种方法时,必须按顺序进行.即只有在上一种方法不能适用时,才可以考虑用下一种方法.但是,进口商可以要求将最后两种方法颠倒次序使用. 1988年,加拿大采用了新的进口货物分类制度,即"统一制度".统一制度系按照货物基本的内在的特性进行分类,而不是按用途对货物进行分类.在关税税目表中,所有货物按种类编号并注明其关税税率,加拿大海关则依此予以征收. 注意事项 进口的路程 进口的路程是决定关税税率的主要因素.例如,澳大利亚产品经过美国进口时,就不能享受英联邦商品特别优惠税率.因此要十分重视进口的路程. 包装费和保险费 进口商所支付的包装费和保险费,是认定关税和区别交易价格的依据.而包装费要征收关税,保险费则不征收关税. 国际贸易区 为了便于国际贸易,加拿大设立了国际贸易区(自由贸易区),该贸易区为生产、加工出口商品而进口的一切物品,均实行免税制度. 保税仓库 法律规定,以转口贸易为目的而保管在保税仓库内的国内不消费的物品,免征关税和销售税. 进口管理和管制 原产地规则 原产地规则是普遍优惠制的主要组成部分和核心内容,是衡量受惠国出口产品是否取得原产地资格,能否享受优惠的标准. 标准加拿大确认原产地的标准是百分比标准,即根据进口成份占制成品价值的百分比来确定其是否达到实质性变化的标准.加拿大规定:进口成份价值不得超过包装完毕待运加拿大的产品出厂价的40%.进曰成份价值是指非原产于该受惠国,非原产于其他受惠国,非原产于加拿大的原料和零部件的海关价值以及在该受惠国内可查明的最先用以支付来源不明原料,零部件的价格. 近年来,加拿大在要求受惠国遵守直运规则的条件有所放松.如加拿入政府从1982年起,对中国的给惠放松其直运规则,允许中国卖断香港的商品经香港运至加拿大时可以享受普惠待遇,但需要符合以下两项条件: 1.产品是中国原产的,并持有中国出具的原产地区证明书格式A与海关发票,上述单证随货物所有权的转移而转移; 2.产品应从香港直运至加拿大,并交加拿大方面验收. 这里的原产地证明书格式A的全称是《普遍优惠制原产地证明书(申报与证明联合》格式A》.它是受惠产品出口到给惠国时享受普惠制减免关税待遇的官方凭证,它相当于一种有价证券,但该证书只有正本有效.证书使用的文字为英文或法文.原产地证明书格式A应当由受惠国出口商填制申报,由出口受惠国政府指定的签证机构负责审核、证明与签发.签证机构同时还负责对已签证书的事后查询工作,答复给惠国海关对己签证书的查询.签证 机构必须是受惠国政府指定的,其名称、地址、印模都要在给惠国注册登记.加拿大对该证书规定的有效期是2年,即从进口之日起2年内有效. 进口管制 所谓进口管制主要是指对进口商品的限制与禁止.加拿大对进口商品的限制除关税(进口税、反倾销税、反补贴税、惩罚性关税等)措施以外,还采用了许多非关税壁垒.主要有以下几个方面. 1. 禁止和限制进口某些商品 2. 政府采购政策 3. 卫生检疫规定 4. 技术和安全标准 出口管理和管制 出口商品构成 在加拿大的出口商品中,农、林、矿产品是主要商品,原料和半制成品占很大的比重. 主要出口商品有:小麦、木材、矿石、石油、天然气、化工产品、有色金属、纸张纸浆、机械设备、汽车及其零部件. 出口市场开发计划 由加拿大外交部和地区工业发展部共同管理的加拿大出口市场开发计划,为很多加公司在国外寻找新的出口市场提供财务支持.通常的办法是,政府直接参与和组织海外贸易推销访问、举办海外展览会、参加国际项目竞争投标,成立出口集团以及在海外设立常驻代表处等,并为此类活动支付部分经费(一般为风险投资开销的50%.有时政府还可资助后续活动,或根据情况给予赠款). 这一计划鼓励了加拿大公司进入或扩大国际市场的业务,并通过政府分担的方式,使这些贸易促进活动的财务风险有所减少. 出口管制 1) 限制出口的商品 从总体上来说,在加拿大出口商品原则上不需要取得许可证.但是,根据《进出口许可法》规定,出口商出口特定商品时必须取得出口许可证.根据上述法律规定,限制出口的商品主要有下列10类: 动物及动物制品; 农产品; 木材及木材制品; 一般工业机械(包括电子装置、金属加工机械、化学、石油机械、一般性机器和电子及精密机器等); 运输机器(包桔船舶、飞机); 金属、矿物及矿物制品(包括钴合金、镍合金、特殊钢制品、铜矿石、钛、钨、钼); 化学品及石油制品(包括尿素和合成橡胶等); 武器和军事用品; 原子能材料和原子能机器; 加拿大以外国家的原产地制品; 其他. 上述10类商品,除向美国出口外.都必须取得出口许可证. 2)限制出口品到达的区域 依加拿大法律规定,凡向下列国家出口商品的,事先都必须取得有关部门许可.这些国家是:阿尔巴尼亚、利比亚、朝鲜、蒙古、波兰、越南、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、匈牙利、捷克. 加拿大进出口规则 进口证及限制:加拿大规定以下产品入境时须附有进口证:药物;少数农产品;若干类目纺织产品与服装;天然气;以及用于生产原子能的材料及设备. 中国内地和香港制造的纺织品及服装受配额限制,须附有相关的配额签证. 进口税率: 进口税按货品的交易价征收.交易价是指实际支付或应支付的货品价格,当中包含佣金、经纪费用、包装费、专利权税及货品运往加拿大口岸的运输费用. 根据加拿大普及特惠税制度,从香港及中国内地进口的货品可享有关税优惠. 税项: 协调销售税在纽芬兰、新不伦瑞克及新斯科舍三个大西洋省份实施,标准税率是15%,按货品及服务的完税后价值计算. 加拿大各省均有征收省份销售税,但上述三省除外.省份销售税税率由各省自行厘定. 阿尔伯达省不征收销售税; 不列颠哥伦比亚省完税后价值(不包括商品及服务税)的7%; 马尼托巴省7%; 西北地区不征收销售税; 安大略省完税后价值(不包括商品及服务税)的8%; 爱德华王子岛完税后价值加商品及服务税总和的10%; 魁北克省海关课税值的7.5%; 萨斯喀彻温省完税后价值(不包括商品及服务税)的7%;以及 育空地区不征收销售税. 除上述三省外,各省对大多数进口货品均征收相当于完税后价值7%的商品及服务税,但基本杂货、处方药物及医疗仪器、大部分农产品及水产、大多数教育服务等除外. 若干类目产品(包括手表、珠宝)完税后若价值超逾50加元,须缴纳10% 消费税.其他须缴纳消费税的产品包括烟草、香烟、烈酒及餐酒. 进口税率由0%(原材料)至15%(工业制品). 海关文件: 海关发票、产地来源证、货物管理单据(提单或空运提单)、政府规定的文件、进口证及许可证(如适用)、商业发票(提供买家与卖家的资料、货品价格和装运数量的详尽说明),以及其他装运单据(如保险文件等). 加拿大规定凡价值超逾1,200加元的进口商品,必须备有加拿大海关发票或同等发票.香港的商业文具公司也有提供这类发票. 标签: 加拿大规管产品标签及标志的主要法例有《消费品包装及标签法》、《度量衡法》、《纺织品标签及广告法》及《贵金属标志及标签法》. 标签上的资料须以英文及法文标示.附贴于预先包装消费品上的标签必须印明产品名称、制造商的名称和地址、产品商标、产品成份、品质和数量. 凡属危险性质的家庭用品及含纤维成份的纺织品,均须附加带有警告标志的标签. 注意事项: 某些类目纺织品及服装受加拿大进口配额限制. 输往加拿大的产品如有使用木垫料、木制货盘、板条箱或其他木质包装材料,必须经特别处理,并附有出口国主管机构签发的熏蒸证明书、植物检疫证或其他处理证明书. 查询加拿大产品标准求要求,可浏览加拿大产品标准局,网址:http://www.scc.ca/. 海关: 加拿大税务局辖下关税、消费税及税务部,地址:Office of the Minister, Canada Customs and Reveune Agency, House of Commons, Room 314, West Block, Ottawa K1A 0A6, Canada; 电话:(1) (613) 9957691;传真:(1) (613) 995-0114;网址: http://www.ccra-adrc.gc.ca/. 外交及国际贸易部进出口管制局,网址 :http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/menu-e.asp. 加拿大关税政策 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ (1)关税结构及海关征税标准 加拿大的法律规定只有联邦政府有权对进口产品征收关税,各省政府均不得实施征税权.大多数进口产品的关税税率为从价税率,即按产品价值的百分比征税.对于有些产品则按重量征税.有时也对产品征混合税.对来自不同国家的产品征收何种关税主要看加拿大对产品原产地实施何种关税待遇,目前加拿大对不同国家主要有以下几种待遇: A.最惠国待遇(MFN)对所有关贸总协定成员国及与加拿大有双边贸易协定的国家. B.英联邦优惠制(BP)适用于所有英联邦的成员国 C.普遍优惠制(GPT)适用于160多个发展中国家 D.对不包括在A.B.C.E项下的国家实施的关税. E.美国关税 有些国家享有几种特殊关税待遇.另外,在美加自由贸易协定下,来自美国的产品进口关税逐渐降低,10年内关税将完全取消.加拿大进口的大多数产品都被征在最惠国待遇下规定的关税,加拿大已同意通过关贸总协定的连续谈判逐渐降低本国关税.对来自发展中国家的产品所征普惠制下的税率比其它种类的税率低.最高的关税是普通关税,适用于既非关贸总协定成员国也与加拿大无双边贸易协定的国家,如北朝鲜,阿尔巴尼亚,阿曼和利比亚. 加拿大关税结构的特征之一是对不同产品实施不同税率.一般情况下,大多数原材料的进口关税为零或很低,进口产品加工程度越高,关税越高,其它发达国家的做法也大致如此.加拿大进口产品的平均关税约为9%,比美国,欧共体,日本的关税高5-7%.加拿大的海关关税在执行时,有些特殊规定,如对于加拿大本国能生产的新鲜水果及蔬菜的进口,特别是加拿大本国市场供应充足时,有时要征季节性关税,用于加拿大生产制成品的进口零部件及原材料可享受暂时性低关税或免税待遇,根据加拿大的机械计划,有些加拿大本国不生产的机械设备的进口可享受退税待遇.加拿大海关关税表中的第四,第五栏列下了可享受退税待遇的产品名单,进口关税退税是为了帮助加拿大制造商提高产品竞争力. 退税的数量是不同的,有的产品退税率为100%.加拿大国内不生产的,但用于生产机动车的机械可享受退税待遇,用于生产农机的钢材及零附件也享受该待遇. (2)对来自发展中国家出口产品所征关税 加拿大的普遍优惠制税率适用于全世界160多个国家,它于1974年7月1日开始生效,旨在帮助发展中国家扩大对加拿大的出口.普遍优惠制下的税率与加拿大提供给其英联邦国家的优惠税率水平相同,或者说比最惠国待遇原则下的关税低1/3.并不是来自发展中国家的所有产品都可受到普惠制待遇.其中纺织品,服装,鞋及加工的食品就不享受普惠制待遇. 当享受普惠制的外国产品进口到加拿大,对加拿大国内同行业制造商造成严重损害或将造成严重损害时,加拿大企业可利用"安全条款"请联邦政府撤销对有关产品的普惠制待遇,或对享受普惠制待遇的进口产品实施配额限制.实际上,这一"安全条款"的使用情况很少.目前加拿大已对彩色电视机,胶鞋及特种钢等取消了普惠制待遇. (3)可享受普惠制待遇的条件 享受普惠制待遇的进口产品必须符合要求,首先,产品必须来自合格的发展中国家,而且必须以联运提单形式运到加拿大的一个特定港口.当产品通过第三国运到加拿大时,如果在第三国进行了再加工,那么最终产品不再享受普惠制待遇.其次,产品的绝大部分价值必须是由一个或几个受益的发展中国家创造的.实际执行时是要求产品60%的价值(或工厂交货价的60%)由受益发展中国家创造.一些手工艺品可免税进入加拿大市场,但如果手工艺品的任何部分是由机器生产的而不是手工或脚操作的机器生产的,那么这种工艺品将不能享受免税待遇.享受普惠制待遇的出口商可通过填写原产地证明书"A表"表明要申请普惠制下的关税优待.该表必须经原产地国家的有关权力机构的证明. (4)报关程序及进口产品海关估价方法 所有进入加拿大的产品必须向加拿大海关申报.所有进口产品必须附有申报单.一般情况下,所有的关税必须在产品进入加拿大时支付.因加拿大对进口产品所征关税大多为从价税,估价进口的方法便很重要.在关贸总协定东京回合的谈判中,加拿大成为>的签约国.该法规要求进口产品的海关价值为实际"成交价格" ."成交价格"就是进口商所申报并在发票上载明的商品价格.有某种关系的两方在做交易时,一方申报的"成交价格"也可以做为完税价格,但是需使加拿大海关相信这种关系没有影响进口价格. 在按"成交价格"做为完税价格的情况下,如果进口商在产品进关时赚得折扣,这种折扣可从成交价格中扣除.但如折扣不是在产品进关时取得的,折扣则不能从成交价格中扣除.根据加拿大的海关估价制度,对于进口货物在加拿大境内的运费,保险费及装卸成本不征关税,如果商品价格中包括这部分费用,在计算"成交价格"时可从中扣除.但对原产地国到加拿大的产品运输费用要征税,如果"成交价格"中不包括运费,则要加上. 新移民从事进出口生意的经验点滴 选自:互联网 熬个三年 争片出头天 -- 从事进出口生意新移民的所求 当来自「世界大工厂」的中国新移民踏足加拿大,在狭窄的就业空间中,许多人会想到故乡的「大工厂」,从事进出口贸易的念头时时闪现,但当更深了解加拿大市场环境后,这种念头往往会被保守市场、消费力不高、人工成本高企等种种因素而打消.如何跨出艰难的第一步?过来人的话就是:要有坚定的信心及毅力,至少坚持三年,打定第一年投资,第二年少亏,第三年平衡的心理准备,靠坚强的毅力去挺过三年,方能在市场中生存下来. 喧哗的贸易人潮 不安的危机意识 如果回头看十几年前华人进出口贸易市场,极少见大陆移民在抵加数年中,能在行内立下脚根的情况,经营大陆货品的华人贸易公司,大多是老侨或是香港移民开设,即使有些人有能耐的新移民,不用投资让大陆厂家先发货过来,也长久打不开局面,最后只有清仓大拍卖.这不仅是因为当时大陆移民消费力不足,最主要的大陆产品还未全面被本地市场接纳.时至今日,大陆新移民的贸易公司如雨后春笋般遍地开花,同时造成了市场的繁荣及激烈竞争,很多是刚到不久的新移民,根本也没有大集团公司的背景,却在经过市场调查后,马上投入行内,而如跑单邦式的小贸易生意就更多,大家都想将「世界大工厂」价廉物美的产品打入加国市场. 最近本地就新起一个名为「进出口贸易俱乐部」(416-754-3494,www.ceclub.ca),不到一年时间旗下成员已达500多人,进出口生意的热度可见一斑.虽然真正已展开生意者还是一小部份,但绝大多数都跃跃欲试,而且很多本来就是大陆国际贸易圈内的精英人才,希望在加国进出口市场中占一席之地. 但加拿大市场与旺盛的中国大市场区别实在太大,有些新移民称,越了解得多,心就越凉,市场太小,地域太大,人口不集中,老外心态保守,关系网难以建立等等,有人干脆称这是一个「鸡肋」般的市场,很多产品根本没得做. 实情如何,可以看看同样是新移民「过来人」的经验. 眼见为实 耳听为虚 如果有人问你,床垫贸易生意有没得做?相信十有八九会怀疑,想想本地床垫店遍及各方,而且一般华人家庭10年中能消费几个床垫?可能根本都不会更换新床垫.但柳奇林、方彦力夫妇就是不信别人的话,三年前移民多伦多后,经过半年时间的市场调查,马上开始将国内生产的床垫打入本地,去年一年就进了20个货柜,而且生意还由床垫发展至其他系列家俱产品. 对于其中的窍门,方彦力解释称,开始也听到别人说床垫生意难做,市场太小,但经过他们调查,原来仅仅在大多伦多地区一年就扔掉旧床垫17万至20万张,说明市场仍有很大空间,而且他们进口的在中国自己厂家生产的床垫硬度较强,西人生产的床垫不仅贵,而且弹簧用久就会软,华人感到不适,有些以浮胶生产的床垫透气性能又不足,所以认为自己的产品可以打开销路,零售、批发同时做. 对于进出口生意经,经历创业艰辛的方彦力称,在加拿大做进出口生意一定要调整好心态,不能将国内的光环带到这里,一切从零开始,立下脚跟至少需要三年时间,而且第三年能做到收支平衡就算很好了.这里资讯比国内发达,所以易于做市场调查,最重要的还是心理上坚持,要有决心.在这里想做生意发大财确实比较难,但如要求维持生存还是可以的.加拿大人工、租金都贵,但做进出口生意主要是运费负担,所以货品比加拿大生产的产品会更有竞争力. 不要奢望独家生意存在 本身从事礼品进出口生意的梁建,于去年初创办了「进出口贸易俱乐部」,他表示,俱乐部成立后就吸引了500多名成员,而且绝大部份都是原来在国内有贸易经验者,说明现在想投入此行的新移民还是很多的.与一般买一家杂货店、连锁店等小生意相比,进出口生意的成长潜力较大,客户量不断增加,生意额就会不断增长,其他小生意可能较稳定,但也较枯燥. 对加拿大市场颇多研究梁建认为,加拿大市场经济已很完善,不像中国市场还充满很多商机,仍存有很多「处女地」待开发,一旦抓住独家产品的机会,就立时有大发的机会,但加拿大市场基本上没有这种空间,往往是你打入一个产品,就要拉下其他一个产品.所以前3至5年实际上是打基础的阶段,基本上不能以赚钱为目标,主要建立产品的形象及销售网,能做到不亏钱已是很好了. 在国内有自己生产厂家的梁建,其生意较突出之处在于,直接聘请本地西人专业推销员去打开市场,而且已成功将产品打入主流大型连锁店.对于产品推销情况,他表示,加拿大市场情况完全与国内不同,所以一般不熟悉者往往与本地买方打交道,被认为是大人与小孩在玩,摸不到门道.这需要推销技巧的训练,很多商业思维不同,而且加拿大人较为保守,不容易接纳新客户,但同样建立起良好的关系后,与他们之间的诚信也较稳定. 市场成熟 不可寄望太高 原本在国内从事纺织品贸易的高平,移民三年,于去年做回老本行,从国内进口家用纺织品,刚刚起步至今也做成了6、7个货柜的生意,他将在加拿大的生意作为未来国际贸易发展的一个基础. 高平的经验是,加拿大的生意实在不能与国内相比,中国是「世界大工厂」,订单的额度、数量都是巨大的,而加拿大的小订单可能连国内小工厂都不愿去接.加拿大市场小,人口分散,市场很成熟,根本很难做到大宗订单生意,所以入行者一定要调整心态,不是想像中的情况,连他自己做过来都觉得市场比原来想像小很多.有些人看到国内价廉的新产品,就以为可以打入加国市场,实际不尽然. 但高平坚持还会继续做下去,主要是生意还能维持下去,可以建立贸易网,加强沟通能力,为日后发展打下基础. 最后他还是老话一句,「在这里再有运气,再努力也不太可能做得再大」,他想将来以加拿大为基地向美国更多发展. ROSE李在国内从事纺织品贸易已达11年,移民1年半时间,也在不断摸索本地纺织进出口生意的门道.她表示,加拿大市场较保守,需要一段时间来了解,虽然她与许多原本从事国际贸易的新移民一样,都有很多经商经验,而且大多已做到部门经理的职位,加拿大市场情况差距实在很大.但进出口贸易市场仍有空间,特别是国内许多企业仍在寻找国外窗口,加拿大市场仍有其作为,只是非一时就能达到而己. 定下心中目标 坚强去做 陈颖是在多伦多完成国际贸易专业学业后,开始中国陶瓷、工艺品的进出口生意,一开始由家庭资助,做到如今已有4年多经验,一年生意额也有20多万元. 他称,现在各行各业贸易产品已趋于饱和,进出口生意竞争性也很大,有时还会有恶性竞争情况出现,所以一定要有毅力、信心去建立自己的生意网.他开始做的时候,因为资金不多,货量有限,不太可能与大批发商做成生意,也不能请专业推销员工作,只有自己辛苦一步步做,先让国内亲友帮忙看货品质量,再回去下订单.开始时完全靠自己一家家跑华人商铺直接推销,常常开货车去温莎,向商家介绍样品,一件件样品都是自己从车上抬上抬下,但心中有目标就再辛苦都熬得过. 他称,做进出口生意如果是有实力,可以聘请专业推销员来打开市场,比较容易打开市场,但投入会很大.一般在生意量不大情况下,只有靠自己去做,而且也不可能太多压货,所以起码都要三年时间才能稳定商业基础. 新移民做中国代理走出一片天 选自:互联网 四年前从上海移民加拿大的胡品方,是顶着双重的驻加拿大营业代表的身份到达多伦多的.一方面他是上海某皮鞋公司的海外代理,另方面他又是浙江某塑料钮扣厂的营业代表.据世界日报报导,胡品方经过一番摸索,开辟了自己在加国的成功之路. 据报道,在进行了最初的一番生活安顿之后,胡品方就开始了有关的工作.然而,他走访了几家大型连锁店,店方根本就没有人理他,甚至连给他介绍一下自己的产品是如何价廉物美的机会也没有,还常常被保安赶出店外.胡品方于是不得不决定放弃.后来他碰到一位昔日同学,对方告诉他自己在一位洋人开的时装工厂打工,这件事使胡品方的创业出现了转机. 经昔日同学介绍,胡品方接到第一份合同,对方要一种特定的钮扣,且三周内交货,数量仅是50打.他说,那笔生意完全不赚钱,还让他赔上数百元空运费.但却为他日后的生意奠定了基础. 如今小小钮扣经胡品方的手巳销到多伦多及美国东部的一些地方,客户大多为服装公司.以自己的经历,胡品方认为,担任国内公司的驻加拿大营业代表,应该做好以下几个步骤:首先,应到政府部门注册一家公司.一方面这是为了在洽谈生意时容易让对方产生信任感,同时,若生意谈成,报关、办理信用证手续等也是用公司名义方便些. 其次,在推销国内产品的时候,不要只把眼光放在零售商身上,最好能打通批发商的关节.但胡品方坦承,新移民要做到这点不太可能.因此他建议,从一些相关的生产商上找路子. 胡品方认为,担任国内企业的驻加营业代表,基本上可算作一项无本生意,而且也可以在学习工作之余进行,这是海外代理的优势. 经销大陆电器 选自:互联网 最近这些年,中国大陆生产的电器产品性能、质量都有明显提高,接近先进国家水平,同时大陆的电器产品价格又比先进国家产品便宜较多,於是有一些大陆新移民动脑筋把大陆的电器商品弄到加拿大市场出售. 莫穗春便是这样的一个人.四年前他移民多伦多时,发现这里的电器商品除了少数几个名牌之外,大部分东西的质量与大陆生产的产品不相上下.加上大陆产品便宜得多,如果把大陆产品销到此地来,相信从中可以赚到颇为可观的利润.特别是在大陆市场已经相当普及的VCD 机与正在普及 DVD 机,在多伦多商场并不多见,而此地有不少喜欢看中港台光碟电影和电视剧的华人,所以这方面的市场前景也应不错. 如今四年下来,莫穗春的进口大陆电器生意做得有模有样,利润不俗.他认为新移民可以进入这一行创业,随著大陆电器产品性能和质量的进一步提高,相信过几年大陆的电器产品将与大陆的服装、鞋子、玩具一样占领大部分北美的市场. 莫穗春表示,做大陆电器进口生意,最好先从 VCD 机和 DVD 机开头.因为这类机器大陆卖得相当便宜,且这里的客户也是华人居多,对那些英语能力有限的新移民来说,比较容易入行. 确定了方向之后,下一步就是到大陆去入货.莫穗春认为,如果在大陆有这方面的关系当然好,可以弄到又好又平的东西;倘如无大陆的人际关系,也无问题.因大陆电器产品的市场出口机制已经基本建立,想要得到质量佳且价格合理的电器,并不是一件难事.他建议新移民入货时可到大陆南方的省市去看看,广东、江苏、浙江等地的电器产品都不错. 看准了自己所要的货后,就可以与厂家签合同了.莫穗春表示,以电器商品而言,目前大陆厂家履行合同方面做得还可以.他并说,新移民初创业时,进货切忌过多,每个品种进几台就可以了,以免货品积压造成资金流通不畅. 莫穗春说,当大陆的电器品进入多伦多之后,最重要的是须将电器送到安省电力局属下的测试中心进行检验.此测试中心主要对电器的安全性能作检查,如果一切合格,中心会将一个标志合格的标签贴在电器上.没有此标志的电器是不被允许在安省出售的. 莫穗春建议,有心从事进口大陆电器生产的新移民最好在多伦多找一个零售点,因为批发生意不容易做,弄不好就会积压.而零售电器商品就不同了,卖掉一台就是赚一台的钱.等到零售生意稳定了,再做批发.至於零售店的地点,华人的大型商场是首选. 对於做电器进出口生意者是否应该是懂行的人这一点,莫穗春的体会是懂行者最好,但外行者也可以做.他表示,以电器的买卖生意来说,接触久了,慢慢外行也变成了内行.不过,如果本身是内行的人,做这一行生意就容易驾轻就熟.目前多伦多大部分的电器店都设有承接修理旧电器的业务,且这方面的生意不错.安省政府规定修电器者必须持有职业证书,原先在大陆是这方面专业人士者,只需到安省教育及训练厅通过一项考试便可获得证书;另外在本地不少社区学院,也有这方面的进修课程供有意者选读. 投资大陆电器的进口生意,莫穗春认为至少需要三至五万元的资金.这笔钱主要用於零售店的房租、各种押金、各种税收及广告宣传等方面.至於入货的钱一般都是先给大陆厂家一些押金,等货全部脱手后才付款.如果经营得当,夫妇两人全力投入,那末一年下来,拿回当初投资的钱完全可能. 加国生意经 经营乾洗店 选自:互联网 开一家乾洗店的投资至少六、七万元,但如果经营得当,加上运气好得话,投资回报率不错.在市中心经营一家乾洗店已经七年的朱枫表示,做干洗衣服这一行,最重要的是顾客之上,服务第一. 朱枫当年是从一个韩国人手里接手这家乾洗店的.她十一年前从南京移民来多伦多,开始在一家制衣厂当烫衣工人,所以学会了一套烫衣服的技能.她表示,开乾洗店,分洗衣、烫衣两大业务,洗衣很容易,但烫衣有讲究,所以最好是会这行的人来做. 乾洗作为服务行业中的一种,赚的是为顾客服务的钱.朱枫说,每一位顾客送来洗烫的衣服都是不一样的,他们的要求也各不相同.经营者唯有尽量满足.她说,她店里有一位顾客,一次送来一条长裙,要她把原有的褶子全部烫平,不留痕迹;下一次再来时,又要求把长裙的褶子全部烫回去.如果店主人自己懂得烫衣技巧,就比较容易做到让顾客满意. 朱枫说,烫衣这门技术需下功夫钻研.一旦经营乾洗店,会碰到客人送来各式各样的衣料质地,需以不同温度不同力度的烫法来对应.如果处理不当,就会损坏衣服,最后向客人作出赔偿.有一次顾客送来一条裙子,极象真丝,结果却是仿真丝的,最后她赔给客人三百多元. 上乾洗店的人,每次总要去两次,一次送衣服,下一次再去取.朱枫说,每天接触很多客人,服务态度一定要好,笑脸相迎,诚恳以待.再说乾洗店做的是回头客生意,为了吸引客人下次再来,就必须对他们热情.当客人送衣服来时,要当著他 (她 )的面,再把各个口袋掏一遍,发现有东西,当场交给客人.当客人来取衣时,一边把衣服交给对方,一边向他们简单介绍一下自己对衣服的一些处理意见,诸如「袖口有油渍,我洗乾净了」.还如「有一粒钮扣松了,我缝好了」等等. 朱枫表示,经营乾洗店有一项看不见的损耗,也是一项无形的收入.就是经常有客人将衣服送来之后,到时却不来取.这是因有些客人不想付这笔洗烫费造成.按照行规,客人不按时来取衣,应先打电话催促,若催促无果,等半年后仍不来取,店主便可对衣服自行处理.朱枫说,如果经营者有改衣服的手艺,那末就可将这些无人要的衣服经改制后再卖出去.从而把一笔亏损变成利润. 以朱枫的经验,如果经营乾洗店得法,再加上一点运气,那末两、三年下来,除了夫妻两人在店里劳动的薪水,也可以把当初投资的七万元左右收回来. 加拿大开小酒吧 赚钱较容易 选自:互联网 小型酒吧与小型餐馆在经营上有许多相似之处,不过,开餐馆往往需请厨师掌勺,但小酒吧则可以由经营者自己来应付,所以有不少新移民选择做小酒吧的生意. 所谓小酒吧,一般指投资在五万元左右,店堂内的座位在二十个上下的生意.这类小酒吧往往十分简易,店堂内没有大电视屏幕、乐队的布置,也不供应鸡尾酒,只是卖一些啤酒及其他瓶装酒,所以也不需要有调酒师在店里工作.确切的说,这种生意可能算以卖酒为主的小食铺. 酒吧赚钱要比其他小生意容易. 经营酒吧一年,就可能将投资的资金全部收回. 小酒吧的服务对象主要是年龄在中年以上、收入在中低以下、目前无家庭拖累的白人.由于这类人高档的消费享受不起,所以只能经常以几杯啤酒下肚来借酒浇愁.初店址要选得好,酒吧要处于这类人居住集中的地区,客人中有六成是天天来店里喝酒的,另有二成五是隔三岔五必来报到的. 店址选好后,接着就要善于经营.酒吧虽然主要卖酒,但利润高的品种却是餐点.因为酒的利润是固定的,只有靠多卖才能多赚钱.酒吧中真正赚钱的是餐点.酒吧里,餐点最好全是自己做.比如到超市买来意大利粉及调料,客人点餐时送上一碗,成本非常低,反之利润也很可观.还如,自己包春卷,口味是洋人喜欢的那种,赚得也很好.一般来说,酒吧的生意是从晚上七时以后进入高峰,大部分客人往往在酒吧一坐就是整个晚上,无论如何都是会点些餐食的,并且还有相当一部分客人甚至连晚饭都没有吃过呢. 餐食是酒吧利润的重要来源.但前提是如同自己家中做菜那样,不买现成品和半成品,而是到超市购进原料自己动手做. 不过成功的背后会有许多辛劳.每天工作至少十五个小时,酒吧营业时间是中午十二时至翌日凌晨一时,上午需要办进货等事,夜晚关门后需要整理清洁. 另外,常常有客人喝醉酒后会撒酒疯,如果看他醉了,不再卖酒给他,对方常会骂人,甚至还动手打人.要慢慢学会对付醉汉的办法. 小生意援助计划无资产抵押最高可贷五万元 选自:互联网 俗话说,「巧妇难为无米之炊」.不少新移民在准备做小生意时,往往会碰到缺乏资金的困难.联邦政府推出的小生意援助计划正好可以为缺少钱的人助一把力.这项计划通过向银行借货的方式,帮助有意做小生意者解决资金上的一时之需. 小生意援助计划允许做小生意者在没有任何资产抵押的情况下,可向银行借货最高达五万元的金额,这对于抵达加拿大不久但创业心切的新移民来说,不啻是及时雨.两年前从湖南长沙来加移民的胡德华在大陆经营电脑配件很有经验,到多伦多后,他有意从操旧业,也看好了厂址,联络好了供货商.只是看中的厂址很陈旧,要好好装修一番,且也要增添一些办公室的设备,这样手里的资金就显得有缺口.胡德华本来想从熟人那里借一些钱,可是出于情面他觉得很难启口.正在这时,他听说了做小生意可向银行借货这回事,经过有关专业人士的指点,他从银行那里借到三万五千元,用于厂房的维修及购买了一些设备,使生意顺利开张. 尽管近几年来加的大陆新移民手里都有些钱,但是如果能从银行那里借货到一笔资金,那末做小生意时手里就可以松很多.他认为,对许多小生意来说,五万元意味上升一个台阶. 开放对做小生意者的货款政策是联邦政府支持民众自己创业的表现.不过,对于这项借货,政府和银行都有一套规定. 据加拿大一位特许会计师表示,政府的小生意货款政策通过银行实施,换言之,一旦借货者到时还不了货款,银行将向政府追款;最终银行方面可能没有损失,借款者方面所失去的是自身信誉.另外,借货的金额不得超过小生意投资额的百分之五十,也就是说,投资小生意一半以上的资金应由借货人自己筹措,余下不足一半的钱才能通过向银行借货来补足. 目前在各家银行办理的小生意借货服务,其实并无金额限制,但是五万元以下的货款比较容易办理,可以不需要资产抵押;五万元以上的货款则有不少限制,其中有一些要求对初来乍到的新移民来说,不容易达到. 申请做小生意货款的手续包括两个步骤.第一步是写一个小生意计划报告书,把自己将要做的小生意情况 (包括资产、利润、市场前景等)以及借货的资金用途清楚地列在报告书上.一般来说,报告书不能由借货者本人书写,而需由注册会计师书写.第二步由银行对此报告书进行评估,如果评估结果满意,银行会通知借货者前往银行办理借货手续.考虑到生意场上时间即是金钱,通常银行在接到小生意报告书后的四十八时内即会给借货者回音.至于借货的利率,目前各家银行都是在优惠利率的基础上再加上一厘. 银行方面在评估小生意时,审核的重点落在货款的用途是否合理、是否真正要及借货者的还款能力等方面.借货款项若是用在维修小生意设施及增添设备方面,一般货款申请容易被批准;相反,如果用途是在购买原料等方面,往往不容易得到货款. 如果是符合条件者,可以考虑用向银行借货的方法来做小生意.因为这样做,一来自己手里的一些资金可灵活运用,二来支付利息部分可以用来减税,三来可以为自己在银行建立一套信誉,为以后的需要打下基础. 蒙特利尔小企业顾问答录 选自:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 问:我如果有了做生意的想法,如何合法地实现它? 答:首先,你应该向所住区域的市政府商业部门查询,搞清楚你所开的生意是否需要特别的执照.同时,如果你的生意是在家中开办的,有些市的法律对家中生意有不同的规定.其次按照商业名称法案,你必须向Ministry of Finance, Employer Health Tax Branch注册你的生意.法案具体内容可查询http://www.ccr.gov.on.ca. 如果你要出售需纳税的商品和服务,你应当向Ministry of Finance, Retail Sales Tax Office 查询,看是否需要申请许可证. 问:我是否需要收GST? 答:如果你的生意每年的毛收入(产品加服务) 少于$30,000 那么你不一定要征收GST.可打电话给热线 1-800-959-5525进一步咨询. 问:从哪里可以得到政府资助? 答: 这是小生意东主最常问的问题,建议你参阅政府经济资助网站上的这篇文章,讲得很清楚.http://www.cobsc.org/bis/fedbis.nsf...ng?opendocument 问:当我向银行或信贷公司谈生意贷款时,要什么条件才能得到批准? 答:承诺-你有没有投自己的钱进去? 抵押-你准备拿什么来抵押? 管理-你能证明你自己是这盘生意最佳的管理者吗? 还款-你如何证明你可以如期还债? 问:我需要有律师才能开业吗? 答:不需要.但是在开业前,能得到越专业的意见越好.很多律师可以提供一小时的免费咨询,但是要找一个熟悉你这个行业的律师. 问:开业需要多少钱? 答:如果你已经有了开业的地方和器材,那么你还需至少一年的运作资金,来支付如薪水,贷款等费用.资金不足是生意失败的最常见因素,你应该和会计师好好评估资金流动情况. 问:我已经写好了一份生意计划,现在如何找资金投入呢? 答:这是做生意最有挑战性的部分.你可以尝试以下方法: -年轻企业家辅助计划Young Entrepreneurs Program向年龄18-29岁的生意业主提供贷款,热线电话1-800-567-2345. -和本地银行联系,打电话前准备好相关资料. -加拿大商业发展银行Business Development Bank of Canada. 热线电话1-800-361-2126. -亲戚朋友,他们也许有钱放在银行里,利息低,你可以给出更高的利息. -供应商也许可以赊货. -寻找投资者.经常有医生,牙医,律师等寻找值得投资的项目. -在报纸上登广告寻找投资者. 如何在加拿大注册公司 选自:互联网 企业登记管理 企业登记管理的范围 企业登记管理的范围从整个加拿大来说,有以下企业组织形式,即独资企业、合伙企业、不区分不限责任公司或股份有限公司的股份公司、外国公司设立的分公司、合资经营. 企业登记的主管机关 按照联邦《公司法》的要求而成立公司,必须向加拿大消费者和公司事务部的公司事务局申请注册.如按照各省《公司法》成立公司,则向各省注册机构,如金融和法人关系部办理登记注册手续.一般来说,大部分企业主要是在省登记注册管理机关登记注册. 企业登记注册条件 企业登记注册一般要求具备的条件是:企业名称、注册资本、经营范围、经营方式等,也就是要具备类似我国企业登记所符合的条件.具体来说是: 1.公司名称 可以使用字母或数字作公司名称.使用字母作名称时,其名称不得与其他公司的名称相同,也不得与其他公司的名称相混淆,不得使用禁用的词;名称后必须加"有限"、"股份公司"等字样或其缩写.外国公司在加拿大的分公司可在名称加上"加拿大"以与 其母公司相区别. 2.注册资本 加拿大一般不要求注册资本最低额.除金融公司外,无法定储蓄金要求.可用现金、财产出资,用现金认购股份的,其认购价值要由董事会确定. 3.经营范围与经营方式 企业的经营范围除毒品、枪械和电视、广播、金融、新闻出版、航空等之外,一般不作限制.经营方式一般也无限制. 登记注册程序 1.选择公司名称,并向注册主管机关的命名部确认名称有效 为了避免所选择的名称不适用,可提供两个名称选择,这项服务收费30加元. 2.发起人签署公司章程 章程包括公司名称、股份结构、董事、经营业务范围等要点. 3.填报申请表 注明公司的注册地址,董事的姓名、地址. 4.交纳注册费 注册费为各种文件、证明费用等.按联邦《公司法》成立公司与按各省的《公司法》成立公司,所交的注册费用是不相同的.联邦注册费为500加元,执照修改费为200加元,公司合并往册费为200加元,续展注册费为200加元.各省注册费各不相同,大约 为联邦费用的一半. 注册手续一般是请当地的律师代理.注册机构颁发营业执照即标志公司成立.从申请到注册完成,一般需要两个星期. 在加拿大怎样过马路 选自:互联网 加拿大同许多国家一样也是一个社会制度非常完善的国家,在这里过马路也是要遵守一定的交通法规的,过马路必须走十字路口的行人线,同时,应该严格遵守红绿信号灯的规则.它与国内的红绿灯稍有不同,其信号灯的含义如下: 1、黄白色的人——安全信号,可以过马路. 2、闪烁的红色的手——如果你正在马路的中间,要加快速度;如果你在马路的另一边,正在准备过马路,那么你必须停下来,等待下一次的安全信号灯. 3、不闪烁的红色的手——不能过马路. 此外,你一定还要必须牢记以下几点: 第一、如果行人不按照信号灯过马路,那么被车撞了就白撞,司机不负任何责任. 第二、如果行人按照信号灯过马路,所有的车,不管左拐还是右拐,都必须让行人先走. 有些路口由于行人比较少,行人过马路的信号灯不会自动切换,这时行人必须按下信号灯柱子上的一个小按扭,信号灯才会变化.否则就会让你等上半天也过不了马路. 而对于那些非常偏僻的路口,一般没有行人的信号灯,那么行人就应该根据汽车的信号灯过马路了. 总之,出门在外,遵守交通规则是第一位的. 如何解决好移民后的读书及发展问题 选自:互联网 我刚刚移民加拿大时候,带着国内的风风火火、浮躁与虚荣降落在这片土地上,下定决心朝 MBA方向发展.我的表兄不忍看我们栽跟头,就发动了他从美国MBA毕业又工作几年移民加拿大的一对夫妇来做我们的思想工作.他们都是已经在美国有规模的公司当过经理,但最终都放弃了这条道路程,来到加拿大转行计算机领域,一切从头学起.后来从其它渠道我又直接间接遇到几个MBA有相似经历的人,有的人在美国毕业于仅次于哈佛大学的名校却找不到工作,MBA能找到工作就算成功的了.在多伦多电脑培训学校,一名不相识的女生与她的同学们谈她在美国的工作经历:"我认为我的单词量、语言水平没有问题,可是文化背景差异还是无法消除,老板总说我死板,只会照着他说的做,没灵活性和创造性.我自己知道问题出在什么地方,我不了解洋人的行为习惯,听不出老板说话的言外意话外音、暗示意图.而下面的洋人员工又耍什么花招的都有,真让人头痛.在这样上下挤迫的工作环境中我意识到文化背景的鸿沟是我们第一代移民难以跨越的.所以我下决心走到技术道路上来." 我举的这个例子,本意不是评论MBA专业发展问题,而是希望大家到了加拿大以后,新移民上学前,一定要根据市场需要确定将来的发展方向,读书学习也要先看清市场才好,否则一步走错,将来经济负担沉重.别的不说,如果几年内还没有汽车、房子,你也就不可能在加拿大安居乐业.我在这里不是打击朋友们的崇高求学理想,而是在周围环境中看得多了,既考察了经过几年、十几年奋斗?quot;老移民",也看了更多的新移民一两年来的发展,有人迅速发达,有人处处受阻,自然产生了一种务实的观点.因为工作关系,我结识了很多我们大陆人奋斗出来的企业家,他们的共识是,北美是一块扎实的大地、公平的大地,务实肯干的人就定能成功! 这地方你得去适应市场,不能让市场适应你.这是一片适者生存的土地.举例来说,加拿大的制衣厂里的女工有研究生、博士生一点不稀奇,工资低得可怜,又累得要死.博士扫地、刷盘子的也大有人在.相反我们的邻居房东,英语不好,学历不高,在国内就是普通模具工人,但是他在加拿大却拿到了7万加元的年薪.全家靠他一个人的工资过的舒舒服服,标准的西方中产阶级收入.技术工人拿到这样的工资,在加拿大是很正常的.其实高学历不一定拿高薪,即使大学生毕业后找到政府部门、银行这样的职员工作,年薪也就是三四万加元,并不高.北美真正高工资的还是那些专业技术人员,他们的工资甚至高过管理人员.所以说北美是一片扎实的土地. 与国内不同的是,加拿大的工会十分厉害,工会能够有效保障工人利益.邻居房东说他加入了他们厂里的工会,即使经济不景气,老板也解雇不了他,因为有工会保护.而有知识有高学历的工程师们就不一样了,他们没资格参加工会.常常有人说,经济危机来临时,老板最先解雇的是MBA管理人员和工程师而不是工人.国内的情况正好相反,企业不景气最先下岗的都是普通工人.加拿大的工资行情,普通工程师年薪三四万,高级工程师工资也不过7万加元,和技术工人工资一样多.这里只有计算机行业工作人员工资较高,起薪五六万,第二年成为Senior可拿七八万,项目经理则可能在十万以上. 还有一点也须考虑的是,也许你的学历越高,你找到工作的可能性越小.加拿大很多从欧洲过来的大陆人,因为欧洲是非移民国家,难拿身份.他们很多人有博士学位,由于学历太高又被称"没有北美工作经验"之缺陷,在加拿大找不到好工作,还有人试图千方百计隐瞒自己的高学历(在老板眼里,他们是 overqualified).原因很简单,或者是雇不起,或者是没必要.让老板雇佣一个工资挺高,经验很少或干脆没有北美工作经历的人,他是不肯的,加拿大老板很务实.这一点也与国内刚好相反,现在的国内企业、机关似乎大有人才攀比的心理,招收人才的水准节节上升,门槛越设越高,其实真有那个必要吗?尊重人才是必要的,但将高级人才作为企业发展的装点,作为尊重知识、尊重人才的标榜,硬撑门面,不又是一种追求形式主义、满足虚荣心的表现吗.国人总是喜欢搞攀比,弄得人们心态日益虚荣,行为日益盲目,大脑膨胀两脚发飘.提醒新移民如果抱这种心态来北美,八九要栽跟头的. 诸位不要误解,我不是在宣扬读书无用论,我也不是一个实利个人主义者,何况中国人向来有尊重知识、尊重教育的传统美德,这是创造我们民族辉煌的动力.我的观点是,国内来的人,首先须冷静一下自己的头脑,摆脱盲目,花些时间去了解北美,考察市场,再定出人生计划不迟.当你找准方向,真正确定了实际可行的目标,扎下去,努力取得工作经验,取得理论学识,靠自己的技术水平立足社会,你才会赢得社会的认可和尊重,在北美叫create credit.还是那句话,北美是一块扎实的大地、公平的大地,务实肯干的人就能成功. 加拿大防止避税的条例 作者:包美华 来源:互联网 加拿大税务条例中包含许多防止避税的规例.这些条例的目的是避免纳税人利用其他条例进行一些交易或转移以减低税款,以及维持税制的公平.同时,加拿大税例亦变得非常复杂. *资产转移* 税例规定有关人士之间的资产转移,必须以公平市值来计算.若果交易以异于市值进行,不会得到税务好处之外,更会受罚. 资产以低于市值转移,卖方可能以为可减低要申报收入,虽然买方的成本亦会比市值为低.但是,防止避税条例规定,在这个情况下买方的成本不变,但是卖方须以较高的市值来计算收入.因此,纳税人以公平市值来作交易反而有利. 反过来说,以高于市值转移资产,卖方要以实际交易数目计算收入;但是,买方的成本要以市值来计算.即是市值与交易数目的差额要双倍付税. 要符合税务条例免受罚,一些有关人士之间的资产转移或买卖协议,会附上一项价格调整条文(Price Adjustment Clause),指明若果税务局在审计时,评估的公平市值有所不同,双方会根据税务局的评估来更正协议上的交易价格,以避免上文提及的双重税收. *归源条例* 由于个人税率是累进制,即是收入较高的人士,每多赚一块钱,交的税亦愈多.纳税人可能以为高收入配偶或家人,将投资或资产转移予低收入的配偶或家人,可以利用低收入家人的低税率来减低有关投资收入的税款. 但是,一系列的税务条例指明上述的避税方法是不行的,任何有关转移予配偶或十八岁以下人士的投资收入,均必须由转移者申报.投资收入包括租金收入、利息、股息及资产增值.唯一例外的是十八岁以下人士在转移的投资赚取的资产增值不必由转移者申报. *股东向公司借款* 股东向有限公司提供营运资金,通常均以借款形式进行,待公司有剩余流动资金时,就可以随时还款予股东,并不牵涉任何税收. 但是,若果情况反过来是股东向公司借款,就要留意许多可能带来不良后果的税务条例. 首先,股东必须同时是员工的身份才有资格向公司借取款项,用途有所规定,只可以作购买自住房屋、汽车作公司用途、购买公司股份等等.另外,就还款的条件亦有所规定. *员工福利* 公司向员工提供非金钱上的福利,如低息贷款、汽车代步、支付人寿保险及其他费用,均必须计算相等的福利数目,加在员工的薪金上,员工申报作收入,并且缴税. *资产增值免税额* 资产增值是在转让资产时产生的,税率较股息、利息或薪金为低,因为只有部份的资产增值要算作收入计税.现时,一半的资产增值要算作收入计税. 另外,虽然在94年取消了个人终生10万元的资产增值免税额,符合条件的小型私人企业公司股份仍然可以利用每人50万元的资产增值免税额. 为了避免滥用资产增值的低税率,以及有关的免税额,一些税例防止股东通过取巧的交易将股息的性质改变为资产增值,或者与家人间的股份交易以提高或利用资产增值免税额. 特许连锁式生意 选自:互联网 特许经营权是一个商业运作系统,让商业机构通过市场来推销其产品及服务.特许经营权的总店把经营权卖给买家,让买家有权售卖指定的产品或服务,并采用总店的名称及商标.利弊分析经营特许经营权的连锁式生意的好处可以归纳为四点: 1、一般来说,特许经营权的总店在市场上拥有一定的知名度,在产品的品质及服务水准上令顾客有信心的保证.换句话说,店主无需花费时间及金钱来促销产品,因为产品本身已经获得市场的接纳. 2、特许经营权的总店通常会对买家提供培训,为店主在筹备商店,训练员工及商店的日常运作上作出指示,令店主免去很多碰钉子的情况. 3、由于货源是由总店提供,而总店向生产商及批发商大量购买货品会获得特别优惠的折扣,为店主减低成本. 4、相对来说,特许经营权的买家比建立自己的生意的人仕是较为容易得到怠行或其他金融机构的货款,原因是特许经营权的品牌在市场上的表现已有稳定的基础,银行的风险自然大为减低. 经营特许经营权的连锁式生意也有其弊处,主要表现在以下几个方面: 第一,大型的连锁店的经营权价格非常昂贵,而且由于已有一定的市场占有率,总店可谓不愁找不到买家,因此,买家在讨价还价时便处于一个较为不利的位置. 其次,总店会定期向买家收取专利费,通常是以商店的总收益计算.由于总收益是尚未扣除成本开支及政府税务支出,在缴交专利费后,店主可能由盈转亏. 尽管特许经营权的总店通常有一份标准的合约,不过,买家并非没有讨价还价的余地.因此,向总店争取最有利的经营条件是必要的. 在讨价还价的过程中,需要注意的重点包括: 连锁店经营权的范围,当中主要涉及经营权的年期,在特定地域范围内的独家经营权及在续约时的条件.一般来说,经营权多是在十至二十年间,而独家经营的特定地域范围则是根据生意的性质,地区的人口密度等的因素来定.续约时,店主要为总店支付续约所涉及的法律费用,并需注意新旧合约的分别,特别是有关专利费及广告费用的条款. 要运用商标的权利,合约内会注明店主运用商标的权利及限制.例如,总店是严禁店主把商标运用在其他的产品上;而店的装潢及设计也必须符合总店的标准. 专利费的高低视乎特许经营权的生意性质.一般来说,属于服务性质的特许经营权的专利费比属於零售性质的较高. 如店主打算把连锁店转让或出售,必须获得总店的同意.总店并会调查新店主的条件及资格.在转让前,店主必须缴清总店所有的欠款,而新的店主也必须跟总店签署转让合约及重新订立一份经营权合约.总店通常会收取一笔既定的转让费,作为在转让或买卖连锁店时所涉及的支出. 在以下的两种情况下,会引致终止经营权合约的情况.其一是合约期届满而双方不再续约;二是任何一方违反经营权合约的条款而遭对方终止合约.一般来说,如任何一方违反合约,对方是会给予一段时间作改善,并要正式发出违反合约通知单给违约的一方. 除了上述的要点外,在购买特许经营权时也要注意有关租约,担保及抵押等问题. 总的来说,购买特许经营权比起从零开始建立一间公司所涉及的法律事务是繁复得多.因此,有意购买特许经营权的人仕除了必须从利润方面着眼外,也必须注意法律条款对自己的限制及保障.事实上,这些法律条款也是跟利润息息相关的. 经营钢琴学校 选自:互联网 如果你本身有一些艺术细胞,又有一定的本钱的话,可以考虑成立一间钢琴学校.位於太古广场的声达琴行负责人匡波提醒你,想要成功,除了技术和本钱以外,还要有耐心. 匡波表示,开设钢琴学校,应该具备以下三项要素:首先,专业技术,具体来说,就是对钢琴艺术和钢琴教学有一定的了解,如果自己对艺术一点都不了解,全部依赖别人的话,根本做不下去.比如说接待工作,看似简单,但如果讲不到点子上,不能够根据不同的年龄推荐相关的级别和课程的话,很难抓住客人.语言方面,最起码要听得懂广东话,否则英语就要很好,因为并不是所有的客人都会讲国语. 其次,要有一定的资金.声达琴行开张的时候投入的首批资金是十五万元,包括场地装修、购买教学用琴和一部分销售用琴,如果不售琴,只是教琴的话,大概五万元就可开张.除此之外,要有一部分备用资金,用来支付前期的房租等费用.根据匡波的经验,前几个月很有可能连房租都赚不回来,只好掏腰包. 第三,要有耐心.声达琴行於一九九八年底开业,前半年基本上只有二十几个学生,有时一天都没有一单生意,一直到第二年的五月份,第一批学生参加皇家音乐学院的考试、取得了好的成绩以后,生源才逐渐扩大,并发展到今天的二百名学生的水平.如果没有很好的耐心和心里素质,将很难得熬过那段时间. 宣传方面,广告不是没有效果,但最主要的是要靠学生们的相互介绍,一般来说,通过这种介绍来的客人都会登记报名.选址上,匡波认为尽量找一些人气比较旺的地方,如果想主要做华人的生意,最好在华人集中的地方.但是,学生并不是都来自附近区域,他们当中很多人都会跨区学习,因为毕竟每个星期只需要学习一次. 收费上,目前的标准是每半个小时,初级十五元,六级以上二十元,其中,大约七成归教师所有. 由於平时学习的人比较少,周末比较忙,所以,教师基本上都是兼职,声达琴行现在聘请了大概十位教师,并设有四架教学钢琴. 教琴的同时卖琴,是一项非常合理的搭配.特别是针对初来乍到的新移民,孩子练琴的话,买琴是迟早的事情,如果做的好,完全可以「肥水不流外人田」.但是,钢琴的货源很关键,要想降低成本,应该甩掉中间商,设法直接向生产厂家采购. 匡波提醒想要涉足这一行当的新移民,不可急功近利.「虽然是在商言商,但最重要的是要喜欢孩子,要为他们创造一些演出机会.我现在就经常组织一些这样的活动,并会自己掏腰包租用舞台、聘请 DJ等,这些活动对於企业宣传很有好处.」 西方文化背景下移民孩子怎样健康成长 选自:戈雪文集 西方文化背景下怎样教育孩子,这是很多移民家庭关心困惑的一个问题.在采访写作《在加拿大成长》一书中,我接触、了解了很多移民家庭,在孩子教育上,产生了一些问题,作为大学毕业后一直从事教育工作,并致力于研究儿童教育学和创作儿童文学的专家和作家来说,对于移民孩子面临的诸多方面的教育问题,我有了一些想法,写成三篇文章: 健康美好人格的培养(一) 母语文化的认同和教育(二) 智商的开发与情商的培养(三) 希望能在孩子教育上对您有所帮助. 健康美好人格的培养(一) 我不敢说是全部,但是,至少有很大一部分人移民是为了孩子,为了孩子离开国内恶性竞争的环境,为了孩子在西方完善的教育体制下接受宽松的教育,为了孩子有一个更远大的前程…… 我在多伦多采访的上海移民梅森,留给我最深印象的就是他的一句话:"为了孩子,永不放弃!" 然而,移民之后,并不是万事大吉,新环境下产生了新问题, 多集中在以下几个方面: 1)、用移民行动否定了中国死板严格的应试教育后,又对西方宽松的教育方式产生了的质疑; 2)、对孩子是否坚持汉语学习和对母语文化的认同产生犹疑或是迷惑; 3)、在给予孩子怎样的人生观和价值观上,在西方和东方迥然相异的价值观上取舍不定; 4)、重视孩子智力的开发而忽略了孩子情商的培养. 想要直接回答以上问题并不难,但是,首先,我们要明确的,孩子教育最核心最重要的目的是什么? 孩子是一张纯净的白纸,家庭、学校的教育和社会环境的综合影响,最后完成一张独特的人生图画,决定了孩子未来人生的取向. 在我看来,教育孩子最核心的首要目的是:健康美好人格的培养.这一点看似空洞抽象,事实上,却非常具体实在,直接关系到一个人一生人生存的质量.我认为这一点居于知识技能的学习和掌握之上,应该是教育最核心的目标. 前年,一个北京大学物理系的高才生,在游览北京动物园时,用硫酸泼到正在玩耍的国家级保护动物棕熊脸上,烧毁了熊的大半边脸,痛苦的棕熊在地上打滚.事后,这个被拘留的学生说,他这样做的目的,仅仅是想看看棕熊被硫酸烧伤后的样子,熊的痛苦可以带给他快乐…… 说实话,当时看完报道后,我的心情只有四个字:痛心疾首! 我不知道,一个正是青春时期,应该对世界充满美好情感和爱的青年,居然有这样残酷的心态!变态的嗜好! 我不知道这个高才生的父母从事的是什么职业,他们怎样看待孩子的行为,但是,我知道,这个孩子完了! 纵然他是中国最高学府的高才生,但是,事实上他只是废物一个.一个拥有再多的知识的人,如果连最起码的社会道德规范都没有,那他的知识除了为他个人谋取私利外,对社会对他人毫无用处.最近,搜狐网上报道一个北大的女生在接到美国一所著名大学录取通知后,因为激动而精神失常,失踪多日,找回后,仍然兴奋不已…… 毫无疑问,这是一个现代范进中举的故事,这位女生可能在某方面有独特的天赋,但是,她没有健全的心理,宽广的胸怀,我们说的胸怀,不但是指一个人能够承受痛苦的打击和磨练,也指一个人能够平静对待成功和喜悦. 我个人认为,健康完美的人格是教育的根本,它既包涵我国优秀文化传统中的人格行为,如同情、友谊、责任、勇气、毅力等,又容纳诚信、独立、创新、敬业、自律等现代人格,健康完美的人格是现代人安身立命、待人处世、适应社会挑战的重要方面. 一、 在健康完美人格的培养上,我认为,加拿大的大环境远远优于国内的大环境: 我个人认为国内最近一些年学校在人格教育上是非常失败的.一进小学,老师就成为学生和家长争相套近的对象,送礼物,请客,小学班上选举各种班委更直接是成人社会官本位的反映.朋友女儿,为当中队长,父母给老师送了上千元的东西,女儿终于可以在同学面前耀武扬威.我儿子所在一个重点小学,老师在班上专门有几个宠儿,负责老师不在的时候监督同学,写小报告,这些行为浸染了纯真的童心,扭曲了孩子需要健康成长的人格.有一件事,至今我记忆犹新,一次,放学,儿子没有回家.不久,我接到了班长,一个女孩打来的电话,10岁的年龄,语气却是拿足了官味: "你是朱西蒙同学的家长吗?朱西蒙今天犯了错误,在办公室写检讨.回家后希望你配合学校进行教育." 这哪是一个10岁孩子的语气,分明就是党委书记的调子.这个女孩我见过,高大漂亮,一双闪亮的大眼睛.也许她根本意识不到,她已经远离了孩子单纯美丽的心态,远离小女孩儿应有的可爱和娇媚,沾染上了成人社会的虚伪和做作.接完电话后,我心里难受极了,不是为西蒙的错误,而是为女孩让人不可接受的扭曲. 想到这一幕,我总是感到心疼.我们说国内环境差,不但是说自然环境,也指人文环境.孩子们从小就生长在趋炎附势的环境里,小小的年龄就学会了看颜色行事,学会了恃强凌弱,狐假虎威,这是多么让人可悲可叹的现实! 这样的环境下长大的孩子能不精于人与人之间的争斗?能不学会尔虞我诈吗?孩子的一辈子也许就因为小时侯的熏染而受累终身,在名利场中浮沉,远离了人生真正的美好和温馨的爱. 在加拿大,学校氛围非常轻松愉快,适合孩子天真的心态.宽敞的教室,齐全的设施,一个班上最多二十多个人,来自各个国家的孩子们和睦相处,好像从来没有什么班长或是中队长之类的官,老师很爱学生,一视同仁.学习之外,体育活动众多,不象国内,爱踢球的男孩子们,只能在课间踢矿泉水瓶子.在加拿大的环境下,孩子更多地保留了孩子的天真、可爱,尽情享受童年的美好,宜于形成健康美好的人格,乐观自信,活跃而具有创造力. 二、但是,从家庭小环境来说,移民家庭在孩子教育上有一些负面因素,可能影响孩子健康的人格的形成: 首先,父母来到一个新的环境,一切都得从头开始,经济压力,未来前途一下子都压在小家庭上,沉重的心理压力下,又缺乏排解的渠道,没有亲人,朋友也不多,于是,一些夫妻之间开始产生矛盾、摩擦,在去留问题上产生分歧,有的甚至因此导致家庭的破裂.很多家长可能没有意识到,父母冲突中深受伤害的是孩子,是一颗稚嫩的需要呵护的孩子的心灵.家庭的不和睦让孩子心事重重,对于社会和人生产生了不安全感,甚至直接影响他未来对于爱情、家庭的看法,使他悲观而胆怯;而一些家庭,父母经济上的过分节俭,住在过分狭小光线阴暗的房子里,吃得很差,这些都会无形中让孩子产生自卑感,缺乏自信心,我们家长一定要认识到,困难是暂时的,节俭自然重要,但是,更重要的去创造生活,在加拿大只要有一技之长,还是容易过上正常生活的;父母因为一时找不到工作不满情绪的宣泄,可能会使孩子不能客观地看待这个社会,产生抵触情绪.作为孩子成长另一个重要的环境——家庭,所有这些,都将直接影响孩子健康人格的形成. 那么,怎样做才能尽可能地避免这些负面影响呢?我是新移民,在国内也有很好的工作,但是,在这里,什么都没有了,失落感是绝对存在的.但是,最为重要的是夫妻一定要统一认识,调整心态.即使彼此有冲突,也一定避免在孩子面前流露.争吵没有任何用处,最重要的是给自己一个客观的评价和正确的定位,在新的环境下迅速找到自己的出路. 而且,作为家长还要抽时间陪孩子外出游玩或是结交朋友,培养孩子人际交往的能力,爱的能力. 其次,大多移民家庭都非常封闭,不像国内亲戚朋友众多,大家来往频繁.大人有孤独的能力,可是孩子就不行,孩子需要交往,需要在交往中锻炼培养他的社会能力,培养爱心和包容的能力.尤其是在蒙特利尔这样一个独特的真正的国际大都市里,我们可以让孩子与很多国家的孩子交往,成为朋友.孩子可以尽可能多地接受多元文化的影响,这是国内绝对没有的条件,我们为什么不充分利用呢?在这样环境下成长的孩子不正是可以适应未来国际经济一体化的社会吗? 我们拥有了宽松友善的大环境,让我们在家庭营造一个美好温馨的小环境,这样,我们可以让孩子形成一个健康完美的人格,这才是父母给予孩子最珍贵的礼物和财富. 木兰游记 "魂之旅"-蒙特利尔 选自:蒙城在线 http://www.mtl163.com/ 发布者 yzriver 加拿大的火车软卧比飞机的经济舱舒服得多,也许这可以解释为什么在加拿大火车票比飞机票更加昂贵.一般人是不会坐火车的,只有学生是常客.因为学生通常还不会有汽车,否则的话,在两个相差不远的城市之间,自行驾车远远比其他交通手段更加便捷、便宜,加拿大的公路没有收费站. 3月8日傍晚我乘坐火车从渥太华前往蒙特利尔.加拿大的铁路公司也属于政府投资,但是在经营上则是企业化运作.铁路公司只需要向政府交代每年的财政状况就可以.有意思的是,在3月10日,加拿大国家铁路建设公司门口有一大堆员工举起了罢工的牌子.这家原来是国有的公司,后来据说被美国公司收购,美国人不喜欢听到"加拿大"这个词,因此将这个公司简称为"CN".CN的员工为什么要罢工呢?当时我在街头随机采访了两个人,他们说,因为同一家公司在美国的员工待遇比在加拿大的要高,因此他们觉得不公平就不干了,希望通过罢工引起行业协会的关注,然后让行业协会和美国公司进行谈判. 要解释美国和加拿大之间的微妙关系并不是一件容易的事情.美国是加拿大最大的贸易出口国,大概85%的加拿大产品都是为美国人准备的.随行的加拿大公众外交专员贝安丽说:"我们和美国的关系非常有趣.我们愿意和他们作邻居,因为贸易,因为安全保护,因为有很多亲戚朋友在美国.但是我们拒绝承认和美国人是一样的.并且加拿大人现在面临自我身份确认的危机,我们无法定义自己是什么人." 傍晚六点,从火车站出来以后,我才发现原来蒙特利尔的火车站在地下一层,上到地上一层就是我们要住的酒店FairmontElizabeth.这真是一个好消息.我住进了酒店的1523房.在渥太华时,我们就得知加拿大的五星级酒店都提供免费的游泳池和健身房.我终于明白加拿大人的夜生活是什么了,那就是运动.当然白天他们有时间的时候,也在运动.例如在渥太华,我总能看到各种各样的人在城市里跑步,有一个女孩子跑步时还带着大狗,用一条绳子拴在自己的腰际,绳子的另一端连着狗的项圈. 同行的人都没有带游泳衣,我又出发去轧马路了———显而易见,商店已经关门了,出去的目的是为了熟悉地形.结果我发现了蒙特利尔的地下城市———火车站、酒店和各种商用大楼、百货商场之间都有地下通道.这是寒冷的城市发明的妙法,人们可以在冰天雪地的日子里,穿着轻快的服装在温暖的室内环境中办公购物. 法属的蒙特利尔是一个被时尚遗忘的城市.这一点从服装穿着上就可以看出来,商店的橱窗没有渥太华那么多姿多彩,人们也不注重穿着.尽管如此,它却被宣称为加拿大最全球化的城市,cosmopolitan.蒙特利尔虽然是法语区,但现在却只有30%法国人,45%是英国人,25%是其他人.这个城市就像一盘沙拉,各种不同的文化镶嵌其中,但并不互相融合.第二天,我们去参观了蒙特利尔的各个居住区,如犹太区、德国区、法国区、中国的唐人街和意大利区. 在这些居住区,可以看到非常漂亮的小栋别墅,最有特色的地方在于别墅的楼梯都建在外面,这样两家人如果同时住在一起就不会互相打扰,而如果一家人住的话,二楼可以更加保暖.加拿大政府曾经以有碍市容的原因禁止造楼梯在外的小楼,不过后来有所放松,规定如果在同一条街道上已经有这样的建筑时,就可以建造. 蒙特利尔的唐人街有一个红灯区.传说最初到蒙特利尔的中国人是4000个男人和3个女人,这就是红灯区的由来.在唐人街的感觉就像是在一个电影拍摄景点,旧中国时期的风格还留存在那里,包括他们把蒙特利尔翻译为"满地可",魁北克省则变成了"古币省".我在唐人街的玉园餐厅吃了午饭,发现原来国外的中国饭很生硬,因为没有放够水,而且餐馆多数采取中西合璧的方式———虽然是中国菜,但却是自助餐的形式. 这样的中餐还不如面包圈好吃.在蒙特利尔,有一种特别的犹太人面包圈叫"bagle",香气四溢,并且非常有韧性.这种面包圈要在水中浸一下,裹上芝麻,一个个放上长条板,然后像北京烤鸭的做法一样放到烤炉中烤.啃着热乎乎的bagle,我爬上了著名的皇家山.山上的松鼠都不怕人,反而会非常积极地跳到你面前讨食,因而每一个都比我在北京见到的胖一圈.皇家山上有一个皇家公园,据说是纽约中央公园的设计者在美国之外唯一的一件设计作品.从皇家山上还可以望到蒙特利尔的奥运体育场馆.蒙特利尔曾经举办过1976年奥运会,而那届奥运会亏损得非常厉害,仅场馆建设费就让蒙特利尔背负了20年的债.除了亏本以外,这个体育场馆还不牢靠,馆顶至少已经修缮了四五次,当然每一次都价格不菲. 蒙特利尔是一个特别颓废和慵懒的城市.当天晚上,再次出去遛马路时,我生平第一次见到了外国乞丐.一个非常脏的老年人,突然出现在热闹浮华的CBD地区,让你措手不及.乞讨果然是一个全球性问题,没有一个国家可以杜绝乞丐现象.蒙特利尔的地方税大概是加拿大所有地区中最高的了,不过我总有感觉,越是经济不景气的地方,税收才会越苛刻.但是地方税之高我当时还不知情. 在蒙特利尔最大的收获是找到了一个购物天堂,当地的eaton地下商场,每天晚上都会开到九点钟.在我推开贴着巨大的"21点"标志的商场大门时,内心激动不已.直到最后买了东西才后悔不迭,因为地方税竟然高达10%. 蒙特利尔的懒散还表现在当地的麦当劳快餐店上.逛完商场以后,我才吃晚饭.晚上十点,麦当劳里显然没有很多顾客,结果我却等了很长时间,服务员的速度远没有中国那么快.最后打开汉堡盒子的时候更吃惊,因为蔬菜叶子都散在外面,你很难把汉堡整个拿起来吃,而且里面的沙拉也没有抹开. 回到酒店以后,我才记得据说披头士之一的列侬曾经住在同一家酒店的17层,现在那个房间门口还标出了列侬的名字.我上去拍下了这个著名的房门,加拿大的房门上都会有盲文,真是想得周到.这个房间一直都在营业,因而我没有机会进到房里看一眼那张双人床.列侬和大野洋子曾经在这里举行过"床上和平活动",并且在这里录制了著名的歌曲"给和平一个机会".在战争和恐怖的威胁中,我们永远怀念列侬. 我的创业路 选自:蒙城在线 http://www.mtl163.com/ 发布者 tweety 我开过Depanneure, 当过农场主,做过贸易......其实做生意要成功,除了要勇气,更要创新精神.我更喜欢看美国大片,因为里面看到的不仅是大场面、大制作,更有一种无时不在的创新精神在鼓舞着我. 摘下"墨镜"做生意 自己创业做生意,是现在蒙城华人圈里一个热门话题.光看看那些地产经纪手上越来越多的生意转让作息就可见一二了,更有一个经纪告诉记者,现在只要手上有Depanneure,就肯定能卖掉.但作生意真象想像中那么容易么?特别是在加拿大这个完全陌生的国度,是不是有他自己的生意窍门呢?最近采访了一位已经在蒙城生活多年,颇为心得的人士田璐女士,她的经历应该能给大家一些启示. 第一次见到田璐是在她新买下的一幢楼里,虽然还在装修,但看得出一切正在蓄势待发,田璐又一个新创业计划就在这里开始了. 企业移民开起Depanneure 如果田璐自己不说,我怎么也想不到,她是搞计算机的.作为当年北京大学计算机系主任杨芙清教授的研究生,田璐一毕业却没做研究,而是一脚踏进了生意场,进了北京的华远公司搞市场.随后更是直接当起法人代表,做上一家合资无糖食品公司的总经理,生意搞得还红红火火.也许在现在,这样的下海经历更不算什么,但在90年代初,田璐算得上少数几个吃螃蟹的勇士了,而且这"螃蟹"还吃得挺香. 1997年,田璐办好企业移民,带上一家大小踏上了加拿大这块土地,又开始了她的新的创业之路.不过提起当初,田璐实话实说:蒙城真让她有点失望.稍稍考察一下,田璐就发现,自己实在有很多劣势,不但对面前这个社会一点不了解,而且她发现这里的市场和中国一点都不一样,主要是市场太小,不象国内稍做宣传就火得很.因此她在国内运作的方式在这儿一点都用不上.但不干点什么又不行,颈子上套着圈呢,加拿大对企业移民的要求是2年之内必须有自己的生意,至少雇一个当地人,还要交税,否则取消移民移格.于是,田璐也象现在的很多朋友一样,首先开起了Depanneure. 回想起那段日子,田璐显然还是很留恋. 当时田璐买的是一家南岸法裔人的小店.这家店是这个法裔人祖辈留下的,但为了儿子能学英语,这个法裔人变卖了小店准备暂时迁至阿尔伯塔省.田璐一点法语也不会,当时只背下了1-100的数字,学会了必需的问候语就上岗了.好在田璐毕竟做过生意,没多久她就发现其在国内做市场的方法在这儿一样适用:收银时唱付唱收,避免客人找借口说多给钱;对客人很友好,即使是当地那些吃救济的穷人,只要上门,田璐都热情接待,做好服务……除了这些小事,为了拿到低价格,田璐一家家找供货商谈.只要供货商搞促销活动,田璐绝对不自己偷着乐,而是在保证利润不损失的前提下,全部让利给顾客.时间长了,田璐的顾客自然多了,销售额直线上升,特别是酒生意,做得更是红火,到年底不得不另租一间大房专门堆放退酒瓶. 才半年多,原来那家店的老板被不会说英语的老婆"磨"回了蒙城,找到田璐希望能买回原来的店,并愿意为田璐交税完成政府对她要求的"条件".但田璐还是坚持自己干完了一年,直到收到政府解除条件的信,田璐才决定不做了,但她提出了一个比当初翻倍的卖价.那位法裔人老板仔细考察了所有帐本,特别是看到多出一间房的空酒瓶,终于答应了这个价格. 田璐说,当她看到那个法裔人买回店后,又乐滋滋地扩大了面积,重新装修.她当时心里的滋味也挺甜的. "苗草不分"却当上农场主 干完Depanneure,不愿闲着的田璐又想着该干点什么了.正好亲戚也想来加拿大,找人打听了后发现,办个农场可以给亲戚办工作签证.于是,为了家里人,连草和苗都分不清的田璐决定开农场了. 当年年底,田璐在美加边境一个叫"HEMMINGFORD"的小镇买了一块300亩的地.可是种什么好呢?在这个陌生的地方,面对一个陌生的行业,田璐用起了中国的办法"从上往下问".她打电话到省农业厅,工业厅,问哪儿有蔬菜批发商,到哪儿找商务,怎么买设备……让她意外的是,这里的政府可没有打官腔,有问必答,热情提供各种帮助,不久她就找到了两个批发商,一个在蒙特利尔岛上,一个是离农场15公里的美国批发商.虽然当时有人反对她找批发商,觉得应该自己种自己销.但深谙经营之道的田璐清楚,在这个工业化的社会里,一切销售环节都已成熟,为什么不利用他们现成的销售体系呢,那一定是成本最低的.不顾那些反对意见,田璐找到了那家美国批发商.更是不谈不知道,这其中的学问还真不少.原来美国有上千家中国餐馆,对中国菜的需求量很大,该批发商表示,只要田璐按他的计划种,他就包收包销.并给田璐派来了一个最早向美国提供中国大白菜的法裔女士来为她定计划.田璐跟着她上上下下,发现人家干活真是专业. 第一年定下的计划是种白菜,芥菜和上海青.于是一过完复活节,田璐就忙上了,2月定计划,3月进种,4月育苗……田璐说看着那墙上一大张具体到日子,定时定量的表格,她心里有底多了.中间也有病虫害,除杂草什么的,但请来专业的除虫公司,这些困难也都对付过去了. 到收获时,所有的菜都出口美国.第一年就没有亏钱.并吸引了一个中国投资方来继续投入,但后来因为签证问题,中方没来成.田璐说,农场除非做大,做到一定规模才能赚到钱,当时投资没成,再加上家人的来加问题已经解决,田璐还是决定结束农场. 我问她美国批发商收蔬菜的价格低么?田璐细细想想告诉,其实价格跟自己卖差不了多少,当时因为有人不同意,农场就特意拿出一块做自留地,种一些其他品种的中国菜自己销,但加上运费和人工,其实比全部交给批发商也挣不到太多.田璐坚持,既然来到人家的社会,就应该试着去融入人家的运作体系中,这肯定是最省钱的. 当地产经纪的苦与乐 后来的两年,田璐主要是陪着丈夫做中加贸易,但项目太大,耗时不说,国内复杂的人事关系和并不规范的经营环境,还是让田璐决定在加拿大多试身手.这不,本来自己买房的她,兴致所至,考了一张地产经纪证,决定自己做地产经纪了. 说起她做地产经纪的经历,田璐发现不少想做生意的新移民偏偏带着"墨镜"开始自己的创业路,实在让她急.前两天,她陪一个客户去看一家Depanneure,开价2万元,但这家店一天进款有900元,实在是一个难得的好买卖.本来都说好要下OFFER了,但客户听说这店只开了一年,嫌历史太短,就决定不要了.她说这个理由实在让她有点惊讶. 此外,象现在Depanneure在中国人圈偏热就是带着"墨镜"的后果.田璐说,她见到不少买家,一上来只买Depanneure,因为听人说开杂货店不会赔钱.对一些同样很有前途的其他小生意例如咖啡店或快餐店却不愿尝试,害怕自己与别人文化不同,有的甚至提出"食物中毒怎么办".田璐说,为什么那么多台湾人能开咖啡店,文化不是问题,问题还在于如何经营. 她说,前人的经验当然需要听,但经验不能成为做事的框框.当年她经营Depanneure时,也有人说要买就要买最好的,小店是做不大的.但她的亲身经历证明那个经验就是错的.田璐说,投资肯定要面临风险,但也不能太教条了,关键还在于运作的过程.新移民刚来,因为语言等问题不了解情况,容易以朋友和周围人的经验为做事的标准.其实,我们应该学会从更广泛的地方学习,问政府,问银行,问各种专业人士,上网、打电话,这里有非常丰富的资源让你学习及利用. 不过,并不都是带"墨镜"的,田璐笑着说.上个月,她卖了一家800公里外加美边境上的快餐店.买主是一对年轻夫妻,带着4岁的女儿.男的刚读完计算机研究生出来,没找到工作,决定自己做生意.几经计算,他们用仅有的存款买下了这家小店.最近,田璐接到了他们的电话,说小店的生意潜力比预想的要好,估计半年就能收回投入.田璐说,这是她最高兴的时刻,她由衷地希望在这片新土地上,每个中国人都能找到自己的位置. 田璐说,她喜欢看美国电影,不为别得,就是特别爱他们无处不在的创新精神和冒险勇气.其实每一个来这里的中国人都是有勇气的,但在开始自己的创业时,我们更需要大胆安探索和了解这个新社会的勇气,找到自己新的定位. 网上购物安全技巧 选自:互联网 到了圣诞大血拼的时候,虽然在网路商店购买圣诞礼物,不如亲身到商店可以杀价.但人们似乎不愿意离家太远,而是希望通过网上商店,直接将礼物送到远方至亲爱朋手中.网路购物专家特别提醒大家注意上网购物的安全和技巧. 网路商业创始人布劳海德说:「如果你考虑上网购买圣诞礼物,那现在就可以开始选购了.」布劳海德自己经常在网上购物,他表示,如果消费者希望在网上选购圣诞礼物,并由网路商店在圣诞之夜到来前,送到亲朋好友家里,那最好现在就开始上网购物,而不要等到最后一刻.因为平时只需两至三天的邮递时间,在十二月份是根本不可能. 布劳海德向网路血拼人士建议,最好到一些比较著名的网路商店购物.一般在购物商场里有良好信誉的零售商在网上也比较可信.而且在决定下订单前,最好仔细阅读这家网路商店的各项规则,包括销售、隐私、安全及退货等的细则.布劳海德举例说,有时候一些网路商店并不提供加拿大境内的送货上门服务. 购物人士同时不要忘记,国际性网路商店的商品标价并不是加元,而且这些商店的外币兑换率常常是各不相同.此外,在国际性的网路商店购物,安全性也比较没有保障.最后还不要忘记,在这些商店里购买的商品,需要支付关税,这笔支出常常令让消费者感到心痛. 大部分北美的网路商店都提供加拿大境内的送货服务,但到加拿大本土的网路商场购物会比较方便和放心.譬如在打开http//ca.shopping.yahoo.com和www.eshop.msn.ca两个网站后,就会看到一系列加拿大著名的零售商名录,随后就可浏览,寻找中意的商品. 布劳海德还提醒消费者说,每次下订单前都要先仔细阅读商品细节,并打印出成交后的购物帐单.大部分网路商店都会列出各地区的客户服务电话号码,一旦有任何疑问,立即致电询问.如果发现一家网路商店没有提供任何客户服务电话号码,那要慎重考虑在这家网上商店购物的可靠性. 许多消费者对网上付款的安全性存有很大顾虑.布劳海德表示,只要确认自己是在一个安全网站上,就可放心输入个人资料,包括姓名、地址、电子邮件地址等.但千万不要通过电子邮件传送信用卡号码,因为那样极不安全. 电话卡消费常识与注意事项 选自:互联网 随着长途电话费的不断下降,越来越多的人开始使用方便价廉的电话卡.与传统长途电话公司的收费相比较,使用电话卡确实可为你节省许多费用.特别是在当前有些电话公司以许多附加条件(月管理费、信用卡付帐、预交押金、搭售其它服务等)来提供优惠价格时,使用电话卡的自由与方便就更受欢迎了.下面介绍一下有关挑选和使用电话卡的方法: 电话卡的发行 市面上销售的电话卡有来自传统长途电话公司的,有来自国外公司的,但最多的是来自加国本地电话卡公司的,其面值有$5、$10、$20和$50不等,通常只以面值销售. 电话卡的种类 基本为两大类,有联接费和无联接费. 联接费通常指每次通话要额外扣去一笔固定费用,数额视对方国家或地区而定,一般在$0.5到$3不等.因此,有联接费的电话卡适合用于一次打完卡值的通话. 无联接费的电话卡通常指打多少分钟便只扣多少分钟的钱,因而适合于打不定时的通话,即一张卡可以多次使用而无额外费用. 电话卡的价格 在售卡处应该有所售卡的彩色价格表,一般人都从每分钟通话的价格或每$10 可打的分钟数来选择电话卡. 首先,有联接费的电话卡其标价往往未包括联接费在内,其所标明的可打分钟数通常指一次打完一张$10或$20卡的情况,故其标出的每分钟价格会比较低或每一张卡的可打分钟数会较多.有联接费的电话卡其联接费收取数额通常以小号字体标明在价格表的下方.与此相反,无联接费的电话卡其每分钟价格会相对较高即每一张卡的可打分钟数会相对较少. 第二,由于人们趋于使用无联接费的电话卡,有些电话卡便在大字标明无联接费的同时将其它一些收费项目列在小号字体的说明处,如: Service charge(服务费,一般每次通话要扣); Maintenance fee(管理费,该卡第一次未用完则按周/月扣); Minimum charge(每次通话最少收费); Rates may not include applicable taxes(价格未包括税); Additional charges apply on calls to overseas cellular phones(海外手机加收费用); Prices subject to change without notice(价格变动恕不通知); Rates based on using local access number (价格按从本地电话打出计); Call increments may vary (计费单位可变). 电话卡的用法 明白了不同卡的收费方法,就可以根据自己的需要来选购电话卡.虽然理论上应备有上述两种卡来打长话或短话,但现在电话费实在是太便宜了,许多人干脆就只买无联接费的电话卡.但要切记,该电话卡是"无任何其它收费"还是仅仅"无联接费",因为有时上述的"其它收费"加起来会比单一的联接费还要高.买卡时最好仔细看清楚价格表上部或底边上的说明. 各种电话卡的使用一般都是按顺序拨三组号码: A.本地接通号;B.该卡密码;C.要打的对方电话号码.有的卡还可在本地接通号后让你选择语种.下面的经验对你也许有帮助: * 拨完对方电话号码后按一下"#"号; * 拨通后铃响4声无人接则应即刻挂断; * 拨完号码后若无声无息则应挂断重拨,宁可重拨也比傻等要好; * 大多数卡的有效期为首次使用后的六个月内; * 通话中有任何问题或意外中断造成了损失应尽快联络该卡的客户服务部,其电话号码一般印在卡的背面. 怎样选择和使用电话卡 选自:星星生活周报 作者:Heady Zeng 王高鸣先生在加拿大的长途电话公司工作5年多,并从事电话卡经销业务约4年时间,对电话卡的选择和使用有较丰富的经验,为此,本报记者就读者在电话卡消费中遇到的问题采访了他. 据王先生介绍,目前最容易出问题的电话卡,是那些没有正式公司名字的卡.他说,这类卡,有一阵在市场上卖得非常火,但其公司可能随时倒闭,将给电话卡消费者带来损失.由于华人移民打中港台地区的国际长途电话较多,因此,王高鸣先生建议大家,应侧重于挑选那些打中港台电话在通话质量和通话时间上有保证的电话卡. 他提醒大家注意,最可靠与最便宜往往不可能同时为一张电话卡所具有.他说,可靠的电话卡是指那些打一分算一分没有其它条件的电话卡,而便宜的电话卡一般要在一定的条件下使用完毕,平均下来每分钟打电话的钱比较便宜.因此,王高鸣先生建议大家购买电话卡时要考虑清楚. 一般说来,如何挑选和购买电话卡呢?王高鸣先生说—— 第一,要注意电话卡上是否印有公司的名称,没印,则不可靠;这类电话卡可能在刚推出时质量较好,有的人使用以后感觉也很好,会继续买,或推荐给朋友,但此后使用这类卡往往出现电话难拨通、通话质量不稳定,或被"偷时间"的情况; 第二,要注意电话卡上对使用时间的限制.可靠的电话卡一般都有半年的使用有效时间,最长的如Unilink的Tango卡可以有一年的有效时间.较短的有效时间往往会被消费者忽略,从而造成不必要的损失.其中,3个月还可以接受,但一个月的有效使用时间则要慎重考虑. 第三,每次购买电话卡时,选择面值小一些的卡,这样,即便造成损失也会较少. 第四,折扣大的电话卡,比如达到25%,通话时间被偷的可能性也大;而可靠的卡,其折扣往往不会太多,能有10%就很不错了. 什么时候买东西更便宜 选自:来源:互联网 什么时候买东西更便宜?boxing day/week还是一月份?那要视乎什么东西.基本上来说,好货不便宜,便宜没好货. 如果你到几个大MALL逛了一圈,找泊车位都非常难,各个商店都挤满了人,其实看的多买的少.真正便宜降价的是一些很差的商品,较好的东西都把原价提高然后再50% OFF,算起来和圣诞前买是一样的,比如圣诞节装饰品是降价,但是都被挑得干干净净,剩下来的也是残缺不全的.一月份的东西不会怎么便宜,上的都是圣诞后的新货,最多偶尔有些15%或免税的折扣. 如果要买衣物鞋子,换季才最便宜.比如在入夏买皮衣,在入冬时买短袖T SHIRT.打印机这些电脑产品,新型号推出,旧型号要清仓时就便宜了.微波炉什么时候都有便宜的,但看牌子看品质.还有店铺搬迁,结业时的商品便宜,因为租仓存货的钱不少还不如全贱价卖掉.这些留意本地报纸上的广告. 如果是不等着用的东西,夏天很多人家有GARAGE SALE,MOVING SALE,那里卖的旧货很便宜,就是你得有时间经常到处逛.两张沙发,一张书桌也不难碰到. 十大消费骗术揭密 选自:相约加拿大 加拿大消费者机构经过调查后认为,最容易被骗子利用进行消费欺骗活动的前10个项目包括信用卡保险、慈善募捐、赢取大奖、在家工作、生意投资、网上消费诈骗、偷取个人资料、国际诈骗、假发票以及申请贷款或信用卡的预支费. 1.信用卡保险 骗术:有个公司打电话给你(并非你开卡的公司),游说你每年花400元左右,就可以在你的信用卡被盗、丢失或被盗用时向他们索取赔偿. 揭密:很多消费者到真的索赔时才发现根本没得可赔,而且,他们不光要了你的钱,还会拿你个人的真实资料作非法用途.其实,信用卡保险是由开卡公司或银行免费提供保险的.一旦发生上述那些情况,开卡公司自然会帮你搞定. 2.虚假的慈善机构 骗术:有人打电话来说为某某慈善机构募捐 揭密:其实这个机构根本不是慈善机构,如the Association to Help The Red Cross. 3.告诉你你赢了大奖,一辆车或一艘游艇 骗术:对方会告诉你,只要寄出599元行政手续费就可以拿这个大奖. 揭密:幸运的话,寄出支票后,你会收到一枚憋脚胸针,或者"赢"得的一张车(船)的照片.此时,你着急了?还没完呢!再过两周,自称是投资顾问的某人会打电话给你,保证为你追讨这个大奖的下落,如果你再付他几百块的话. 4.在家工作的活儿 骗术:大小报上都看过这类广告,信誓旦旦保证高收入.你只要在家糊信封就可月入数千上万.只要寄一张39.99元的支票,就可收到如何致富的详细手册. 揭密:钱寄了之后,你会收到一封信,教你怎么样用同样的办法去骗更多的人. 5.投资生意机会 骗术:各种各样的借口都有,小到售卖机,大到买卖外汇,只要把钱汇到某个账户.更可恶的是,对方会叫你把你的RRSP里面的钱转到它那个银行或金融机构去,以次换来低息贷款. 揭密:等你的钱汇到这个账户以后,他们就消失了.而且,当你把RRSP的钱转走移后,你的钱不用说也消失了,但是对税局来说,你等于是把退休户口里的钱提前使用,还要补交税.记住,任何一个正规的银行都不会叫你把RRSP转到他们那里作为申请低息贷款的条件. 6.网上消费诈骗 骗术:去年圣诞前,有一种新的玩具Sony Playstation,连厂家都断货,有的家长看着孩子想得流口水的样子,就忍不住在某个网站以399到799的高价买这个玩具,然而从无货到,网站也随即人间蒸发. 揭密:这种骗术最为难查,因为一旦网站被揭发,他们马上就停掉换个新名字;而消费者不但买的货没到,连信用卡资料也被盗用. 7.偷取个人资料 骗术:手法多样.有的假说需要你信用卡的影印本,有的趁你不注意多刷一下. 揭密:第一下的确是付款,第二下就刷到下面的解读机偷取个人资料造假卡. 8.国际诈骗 骗术:先说某人在国外某地真实而动人的故事,然后只要你寄一点开户费,大笔款项随后返还. 揭密:比较流行的是"尼日利亚王子",他可怜的国王父亲被政敌所杀,他要急忙逃亡国外,并带出他数百万美元的资产.只要有人给他在加拿大的银行开个户,并先给他寄点路费让他来加,以后肯定回报丰厚.当然,又是肉包子打狗,有去无回. 9.假发票 骗术:去年,50万家公司都收到一张发票,和黄页开出的非常相像,交29.95加GST,公司信息就可以被列入黄页. 揭密:其实,根本和黄页没关系.或者是送些你根本没有订的办公用品来,价格昂贵,不知详情的收发员便给他们公司信用卡的支票. 10.申请贷款或信用卡的预支费 骗术:这些公司说自己提供低息贷款,但申请人要预先付几百元的手续费给他们的保险公司,然后索要你的其它信用卡资料、银行帐号和社会保险卡号. 揭密:不用说,这些资料又被卖了.正规的银行是绝不会要你先付费才给你贷款的. 实用法语句型 选自:蒙城在线 http://www.mtl163.com/ 发布者 tweety 句型: 1 … être en …ième année …[谁]在….[几]年级 … être dans le département de ….. …[谁]在….系àl`Universite de(s) …. 在…. 大学 2. … être difficile pour qn …. [东西] 对…[某人]是难的 … être difficile à f …. ….[某事]难于 f (如何干)… 3….. profiter de(du,des) qch pour f qch ….[谁]利用… 干…. [某事] ….. .mattre qch pour f qch ….[谁]用了… 干…. [某事] 4. … venir de(du,des)地名(点) …[谁]从….[地方]来…venir à(en, au, aux ) 地名(点) …[谁]来到….[地方] … venir f ….. …来做…… [某事] 5. … aller à(en, au, aux)地点(名) …[谁]到….[地方]去aller(inviter qn, venir) chez qn 去(请[谁]…,来)…. [谁]家6…. f beaucoup …非常…. …... f beaucoup de …很多…. 7.. de(du) …. à (au)….. 从[时.地]….到[时.地]….(每) 8. … inviter qn à f qch 请…[某人]干….[某事] 9. … aider qn à f qch 帮…[某人]干….[某事] … aider qn dan qch 在…[某方面]帮…[某人] 10… vouloir f ….. 想要干….[某事] 11… être (pays) …[某人]是….[某国]人…être de (地名) …[某人]是….[某地]人…venir de(du,des)地名(点) …[某人]从….[地方]来…habiter à 地名 …[某人]住在… [某地] 12… être(3) à (名词,moi,东西]是属于…...的Il y a +(un,des…名词)dans… ….里有…….. 13….. écritre…en + (语言) ….用…[某种] 语言写…. 15.….. écouter qch ....听(到)….. [东西]事….. écouter qn ....听….. [某人]的话 16. … parler à(au..) qn de qch …..对[某人]讲…. [某事] … parler à(au..) qn …..和[某人]讲话 … parler de qch & qn …..谈起…. [某事]&[某人] ….parler …. (语言) …[某人]说.. [某种] (语言) Parler-(moi,…)en + (语言) 用…语言与[某人]讲….* 17. …louer qch ……租入…..[东西] …louer qch à(au..) qn ……租出..[东西]给… .[某人] 18. …s'adresser à(au..) qn … 向. ..[某人]请教&帮忙 19….prendre ….. pour f à …. …..乘…..去干(到)….. ….venir à ….地en…..交通工具 …..去….[某地]乘…… ….monter dans ……(车)上……(车) 20 Depuis une …..aine de ….s 已经….(多少)…时间(复数)左右 21… être à la retraite . …[谁]退休(表状态) ..… être en retraite . …[谁]退休(表状态) ….. prendre sa retraite…… …[谁]退休(表动作) 22…être gentil(le) avec qn. …[谁]….对[某人]亲切 23…être d'accord avec qn. …[谁]同意…[某人]的意见&看法 24…faire un voyage à …. ….去….. [某地]旅行(远) 25…être de …..(number) ……[东西]是…(多少)… 26….téléphoner à qn …打电话给…[某人]…. 27. 名词 à 动词 un salle à mager 动词作名词补语e.g.餐厅 名词 de (无冠词)名词 un livre d'anglais e.g.一本英语(的)书 名词 de(du..) 名词 le prix du loyer e.g.房租的价格 问句:le?on 9-13 Qui + 动词单数第三人称 Qui aidez-vous? 你帮谁? Qui vous aide? 谁帮你? Qui est-ce? 这是谁? A qui est cette revue? 这….是谁的? Qui est là? 谁在那? Qui veut louer un appratement? 谁想租套房? Qui invites-tu souvent? 谁常请你? Avec qui vas-tu au cinéma? 谁和你去看电影? C'est quoi? 是谁? Avec quoi mange-t-il? 他和谁吃饭? Avec quoi est-ce qu'il mange? 他和谁吃饭? A quoi penrez-vous? *je ne pense pas à rièn 您想什么呢? Que fait-il? 他是干什么的? Que font leur fils et leur fille? 他们的儿女是干什么的? Que magnez-vous comme plats? 您吃点什么菜? Que fait-ouve comme sport? 您作什么运动? Que lisez-vous? 您读什么呢? Qu'est-ce qu'il … 不用再倒装 Qu'est-ce que vous veulez louer comme appratement? 您想租个什么样的房子? Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous? 我能为您作什么? Quel +名词+动词… 什么(样)的Quel lange apprenez-vous? 您学什么(样)的语言? Dan quel département êtes-vous? …在什么系? En quelle année êtes-vous? ….在几年级? Quel +être…. 是什么(样)的Quelle est sa couleur? 它是什么颜色? Quelle sont les difficiles? 难在哪里? A part l'anglais ,quelle langue parlez-vous encore? 除了英语,您还会说什么语言? Dans quelle provinee? Dans la provinee du Hainan? 在哪个省? Quel temp fait-il aujourd'hui? Il fait trés beau. 天气如何?很好. Quelle age est-ce qu'elle a? 她多大了? A quel étage habitez-vous? 您住在几楼? Comment aller + 人称? 人--什么样 Comment allez-vous? 你身体好吗? Comment? Tu es malade? 怎么了?病了? Comment est votre professeur? 您们的教师如何? Combien d'etudiants y a-t-il dans votre classe? 你们班有多少学生? 多少数 Ce combien de le kg? 多少钱一公斤? Combien d'enfants avez-vous? 您有多少孩子? Combien de pièces y a-t-il dans ton appratement?你的房子有几间? *Combien d'ans travaille-t-elle? 她工作多少年了? Depuis combien de temps êtes-vous ici? 您在这里多长时间了? Depuis combien d'années apprendez-vous le fran?ais? 你学法语多长时间了? Depuis combien d'années venez-vous á Beijing? 在京多长时间了? Qrand allez-vous au cinéma? 您什么时候去看电影? Quand il fair mauvais ,comment va t-il au bureau?坏天气他怎么上班 Quand vas-tu au cinéma? 您什么时候去看电影? Quand je suis libre. 当我有空闲时. Quand tu venx,… (= Si tu venx..) 如果你愿意……. Où allez-vous? 您到哪里去? D'où vienz-tu? 你从哪里来? D'où êtes-vous? 您是哪里人? Qù travaillent leur fils et leur fille? 他们的儿女在哪里工作? Qù travaillez-vous? 您在哪里工作? Qù font-t-ils? 他们是哪里工作? Qù est l'ascenseur? 电梯在哪里? Vous amiez le fran?ais,.n'est-ce pas? 你喜欢法国,是吗? Est-ce que vous êtes étudiant du département d'anglais?英系学生? Est-ce que vous êtes dans le département de fran?ais?您在法语系? Est-ce que Paul vient? 保罗来了吗? Est-ce que vous aidez vos camarades?您是不是帮助您们的同学呢? marcher Mon enfant va apprendre à marcher. 我孩子要学会走路了. Le métro ne marche pas .Parce que c'est la gréve. 地铁不走了,因为罢工. Il marche très vite. 他走的很快. Comment marche votre magètophone? 你的录音机运行的如何? demande.. ….demander qch à qn. 向某人讯问什么事 ….demander à qn de f qch. 要求某人干什么 Pascal demande ses études à son professure. 巴斯卡向老师向学习. Le chef demande à Marie de finir ce travail à midi. 领导要玛丽中午前完成这工作. 我到加拿大"Montreal"的留学攻略 选自:蒙城在线 http://www.mtl163.com/ 发布者 tweety 即将别了,Montreal,这个我生活和学习将近一年时间的地方.虽然我对Montreal没有留念,但还是想写一些东西以纪念一年来平淡而忙碌的生活.也许有些信息后人还能用得着. Offer 去年四月份收到的McGill的全奖.加拿大学校的offer给的钱不多.不过基本生活是能够保证的.不要和美国学校的全奖比较,因为加拿大尤其是魁北克的生活水平还是比较低的.只要不奢靡,还能省下一些钱.我们来算一笔帐.如果你住在McGill附近而且一个人住,每个月房租大概要550-600,吃饭自己做的话200多.这样主要开销也就800左右.如果每个月有1100的收入,过的还是不错的. 签证 签证程序我就不说了,关于加拿大签证的信息很多版面上都有.未名精华区和使馆网站的信息就绝对够用了.如果奖学金减去学费还有10000刀就不用麻烦去做什么财产证明了.不仅麻烦而且画蛇添足.加拿大签证还是很容易的,全奖就几乎没有被拒的.需要的只有一个:耐心! Vancouver入关 到Montreal没有直达的飞机,必须要Vancouver转机.国际班机都容易晚点再加上Vancouver入关时间比较长,如果你转机时间很紧,很有可能你就赶不上Vancouver到Montreal的飞机.我到Vancouver的时候正好赶上Toronto的大停电,害的我在Vancouver排队等了1天2夜.真是苦不堪言.所以强烈推荐在国内订到Montreal票的时候最好确保2个小时左右的转机时间.千万不要听信航空公司所得1个小时足够的鬼话. 要知道,你在Vancouver一个人等飞机的痛苦那些机票代理才不管! 初到蒙城 踏上前往Montreal的飞机,你就会发现语言优先权的变化.在来Montreal的飞机上都是法语先说,然后才是英语.Montreal有两个机场:Tradeau (原来叫Dorval)和Mirable.主要飞机都是在Dorval国际机场.下飞机以后万一没有拿到行李不要着急,在luggage claim填一张单子,机场会在48小时左右把箱子送到你的住处.在机场有人接最好,不行的话可以打车.Dorval到Center-Ville (Downtown)的出租价格是政府规定的31加元.加上5元左右的小费,36刀就可以从机场到downtown的任何地方.刚到的时候最好有同学和朋友的宿舍可以凑合两天.实在没有就在国内的时候联系好一家Montreal downtown得移民旅社.具体信息可以去www.sinoquebec.com和www.mtl163.com上查询.一定要在国内就联系好临时住处,否则很有可能第一天晚上没地方睡觉.不过最好不要让这边的朋友在你来之前就联系好长期住处.这样确实方便,但是很有可能你不满意别人帮你挑的地方而且你不得不住上一年时间.最好8月中下旬到,这样有一个星期时间好好挑选自己满意的房子.Anyway,房子是最重要的,不可马虎大意.搬一次家可是极其痛苦的. 住房 如果你奖学金足够,我强烈推荐住在McGill Ghetto里面,离学校走路也不过5分钟. Montreal公寓的类型名称比较奇怪.宿舍型的大通间(有独立卫生间不过厨房不独立)只有一个大房间,没有卧室和客厅之分.这种叫一个半(1 1/2)或者叫Studio. 独立厨房和客厅的叫三个半,一般适合Couple住.如果你或者别人不介意住客厅,你们可以share三个半.不过我不推荐这样住.很多我认识的人开始为了省钱和别人合租3个半住在客厅,不过现在大部分都因为嫌不方便而改成一个半或者合住四个半了(2个独立卧室).Ghetto是离McGill最近的学生住宿区.一个半的大约在550-600加元之间.三个半的在680-900之间.如果有钱可以住到最好的公寓La Cite.不过这就比较奢靡了.La Cite得一个半都得700以上,让一般的留学生望而生畏.住在Ghetto生活还是很方便的.两个大超市Provigo和Metro就在Ghetto旁边的Du Parc街.La Cite下面有一个小型的Mall.平时有时间可以去逛逛.La Cite Mall里面有一个著名的电影院Cinema du Parc.这是一个基本不放商业大片而只放经典老篇和获奖影片的影院.如果你喜欢看艺术片,这里是在合适不过了.有不少中国移民和留学生认为Ghetto比较贵而选择到比较远的地方居住.像离McGill有6战左右地铁距离的Verdun就是华人很多的地方.但是如果你在McGill上学,住在这种地方就十分不明智了.平常上下学做地铁20-30分钟没有什么,可是一到冬天-Montreal半年严酷的冬天!-你就会觉得没多走一步简直就是活受罪.我的一个朋友实在受不了这样的严寒,从原来走路只要10分钟的公寓办到现在到学校只要30秒的公寓! 还有一点,北美的公寓隔音效果极差.所以要注意不要住到McGill本科生聚集以及恨高层的公寓楼.本科生很喜欢在大半夜还在放摇滚,用中妨碍正常学习.所以,住的离本科生远一些!McGill Ghetto的住房信息可以在www.mcgill.ca/classified/housing和www.mcgill.ca/offcampus上面找到.不过第二个网站需要McGill账号登陆. 冬天!及其可怕的Montreal得冬天!Nightmare!我还记得刚来的时间,老板问我说: 你怕Montreal的冬天吗?我当时不屑一顾:有什么可怕的.老板当时震惊的看了我一眼没有说什么.现在才觉得自己当时是多么幼稚! Montreal得冬天从11月一直持续到4月份左右.连续不断的大雪!Montreal年均降雪量超过了莫斯科.最冷的时候是1-2月份左右.晚上气温可以达到零下30多度.我还记得去年冬天晚上仔细回来的感受.脸上就像在被人用锋利的刀子在割!厚羽绒大衣,厚防滑靴,厚手套,厚围脖不仅是必需的而且是保命的.记住准备行李时其他都可以不带,以上这些东西请务必带齐.防滑靴也是很重要的,因为至少有3个月的时间路上都是厚厚的冰.极其滑的冰.平常我从公寓到学校要5分钟,冬天至少要20分钟.稍微一不小心就会滑到.选公寓的时候一定要确保暖气是很好,否则…想象看零下30度的时候睡觉没有暖气… MBA的专业选择和发展方向 选自:互联网 一.一般管理GeneralManagement 从古至今,GeneralManagement是欧美所有顶尖的MBASchool最热门的主修之一.它以哈佛大学为代表,最能诠释MBA的灵魂.今天的GeneralManagement代表的是全球性的行销市尝是国际管理,也是企业的终极目标-永续经营. 顶尖MBASchools和跨国企业不断地在给MBA学生下面的忠告:不要把GeneralManagement看成一个单纯的、管理上的一个功能领域.事实上,它不是一个功能性的专业领域,而是一个全程的、一辈子的生涯发展目标.当你在接受训练时,你会发现它涵盖了所有经济管理上的功能性专业领域,并且今天,每一个领域的前面都加上了international这个字,被赋予国际化的意义和实质.今天的GeneralManagement已经扩大到一个跨国的、多文化的角度来探讨,这也是它比以往更吸引人、更具有挑战性的地方. 近年来,各国的企业国际化的脚步都加快了,海外成为管理决策上的主要战场,这个趋势直接刺激了美国的MBA学生,开始向往国际贸易与国际管理的职业生涯.他们梦想一旦取得了以国贸为主修的MBA学位,就能立刻被跨国公司聘用,发派到全球各地走马上任. 美国企业界一向实事求是,深知他国的法令规章和文化习俗难以掌握,绝非土生土长的美国佬现学现卖就能奏效的.东京迪斯尼乐园主要的经营与管理,一直在日本人的掌控之拢两袢猿中夹缘爻沙ぁ0屠璧牡纤鼓崂衷白畛踔苯佑擅拦司芾怼⒚拦斯婊怀鋈辏兔媪儆说睦眩头⑾止婊系拇砦蟆!伴佟比牖幢洹拌住保褪钦飧龅览怼?br /> 所以,美国顶尖的MBASchools每年招收的外籍学生比例颇高,这些由海外引进美国的高级管理知识份子,一旦在美国取得了学位,就有机会成为美国跨国企业延揽的对象.这些国际学生不但了解自己国家的法令和文化,又接受过美国高等管理教育的训练,正是海外分公司最适当的管理人眩 二.财务FINANCE "财务"一般被认为是金钱管理(moneymanagement)的同义字.公司如何运用它所有可动用的财务资源、如何发展或评价各项投资、如何在本行业之外另辟赚钱的方式等等,都在财务的范围之内.因为它与"金钱"直接相关,对企业来说重要性最高,所以一向是所有管理功能中,最受MBA学生青睐的一个领域. 1.商业银行(CommercialBanking) 包括:贷款、储蓄、信用、协助公司或各人理财、信托、不动产等等. 2.财务管理(FinancialManagement) 公司财务部门的经理掌管公司的财政,控制公司的财务,在现代企业的经营理念中,这些人必需有能力"让钱生钱".这也就是财务管理最吸引人的地方. 3.投资银行(InvestmentBanking) 投资银行家的主要工作是协助公司、政府、个人投资者、与其他相关客户做有利可图的投资.在某些情形下,他们也参与大公司的投资案,或公司合并案、资产冻结或重组案、等等. 长久以来,股市是投资银行家最主要的表演舞台,目前世界上仍以纽约、伦敦、东京三地的股票市场为主要的金融指标,几乎所有跨国金融机构或公司,在这三个城市都有主要的据点.这些据点每年都会从顶尖的MBASchools中挑选最优秀的毕业生作为新血.假以时日,每年累进的新血中,总有几个能在激烈的竞争与淘汰中出类拔萃,担当大任. 表面上看来,投资银行家是财务这个领域里最风光的一条路,但投资银行家所要承担的时间压力,不确定感,危机意识也都是最高的.这是不折不扣的"高风险、高报酬"行业. 三.会计ACCOUNTING 会计包括有:个人理财、日记账、每月结余、年度收支、报税、公司成本、营业额、公司年度预算、国家税收、国家年度预算等等,涵盖范围可说是相当广泛.是所有管理功能中最基本的一个功能.所有的公司、组织、甚至国家或个人,都需要这一项管理功能. 由于近年来资讯系统工业的快速发展,"会计"结合了电脑高科技,发展出会计资讯系统(AccountingInformationSystems,AIS),这使得会计的功能更强,范围更广.而在决策过程中,会计的重要性也更为明显. MBA毕业生进入会计的专业,可以从会计师(CPAs:CertifiedPublicAccountants)、或是公司会计部门的幕僚人员,财务分析师做起.这些人参与公司资源分配、管理资讯系统的建立、财务规划与控制等等,工作的范围可以从上游的规划与预估、到下游的预算与分析. 许多规模较大的会计师事务所以本身财务与会计方面的专业为基础,提供企业界的客户咨询与管理顾问的服务,所以拥有自己的管理顾问部门.这是以会计为主修的MBA毕业生在就业时选择的第一志愿.顾问业(consultancy)的工作较财务分析师或稽查员生动活泼,面对人的机会较多,也更能发挥个人风格的管理长才.由于其高风险性,获得的报酬较高. 以上是全球TOP50商学院MBA的主要专业方向.此外还有: 商务法律与税收(BusinessLawandTaxation) 咨询(Consulting) 电子商务(E-commerce) 创业学(Entrepreneurship) 医疗护理管理(HealthCareManagement) 人力资源管理(HumanResourceManagement) 信息技术(InformationTechnology) 国际商务(InternationalBusiness) 投资学(Investment) 领导学(Leadership) 管理信息系统(ManagementInformationSystem) 管理科学(ManagementScience) 市场营销(Marketing) 组织行为学(OrganizationalBehavior) 生产与操作管理(Production&OperationsManagement) 公共与非盈利组织管理(PublicandNonprofitManagement) 量学方法(QuantitativeMethods) 房地产(RealEstate) 体育管理(SportsAdministration) 战略管理(StrategyManagement) 供应连锁管理(SupplyChainManagement) 加拿大的大学语言班简介 选自:互联网 一、大学语言班不是语言学校 在加拿大仅有89所大学,几乎全是公立的,经费大部分来自政府,少部分来自学费和个人的资助,加拿大的大学在校务行政方面,大都采取两院制的系统,校务董事会负责财政以及和政府与民众之间的协调联络事务,而校务会议负责学术性的事务.这种财政和行政的组织机构,使得加拿大的大学能够不断地维持高水平的教育. 外国学生进入加拿大大学均要求有托福成绩,通常至少在550分以上,有些大学允许低于托福标准的学生先在该大学的语言进修中心进修,达到标准后再正式进入大学. 而语言学校是一种盈利的事业机构,靠外国学生的学费维持和经营.这类学校专为外国学生的语言程度而设,可以符合外国学生的特殊需要,并协助外国学生适应加拿大的社会民情. 所以,大学语言班是学生已进入加拿大大学,但要先达到大学要求的英语水平后,再选修相关专业的一个过渡课程,而绝对不是语言学校. 二、哪些学生必须先进入大学语言班学习 所有已在国内接受高等教育(如大专、大学、研究生),没有满足加拿大大学入学条件的外国学生(托福分数不够),必须达到所申请的大学要求的英语水平后,方可正式进入大学选修相关专业. 三、大学语言班的教学目的和课程设置 加拿大大学的入学条件资格由各校自订,托福分数的要求各不相同,以里贾纳大学为例,语言班课程设置为: 英语资格一级(EAP010)初级入学要求:托福低于400 英语资格二级(EAP020)初高级入学要求:托福400-449 英语资格三级(EAP030)中低级入学要求:托福450-479 英语资格四级(EAP040)中高级入学要求:托福480-519 英语资格五级(EAP050)高级入学要求:托福520-549 注:EAP桬nglish for Academic Purposes 大学语言班的教学目的是:为暂时未达到加拿大大学入学要求(托福分不够)的外国学生提供提高英语水平的课程,消除语言障碍后,方有能力攻读专业. 四、大学语言班的学习时间和毕业考试 大学语言班的开课时间一般为每年的一月、四月、七月、九月,每学期大约八周或十二周,课程结束即可参加考试. 外国学生根据自己的托福分数或直接参加大学语言班的入学考试来确定他修读语言班的年级,每学期结束即参加考试,成绩合格后,继续升级,直至英语资格五级成绩合格后,即可毕业.这样是为保证外国学生在语言、专业知识等方面达到加拿大大学新生水平,修读专业没有语言障碍.大学预科班的毕业生只可在申请大学语言班的加拿大大学选修自己的专业. 五、大学语言班的报名时间和入学时间 大学语言班报名申请时间至少应在每学期开课前六周. 大学语言班的入学时间为每年的一月、四月、七月、九月均可. 留学生申请加国本科指南 选自:互联网 加拿大近年来一直是中国学生的留学热点,据粗略统计,去年一年申请加拿大留学的中国学生近2万人,按60%的签证通过率计算,赴加留学生是个相当可观的数目.尽管年年赴加留学生都为数不少,但由于对国外教育状况和留学要求不甚了解,每年申请加拿大留学的过程中,总有许多人走弯路.日前,记者专访了留加专家叶屿生先生,请叶先生就留加申请过程中的问题详加指点,给广大留加学生一份有益的参考. *本科毕业再申请加拿大本科是否可行* 有没有在国内大学本科毕业了,又申请加拿大本科的?叶先生遇到过不少这样的案子.是否可行?叶先生认为要区分不同情况分别对待. 相同专业,国内本科毕业再申请加拿大本科.叶先生认为这种做法不可取:第一,你如何说明这样做的目的,也就是你如何保证你学习计划的合理性与可行性;第二,你申请的学校是否接受,加拿大有些学校是明确不接受这样的申请者的;第三,如何过签证这一关,所以,这样做的人成功率很低. 国内本科毕业,转换专业申请加拿大本科.有个学生国内非电脑专业本科毕业,申请加拿大名校滑铁卢大学电脑专业,在专家指点下,由于设计了合理的学习计划,该生顺利被滑铁卢录取并签证成功;某位国内商科毕业的学生,申请加拿大商业计算机专业本科获得成功;这样的案例不少.叶先生分析说,由于在国内高等教育中转换专业非常困难,许多学生学了自己不喜欢或就业前景不理想的专业,毕业后希望藉由留学的机会转学自己喜欢或今后就业前景更好的专业,无可厚非,但在申请过程中要说明这么做的合理性、可行性,才有成功的可能. *大三、大四转换专业者拒签率高 * 在国内已经读到大三、大四的学生,如果申请留学时转换到与原专业相去甚远的专业,遭致拒签的几率远高于其他情况.叶先生分析说,你放弃了在国内读了两三年的专业,到加拿大后新专业要从大一读起,如果你无法完满地说明这么做的原因和目的,很容易被拒签,因为这样的学习计划有明显的不合理性.当然,如果学习计划阐述得当,成功的人也不少.曾有一位在国内著名大学读生物专业的学生,学业成绩优秀,托福580多分,在叶先生的帮助下成功申请到滑铁卢大学电脑专业,并转了一年半的学分. 大二以后的学生留学加拿大,无论转换专业与否,都可以申请转学分.叶先生介绍说,转学分要在学生到达留学学校以后进行,学生要向学校提供过去大学中的学分、学时、成绩、课程描述等详尽资料,经学校评估后给予转学分,有时学校还要进行面试或笔试. 对于大三、大四要转专业的学生,除了做合理的学习计划说明外,叶先生提示,还有一种方式比较稳妥可行,就是先申请与过去所学专业相同的专业,获得签证后,到学校再转换自己想学的专业,因为国外转换专业比较容易,同时可以转学分.由于国内转换专业非常困难,一般学生和家长对国外转换专业的情况又不太了解,所以很多人想不到这样做. *大一在读生留学最有优势* 叶先生认为,从申请学校、签证等方面的要求来看,大一在校生申请加拿大本科是最具有优势的. 加拿大政府认为,超过18岁的大一学生可以被看做是成熟、独立的一个群体,有了足够的自理能力,同时,他们已经通过了中国高考的检验,是真正优秀的学生.目前,已有越来越多的加拿大学校开始要求学生提供高考成绩.而且,对大一学生来讲,申请留学时无论转换专业与否,都容易被学校接受. *高中毕业前最好不要尝试留学* 加拿大政府明确对小留学生说"不".从近几年来签证成功率上就能看得出来,据去年公布的数字,申请去加拿大读小学及中学的申请成功率为45%;大专及大学预科的成功率是65%;而申请读大学本科的成功率则为80%.造成这一现象很可能是因为留学生在加拿大所将就读的课程愈高级,则在加拿大就读的时间就愈短,因此担保金额则低,所以申请获得批准的机会愈大.据有关官员的说法,大使馆不轻易批准高中未毕业的学生申请,主要原因是因为这些学生比高中已毕业的学生在加拿大需要更长的读书时间,因而需要更强的经济担保能力.同时小留学生如果不能顺利进入加拿大大学完成学业,将给加拿大造成社会问题,因此,这种签证的拒绝率就较高.所以,无论从加拿大的政策上还是从留学生自身条件上,叶先生认为,高中毕业再留学是最好的选择. 当然,高三学生也不必非等到毕业后再申请留学,可以在高三年级开始申请,比如,想在明年9月入读加拿大本科,应该在明年1月时就开始申请.按目前的留学进程:申请学校要两个月,签证办理3~4个月,到明年七八月份能有最终结果,中间不耽误参加高考. 魁省申请学生贷款的条件介绍 选自:互联网 申请学生贷款的条件,一般对于想读书的新移民都可以达到.但如果能成为"魁省居民",那么你可以得到学费的大幅度减免. 学生贷款和助学金的申请资格 魁省的学生贷款(Loan)与助学金(Bursary)的申请人首先必须是加拿大公民或永久居民.在这个前提下,还必须符合下列条件之一: 1.在魁省出生或被收养来魁省的人; 2.父母亲是魁省居民; 3.父母亲亡故,但生前是魁省居民; 4.父母亲搬迁外省,但本人仍留在魁省; 5.分配偶是魁省居民的外省人; 6.外省人在入学前在魁省连续居住超过十二个月者; 7.入学前在魁省居住超过三个月,且在外省居住的时间不超过三个月; 8.在魁省定居的永久居民. (注:第6、7条,适合通过联邦移民甄选程序到魁省的新移民;第8条是适合通过魁省移民甄选程序,到魁省来的新移民.) 此外,魁省人到外省读书也可被视为魁省居民而领取魁省学生贷款与助学金,只要学生家人尚居住在魁省,或迁居外省时间未超过五年,本人离开魁省后一直在读书,中断期间未超过十二个月,或本人的配偶到外省工作的时间不超过十二个月. "魁省居民"的概念很重要,(各学校对"魁省居民"界定有差异,应以申请就读学校的解释为准).它不只体现在有没有资格申请学生贷款和助学金,而且学费也不一样.我们以北美名校McGill大学的MBA课程的学费为例(因为MBA的学费较其它专业要高),可以很明显地看出差别: Yearly Fees Quebec Non-Quebec Canadian International 1999-2000 $1668.30 $3168.30 $8268.30 申请条件 申请学生贷款和助学金的学生必须就读于政府认可的全日制学校,必须有正常的学习能力,学有所成,学习期数不得超过规定. 在魁省,所有大学与大学预科都是政府认可的举校,此外,中等专业学校、音乐、艺术、农业、旅游等专业学校都得到政府认可.在魁省以外的加拿大各省的学校则须是加拿大大学协会的成员大学或由省政府资助的中等专科学校.只有得到这些学校的正式录取,学生才能得到贷款与助学金. 另外,学生就读的课程也必须是全日制的.全日制的定义:对于魁省中学是十二个学分的一百八十个小时以上的课程.大学则是四门课一百八十个小时以上的课程. 学生贷款与助学金的发放是要看学习能力的.这个能力不是尖子和优等生,而是几乎人人可及的正常学习能力.在开学后的第四与第八个星期,须得到能坚持学下去,确认没有放弃课程,学生才能继续领取这种分几次发放的资助.如果学习半途而废,则停发余下的贷款与助学金.学校的学习记录与成绩单会自动送到学生资助管理处. 不参加考试的旁听生或自费留学生是不能得到学生贷款与助学金的.此外,注册语言课程的学生也不能享受这种资助. 期未考试不合格,导致留级,学生贷款和助学金可以继绩拿.但留级不能多次.如在一般大学的八个学期的课程,学生最多只能享受九个学期的助学金,但学生贷款则可以享受十或十一个学期. 加拿大语言学校名录 选自:互联网 由于传统和历史造成的原因,加拿大目前有两种官方语言--英语和法语,这意味着国际学生来加拿大可以选读英语或法语.也由于众所周知的缘故,许多人到加拿大来学习英语,还因为加拿大全国各地有许多好的语言学校而且加拿大英语是在美国英语和英国英语之间的一种语言. 加拿大在语言培训方面有很丰富的经验.因为很多新移民来到加拿大之后,需要提高他们的英语能力,国际学生可以通用的英语课程、商业英语课程或者是其他类的英语课程. 另外,学生可以在英语教学方面得到培训.几乎所有的大学和社区学院都有ESL(英语作为第二语言)课程.通常私立的语言学校在招生方式上比较灵活,法语学习班既有私立的语言又有公立的. 绝大部分(但并不是所有)的法语学校都在魁北克省,与ESL课程相似,学生一般在任何时间都可以进入法语学校,而且学习时间任你选择.想在加拿大学习英语或法语的学生必须计划学习三个月以上才有可能拿到签证. 为那些有申请赴加拿大语言学校学习意向的年轻人方便起见,我们收集整理了以下加拿大语言学校的校名录,以供大家参考! Academie linguistique internationale inc. PQ Aspect International Language School BC Bodwell College BC Bouchereau Lingua International (ON) ON Bouchereau Lingua International (PQ) PQ n as a Second Language Institute BC Canadian Business English Institute BC Canadian Cascadia International College BC Canadian Centre for Language Training PE Canadian International Language School AB Canadian International Summer Camp for Young People Learning English, The ON College de Riviere-du-Loup-L 'ecole de francais PQ Collège Saint Charles Garnier PQ Connections Canada College International AB Crowsnest International School AB Discovery Language Centre ON Educere International College AB ELS Language Centres BC English Seminar Ltd, The ON Global Awareness Through English Enterprises ON Hansa Language Centre ON InterCultural Academy Institute ON Interlangues école de Langues - Language School ON International Language Academy of Canada ON International Language Centre of Canada Ltd. ON International Language Learning Centre BC International Language School of Canada BC King George International College BC Lakeside Preparatory Academy BC Language Circle ON Language Studies Canada (BC) BC Language Studies Canada (ON) ON Language Studies Canada (PQ) PQ Language Studies International (BC) BC Language Studies International (ON) ON Languages International ON Medicine Hat College AB MLS Centre Linguista PQ Northern Lights College BC Omnicom School of Language ON Pacific Gateway International College BC Pacific Language Institute (BC) BC Pacific Language Institute (ON) ON Pacific Northwest Language Studies BC Robson College International Language Institute BC Selkirk College BC Shoore Centre for Learning ON Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology ON St. Margarets School BC Tamwood International College BC Union College BC University of British Columbia, The BC University of Victoria BC Vancouver Community College BC Vancouver English Centre BC Vancouver Language College International BC Vancouver Maple Leaf Language College BC VanWest College BC Village English ON Western Town College BC Whistler Language Institute BC Winfield College BC Y&N Language & Cultural Studies PQ YMCA English Language Institute BC 加留学费用一年要花2万五 选自:新浪留学 周淘是卡尔顿大学电子工程系的一名中国留学生.他告诉记者说,一个国际学生在加拿大留学,每年至少要交1.2~1.6万加元的学费,如果加上生活费用,每年至少需要2~2.5万加元的开支,相当于10~13万元人民币.而且,加拿大各大学的学费年年都在往上涨. 周淘同学告诉记者,他在卡尔顿大学已学了3年了,学费每年在涨,经济压力很大.由于各学科的学费不同,涨价的幅度也不同.但平均下来,每年的涨价幅度在10%至15%之间.有一位中国留学生开玩笑说,世界贸易组织也该管管教育市场,使全球的教育市场更加规范.这位同学的话不是没有道理,但只要各国的教育水平有差别,恐怕真让世贸组织来管,竞争仍然是会有的. *每年有一两万中国学生留加* 如果说大多数中国留学生海外求学之路是金钱铺就的,可能有些偏颇,但学费昂贵却是一个不争的事实.可以说绝大多数自费到海外留学的中国学生都是国内富裕家庭的子弟,他们有着强大的经济背景做支撑. 加拿大是中国学生最向往的留学目的国之一,过去来加留学的人多数是攻读硕士和博士学位的,但近几年已扩大到中学.现在每年到加拿大留学的人数在一万至两万之间.渥太华的卡尔顿大学的中国留学生梅新月对记者说,中国学生把卡尔顿大学称作加拿大的"清华",这个称号并不是因为卡尔顿大学是加拿大的最高学府,而是这所学校的学生是"清一色的华人".这个说法当然有些夸张了,但这所大学里中国留学生所占的比例确实很高.其实,何止卡尔顿大学中国学生多,在加拿大其他名牌大学里,中国留学生的比例也相当高.为什么有那么多中国学子跑到加拿大来就学?因素有很多.一是中国人比以往任何时候都富裕和开放;二是加拿大需要中国人才;三是加拿大重视教育的商业化. *加拿大学费会越来越高* 招收国际学生是加拿大教育创收的一个重要途径.不少大学,如果不招收外国留学生,恐怕财政上就难以支撑下去.加拿大各大学收取国际学生的学费的标准是不统一的.一般情况下,安大略省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的大学的学费要比其他省份大学的学费高.但各省大学学费的差别不是太大,一年的学费至多相差1000加元左右. 其实,加拿大全国大学校长理事会每年都要就学费问题进行协调,以避免各校之间出现不正常的竞争.加拿大各大学国际学生的学费比当地学生的费用高出一倍.而且,一般到加拿大读本科的留学生是拿不到奖学金的.本科生的奖学金只给当地学生. 最近,记者在渥太华与原渥太华大学管理学院院长马洛云博士谈起中国留学生的一些事.马院长很直率地告诉记者,中国留学生到加拿大的费用的确很高,而且费用会越来越高.这样高的费用别说中国的一般家庭负担不起,就是加拿大中等收入的家庭也难以支付.所以考虑到这一实际情况,加拿大一些大学正在联手合作,到中国国内开办学校,以让中国学生既能学到加拿大大学的课程,拿到加拿大大学的文凭,也可让学生节省大笔开支,这是一举两得的好事. *留学加国要做好吃苦准备* 加拿大是全球高等教育学院就学率最高的国家.全国有92所大学,其中69所能授各类学位.加拿大名列前10位的大学分别是:多伦多大学、不列颠哥伦比亚大学、皇后大学、麦吉尔大学、西安大略大学、艾伯塔大学、麦克马斯特大学、达尔豪西大学、渥太华大学和蒙特利尔大学.可以说,绝大多数加拿大大学的学习和生活环境绝对都是一流的.校园环境优美,图书馆、教学设备十分现代化,体育和生活设施也很齐全.然而,由于经济条件有限,中国留学生在这里的生活条件很艰苦.一位在加拿大的中国留学生在一篇题为《我的加拿大留学感受》的文章中这样写道:"当我真正来到加拿大,渐渐地对它有了一定的了解,我开始从兴奋变得冷静下来,我开始思考一个我在国内从未思考过的一个问题:我花费了父母的毕生积蓄,放弃了自己已经获得的一切,来到一个陌生的地方,开始了一种新的,或者说是苦的生活,这到底值不值得?" 这个问题,恐怕不止一两个中国留学生在思考.应该说到加拿大来学习要比在国内上大学艰苦得多.由于语言障碍,中国学生在学习上有很大的压力,要比当地的学生付出更多的努力.在生活上,大多数中国学生,由于经济条件的限制,只能住地下室,或者与人合住条件比较差的公寓楼.许多人在吃的方面也只能吃被当地人称为"垃圾食品"的麦当劳,文化生活就更没有国内丰富了. 一位在蒙特利尔大学学习的中国留学生告诉记者,现在国内与西方国家的物质方面的差距越来越小,有些方面甚至超过西方国家.因此,出来学习的人一定要有充分的心理准备,不要把国外的条件想得太好了.如果没有吃苦的心理准备,必定会产生失望. 在加拿大有限公司如何支付工资 选自:魁北克信息港 http://www.cnquebec.com 当你的公司注册成立后,无论是否取得了营业收入,每个月都可以给雇主本人(Owner) 和雇员(Employee)发工资. 一)按税法的规定,向雇主本人发工资,要扣CPP,扣税,但不扣EI. 发多少工资,可根据公司的规模及税收负担综合考虑.一般年薪在$32000元以下,综合税率为22.05%(联邦加省税),否则超过部分就付31.15%,直至$64000.超过$64000部分按37.60%. 如果是向雇员发工资,要扣CPP、扣EI、扣税, 工资可按时薪或月薪计算. 这里应注意的是政府对CPP、EI、所得税比例每年都作调整,因此,每年1月都要及时更新扣税比例. 二)工资发放后应如何缴付薪资税. 首先在税务局注册一个薪资税号码并索要纳税申报表(Payroll Remittance Voucher),可致电税务局:1-800-9595525,打电话时提供公司的注册号码(Business Number),以后税务局将会每月寄一份纳税申报表,再按月缴付. 三)缴付金额=所扣CPP*2+所扣EI*2.4+所扣税额 四)如何正确扣税 a. 向税务局索要扣税表:T4032(Payroll Deduction Tables) b. 上网www.ccra.ca Download 扣税软件(TOD)全称为 Tables On Diskette. 根据上述表格软件,对照公司实际所付薪资计算得出应交税额. 移民Québec,学习法语的体会 选自:互联网 记得我即将决定移民Québec的时候,对于学习法语也有为难情绪.我们大多数中国人学习英语都十多年,可是和外国人交谈的能力又怎样呢?何况面对一门完全陌生语法又如此复杂的法语呢? 我不相信学习任何语言都是是有捷径的,何况对于语法复杂的法语呢.但我相信一句话,叫功夫不负苦心人.法语中也有两句名言:一句为:c'est en forgerant qu'on devient forgeront.(熟能生巧.)另一句为:Tant vaut l'homme, tant vant la terre.(人勤地不懒)也是说的这个道理.只要多读、多听、多说,持之以恒,最终是能学好法语的.道理是这样说,然而有几个人能做到呢? 在我犹豫徘徊的时候,我再电视上看到了钟道隆教授的讲座.倒不是他的英语逆向学习方法有多好给我留下多深的印象,而是他的那种学习英语的刻苦精神吸引了我.钟道隆教授是45岁开始自学英语口语,那时他的英语口语基础几乎为零,而1年后他成为口语翻译.这难道不是奇迹吗? 然而奇迹的创造不是智力的超群的结果,而是由汗水浇灌的.他每天花至少5,6个小时学习英语,一年半内累计业余学习时间达3000小时.我们计算一下,英语本科生的四年英语专业学习的时间:假设一周5天,天天3小时英语专业课(4学时,整整半天),那么他们一年学习600小时,(除掉寒暑假,大约有40周,一年有200天学习), 4年为2400小时.而钟道隆教授的一年的时间花费丝毫不比那些专业本科生4年的花费的时间要少.钟道隆教授的学习经历又一次证明了天才出自勤奋的道理. 勤奋是不容易做到的,而一个45岁的半大老头子做到了,一个着全职人却做到了,一个有着家庭的为人夫为人父者做到了.而我呢,相比之下仍然年轻,工作也清闲,更没有妻儿老小拖累,为什么做不到呢? 跟钟道隆教授相比,我没有任何先天的缺陷,只要我努力,我也能创造神话.于是我开始了漫长而又神速的法语学习.所谓漫长,就是至今我至少学习了2500小时的法语.所谓神速,虽然我只学习法语不到两年,我的听说读写水平丝毫不逊色于4年本科法语生,而且我学的法语更加实用. 在那些法语学习的日子里,我每天至少学习3个小时,通常情况下为是4,5个小时,最多的时候,可以1天学习10个小时(假期里),而且在国内的几乎所有法语教材我都学习过了:《简明法语教程》(2本,孙辉主编),《法语》(1~4册),《大学法语简明教程》(1本薛建成编写),《法语速成》两本(本人没有买到书,完全根据16盘磁带学的),《新无国界法语》(2本),《reflet》等等. 我的功夫真的没有白费.当我去面试的时候,我已经知道中国老师和法国人发音的差异,也能区分魁省口音和法国口音,跟老外做基本的日常会话没有问题.于是,在香港面试的就变得非常顺利了.我几乎能听懂移民官说的每一个词,没有用上那个翻译(面试前,怕出意外,也请了翻译).翻译也没有白来,却是移民官用的,当翻译官查看我的成绩单时,由于不太懂我的专业,而让翻译给她翻译,翻译我的专业课的时候,给翻译错了,我只要用法语告诉移民官,那门课最准确的翻译应该是什么,结果让翻译有些尴尬.面试回来后,还兼职做法语笔译. 呵呵,学习法语的网友们,如果想学好法语,那么千万别找什么捷径,如果有捷径,那就是汗水.汗水到了,你将发现,你在短时间内也能学有所成.不过,怎样能激励自己学法语,以及学习法语的一些具体方法,我也有一些,不过不一定能适用于每个人啊! 再让初学法语者记住一句法语名言:Petit à petit, on va loin. 法语中分数、百分数、小数的说法 选自:互联网 一、1)法语中有三个专门的分数词 1/2 demi un demi ; 1/3 un tiers ; 1/4 un quart 2/3的表达方式是:deux tiers ;3/4的表达方式是: trois quarts 2)分子(基数词)/分母(序数词) 1/5 un cinquième ; 3/9 trois neuvième 3)如果分母数目过大,序数词不好表达,可以用介词sur来表示分数关系 1/98 un sur quatre-vingt-dix-huit 57/253 cinquant-sept sur deux cent cinquante-trois 二,法语中百分数的说法 法语中的百分比用 pour cent 来表示 3% trois pour cent ;50% cinquante pour cent 100% cent pour cent 三,小数的表示方法 逗号用virgule来表示 1,5 un virgule cinq 99,9 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf virgule 魁北克移民面谈常见的7个法语问题 选自:互联网 1.您叫什么名字? 您的姓名是什么? Comment vous vous appelez? Comment est-ce que vous vous appelez? Comment vous appelez-vous? Pouvez –vous me dire votre nom et prénom? Quel est votre nom? Quel est votre prénom? 2.出生日期 date de naissance 您是哪年出生的? En quelle année etes –vous né(e)? En quelle année vous etes né(e)? Quelle est la date de votre naissance? 您的出生地和出生时间? Quand et oú etes – vous né(e)? 3.您的国籍?nationalité Quelle est votre nationalité? 4.您的母语?langue maternelle Quelle est votre langue maternelle? 5.您讲法语吗?le fran?ais Vous parlez fran?ais Est-ce que vous parlez fran?ais? Parlez –vous fran?ais? 6.您讲英语吗?l'anglais Vous parlez anglais? Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? Parlez-vous anglais? 7.您住哪儿? Où vous habitez? Où est-ce que vous habitez? Où habitez-vous? Où habite votre famille? 法语最重要的10个动词 选自:互联网 faire faire 这个词在法语中的地位很重要,简而言之,就是中文的"做",用好它可以提纲挈领地掌握一大部分动词用法. faire 有十大常用的经典词义: 1."做,干":faire un travail 做一项工作 faire une guerre 作战,打仗 faire une danse 跳一个舞 faire un voyage 旅行 2."制作,制订":faire une machine 制造一台机器 (也可以用fabriquer) faire le pain en vapeur 蒸馒头 L'abeille fait du miel. 蜜蜂酿蜜 faire une loi 制订一项法律 (也可以用etablir) 3."从事,学习":faire mes etudes a l'Universite de Beijing 我在北大上学 faire un metier 从事某种职业 faire de la medecine 学医 faire l'ecole normale 在师范大学读书 4."整理,收拾":faire une chambre 收拾房间 faire un lit 整理床铺 faire les chaussures 擦皮鞋 faire la barbe 刮胡子 5."培养,造就":Il a fait beaucoup de bons eleves. 他培养了不少好学生. 6."扮演,充当":Kongli fait une paysanne dans le film. 巩莉扮演一个村姑. faire le fou 装傻 faire genereux 充大方 La salle de Qianqinggong fait chambre a coucher de l'Empereur. 乾清宫充当皇帝的寝宫. 7."显得,显出":Elle fait jeune pour son age. 她显得年轻. faire les yeux doux 露出温柔的目光 8."组成,构成":Un et un font deux. 1+1=2 Un metre fait cent centimetres. 一米等于100厘米. Une hirondelle ne fait pas le printemps. [谚]孤燕不成春. Cela ne fait pas assez. 那不够. 9."定价,价值":Combien faites-vous de cette etoffe? 这块料子多少钱? Combien fait-t-il? ----Ca fait 10 yuans. 它值多少钱? ----10块. 10."尺寸为,容量为":Quelle taille faits-tu? 你身高多少? Cette colonne fait 10 m. 这根柱子10米高. Oicq法语聊天手册 选自:互联网 Je me présente:(自我介绍一下 :)Je m'appelle Hélène(我叫Hélène)Je suis une fille(女生)Comme les autres(跟她们一样) J'ai mes joies, mes peines(我有自己的欢乐,自己的忧愁) Elles font ma vie Comme la votre(就象你一样) Il y a deux personnes en vous.L'une est caracterisée par un grand sens pratique, l'autre par une vive imagination 你有双重性格其一特点是务实,另一特点是具有丰富的想象力 asv = age sexe ville Merci d'avance 先谢谢了 A plus tard/ A bientot一会见 A la prochaine下次见 A tout à l'heure一会见 Pas mal,dans l'ensemble.总的来说,还不错 Soyez la bienvenue 欢迎光临 Moi de même 我也是 Quelle bonne surprise de vous retrouver!见到你真让我惊喜 Tout à fait!完全正确 Que preferez-vous?你比较喜欢什么 Qu'aimez-vous le mieux?你最喜欢什么? Il se fait tard.不早了 Je vous laisse maintenant 我先走了. A votre avis,quel est,comment,pourquoi,etc.你认为 Si je le savais,je vous le dirais volontiers.如果我知道,会很乐意告诉你的 Cela dépend 看情况 Cela m'a fait grand plaisir 真是让我太高兴了 Je chante faux 我五音不全 Connaissez-vous les paroles de cette chanson? 你知道这首歌的歌词吗 Soyez bref.请简短一 Tu fais quoi dans la vie ? 平时你做什么? Je vous embrasse tres fort!紧紧拥抱你 Vous allez très bien l'un avec l'autre.你们俩太般配了. Comme vous voyez!就象你所看到的 Il la choisira plutot pour sa beauté que pour sa culture.他选择她的原因不是因为她的修养,而是因为她的美貌. Vous êtes attiré par l'histoire?你喜欢怀旧? 法语中的祝福语 选自:互联网 法语(Francais) 祝贺你! Felicitations! 衷心祝贺你! Toutes nos felicitations! 你真幸运! Vous avez de la chance! 我祝你好运气! Je vous souhaite bonne chance! 祝你成功! Je vous souhaite le succes! 祝你幸福! Je te souhaite beaucoup de bonheur! 祝你身体健康! Je te souhaite une bonne sante! 生日快乐! Bon anniversaire! 节日好! Bonne annee! 玩得愉快! Bon amusement! 祝贺你取得的成绩! Je vous felicite de vos brillants succes! 非常高兴听到这个消息! Je suis tres heureux d'apprendre cette bonne nouvelle! 请接受我们的祝愿! Mes meilleurs souhaits! 您好,亲爱的朋友! Bonjour,chers amis! 很高兴认识你! Enchante de faire votre connaissance! 这妙极了! C'est une tres bonne idee! 请你原谅! Je vous demande bien pardon! 真遗憾! Que c'est regrettable! 您随时可以得到我们的支持! Vous pouvez a tout moment compter sur nous! 法语谚语 选自:互联网 法语谚语 Aveugle comme un taupe 鼠目寸光 Avoir de l'esprit jusqu'au bout des doigts. 精力充沛 Avoir des yeux de lynx. 千里眼 Avoir le main heureuse. 幸运儿 Avoir le coeur gros. 心事重重 Avoir le coeur sur la main. 慷慨大方 Avoir le dos large. 有承受力的 Avoir le gosier sec. 口干舌燥 Avoir le nez fin. 有预见性的 Avoir le pied marin. 临危不惧,处惊不乱 Avoir les reins solides. 有靠山,有背景 Avoir les yeux plus grands que le ventre/pence. 眼大肚子小/眼高手低 Baisser la tête.羞愧 Courber la tête.认输 Conserver comme le prunelle des ses yeux. 视若掌上明珠 Dévisager quelqu'un. 直视,盯着某人 En avoir le coeur net. 放心 En un tour de main. 眨眼之间 Etre à deux doigts de sq perte. 离失败咫尺之遥 Faire contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur. Forcer la main de quelqu'un. 强迫某人 Jouer des coudes. (在人群中)挤Jusqu'à la moelle des os. 透彻骨髓 Les murs ont des oreilles. 隔墙有耳 Mener quelqu'un pqr le bout du nez. 牵着某人的鼻子走 法语谚语(法中对照) 1.donner sa langue au chat langue de chat 2.quand le chat n'est pas là les souris dansent 3.il fait un froid de canard 4.tourner sept fois sa langue dans la bouche avant de parler 5.c'est bleu c'est un conte bleu 6.casse-tête chinois c'est du chinois 7.avoir les chevilles qui enflent casser les pieds à quelqu'un 8.c'est le pied avoir des fourmis dans les jambes mon oeil! 9.mettre son nez dedans; de bouche? 10.mettre de l'eau dans son vin retirer à quelqu'un le pain de la bouche casser la cro?te 10faire un fromage de qqch. fromage de soja 11.je t'aime je t'aime beaucoup 1玩猜迷游戏,猜不出来,他会说"我把我的舌头交给猫",即放弃努力;但如果他问你要不要"猫舌头",别误会以为他有了灵感,因为那只是一种舌状小饼干. 2"山中无老虎,猴子称大王",法国人说得较通俗:"猫儿不在,耗子在家跳舞" 3外面天气冷得发抖,他们说"天儿冷得跟鸭子似的" 4.法语里"舌头"和"语言"是一个词.说三思而后言之,他们要你"焉嗤吩谧炖镒涣嗽偎怠?br> 5.我们中国人说一件事干不成是"黄了",他们讲一件事快办成时说"这事儿蓝了",但如果说"这个传闻是蓝色的",那肯定是海外奇谈. 6.中国文化在法国人眼里莫测高深,什么东西他们一旦玩不转或搞不清楚,一定会说这是"伤脑筋的中国玩艺儿",所有听不懂的干脆说"这是中国话". 7.法国人被人夸奖时会说"我的脚脖子肿起来了",你千万别建议他去看医生,他只是在谦虚,类似"不敢当"或"过奖了".如果脚踝骨名声还不错的话,脚可是泾渭不分.说某人伤了我的脚",就是说那人很讨厌.而如有人高高兴兴地说"这是脚!",他的意思相当于北京话的"没治了!" 8."腿上有蚂蚁"是说腿发麻;"我的眼睛!:谁信?!"把我的鼻子放进去":好好看一看"从嘴到耳":一传十,十传百. 9.法国人最引以为荣的三样东西是葡萄酒、面包和奶酪,可见其对饮食的重视.他们喝葡萄酒从来不加水.如果有人说要"在酒中掺水",他的意思是让自己平静下来.法国人吃的面包是硬皮面包,如果整整一天没有面包吃,那么这一天就长得难以想象了;要是有人"从别人嘴里抢走面包",那就无异于抢人家的饭碗;"掰碎面包皮"就是随便吃一点. 10.奶酪的话,有人说一年有多少天,法国的奶酪就有多少种;"把某事做成奶酪"说的是这事儿大有文章可做.据说有这么个故事:法国某餐馆中,有美中法三人在一起用餐.席间美国人在他的红葡萄酒中加了很多水;中国人吃掉了面包芯,留下了所有的面包皮;法国人目瞪口呆之下,本该点奶酪,却向侍者要了豆腐——豆腐在法文中称为"大豆奶酪". 11.关于"热爱"、"喜欢"和"爱恋"的说法,法文中通通是一个词.如说爱,那么很简单地说"我你爱"(法文宾语代词在动词之前);要注意的是如你想表达"我喜欢你",千万记住要说"我爱你很多",否则将造成误会.原来多爱了那么一点就已经不是爱情了. 移民Québec,应对面试学习法语的秘诀 选自:互联网 作者:lovely-panda@163.net 移民Québec,面试成功的关键是法语.而法语对于大多数普通人来说,在一年之内内学好又谈何容易.但是面试毕竟是面试,它的范围有限,话题有限,只要准备得当,成功通过面试还是小case. 下面,我就向还没有通过面试的同道谈一下准备面试体会与秘诀. 1. 面试内容.面试内容虽然根据申请人的背景不同而千差万别,但是它还是有范围的,具体包括:个人信息(informations personelles),教育问题(questions sur la scolarité), 工作情况(expériences de travail),移民动机(motif d'immigration),语言水平(niveau des langues), 在Québec的计划 (projet au Québec), 关于Québec以及加拿大的知识(connaissances du Québec et du Canada),个人财产情况(financier),个人爱好等(gouts),此外还有一些日常话题(conversation courante)etc. 2. 面试难点. 一是听力.由于大多数移友学习法语时间有限,准备不充分(很多人以为找个法语不错的老师甚至外国人帮忙辅导,背上10多个页码的问题与答案,就充分了,其实不然),很难听懂移民官的话,基本上连蒙带猜,出现答非所问的现象. 二是移民官的追问.为了考察申请人的法语水平,移民官的问话是很灵活的,他们随机问话常常让申请人措手不及.这个时候只是盲目自信,思维冷静是不够的.很多通过面试的网友,都说自信有多么重要,那其实是胜利者片面自我炫耀.更重要的是准备充分.有备而战,才能攻无不胜.本人面试时,移民官竟然让我介绍孔子他老人家(我是学中文古典文献的.)孔子(Confuscus)这个词在比较全的《新法汉词典.修订本》都没有,而且发音也是一反法语的正常规则.可是这个词对我来说是un petit plat.因为我早在面试前半年就把这个词熟滥于心.所以无论准备什么样的问题,尽量的全,尽量的想到别人可能会继续问下去. 3.准备方法. 挑战听力.既然面试内容有限,那么移民官的说话内容就有限.听力就可以准备.千万不要以为有翻译就不要听力啊,移民官不是傻瓜,他们也知道申请人在背答案.所以,听力是反映法语水平最重要的一环.在我帮助下,一个已经通过面试的朋友,法语虽然发音不准(老受英语影响),却听懂了大部分,让移民官大为惊讶(有几次他说完就想让翻译翻译,结果我那朋友却直接应答了,虽然说得不太流利),让他顺利过关.所以呢要多多准备面试问题,录成磁带,多听,最后做到每个字都听懂.有个诀窍:当你能把这些问题全部背下来,并能流利说出来,听力也就差不多啦.不过,即使一个问题的问法也有好多,比如你是干什么的,什么职业,就有许多中说法:quel est votre métier? Quelle est votre profession? Quelle est votre occupation? Que faites-vous? Que faites-vous dans la vie? Que faites-vous comme métier? Etc,再比如为什么移民魁北克?就有 Quelle est votre motivation d'immigrer au Québec? Pourquoi vous voulez immigrer au Québec? Pourquoi voulez-vous vous installer au Québec? 等问法,本人手头的资料最少有18种说法.哈哈,如果准备不全,很可能就听不明白啊!到时候,真象一个网友说的:背了一堆答案,却听不懂,活象一个猎人端了一杆上满子弹的钢枪,却总也找不到靶子.呵呵,所以要注重听力啊,千万别在面试时成为那样的猎人.一两个小时的法语听力,好准备. 挑战追问:首先是尽量准备齐全,多与有经验的人交流.一个普通问题,也要往下延伸.当然了即使准备再全,也可能有漏的时候.这个时候只要事先想好,出现意外怎么办就可以啦.这个需要事先想好一些应对语言啊.比如,你学的东西特别专业,而且移民官偏偏在专业上难为你,当然啦,这个时候你能答上当然好,可是对于一个学时只有500(1500,又怎么样呢),多难可想而知.但是如果此时干张嘴不说话就很可怜了,如果被动让移民官告诉你,你可以说汉语,也不特别好,这个时候需要找些恰倒好处的搪塞的词语,比如这样的话非常好: votre question est trop spécialisée.je suis désolé, je ne peux pas répondre à votre question en francais. Puis-je répondre en anglais?你的问题太专业了,对不起,我不能用法语回答,我可以用英语答吗?这句话说明了自己不能用法语答的原因不是我的法语烂,而是你的问题刁,有些过分.我们毕竟没有学过专业法语.移民官也会理解这些的,他知道我们到底学了多少学时.还有,就是实事求是(但千万说法语啊).本人面试时,在移民官面前主动炫耀自己知道L'histoire du Québec.当我背完那好长好长一段历史年代与事件后,移民官就把本人大大表扬一顿,说我法语好,也夸我记忆力好,接着麻烦就来了,为什么la révolution douce叫la révolution douce,我只好临场发挥说,这是靠经济而不是靠政治和武力.她又追问我:是谁领导的la révolution douce au Québec.哇,这个我没有准备啊,而且无法发挥,好在我事先也有心理准备,立刻来个实话实说,je ne sais pas.结果移民官也没有说什么,就直接让本人通过了.所以,必要的实话不会让人感觉你无知,而只能给人留下诚实的印象.不过,不管你对付与实事求是,最好都用法语,这说明我们的法语没有问题,交流没有问题. 希望那些正在学习法语的移友在学习法语的时候,时时想着面试,并且提早准备,否则临时抱佛脚,即使有人给你提供最好的辅导最好的建议,你也记不下来啊. 个人陈述范例 选自:互联网 My interest in science dates back to my early childhood. I have always excelled in physical sciences and have received numerous awards in mathematics in high school. At age 18, I attended Beijing Normal University, majoring in physics. Four years of extensive study on in physics and my current work in surface science inspire me to undertake a greater challenge in pursuing a doctorate degree in physics. My aspiration to be a research scientist also makes the graduate study an absolute necessity for me. As an undergraduate student, I specialized in physics, mathematics, and computer science. And in my junior year study I studied computational physics in Applied mathematics III, during which I developed a 2-dmensional model with the finite size effect as a course project. in addition to being elated by my computer simulated phase transition phenomena, I was also pleased with the computed values of the critical exponents which closely agree with theoretical values. During the two-year course on the fundamentals of experimental physics, I diligently studied the techniques of operating experimental equipment, such as the epitaxy systems, lithography, and computer controlled data acquisition interfaces. I enjoyed these hand-on experiences. My current duty, as a research assistant, is to set up diamond film growth kinetics experiments which is designed to verify whether the mechanism of H atoms destroying C-H bonds in diamond film growth is the bottleneck reaction to diamond film formation. The results will give valuable insights and better enhance the research efforts of another group here. In the meantime, I am learning about the scanning probe microscopy, charged particle optics, energy analyzers and instruments used in surface science through the seminars held in my group. In order to be knowledgeable in the breadth of physics, I have attended workshop and symposiums in different fields. In the symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics held in 1995 in Beijing, I worked as an interpreter and edited the article "Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in the Twentieth century Physics" from Prof. C. N. Frank yangs speech and translated it into Chinese. Not only did I keep an open mind to get experiences in academics, I also actively participated in extracurricular activities in my university years. In the senior year, I was a part-time teaching assistant grading exams and answering questions in the courses, A Journey to Subatomic World and From Quarks to Black Holes. I also had a part-time position as the bulletin board system administrator for the Physical Society of PRC. I am currently constructing their WWW home page to improve information exchange and science education in China. Accumulating these valuable experiences, I am preparing myself for a career in scientific research. Being exposed to surface science, I am interested in mesoscopic systems and nanostructure materials. I plan to concentrate on condensed matter physics. Having carefully read the content of the graduate studies and on-going research programs at University of Washington at Seattle, I believe that UW is the best place for me to be. I am confident in that my diverse research experiences together with a firm commitment to physics have merited me to be qualified to undertake graduate study at the University of Washington at Seattle. Applicant **** mm/dd/yy Personal Statement 1 As a senior student of Zhengzhou Grain College, I am now applying for the acceptance to the University of Waikato strong1y. I will graduate from Zhengzhou Grain College in June 2000 and now I am major in Marketing. Marketing is a burgeoning field in China, then I hope I can learn more modern knowledge on marketing in New Zea1and. During my co1lege years of study, I have mastered much professiona1 knowledge and elementary technica1 abilities, especially on the marketing. I am strongly convinced that I can undertake some research during my further study. Meanwhile, due to the open study environment in my co1lege, my ana1ytical ability and problem so1ving skills have also gotten great improved. I think, with the ski11s, I can success in my study. At the same time, my good Eng1ish is the basis for me to study in an English-speaking country. I am fluent in reading and writing and I passed the CET-4 (Which is a nationa1 Co1lege English Test) in 1998. Now I am trying to improve my spoken English, reading aloud every morning on campus. I think that I can adapt myself to the new environment of New Zealand soon after I arrive at the University of Waikato. At the same time, to me, Computer is a tool for study. Especially with tl1e computer science development, Internet has made the earth smaller and smaller and information more and more available. I have always been fond of the computer and use it to help my study moreover, from the Internet, I have known more about the foreign countries and universities. The beautiful scenery and the peaceful environment of New Zealand are the big appeal to me. Moreover, tl1ere have advanced educationa1 system and knowledgeable teacher. Therefore, l decided to get my further study in New Zealand. The University of Waikato, with l6 undergraduate degrees, 70 interdisciplinary programs, is firmly placed amongst Universities internationally. I am sure, after the study of Master programs in the famous University of Waikato, I can be something in the marketing field. . I am eager to get your information soon. Best Regards Yours Sincere1y Cai Ying Personal Statement 2 I am writing in the hope of pursuing advanced studies in the field of Marketing in Australia. Such studies, I believe, will put me in a position more competitive for today's market economy of China. I would like to scale new heights in my career. Born in a family of senior intellectuals, I was cultivated to be aspirant with life when still a child. My parents put expectation on me. I always did excellently in my academic scores and never disappointed them. The entrance to universities is rather rigorous in China. The future of a student may be determined in the exam. When graduated from high school in l995, l was so nervous and failed in the exam unusually. I went to a two-year college study at Henan **** Institute, majored in Computerized Accounting. But I didn't lose my perseverance towards my goal. I studied hard and read widely. I had been occupied the first place in my two years' studies. After graduation in l997, I went to a state-run company as a sales representative. I clearly understand I was limited in both academic background and working experience. Accordingly, I studied to a Bachelor Degree with Economic Management at Henan **** Institute while working. I gained my bachelor degree in l999. During the working period, I developed myself in all sides as a businessman. I have taken every opportunity to develop my interpersonal skills and made the most of my academic background. I have successfully developed my own client net, which made myself distinguished among my colleagues. Not satisfied with the achievements l had made, I now want to undertake a more advanced business program. University of Western Sydney is one of the largest in Australia. The Marketing course of the University of Western Sydney is recognized throughout the world. I would great appreciate it if you could approve my application. I am confident that I will give full play to my intellectual potential in academic study. It should come as no surprise to you if I become one superior businessman on the Chinese economy a few years after l graduated from your university. Applicant **** mm/dd/yy Statement of Purpose 1 My purpose for applying to graduate school is to both expand on my existing knowledge and to create additional opportunities for myself in the future. I believe that graduate school will prepare me for a successful and challenging career in the aerospace industry. Even though I have chosen dynamics as my field of specialization, I am keeping my mind open to other areas of aerospace so that I do not limit myself. I am currently working at JPL in an academic part time position and I believe that this first hand experience will clarify my future educational needs and directions. While attending UCLA, I have had a number of part time positions, which included being a computer consultant, AutoCAD operator, and a lab for the Non-Destructive Evaluation Laboratory at UCLA. My diverse work experiences have given me a better understanding of what opportunities are available to me. There is so much that I would want to learn and under- stand. I have always been fascinated with the space program, and some day,I want to be instrumental in operating in the space program. I have wanted to be an engineer ever since my father shared with me some of his published engineering ariticles. I have always been a hard worker and have shown that I can handle a diverse work load incoporating work and college intocollege into my schedule. I believe that UCLA can provide me with the tools to succeed in the aerospace industry. I have enjoyed attending UCLA as an undergraduate student and would enjoy being a graduate student here as well. Statement of Purpose 2 Name: Degree desired: Doctorate Proposed field of Study: Food Science & Technology Microbiological food safety has always been a focus of concern for thefood processing industry and the public. Food spoilage microorganisms are responsible for approximately one-fourth of the total amount of food disposed throughout the world (Huss, 1992). Society also pays a huge economic price for the illnesses caused by foodborne pathogens and concomitant decrease of productivity. Thus my major interest is in researching methods for detecting microorganisms in the food system and the means for controlling or eliminating them. After I received my master's degree and serving two years in the military, I started working as an Associate Food Scientist at the Food Industry Research and Development Institute (FIRDI) in September, 1990. For the first 22 months there I was a lecturer in the Training Unit, where I taught about food processing plants as a part of employee training under the "Food GMP Authorization and Promotion Plan" and the "Promotion of CAS (ChineseAgricultural Standards ) Quality Mark System" .Both are important official systems for ensuring food quality in Taiwan nowadays; nevertheless, they lean toward plant hygienic layout and design, and end-product inspection. At my request, I transferred to the HACCP Working Group in July, 1992.This one-year on-line microbiological survey and monitor of food processing factories advanced my understanding of environmental stresses on microorganisms and the methods of destroying them. My co-workers and I submitted the proposals "The HACCP System for Production of Frozen Roasted Eel" and "The HACCP System for Production of Ice Bar" in June, 1993. HACCP is a preventive system of food safety. It is more effective and reasonable than conventional quality assurance programs based on end-production testing. This system has been introduced into Taiwan by FIRDI for over four years. However, the concept of HACCP is still frequently misunderstood or little known, partly because plant management often mistakes it for a "trouble-shooting" system, not a "trouble-preventing" one. Another reason is the complexity of decisions about where the "real" CCPs are located and what the applicable criteria are for preventing a false sense of security.Taiwan is demanding of specialists in this field. From July, 1993, to the present I have been the Assistant Manager, R&D Division, in Kasei Frozen Foods Works Co., Ltd. Fortunately I could employ my knowledge here in Kasei to achieve an ambitious dream of mine:the "Umbrella of Quality Assurance." This encompassed the hygienic design of the processing equipment and layout of this plant, employee training and hygienic management, cleaning and disinfection procedures, sampling and inspection plans, HACCP system, etc. These broadly describe my research interests. In order to enhance my research abilities, I have taken courses in SAS (Statistical Analysis System) at Taiwan Institute of Technology. In February,1995, I will attend 90 hours of classes in "Technology of Food Quality Control Program for High-level Management" at China Productivity Center (CPC). In the subsequent months, I am also planning to study books relevant to food microbiology to make up for my lack of formal training. And then, most importantly, I would like to begin intensive study at your graduate school. If I am admitted, I will apply my effort into achieving the following goals: (1) To acquire the knowledge of microbiological phenomena in foods. I plan to take some advanced courses related to food microbiology,including the following topics: microbial ecology, control and elimination methods in food microbiology, food pathogenic bacteriology and foodborne disease hazards, food toxicology, microbiological deterioration, shelf-life extension, establishment of microbiological criteria, methods of sampling, enumerating, isolating and identifying microorganisms, etc. (2) To advance my understanding of plant sanitation. At present, few scholars here are carrying out research on this subject. I strongly desire to gain expertise in hygienic design of food processing equipment, cleaner and sanitizer efficacy, biofilm, waste product handling, etc. If the situation warrants, I may also consider taking HACCP training courses on or off campus. (3) To improve my abilities with statistics and computer applications. Because statistical procedures are essential tools in food research, I intend to take courses related to this area at your institute. Upon the completion of my studies,I will return to Taiwan. I aspire to devoting myself to teaching in colleges or continuing my research work in a research institute where I can serve the food industry more. Reference Huss, H.H. (1992) Development and use of the HACCP concept in fish processing. Int'l. J. of Food Microbiology. 15, pp33-44. Statement of Purpose 3 Univ. of Washington My interest in science dates back to my early childhood.I have always excelled in physical sciences and have received numerous awards in mathematics in high school. At age 16, I attended National Taiwan University (NTU), majoring physics. Four years of extensive study in physics and current work in surface science inspired me to undertake a greater challenge in pursuing a doctorate degree in physics. My aspiration to be a research scientist also makes graduate study an absolute necessity. As an undergraduate student, I specialized in physics, mathematics, and computer science. In my junior year I studied computational physics in Applied Mathematics III, during which I developed a 2-dimensional Ising model with the finite size effect as a course project. In addition to being elated by my computer simulated phase transition phenomena, I was also pleased with the computed values of the critical exponents which closely agreed with theoretical values. During the two-year course on the fundamentals of experimental physics, I diligently studied the techniques of operating experimental equipment, such as the epitaxy systems, lithography, and computer controlled data acquisition interfaces. I enjoyed these hand-on experiences immensely. My current duty, as a research assistant, is to set up diamond film growth kinetics experiments which is designed to verify whether the mechanism of H atoms destroying C-H bonds in diamond film growth is the bottle-neck reaction to diamond film formation. The results will give valuable insights and better enhance the research efforts of another group here at IAMS. In the mean time, I am learning about the scanning probe microscopy, charged particle optics, energy analyzers and many instruments used in surface science through the seminars held in my group. In order to be knowledgeable in the breadth of physics, I attended workshops and symposiums in different fields. In the symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, I worked as an interpreter and edited the article "Conceptual Beginnings of Various Symmetries in the Twentieth Century Physics" from Prof. C. N. Frank Yang's speech and translated it into Chinese. Keeping an open mind to get experiences not only in academics,I actively participated in extracurricular activities while attending NTU. In senior, I was a part-time teaching assistant grading exams and answering questions in the courses, A Journey to Subatomic World and From Quarks to Black Holes. I also have a part-time position as the bulletin board system administrator for the Physical Society of ROC. I am currently construct their WWW homepage of IAMS (http://www.sinica.edu.tw/as/intro/atom.html) to improve information exchange and science education in Taiwan. Accumulating these valuable experiences, I am preparing myself for a career in scientific research. Being exposed to surface science, I am interested in mesoscopic systems and nanostructure materials. I plan to concentrate on condensed matter physics. Having carefully read the content of the graduate studies and on-going research programs at University of Washington at Seattle, I believe that UW is the best place for me to be. I am confident that my diverse research experiences together with a firm commitment to physics have merited me to be qualified to undertake graduate study at University of Washington at Seattle. 教你怎样写读书计划 选自:互联网 教你怎样写读书计划1 Prewriting The Prewriting section contains information and tips on getting started with writing your application essay as well as general information about the application essay. For students who have just started considering studying abroad or who do not really know the point of writing application essays, let Bob give you a brief introduction: Introduction to Essay Writing and the Application Process The admissions procedure for graduate schools in the United States is somewhat different than that for graduate schools in Taiwan. When you apply to an American graduate school, not only are you required to send the school your transcript and test scores, you are also required to submit one or more written essays. Different schools and programs require different essays. No matter what the essay requirement is though, the essay is always an important part of the application. The application essay is your chance to introduce yourself to the graduate schools to which you are applying. Your essays should present information that you think is both important to express and is not sufficiently detailed elsewhere in your application. Therefore, writing an essay is not only a test of your English ability but also a test of your judgment. The essay reveals your ability to survive and succeed in graduate school. While test scores and grades demonstrate your ability to comprehend a subject, essays help demonstrate how clearly you have thought out your academic and career goals as how serious you are about pursuing them. Graduate school admissions committees look carefully at BOTH quantitative criteria (test scores and grades) and qualitative criteria (essays and recommendations) in deciding if whether or not to admit an applicant. For many business schools, essays are even more important than either grades or test scores. Regardless of how important the schools you apply to treat the application essay, by the time you do apply your grades and work experiences will already be fixed. It will be too late to improve these qualifications. The essay will be the only part of the application that you still have control over, and a well-written essay will greatly improve your chances of getting into graduate school. The Different Types of Application Essays There are two basic types of graduate school application essays, personal statements and response essays. A personal statement is an essay in which an applicant has a lot of freedom in choosing the topic. Application to doctoral programs often require personal statements on the applicant's field of interest and intended plan of study. This type of personal statement is sometimes referred to as a "study plan." Some master's programs have similar essay requirements. Some schools, such as many law schools, allow the applicant complete freedom in choosing the essay topic. Personal statements are generally one to three pages in length. Schools that require applicants to write personal statements often have no additional essay requirements. A response essay is an essay that answers a question on a very specific topic or issue. They are often required for business school applications and other specialized master's programs. Response essays are generally limited to one page or less. Graduate schools that require applicants to write response essays generally require more than one response essay, sometimes up to eight or nine. What Graduate Schools Look for in Application Essays Unfortunately there is no way to know specifically what graduate schoolsl look for in application essays, so it is important when writing your essay to not worry about writing "the magic answer" or "the magic phrase" that will get you admitted. Since there are no objective standards for evaluating essays, you should write about experiences and issues that you actually know about and care about. If you are not genuine and sincere in your essay, it will show. While graduate schools do not expect essays on a particular subject, there are a few things that they do expect. They expect clearly and logically written essays that reveal thought and creativity. They expect essays that reveal maturity and focus. They expect essays that bring together the separate parts of an application (e.g. transcript, test scores, work experiences, extracurricular experiences, interests, etc.) and prove an applicant is qualified and motivated for graduate study. So essays should reflect the great amount of thought and effort taken by their author in writing them, as well of course as be free of grammatical errors. What a Unique Essay is and Why to Write One A unique essay is one that will be memorable to graduate schools' admissions staffs. By writing a unique essay, you will make yourself more attractive to graduate schools. Most American universities want to have a diverse student body, one that includes all sorts of people. Not only do universities target specific sexes, races, and areas of the globe in creating a diverse student body, they also look for people with unusual backgrounds and experiences. For example, top business schools do not only admit people with excellent grades and GMAT scores, but also look very favorably on candidates who have unique and uncommon work experiences. Graduate schools believe that a diverse student body adds both to the quality of student social life and the quality of education, because students with different experiences contribute different skills and ideas to the academic environment. The First Step: Self-Examination Before you beginning writing your first draft, you should review your personal history carefully to figure out what makes you both unique as an individual and a good candidate for graduate school. Here is a list of questions for you to consider to help you review your personal history. How to Use this List of Self-Examination Questions The below list of self-examination questions is for you to consider and answer. If you answer these questions thoughtfully, writing down your answers, it will be much, much easier for you to choose what to write about in your application essays. Thinking about these questions will also be very helpful if you ever have to interview for graduate school. Good Luck! School and Academic Achievements: 1、Why are you interested in your chosen field of study? How and when did you begin to get interested? 2、Why do you want a graduate degree? 3、Why do you want to study abroad? 4、What was the most rewarding class you took in college and why? What was the most rewarding assignment you did and why? 5、In addition to classes, how else did you learn about your field of interest (e.g. books, seminars, lectures, conversations)? 6、Do you feel your grades (university and graduate school if applicable) and test scores (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, TOEFL, etc.) accurately reflect your academic ability and potential? Why or why not? 7、What kinds of academic skills (research, lab, etc.) did you learn in college? 8、Were you involved in any especially memorable academic accomplishments in college? Describe them. 9、Who or what has been the biggest influence on your academic development and why? Career Plans: 1、What are your short and long-term career plans? How certain are you of them? 2、How will pursuing a graduate degree help you reach your career goals? 3、What current and past work experiences have you had? What were the most important things that you learned from them? Extracurricular activities: 1、What hobbies do you do in your free time? 2、What clubs or other extracurricular activities did you participate in during college? Did you hold any leadership positions? 3、Have you won any awards for your extracurricular achievements? 4、Have you done any volunteer work? Personal Questions: 1、Is there anything impressive about your background (e.g. experiences, accomplishments, family history, cultural background)? 2、Did you have to overcome any unique obstacles growing up? Personality Questions: 1、Are you responsible? If yes, describe how. 2、Are you creative? If yes, describe how. 3、Are you honest? If yes, describe how. 4、Are you independent? If yes, describe how. 5、Are you mature? If yes, describe how. 6、Are you hard-working? If yes, describe how. 7、Are you confident? If yes, describe how. Sample Essay Questions Looking at sample questions is a good way to get a feeling for the types of questions that graduate schools ask in their applications. Writing answers to some of the questions is one way to improve your essay writing. Here are some essay questions similar to those used by actual schools. General Questions for Masters and Doctoral Programs Please tell us your reasons for applying for graduate study, your particular area(s) of specialization within your field of study, your professional career plans, and any additional information that you want the admission committee to know. Your answer should not be longer than two pages. Please tell us your reasons for pursuing graduate study and the strengths and weaknesses of your preparation for graduate study in your proposed field. Limit your answer to one page. Please submit a statement of your academic and future career plans as they relate to the field which you wish to study. Your statement may not exceed 1000 words. Questions for Business Schools (Answers are generally between 500-1000 words) Why do you want an MBA? What do you expect to gain from this degree? What are your career objectives for the next five years? fifteen years? What is your ultimate career objective? Describe an ethical dilemma you once had to face and how handled it. What has been your single, most important achievement to date? What are your main interests outside your job or school? Why do you enjoy them? Other than business management, what are some other jobs or careers that you have considered? What do you consider your strongest personality traits? What traits would you most like to change? Describe a significant managerial or other work experience that you have had. When to Begin Writing The final draft of your essay should read like a polished piece of writing. Such an essay will not only be grammatically sound but also have a logical structure. Writing such an essay is difficult. You will probably revise each essay a number of times. Plan on spending ten to twenty hours on each essay. Of course, this does not mean that you will be working twenty hours straight. You should start on your essays as early as possible after you have decided the field(s) of graduate study you want to pursue. This means you may be starting weeks, or even months, before the application deadline. If You are Worried about Your English You cannot change the fact that English is not your native language, but you can still write a good essay. Remember, even native-born Americans and experienced writers struggle with their English writing. This is a common problem because, to say it simply, writing is hard. Not only is writing difficult, but writing about oneself is especially hard. High schools and colleges train students to write formal term papers and reports. Few students gain experience with writing in the first-person, with writing about themselves. So, do not be too anxious. If you are worried about your writing ability, so are probably all of your classmates. The most effective way to help eliminate anxiety and improve your writing is to practice, practice, practice. Not only should you get an early start thinking about the essays for the schools you are applying to, but you should also look at sample essay questions from schools you are not applying to. Thinking about and writing out answers to sample questions is a good way to help improve your essay writing. 教你怎样写读书计划2 The First Draft: Beginning to Write By the time you start writing you will have already done some important prewriting preparation. You will have reviewed your personal history and have written record of it . You will also have researched the universities that you are applying to and carefully read the essay questions in their applications. Which essay should I begin writing? You can start working on the essays for your first choice school, but do not mail the application until you have completed two or three other applications. Writing essays for your "back-up" schools will help you to think about and revise the essay for your first-choice school. Another tactic is to see if the different schools you are applying to ask the any of the same or similar essay questions and to start working on those. How do I start writing? After you have chosen your essay topic, you are ready to start writing. If you know how you want to answer the essay, you can first write a general outline to follow while writing. If you uncertain about what to write about, do not write an outline first, this will only confuse you and waste time. Instead, first review the answers you wrote for the self-examination and then write your essay spontaneously, as ideas come to you. After you get your ideas down on paper you can review them and then write an outline, if necessary, for helping you revise. Regardless of if you follow an outline or not, try to control your urge to edit and write simultaneously. For the first draft, focus on writing only, do not edit. If you try to write and edit at the same time, you will spend a lot of time writing very little. Write only. Do not worry about spelling or editing, or how closely you follow your outline. Do not worry if your writing does not seem to have focus or a theme. If you get stuck, refer back to your personal evaluation. Try to focus on writing specifics. Challenge yourself to write down exact details about past experiences. When you are done writing your draft, you should have written much more than required. Except for research proposals, you will have also covered a lot of topics. Your writing may not have a solid structure and probably will not have a real essay introduction, which generally is the first paragraph, or essay conclusion, the last paragraph. Do not worry about this, writing an effective opening and closing comes later in the essay writing process. Now that you have written something down on paper, set your writing aside and take a break. After a day or two, or a few hours if you are in a hurry, go back, read your essay, and begin revising. The Application Essay as a Story:One Approach to Writing One approach to writing a personal statement or response essay is to think of yourself as a storyteller. This means you will approach writing your essay like you are telling a story, rather than like writing a formal, research paper (Bob's Note: If you are writing a serious research proposal for a Ph. D. program, forget trying to write it as a story, focus on describing your proposal and experience as professionally as possible). The subjects of this story, your essay, are of course your academic, work, and personal experiences. If you have been through a dramatic life experience, such as overcoming a particular challenge or difficulty, you may want to write about it. Most people though probably think their lives have been quite bland. Yet, there are still ways to write a memorable essay. One way is to think of an unconventional or unexpected way to organize your essay and present your life experiences. This is sometimes called a hook or an angle. For example, if your grades and tests scores are average, but you have done notable volunteer work, then focus on it in your essay, relating it to your reasons for pursuing graduate study or your strong qualifications as a candidate for graduate school. Another way to make your essay stand out is by detailing unique career goals. Schools not only want to know that you are qualified for a degree but also how your are going to use the degree. Many applicants are too vague when writing their career goals. For example: "...I want to return to Taiwan to be a teacher and a researcher in an academic or industrial field. Sharing my knowledge with younger generations and contributing to our society are my ultimate goals." and "I shall return to China after finishing my studies because I believe what I learn shall be very valuable to China." These two examples say nothing. Their authors have not distinguished their essays from other applicant's. Now read the statement below: "My future career plan is to assume a managerial position with a non-profit charity foundation. Taiwan's largest problem in this field is the lack of professional management to formulate long-term goals and strengthen the management structure to achieve effective results. In this field, I will be able to fully utilize my training and skills in human resources and business management" This statement is more specific both in terms of describing a specific career goal and why the author wants to pursue it. Hopefully some the above advice will help you in writing your essay, but if not, you must still remember to make your essay interesting. This means writing something that people will enjoy reading. And most people would rather read something interesting and lively than dull and vague! Show and Tell One of the common weaknesses of application essays is that they "tell" too much and "show" too little about their author. What is the difference between "telling" and "showing?" In "telling" the author uses mostly assertions and self-appraisals instead of narrative description in describing his experiences. If your essay is filled with adjectives and vague phrases that lack specific details, you are probably "telling," not "showing." Also, if your descriptions are statements of opinion, not facts, you are also probably "telling." Some examples of "telling:" "My experience as a head of the student organization increased my teamwork abilities and efficiency in problem-solving, which will be of great help in my future pursuits." "In my experience working with senior managers, I was able to quickly build up my skills and confidence in my business abilities. I was able to endure and, in fact, began to enjoy to challenge. Overall, I considered my performance to be quite good." "My research experience in the Department of Microbiology was my most interesting and knowledge-enhancing academic experience during college." There is nothing grammatically wrong with the above examples, but none of them reveal much about their authors. What does the author of the first example mean by "increasing [his] teamwork abilities and his efficiency in problem solving?" Maybe he simply means that this was the first time he worked in a team. Or perhaps, he was responsible for something more significant, such as recruiting, organizing and supervising a group with one-hundred members. What kind of business skills did the author of the second example learn? Learning how to use a spreadsheet or learning complex financial and accounting techniques? Also, Why was the author content with his performance? Because he showed up for work everyday or because he researched a wrote a fifty-page report? What does the author of the third example mean by interesting? This adjective can refer to almost anything. You can avoid this type of vagueness in your essay by learning to "show" instead of "tell." In "showing," an author supports his assertions with specific evidence and proof. Because of the inclusion of concrete examples, "showing" is much more convincing and interesting than just "telling." Here are some contrasting examples. Tell: "I had an large amount of responsibility in working at the ABC Community Center." Show: "While working at the ABC Community center I was responsible for the daily supervision of fifteen teenage counselors aged sixteen to twenty and sixty children aged five to twelve. The summer camp ran from 7:30 am until 6:00 from Monday through Friday and included daily swimming lessons and art activities, and weekly field trips." Tell: "During my college years, I found that I had a special interest in economics therefore have decided to pursue a graduate degree in economics." Show: "Two specific academic experiences influenced me to pursue studies in agricultural economics. In March 1994 a report written by myself along with ten classmates entitled "The Effect of a Free Trade Economy on the Marketing of Poultry," was published in the Journal of Agricultural Economics. This was my first experience integrating theory and practical experience and taught me a significant amount about global markets. The second experience was..." Tell: "From reading various research papers and journals, along with joining seminars and training programs, I have found that the counseling service currently has many problems. After receiving my degree, I hope to help solve them." Show: "From my experiences in counseling, I am aware that there are three basic problems confronting Taiwan's counseling field. First, social change has outpaced the capacities of existing social programs. For example, schools and social programs are unable to handle the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. Second, there are a lack of appropriate social training programs to train current and new social workers to deal with all the problems they may encounter. Third, Chinese culture is centered around the family unit while Western culture emphasizes the individual. This leads to value conflicts between Western-trained counselors and Chinese patients." The more specifically and concretely you describe your experiences and opinions, the more convincing they will be and, consequently, the more you will reveal about yourself. So when writing you essay, keep reminding yourself SHOW, DON'T TELL. Application Essay Openings The purpose of the application essay's first paragraph, its introduction, is to grab the reader's attention and to introduce what will be discussed in detail in the rest of the essay. The essay's first paragraph is perhaps its most important. it will set the reader's overall impression of the essay. If your first paragraph is well-written and interesting, the reader will be more inclined to enjoy the rest of the essay. Likewise, if your first paragraph is dull, the reader may not be interested in reading your essay. Because the first paragraph is so important, you should make spend extra effor writing it. When should you start thinking about your first paragraph? Because it sets the framework for the topics you cover in the rest of the essay, you can actually save writing the first paragraph for after you have written the body of the essay and have a better idea about the main point and focus of your essay. The Application Essay Body In the body of your essay, the paragraphs following the introduction, you should elaborate on topics mentioned in your opening paragraph. You can also include additional information about your background and experiences. Remember through, there is no need to detail every relevant part of your background or every relevant experience, that is the purpose of the resume. You merely need to write enough to make graduate schools interested in your application and to show them you have an adequate understanding of the field you wish to pursue. You can do this by referring to classes, work experiences, books, etc. In the body or your essay, there is no need to balance your focus, to write the same amount on every topic. For example, you do not need to write exactly one paragraph each on your background, your academic experiences, your work experiences, your career goals, etc. Rather, try to focus on the most compelling, interesting, and convincing things you can. You can briefly mention other relevant facts by relating them to the most important points. 教你怎样写读书计划3 Revising Now that you written a first draft and set it aside for a few days, you are ready to go back and start revising it. Later you may be asking other people, such as friends or teachers, to read your essays and offer their comments and suggestions. The first step in revising is to re-read your essay. The first time that you re-read your essay, do not mark any corrections on it. Reading the essay uninterrupted will help you understand how your essay fits together. In subsequent readings, read to revise. When you read for the purpose of revising, you should read from a particular point of view -- the reader's. Imagine that you are reading an essay written by a stranger. Be critical in asking yourself questions about your essay. There are many elements of your essay to focus on when revising. You can examine your essay as a whole, or as whole paragraphs, to revise items like theme, structure, and general content. Bob calls these items, "big picture items." You can also examine your essay on the sentence or word level, focusing on details like spelling, grammar, and diction. Bob calls these details, "little picture details." Check out Bob's revision tips for more on revising. Revision Tips: Big Picture Items "Big picture items" are elements of the essay that involve the entire essay as a unit, or entire paragraphs. When revising your essay your should first consider these big picture items before considering things such as grammar, spelling, and word choice. Big Picture Points to Consider A. Theme and Topics 1、Does the essay answer the essay question completely? 2、Does the essay describe you accurately and completely? 3、Does the essay have a clear and consistant main point? Are all the sections of the essay related to this point? B. Support and Specifics 1、Are there any important assumptions or background information you do not include that would make your essay easier to understand? 2、Do you go into adequate detail on important points, or do you explain each point only superficially? C. Organization 1、Does the essay have a logical beginning, middle, and end? 2、Are the essay's paragraphs organized in a logical sequence? One way to make sure your essay follows a logical order is to read the essay again, write a one sentence summary for each paragraph, and then check to see if the sentence summaries you have written follow a clear order. 3、Is the essay written as one coherent piece of writing or several unrelated sections? An essay should not be organized as separate sections introduced with individual titles (for examples, dividing your essay into the separate sections "My Family," "Educational Background," "Extracurricular Experiences," "Work Experiences," "Career Goals," etc.). . Revision Tips: Little Picture Details After you have evaluated your essay's big picture items, it is time to take a look at the essay on a sentence and word level. Below are Bob's tips for revising the "little picture details." Tips on Content/Subject: 1、Remove any facts or specifics that can be found in other parts of your application, such as your transcript or resume. You can refer the reader to other parts of your application by including parenthetical comments in your essay, such as "(see resume)" or "(see essay #2)." 2、Remove any criticism of previous professors, classmates, schools, or programs with which you have been involved. 3、Remove sexist or racist language. 4、Revise any blatant self-promotion, for example "I am not only an outstanding student, but also one of the most generous and giving individuals in my entire university." Detail specific examples and experiences which reveal your positive traits. 5、Remove sentences that begin with "I have always wanted to be..." Do not write about how your interest in your field of study began when you were a small child. 6、Remove empty praises of the school for which you are writing the essay. If you complement a school in a such a general way that you could praise every other school you are applying to the same way, your compliments will be taken by the schools as insincere. 7、Avoid writing with a pessimistic or depressed tone. Other Tips: 1、Be extremely careful when using modifiers, words like beautiful, wonderful, interesting, challenging, regarding, excellent, and meaningful. Instead of using such common adjectives, describe your experiences as they actually happened. 2、Use transition words like furthermore, thus, additionally, and however, to move from paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence. 3、Remove qualifiers like somewhat, partially, possibly, quite, and rather. Qualifiers make the writer seem unsure and unconfident. 4、Try to make your sentences as concise as possible. Remove needless words. 5、Use a thesaurus to replace overused adjectives. Make sure to pick appropriate synonyms. 6、Make sure there are no misspelled words 7、Avoid using quotation marks to highlight "adjectives." Quotation marks should only be used to note dialogue. If you are using quotation marks to surround adjectives it means the adjective you chose does not match your intended meaning. Check a dictionary or thesaurus to find a more precise adjective to use. And Finally: Make sure you personally understand every word in your essay Tips for Writing Business School Essays Business schools often consider application essays a more important part of the application than other graduate programs. This is because business schools believe that job performance and job experience, which are described in application essays, are a better indicator of an applicant's business potential than academic achievement. In writing business school essays you should not only give an accurate, detailed description of yourself but also demonstrate an understanding of some part of the business world (e.g., banking, manufacturing, marketing, or consulting). Here are some tips on answering the most common types of business school application essays. The Achievement Essay: "What do you consider to have been your single most important achievement to date?" Describe the problem you faced, the steps you took to deal with it, and how you solved it. The importance of your achievement is not all that important. What is important is revealing how you deal with challenging situations. In your answer try to show that you have creativity, initiative and focus. The Extracurricular Activity Essay: "Describe the non-professional activities you enjoy." This is not a trick question. You do not need to describe only hobbies that are business related. Admissions committees care about what you enjoy outside of work because they want to know that you are a likable person who will fit into their school's student body. The Character Essay: "What do you consider your best character traits? Which traits would you most like to change" You do not have to answer this question completely honestly. For good traits, try to show that you possess traits that will help you do well in an M.B.A. program, such as the ability to work with others, the ability to self-motivate, or strong analytical skills. As for weaknesses, do not mention character weaknesses such as dishonesty or greed. Rather, discuss weaknesses that can be strengths in disguise, such as being too details-oriented or too curious. Because many applicants will probably mention the same strengths and weaknesses as you, be sure to provide specific supporting evidence. The M.B.A. and Career Goals Essay: "Why do you want to pursuean M.B.A.? What are your short and long-term career goals?" There are many strong applicants competing with you to be accepted. You need to show the admissions committee why you need an M.B.A. and how you will use it. If studying business represents a big career change or is unrelated to what you studied in college, Try to make pursuing an M.B.A. seem compatible with your interests and skills. Your career goals do no have to be overly ambitious. Modest career goals are fine too. If you do have very ambitious goals, you should also have a realistic plan for attaining them. The Work Experience Essay: "Describe a significant managerial or other work experience." Remember, your complete work history is already detailed on your resume, so you do not have to restate it when writing this essay. Do not just write a detailed account of all your work responsibilities, but instead focus on one specific project. Try to write about an experience that reveals character strengths or other positives. The Ethical Essay: "Describe an ethical dilemma that you have personally encountered. What alternatives did you consider and why?" The admissions committee is asking you to prove to that you will be an upright and moral student and business professional. There is no need to praise yourself too much, you can be modest here. Do not describe problems that you caused yourself. If you have not had much work experience, write about a school experience. Tips for Writing Law School Essays In evaluating application essays, law school admissions officers pay attention both to what you write and to how you write. In terms of content, what you write, the essay should provide another dimension to your application. It should make you stand out and reveal something not already detailed in your application. Do not just recapitulate your grades and LSAT score. Instead, try to write something that can provide evidence you possess the potential to become a successful lawyer. Being a lawyer requires strong morals, attention to details, and the ability to cope with long periods of monotony and boredom. Lawyers generally write a lot and so they need to be able to write clearly and concisely. If you are unsure how to write your essay, the simpler the better. Finally, although some schools do not place a specific limit on the length of the personal statement, do not write more than three double-spaced pages. Most of the time two pages is enough. Getting Outside Opinions on Your Essay After you feel comfortable with your essay you should show it to a few people whose opinions you respect. These might be friends, classmates, or teachers. If you can, you should also ask for help from a native speaker of English, since he should at least be able to help correct essay grammar. Do not be afraid of your readers' criticisms. After all, you should know your essay's weak points so you can fix them. Listen to outside suggestions and consider them, but do not automatically accept them. Remember that this is your essay. You should use your own judgment in deciding how to revise it. 教你怎样写读书计划4 Final Draft And Sample Now that you are finished with all your revisions and asked some trusted friends or teachers to look over your essays, you are ready to mail them to the United States. Of course make sure to make photocopies of all your essays and application materials before you send them to the U.S. Writing application essays is a long and tedious process. But through writing them your English writing has definitely improved. This will be a great help to you when you finally do begin to study abroad and have to write many papers, essays, and tests in English. Sample Complete Essay How to create an environment suitable for human living when resources are limited is a challenging problem for modern society. My strong interest in photography and art has compelled me to become especially observant toward the relationship between human beings and the environment. I have come to realize that the environment we live in has suffered much damage from pollution and lacks competent planning, making it difficult to find beautiful scenery to photograph or sketch. I began to think that I could make use of my artistic gift, concern about, and interest in the environment by entering the field of landscape design and putting my effort into beautifying our surroundings. Therefore, after graduating from high school, I entered the Department of Landscape Architecture at ABC University. During my freshman year, I joined the school's mountaineering club, where I served as a guide and also as president of its photography group. I went to many mountainous areas and ecological preserves, and saw that Taiwan is rich in natural resources; but I also saw that these precious resources are gradually disappearing due to poor planning and illegal land use. This realization solidified my determination to learn concepts of environmental planning and design. Due to my lengthy contact with nature while climbing mountains, I knew that landscape designers should treat nature and residential areas with respect. Over the next two years, I learned more in-depth concepts of landscape design, enhanced my basic abilities in environmental planning, and started developing an interest in urban design. I received commendations from my professors for my performance and ideas. In addition, I served as administrative head of the department student association during these two years, responsible for planning our department exhibitions and intercollegiate activities for exchanging ideas about landscape design. This experience increased my teamwork abilities and efficiency in problem solving, which will be of great help in my future pursuits. The value of landscape education is not in its accumulation of knowledge, but rather in its methods for solving real-life problems. I believe that one must learn more than plain theory, and so in the summers after my freshman through junior years, I took part in internships in related fields, mainly in urban design. I was involved in planning, design, and implementation of landscaping projects, combining theory with practice. After graduation, I worked at XYZ Landscape Consultants as a designer. I was mainly involved in the Taiwan Northern Region Second Freeway Project Preliminary Landscape Design. My main responsibility was analysis and initial design of the landscape along the freeway. Through this work experience, I became familiar with the entire process of a design process. Besides this, I also worked as an assistant designer in a project called "Citizen Participation in the Design of the Community." During this period, I learned how to communicate ideas to people and give oral reports. I believe that these skills are important for a designer. Worth mentioning is that this project greatly influenced me and attracted my interest, because I believe a good designer should establish an environment based on the opinions of the users in the area instead of on the whims of the designer. Although the concept of user's participation in landscape design is only in its initial stages in Taiwan, I believe that there is much promise for the future. Therefore, in your graduate program, besides concentrating in landscape design, I also plan to take courses in social science, environmental psychology, behavior research and so forth. After completing my studies and returning to Taiwan, I plane to carry out my ideas by applying my knowledge to user's participation projects. My working experience plus my experience growing up in an industrialized city have helped me to understand that the rapid growth of Taiwan's major cities has produced numerous environmental problems. I believe that a graduate school education will enhance my abilities so that I will be able to help solve these problems. Since the United States is the leading country in the field of landscape design, I believe that it is the best place to pursue my interest. My short-term goal after obtaining my MLA degree and coming back to Taiwan is to accumulate more professional experience. My long-term objective is to become a university instructor in this field. I am convinced that your school's landscape design curriculum will be instrumental in the completion of my goals. Essay Evaluation: Paragraph One: A fairly well-written opening paragraph detailing the reasons behind the author's interest in landscape design. The author does a good job of showing how her interest in landscape design developed from her interest in related fields, photography and art. Paragraph Two: Here, the author relates her college academic and extracurricular experiences. Note that the experiences she details are all generally related to her goal of obtaining an MLA. Also, not only does the author mention related extracurricular activities, but she also provides specific reasons for their significance. For example, she not only mentions her participation in the mountaineering club but also explains how her participation allowed her to better understand Taiwan's environmental problems. There are some areas that could be improved. First, the paragraph lacks a topic sentence. Secondly, there are some parts where the author is a bit general. For example, what exact commendations did she receive for his work? She should mention actual awards. What kinds of exhibitions and activities did the author organize? She should provide one or two examples. The last clause "which will be of great help in my future pursuits" is unnecessary. The reader can infer the benefits of learning to work in a team and problem solving ability. Paragraph 3: This paragraph focuses on professional experiences and career goals. It is quite a long and should perhaps be divided into two paragraphs, one on work experience and one on career goals. Reading long paragraphs can be mentally exhausting for a reader and are sometimes evidence of poor essay organization, especially in a short piece of writing such as the application essay. The is the most interesting paragraph in the essay, and could be even more interesting with the addition of more concrete examples. The author does a good job in detailing her experience working with a landscape consulting company. But her description of the "Citizen Participation" project is a sparse, especially considering that this project apparently influenced her career goals significantly. She should describe exactly what the project was. In there is not enough space for the author to mention her college internships, she could add a parenthetical instruction to refer the reader to her resume. The author gives a better-than-average description of career goals. She outlines a realistic study plan. Paragraph 4: A typical "tell them what you told them" conclusion -- the author summarizes what she has already written. There is a glaring problem with this paragraph though, the career plans the author describes here contradict those in the previous paragraph. In that paragraph the author describes her plan to work on user's participation projects. Here she writes of her plans to become a university professor. The author must resolve this contradiction. This last, very general paragraph, is typical of application essays written by Chinese students. Unfortunately, in many essays, all of the paragraphs are as general as this paragraph. Overall: This is a solid essay. It is structurally sound. The essay's chronological structure lets the author effectively detail her academic, extracurricular, and professional backgrounds as they relate to her career and graduate study goals. Although the author writes on a number of different experiences that occurred at different times in her life, she relates them all to her interest in landscape design. This provides the reader with a comprehensive picture of the author as well as showing how the author's background makes her a suitable candidate for graduate study, which is the point of the personal statement. Introduction Paragraphs: Sample 1 Creating an environment suitable for human living when resources are limited is a challenging problem for modern society. My strong interest in photography and art has compelled me to become especially observant of the relationship between human beings and the environment. I have come to realize that the environment we live in has suffered much damage from pollution and lacks competent planning, making it difficult to find beautiful scenery to photograph or sketch. I began thinking that I could make use of my artistic gift and concern about the interest in the environment by entering the field of landscape design and putting my effort into beautifying our surroundings. There, after completing high school, I entered the Department of Landscape Architecture at XYZ University. Comment: Compared to most essay introductions written by Chinese students, this sample is relatively original. The author uses the first paragraph to outline the reasons for her interest in landscape architecture. The author's inclusion of specific details, such as her interest in photograph and art and the difficulty in finding scenery to photograph or sketch, provides the reader with specific insights into the author's background and interests. This paragraph may have been more effective with a few more specifics. For example, when exactly did the author's interest in art and photography begin? What specific kind of environment damage did she frequently observe? Or is she more concerned with urban planning than environmental damage? These types of details could be added without making the paragraph much longer. Introduction Paragraphs: Sample 2 I was born on January 24, 1972 in Taizhong, Taiwan, Republic of China. I come from a family of four. My father is a manager and engineer for Taiwan Power Company while my mother is an elementary school teacher. My parents have always emphasized the importance of a good education. Comment: This is a dull and irrelevant introduction paragraph. Most, if not all, of the information in this first paragraph can be found on other parts of the application. Probably nothing in this paragraph is related to the author's interest in or plan for graduate work. Finally, this introduction is just not interesting. Avoid writing this type of introduction. Introduction Paragraphs: Sample 3 An old Chinese proverb says "The whole world can be seen in a single grain of sand." Now, through advances in solid-state electronics that allow for the creation of millions of fascinating devices, such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors to be produced within increasingly minute spaces, whole worlds can be created in a grain of sand. After having immersed myself in extensive studies in both physics and electrical engineering at National ABC University, I have decided to pursue advanced studies in solid-state electronics. I am particularly interested in submicron technology, the design and production of DRAM, light-emitting diodes, and the design and production of semiconductor lasers and decoders. Comment: A generally solid introduction paragraph. The author quickly focuses in on his specific interests. Note how he defines the particular fields of solid-state electronics that he is interested in. This type of focus is characteristic of well-written first paragraphs. Introduction Paragraphs: Sample 4 "Doctors have the ability to fix patients," he would tell me, "and make them well again. They are extremely valuable members of society." Despite the wishes of my father to become a doctor and make my family proud, I believed that I needed to make my own decisions and choose a career which would be the most fulfilling for me, business management. I can understand my father's disappointment since my academic performance was at the level to allow my entrance into any university department which I preferred, and yet I still felt strongly about following my own ambitions into business. Career Plans Sample Comment: This is a poorly written introduction. Beginning an introduction with a short anecdote is fine, if it relates to your interest in or plans for graduate study. The author's focus on his father's preference of careers is not something that an admissions committee would be interested in. This author slowly reveals his main point, that he wants to study business, rather than quickly and directly stating it. As a result, he wastes a significant amount of space for the essay. Career Plans Sample In writing application essays, you will likely have to describe your career plans. Even if an essay question does not ask you to describe them, it is often a good idea to do so. Describing you career plans is just another way of expressing why you want to pursue graduate education and why a school should accept you. In describing your goals, show how having a graduate degree will make attaining them possible. Your career goals can either be modest or very ambitious. They must be realistic. Ask professors or someone knowledgeable in your field if you career goals are attainable. If you describe unrealistic or vague career goals, graduate schools will take this as evidence that you do not clearly understand the field, you are uncertain about graduate study, and/or you lack maturity. Below are some different ways to express your career goals. 1、One way to make your career goals seem realistic is by tying them to a current pursuit. Currently, I am the editor of Cyberspace, a magazine concerned with all aspects of the Internet. After visiting thousands of web sites, I consider hypermedia not only related to my undergraduate background, but also a way to realize my artistic vision. Some of the most popular web sites display delicate art works. After completing the graduate program computer arts, I will be able help to improve this area of the web. With a thorough grounding both in the computer techniques of the electronic media and in aesthetic concepts of the field, after completing graduate studies I hope to be an art editor for an Internet service provider, helping clients create their own home-pages and meeting their graphic design needs. Later, I plan on opening my own studio and becoming a web master, integrating the artistic and the technology and sharing my knowledge and experience with those interested in computer art. 2、Detailing career goals also provides a chance to reveal your understanding of the current state of your field. After finishing my MBA studies in marketing, I plan to return to Shanghai and work in the marketing group of an international bank. I believe that by that time, Shanghai will be one of the biggest and most important financial centers in the Asian-Pacific area, introducing many new financial products. With the use of these products becoming a key for success in the international trading environment, financial institutions will need to be able to market these products to gain market share. I hope to focus my work on mid-sized companies, which contributed a lot to Shanghai's past economic miracle but are now losing their international competitiveness. Most of these mid-sized companies view new financial products as toys to gamble and play with rather than tools to help them hedge risks. I hope to educate and persuade mid-sized companies to accept and use financial products to regain their competitive edge. 3、Relate your career goals to your proposed study plan, the courses you plan on concentrating on in graduate school. If the course track you want to pursue is only offered at one or a few schools you can also relate your career goal to your reasons for applying to a particular school. After earning a master's degree in genetic counseling, my goal is to help promote humane genetic counseling and develop embryo genetics in Taiwan in order to fight hereditary diseases more effectively in their early stages and so lessen their cost to society. I am especially interested in the following topics: risk factors of schizophrenia and human behavior, hereditary disease detection and family pathological history tracing, embryo gene theory, and pre-embryo gene diagnosis. In order to reach my goal, after earning my master's degree, I plan on working in the genetic counseling department of a hospital or government unit. Then I hope to pursue a doctoral degree. Since hereditary disease research in Taiwan is still in its early stages, soon after receiving my doctorate I plan to lead my own work team at a research center focusing on formulating prevention plans, promoting gene screening, and reducing the occurrence of hereditary diseases. Objectives of My Post-graduate Studies By Su Jianwei Ju1y 15, 2000 After graduating from the prestigious foreign Affair Co1lege, where I majored in French 1anguage and internationa1 relations and studied English as the second foreign 1anguage, I passed the highly competitive entrance test and joined the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I worked in the Ministry's Department of Asian Affairs for four years, inc1uding 2 years in the Chinese Embassy in Phnom PenomPenh. After that, I have been working to date for the cultural changes Center, an organization affiliated to the Chinese Ministry of Culture. Curious enough, the more I work, the more inadequate I find myse1f to keep up with the rapid changes taking place in China. I feel an increasing need to broaden my horizons and upgrade my knowledge.It is time, I realized, I had some further studies. China is now in a transition from a state-control1ed economy to a free market economy. The dynamics freed-up by the economic reform have worked mirac1es. As China improves its economic legislation and nears the goal of being granted WTO membership, I be1ieve the golden era for China's economic development is yet to come and business opportunities will be tremendous. That is why I decided to study business. After the completion of the post-graduate study program, I will come back to China, equipped with the economic theories and expertise that I acquire at your school, to play a role in the economy boom in China. 留学小词典 Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等. Academic advisor:由学校中之教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题之顾问. Accreditation:资格认可.申请学校时应特别注意所申请的学校是否被有关机关认可. Admission:入学许可. Advanced placement:申请美国大学时,可经由考试或转学分(transfer credit)而直接进入大一、 大二、大三或大四. Advanced standing:同Advanced placement. Associate degree:副学士学位.为高中毕业后所上的两年制社区大学(Community College)或两年制学院(Two-year College)所发给的学位. Audit:旁听.没有学分、考试,但要求费用与正式生相同. Bachelor's degree:学士学位.由四年制大学毕业索取得的学位. Baccalaureate degree:学士学位.由四年制大学毕业索取得的学位. Bursar: 学校之财务及会计部门. Bulletin: 布告、公告.通常学校课程介绍目录也叫bulletin. Campus: 校园,校区 Candidate notification date:学校公布其对于学生申请结果的决定的日期. Candidate reply date:回函期限.大部份学校会指定的一个日期,此日之前学生必须通知学校是否要入学. College catalog: 学校介绍目录. Community college: 两年制的社区大学. Competitiveness:学校的竞争性;越有竞争性的学校代表申请的困难度越高. Conditional Admission:即条件式入学;有些学校会给条件不合(通常是英文能力未达标准)的学生条件式许可,待其修完所需之课程始可正式开始修学位. Cooperative Education Plan:建教合作计划;学生可一边上学一边从事相关工作,或是课程、工作轮流,或是课程、工作同时进行.一般这类计划要花五年取得学士学位.然因移民局之规订,所以外国学生较少有这类机会. Core Course:是取得大学学位之必修通识科目,只有少数学校无此要求.通常必修科目分三大类:自然、社会、和人文科学,在毕业前每大类需修满一定的学分数,一般多半在大一或大二修这类的课程. Credit或Credit Hour或unit:学分. Curriculum vitae 或vitae 或CV: 将自己的学历、研究经验、专业经验等总合起来以有结构的方式呈现出来,和履历表类似.此表等于学术界使用的履历表. Dean: 学院院长. Degree: 学位. Deferred Admission:延迟入学:准许学生在被接受后延迟一定时间入学,例如延后一年. Dissertation: 论文,一般指博士论文. Distribution Requirement: 同Core Course. Doctorate 或Doctoral Degree:博士学位. Dormitories 或Dorm:宿舍. Double Major:双主修;学生完成两个科目的主修的必修课. Drop:退选一门课.参考Withdrawal. Dropout:退学.指一个学生离开学校两年以上而没有拿到学位或没有转学到其他学校. Electives:选修;可选本系或旁系、主修或非主修的课. Enrollment deposit:订金;有些学校会要求被接受的学生付保证金(不退还)以保留位置. Faculty:全体教授. Fellowship:奖学金;提供学费,学校生活费给Full-time 学生. Financial Aid:财力奖助;包括奖学金(发给成绩优良者),助学金(发给经济有所需者)……等等,其中含有:1.不需还的奖助金(grant, scholarship);2.贷款(loan),但极少给外国学生;3.校内的工作机会(work study).每个学校申请奖助金的规定不同,大部份很少给外国学生,尤其是大学部的学生. Flunk:不及格;被当. Foreign student Advisor:外国学生顾问;各学校中多有此部门,由专业人员给与外国学生学业或私人问题的辅导. Freshman:新鲜人;指大学一年级或中学九年级(约国三)的学生. Full-time student:全时学生.至于要修多少学分以上才算全时学生,视各学校规定而异. GPA(grade point average):即成绩点数与学分的加权平均值. GPR(grade point ratio):同GPA (grade point average) Graduate Management Admission Test(GMAT):由GMAC委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)举办的世界性测验,做为美国美国商学研究所的申请入学参考条件之一.大部份的美国商学研究所均会要求GMAT成绩.此测验包含计量(Quantitative)、语文(Verbal)及分析写作(Analytical Writing)二篇,提供学校评估申请者将来在商学研究所的学术表现. Graduate Records Examination (GRE):由GRE委员会委托美国教育测验服务社(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS]举办的世界性测验,做为美国各大学研究所或研究机构的申请入学参考条件之一.GRE测验分为普通测验(General Test]和学科测验(Subject Tests)两种.普通测验是测量考生语文(Verbal)、计量(Quantitative)、和分析(Analytical)等三种能力,进而反映未来学术成就成功的可能性. Graduate Study:研究所;得到学士学位后,进入研究所求取硕士、博士学位之课程. Graduate program: 研究所课程. High School:高中. Higher Education:高等教育. Honors Program:荣誉课程;一个给优秀学生的特殊的学习机会. Independent Study:独立研究;有一些课学生可独立研读,不需上团体课程或小组作业.基本上是学生与一位或数位指导老师,规划研读计划,定期向他们报告进展并在期末交一总报告以评分. IAP-66:美国州政府指定合格的教育交换学者资助机构所发给的文件,为J-1签证必备之证件. International Student Advisor:见Foreign Student Advisor. I-20:入学许可证,学生签证的必备文件. I-94:出入境记录表,在你入境美国时会夹在你的护照中. I-538:非移民签证学生的延长居留申请书. Immigration and Naturalization Service:美国移民局,简称INS. Interdisciplinary:跨领域;指某些课程组合了数个学术学科的知识,例如:生物学与物理学,工程学与商学的组合等. Internship:短期的实习;通常与学生主修之科目有关,学生通常可得学分.工作可能是全时或半时、校内或校外、有薪水或义务性质. Junior:指大学三年级或中学十一年级(约高二)的学生. K-12:Kindergarden to twlevth grade;幼稚园到12年级(约等于我们的高三). Liberal arts courses:由人文、艺术、社会、自然科学等领域中选出的一些基本课程,做为根本的知识基础. Leave:休学;学生被准许离校一段时间,再回校修完课业. Maintenance:基本维持费用;在学校中通常指学费之外的花费,包括住宿、书本、衣物、交通等费用. Matriculation:注册;在大专注册求取学位. Major:主修.学生所选择专攻的领域. Master's Degree:硕士学位. Minor:副攻;相对于主攻科目,学生专攻课程之外的科目. Non-resident:非学校所在州之州民.通常在州立大学中从外州或外国来就读的学生都算是非本州州民,所付的学费也会比州民贵. Notarization:公证. Open admission:开放式入学.也就是不管申请者条件如何都会给他入学许可. Pass/fail grading system:一种以通过/不通过来计分的方式,有的学校全用此系统,有的则只用于某特别课程或学生.亦有以有学分/无学分来记录的. Placement test:安置测验;学生到校后的程度考试,如果考的好可直接上较高的课程. Prerequisite:先修课程;要上某些课之前需先具备特定的条件,如会计概论为高等会计的先备条件. Quarter system:学季制,一学季长度约十二周,通常一学年会分为春、秋、冬三学季外加暑季. Quiz:课堂上的小考. Resident:在学校所在之州居住至少一年的人,他们在州立大学可付较便宜的州民学费.另外住校生亦称为resident. Residency requirement:大部份学校规定学生需在校内修数个学期的课程(除独立研究和别校转来的学分外),才能毕业.另一意为要得到州民身份所需居住的年限. Residence hall:即宿舍. Rolling admission:先到先审制;以循环方式,入学申请没有一定的截止日期,申请资料随时寄到就随时开始审核. Semester system:学期制,一学期长度约十五到十六周,通常一学年会分为春、秋两学期外加暑期. Senior:指大学四年级或中学十二年级(约高三)的学生. Social security number:社会安全号码,简称SSN:最初目的是作为社会安全保险之用,但事实上不管考驾照,买保险或银行开户几乎到处都会用到,有些学校也会拿此号码作为学生证号码(student identification number),其重要性如同我们的身分证字号.外国学生到当地后可至相关机构办理. Seminar:研讨会;一种小型研讨课程,由教授指导针对某领域或主题做独立研究和课堂讨论.通常是开放给大四或研究所的学生参加. Sophomore:指大学二年级或中学十年级(约高一)的学生. Stipend:每年发给学生的奖助学金. Syllabus:课程进度;一学期的课程进度,在每学期开始时由教授发给. Test of English as a Foreign Language 或TOEFL:也就是一般所称托福测验,为美国大学及研究所用来评量外国学生英文能力之考试. Thesis:论文,一般指硕士论文. Term:可指学期或学季. Transcript:成绩单. Transfer student:转学生.以大学部而言,是指已经上了一学期到三年的大学课程,而欲转往另一所大学继续就读的学生.台湾的五专、二专和三专学生便是以转学生的身份申请进入美国大学. Tuition:指学费,不包括食宿、书本……等等费用. Unit:与学分 (credit) 通用. Undergraduate study:大学部课程.也就是高中毕业后所上的两年制或四年制的大学课程. Upper-Division courses:通常指大三或大四上的进阶课程. Upper-Division schools:提供学士学位中后二年课程的学校,但学生需先在别的学校完成前二年的课程. Vocational school:职业学校 Vitae: 见curriculum vitae Work-study:学生可做的校内工作,为美国联邦奖助学金的一部份. Withdrawal:退选某一课程.学生须在规定的时间内正式的通知学校要退选,否则成绩将列入成绩单记录. Zip code:邮递区号 简历 如何写好自己的简历 综述 撰写一份得体的简历,就如同创作一件艺术品:给你有限的空间与条件,你要尽可能清楚地展现你自己. 撰写的过程如同语言雕刻,增增减减,移来移去,最后日趋完美;又如同擦亮一面满是灰尘的镜子,让你从全新的角度认识自己. 总而言之,一份好的简历,就是把平淡无味的事实变成你生命中的闪光点. 大多数人在开始写简历时,都会觉得很难概括自己的经历,常常作无重点的机械列举,结果往往无法收尾或是草草结束.其实,有些信息几乎任何一份简历都会涉及,有些则很少出现,还有一些视个人的情况和爱好而定.下面我们将分别加以讨论. 如何写成功的简历? 书写简历是你求学、应聘的第一步.书写一份"漂亮的"简历,你的应聘已成功了一半.面对一个空缺职位,通常会有几十名、有时甚至上百名应聘者.学校、企业的学术官员/人事经理,就是从这几十名、上百名应聘者中"挑"出你的简历,然后才给你通知或者你预约面试的.简历的功能: 1.最大限度地展现自己,描述自己的才华. 2.有目的的集中体现自己的相关技能与能力,迎合雇主的需要. 3.把经历和成绩写下来,经过这样的梳理,你会更为清晰地了解自己的过去. 4.通过对自己才干和能力的认识,增强必胜的信心. 5.很好的营销工具,推销自己的有效手段. 最常见的简历,是按照时间顺序书写,就象你经常填写的学习工作履历表或者你加入任何一间公司时填写的雇员登记表.简历内容按照一定的类别及时间分别列出,如教育背景、工作经历(包括所任职务、具体职责)、外语水平、特长/技巧等按照此方式书写的简历,使招聘者最容易了解你的背景.参见简历范本. 另一类较常见的简历,是按照技能/特长书写,突出你所掌握的技能,而非你曾任何职位.如果你在某一行业工作多年后,应聘某一新的行业的职位,或者你因某种原因,有一些时候没工作,此类按技能/特长书写的简历,将避免招聘者在阅读你的简历的时候,立即对你的简历提出疑问,如:为什么他/她要更换行业工作?为什么没有1994年至1996年之间的任职记录,而是注意到你的技能和特长,然后认可你并与你联系. 另外,即考虑时间顺序,也突出技能和特长,这是前两类简历书写方式的结合,这种方式也是很常见的.当然,还有其它各种依个人爱好书写的简历. 个人信息 姓名 在整个应聘过程中,应使用同一姓名. 地址与邮政编码 确保通讯地址和邮政编码的准确完整,尽量不要采用缩写. 电子邮件和英特网地址 如果你在简历中提供了电子邮件和英特网地址,请务必经常察看你的信箱.若你应聘的职位与计算机工业相关,则此项尤为重要. 国家 电话 很少有用人单位会通过邮寄方式发出面试通知,所以务必标明你的联系电话.不要忘了你的电话号码应包括区号.不要提供经常会没人接的电话.如果方便的话,你还可以提供一个工作电话.同时,需注明电话类型,如"宅电"、"工作电话"、"BP机"、"手机"等. 求职目的 求职目的应尽量精炼、生动和独特,这样才能立即引起阅读者的兴趣.记住,这是推销自己的第一个机会. 求职目的一般应为简短的几句话,说明你想要什么样的工作以及能在此岗位上做出什么贡献.不妨告诉未来的雇主,他的公司将如何得益于你的加盟,这样会引起他的注意.如果你应聘的是一个确定的职位,务必提到此职位;如果你是在同时应聘多个职位,则可笼统一些. 例子(Sample) 求职目的: 大中型企业的项目经理一职在激烈的市场竞争中有着战略性的地位. 应聘意向: 在一个注重成果的公司中供职,必须有远大的抱负和良好的职业意识,并且会运用自己的技能和知识不断的进步与提高. 简介简介的作用是叙述你的经历和背景,并向雇主展示你的特长与专业领域.它可以使雇主立刻对你有一个大致的了解. 这一栏的内容是你整个简历的精华部分,应尽量简练,重质量而轻数量.简介的内容一般在"目的"栏后,但写作顺序应在整篇简历完成后. 列标题的形式 逐条列举个人经历中具有代表性的事件,列举的顺序应由此项内容对于所求职务的重要性来决定. 描述的形式 对你的成就与特长要加以突出,这就是描述.描述应态度明确,用词鲜明,短小精悍,针对你最能吸引雇主的那些经历或侧面. 例子(Sample) 与工业领域的联系 作为一名联络人员(liaison),与政府机关和工业合作伙伴建立了巩固的合作关系;协调大量合同的审核和批复工作,大大缩短了企业扭亏为盈的时间并提高了小工业企业的群体形象. 标题形式: 简介 · 协调大量合同的审核和批复过程. · 微处理器行业近五年的出色工作经历. · 脚踏实地,目标明确,富有团队精神——一名具有成功扭亏为盈经历的经理人员. 描述形式: 简介 14年以上成功的销售与市场管理经验;始终如一的为拓展业务与增加利润这个共同目标做出重要贡献;设计、策划并完成多项富有成效的市场营销计划. 成绩以你的骄人业绩去打动未来的雇主,注重行动和结果的描述,尽量让他感到,你的工作能力和个人魅力将会给他带来莫大的收益. 列标题的形式 列标题是为了归纳你的能力与业绩,所列标题应与求职目的相吻合.例如,应聘采购部职位,就应使用如采购、预算分析、货物清点管理等作为标题. 描述的形式 突出你的技能和成绩,强化支持标题.集中对能力进行细节描写,运用数字、百分比或时间等量化手段加以强化.强调动作,避免使用人称代词如"我","我们"等. 例子(Sample) 标题+描述: 成绩 管理与监督 负责包括管理人员和42名员工在内的所有人事变动事宜;对员工进行培训,指导和评估,提高他们的工作和管理技能;多点开花,全面进步,使员工在工作中取得了多方面的提高. 标题形式: 成绩 · 成功创立新的"成人每日保健"节目. · 调整1500万元的预算开支,使其减少15%. · 负责15名新员工的管理和指导工作. 描述形式: 成绩 重组"家庭"栏目,使之由原来的年亏损11,000美元一跃而为年盈利40,000美元;创立节俭(thrift)/天赋(gift)/工艺(craft)连锁店,年利润36,000美元;拟定服务发展计划并实施评估工作;编写、整理并实施新的员工守则. 能力对各方面能力加以归纳和汇总,这样雇主就无需费力地从简历全文中得出结论.善用这一栏,扬长避短,以你无可争议的工作能力和个人魅力征服未来的雇主. 列标题的形式 用词应简单明确,观点鲜明,引人入胜. 描述的形式 对能力适当的描述能帮助雇主在进一步了解你之前形成一个大致印象. 例子(Sample) 标题+描述: 能力 领导才能 根据既定方针拟定、实施具体方案,并以此赢得员工的尊重.出色的应变能力,领导才干,良好的沟通技巧是能力的体现,也是多年来作为一名管理者、监督者,一名指导者与一名客户的经验总结. 标题形式: 能力 · 成功的工作业绩,处处体现出管理才干与责任心. · 足以独挡一面. · 进取而充满自信,良好的敬业精神. 描述形式: 能力 从不令顾客失望,并能赢得他人信任.思维开阔,善于在多变的环境下工作,同时注意传统与创新的结合.良好的道德观念和团队精神. 工作经历 简历的核心部分.应当包括你所有的工作历史,无论是有偿的还是无偿的,全职的还是兼职的. 工作经历应注重业绩,用词简单明了.不要出现人称代词,那样会引起反感.在保证真实性的前提下,尽量扩充与丰富你的工作经历,但用词必须简练. 从最近的工作纪录开始,逐渐往前写,并保持每份纪录的独立性.介绍工作史时应提供雇主的姓名、地址,本人在职时间以及担任职务. 就职日期与离任日期 应包括年份和月份.如果工作经历有间断,也可只列出年份. 雇主 列出公司全称,如可能,还应提供所在部门名称以及母公司名称. 地点 列出公司所在城市即可. 职务/头衔 对于不同的雇主,相同的职务可有不同的工作内容.可适当更改原来的头衔并使用最能体现工作性质并达到求职目的的称呼.不要使用仅对某个雇主有意义的内部称呼. 说明 不要只针对工作本身,业绩和成果更为重要.注意细节,用数字、百分比和时间等对描述加以量化.避免使用人称代词如"我","我们". 例子(Sample) 工作经历(时序型) 1992年至今:McNight公司 合同分析(Contract Specialist) 开发、运用快速数据分析技术;运用程序分析预测统计模型结果;有机会接触各部门、各层次的工作. 1987——1992:Silicon-Denison公司 市场咨询(Consultant/Marketing Advisor) 根据主顾和销售人员的要求,向他们提供最佳的硬件和软件解决方案.共提出建议12条,呈交方案15项. 工作经历(功能型) 1992年至今 合同分析 McNight公司 1987—1992 市场咨询 Silicon-Denison公司 学历 简历中第二重要的部分.教育背景往往是应聘成功与否的决定因素,因此,突出你在学校中获得的成绩与突出你的工作成绩一样重要. "学历"应包括所有的受教育情况,如正式的学校教育、工作培训、业余进修等. 在这一栏中,你应该设法让雇主意识到,高学历的证书是对未来工作的承诺.特别是当你的实践经验很少或完全没有工作经验时,学历就是你最强有力的武器.在这种情况下,你应把这一栏直接放到"目的"栏后先写. 毕业日期 毕业日期应包括年份和月份,也可只列出年份. 学校 从最高学历写起,即使最终你未能获得该等级学位. 列出学校全称,不要用简称.列出学校所在城市.如果你已接受过高等教育或其他特殊训练,就不必列出你的中学学历. 专业(可省略) 仅当所应聘职位与专业有关时.否则,只需列出所获学位. 学位名称 列出你所获学位、证书或文凭的全称. 课程(可省略) 可适当列举一部分课程以说明自己的所学内容.有时候,仅提供专业名称是远远不够的. 你还可以适当添加以下各项,如:课外活动、实习、教学或研究经历、学生社团、学生会工作等. 技能列出所有与求职有关的技能.你将有机会向雇主展现你学历和工作经历以外的天赋与才华. 回顾以往取得的成绩,对自己从中获得的体会与经验加以总结、归纳.不要拘泥于"技能"的狭窄含义,善于与人交往、沟通难道不是一种技能吗?组织和分析能力呢?外语水平难道不是技能的体现吗?你的选择标准只有一个,即这一项能否给你的求职带来帮助.你也可以附加一些成绩与经历的叙述,但必须牢记,经历本身不具说服力,关键是经历中体现出的能力. 标题的形式 标题需简单明了,引人注目. 描述的形式 这里的描述可有可无,但它是对标题的展开,可使雇主在深入了解你之前对你的才能有一个大致的了解. 例子(Sample) 标题+描述: 技能 领导才能 根据既定方针拟定、实施具体方案,并以此赢得员工的尊重.出色的应变能力,领导才干,良好的沟通技巧是能力的体现,也是多年来作为一名管理者、监督者,一名指导者与一名客户的经验总结. 标题形式: 技能 · 成功的工作业绩,处处体现出管理才干与责任心. · 足以独挡一面. · 进取而充满自信,良好的敬业精神. 描述形式: 技能 从不令顾客失望,并能赢得他人信任.思维开阔,善于在多变的环境下工作,同时注意传统与创新的结合.良好的道德观念和团队精神. 培训一般来说,把学历和培训分开来写会更好一些.当你想突出一些特别的课程、讲座或其他形式的学习过程时,这一栏就必不可少.当然,你还可以展现你在这些培训中获得的重要技能. 日期 应包括年份和月份. 名称 列出培训题目.如培训持续时间较长,则应提供具体课时数.为了便于雇主了解培训内容,题目可适当加以修改. 组织 列出培训机构的全称和所在城市,不要用简称. 说明(可省略) 重点在于阐明培训的主题. 例子(Sample) 协议评估管理,1998年6月 国际管理讨论会——上海 以具体协议为例,列举了评估协议履行、质量和遵守的各种方法. 人力资源管理,1999年9月 北京大学,北京 学习最大限度地开发个人工作潜能的重要方法. 资格和执照 对于那些需要执照的行业来说,这是必不可少的一栏.如:护士,会计,房地产经纪人,咨询顾问以及教师等. 根据所求职位的要求出示你的执照.如果你已申请但还未领到执照,需注明"申请中"字样.附上证书的复印件. 确保证书复印件,名称和日期的准确无误. 日期 列出执照或证书发放的日期,包括年份和月份. 机构(可省略) 列出发放执照的相应机构名称和所在城市. 名称 列出执照的具体名称. 说明(可省略) 指出此执照或证书对你应聘职务的重要意义. 专业生涯 着重强调你在相关行业中所获得的特殊专业技能和取得的成就.在提及你的技能与成就时应越具体越好. 此栏专门针对一些具体职业,如教师、计算机专业人才和律师等.需说明你所在的具体行业. 列标题的形式 这里是对专业经历的概括.按对所求职位的重要性,依次列出标题. 描述的形式 对支持标题的能力和成就加以突出.用词应精练,宜少不宜多.着重突出最能吸引雇主的方面. 例子(Sample) 职业生涯 销售 为汽车零配件生产商负责市场与销售.在维持现有客户的基础上发展新的客户;监督并培训销售人员有效的销售技巧,从而提高赢利,并使服务水平上了一个台阶;到偏远地区进行产品推广. 标题形式: 职业生涯 · 为汽车零配件生产商负责市场与销售 · 在维持现有客户的基础上发展新的客户 · 监督并培训销售人员有效的销售技巧,从而提高赢利,并使服务水平上了一个台阶 · 到偏远地区进行产品推广 描述形式: 职业生涯 为汽车零配件生产商负责市场与销售.在维持现有客户的基础上发展新的客户;监督并培训销售人员有效的销售技巧,从而提高赢利,并使服务水平上了一个台阶;到偏远地区进行产品推广. 荣誉与嘉奖 是你在学习和工作中因表现出色而获得的肯定.涵盖面可广一些,如成为委员会成员,首席销售代表和获得军事荣誉等.简历中的大部分内容是经历和成绩的主观记录,而荣誉和嘉奖将赋予它们实实在在的客观性. 这是一个令雇主注意到你已获肯定的成绩的机会.可用一些细节说明加以强调.避免使用意义不明的缩写. 日期 受到嘉奖的日期,包括年份和月份. 机构 授予此项嘉奖的相应机构及其所在城市. 名称 奖项的具体名称. 说明(可省略) 强调此奖项是你资历的重要证明,突出此嘉奖与你所求职务的相关性. 例子(Sample) 荣誉与奖励 · 费臣—康普顿公司金牌成就奖 对年销售额5,000万美元的肯定 · 公司级电脑行业出色成就奖 出版物 包括你从事写作、参与创作或修改的文章和书本.可以让雇主注意到你在同行中的声誉和你在此领域的个人创造力,同时还能证明你在研究、采访和写作方面的能力. 如果你发表了许多作品,可选择那些较为出名和重要的. 出版日期 包括出版年、月、日在内的完整信息.尽量让雇主易于找到你的出版物. 题目 书籍或文章的确切标题. 页数(可省略) 出处 列出文章所刊登的期刊、杂志或报纸的名称.若为书籍,需提供 出版社的名称. 说明(可省略) 简略介绍出版物内容.如文章或书籍曾受到好评,也可略加引用. 例子(Sample) 出版物 · "心脏病与病危看护"——《社会医学杂志》,1998年1月第三期 · "心血管疾病的危险因素"——《科学家》杂志,1997年5月·"被动吸烟的历史再度重演"——《医药科学杂志》,1997年2月 参加组织 参与专业社团意味着你随时了解本行业中的最新趋势,表明了你的职业兴趣与热情.选择与所求职位直接相关的内容,注明所有相关的专业社团的成员资格. 时间 指明你参与此组织的历时长短.日期应包括年份和月份. 组织名称 列出组织全称及其所在地点,不要用缩写. 称谓(可省略) 指出你在该组织中所任职务的名称. 说明(可省略) 对雇主可能不了解的专业社团作补充性介绍.列出社团的宪章或职能,以及你参与此社团的有关信息. 例子(Sample) 参与组织 · 中国律师协会----房地产部,1994年——至今 ?北京房地产经纪人协会,1992.2——1993.2 兴趣爱好 包括工作场所以外的相关活动.如团体活动,义务工作,服务俱乐部以及社团活动等.向雇主展示你实现事业和个人价值的愿望. 在列举兴趣爱好时应有所区别,仅需要那些直接与工作相关或显示某些正面品质的爱好.若雇主鼓励业余兴趣并将其作为企业文化的一部分,则可列出相应嗜好. 列标题的形式 个人特点的概括.按照对所求职位的重要性来排列. 描述的形式 用词精练,宜少不宜多.突出最能引起雇主兴趣的方面. 例子(Sample) 兴趣爱好 对机械设备有浓厚的兴趣 摩托车和四轮机动车的完整保养;自备机修工具;对各种钻、压设备有较丰富的知识. 标题形式: 兴趣爱好 · 摩托车和四轮机动车的完整保养 · 自备机修工具 · 对各种钻、压设备有较丰富的知识 描述形式: 兴趣爱好 摩托车和四轮机动车的完整保养;自备机修工具;对各种钻、压设备有较丰富的知识. 义务工作 如果你没有太多在职经历,义务工作可以是一种值得开拓的资源.不论你曾从事何种义务工作,你都可以把它变成有价值的经历,并按照列举有偿工作经历的方式来列举义务工作经历. 日期 包括年份和月份.如果工作有间断,也可只列出年份. 雇主 给出公司的全称.如有,还应包括部门或母公司名称. 地点 列出你从事义务工作的公司所在城市. 职务 对于不同的雇主,相同的职务可有不同的工作内容.可适当更改原来的头衔并使用最能体现工作性质并达到求职目的的称呼.不要使用仅对某个雇主有意义的内部称呼. 说明 用专业术语描述你的职责和业绩,考虑将这些经历量化.指出每周用于工作的大致时间以及你的具体职务和用到的技能,指出你在此项工作中所获得的任何嘉奖和推荐.避免使用人称代词. 例子(Sample) 义务工作 作为"联合之路"基金筹集队队长,筹得资金超出定额33%,被评为"年度最佳队长" 其他列出相关的特殊技能或成就.如接待顾客的技巧,办事作风等.展示你良好的工作习惯和积极的工作态度.对工作作风的描述应保持独立工作和团队工作相一致. 展示你的管理技能和与人相处的能力.如应付职位起落的能力,鼓舞士气的能力等,同样包括诸如"积极热情"等个人品质.还可说明你对工作地点的倾向. 例子(Sample) 其他 · 因始终如一的安抚发怒的顾客,受到督导赞许 · 保持4年全出勤率 关键词 现在有许多大公司开始使用计算机系统将所有应聘者的简历扫描进数据库,这样不但有利于资料的妥善保存,而且,雇主还可以通过检索"关键词"的形式快速、简捷地筛选应聘者.如果你的简历中未包含所需的关键词,计算机就会予以忽略. 因此,如果你应聘的公司已采用这种方式(可通过电话询问),那么你的简历中还必须包含"关键词"一栏. "关键词"一栏一般放在简历开头部分,应包含那些雇主在寻找同类求职者时常用到的名词和短语.为了使你的简历有更多被选中的机会,需列出尽量多的关键词. 关键词不仅是你简历开头的一段文字,而且是整篇简历中关键词的汇总,选择最佳的关键词和短语很大程度上取决于你的求职目的和你所应聘的职业类型. 关键词应该以专业技术、行业术语和工作历时为主,并包括你所属的协会和组织的称谓. 在简历的不同部分使用关键词的近义词,如果你在某一部分使用了简称,在其他部分给出全称.所提供的信息需明确、具体. 例子(Sample) 关键词(市场经理) 广告、产品推广、竞争力分析、促销、媒体宣传、销售培训、战略伙伴联系 关键词(软件工程师) FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE, C++, VISUAL BASIC, IBM 3600, DEC, PRIME, PDP-11系列,10年工作经历,软件开发. 证明文件(人)/推荐 简历中一般无需这一栏,但正式情况下应给出"如有需要,可随时提供"字样. 如果雇主把你作为候选人之一而进行认真考虑,有可能会要求出示证明人.因此,应预先准备好证明人或推荐者,并商量好推荐的力度. 英文履历表写作范例 Tracy Q. Graduate Campus: 456 College Hall Normal IL 67890 (111) 222-3333 Permanent: 123 Main Street , Anytown,NY 12345 (777) 888-9999 OBJECTIVE: Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area. SUMMARY: *More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience. *Auditor internship with Arthur Andersen in New York City. *Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting. *Proficient with MS Office, Windows 98/2000, and the Internet. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2001 Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois; Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale Courses taken included: Managerial Accounting Corporate Audit and Reconciliation Intermediate Accounting I & II Financial Management Accounting I & II Internal Audit Accounting for Not-For-Profits Managerial Economics EXPERIENCE: Auditor Internship, May 2000 to August 2000 Arthur Andersen & Company, New York, New York *Participated in the annual audit of Zephyr Megalithic Holdings,including development of the final certification report. *Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and correction of over twenty major accounting errors. *Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and automatically cross-referencing for errors. *Received Employee of the Month award twice-first intern ever to win the award.? Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 1998 to Present Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown,New York *Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing. *Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system. *Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers.? ACTIVITIES: *Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2000-2001 *Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2000-2001 *Dorm Resident Assistant, 1999-2001 RESUME 成功的申请可以帮助你按自己的条件进入最合适的学校,是不可忽视的一项,个人简历是反映一个申请者自身情况的材料.国外绝大多数的学校都要求申请者提供,并作为审查批准入学的重要依据之一. 个人简历的英译很多,如"Personnel Vita"、"Autobiographical Statement"、"Personal Statement"、"Autobiography"、"Resume".其中"Resume"写法稍有不同.个人简历一般应简要写明本人所受教育、专业兴趣、工作经历、所取得的成绩及家庭背景. 有关个人简历写作的注意要点.综合各校的要求,特做如下分析: 1.个人简历的结构可分为三或四个段落.第一段落简单交待自己的个人情况,如姓名、出生时间及地点、家庭背景等.良好的家庭教育对你的成才当然有利.但美国对此不很重视,一般可以不写.第二段可以围绕你的求学经过来展开,但不要用流水帐式的写法使叙述过于生硬刻板.第三段以你的大学生活为主,你为何选此学科,可以与前面的叙述相呼应.第四段要说明你个人的能力、性格. 2. 内容要着重在你留学的动机,目前所取得的成绩,你终生的目标. 3. 个人简历避免过多的形容词,例如,想象力十分丰富、创造力超群等,宜举小小的例子来说明. 4. 个人简历约200-300字为可,不宜写得太长. 计算机系毕业生个人简历 I have the honor to present a brief introduction of myself to you in compliance with the requirements of your graduate admission I was born in November 7th, 1966, at the town of Changing, Beijing. My parents are doing business and farming. I have one elder sister, one younger sister, and two younger brothers. The family is in a well-to-do country with harmonized atmosphere. After my elementary and junior high school education at my hometown, I went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the neighboring county Fangshan. Courses I have taken there include: mechanical structure, applied mechanical dynamics, material strength, heat treatment analysis, and electrical engineering. I also had practice courses on lathe work, bench work, casting, engineering drawing, and electronic television repair skill. After graduation from this technical school, I found a job at the Evergreen Traffic Corp. When I had worked one year in mechanical design and heat treatment analysis, I was admitted to the Computer Science Department of Beijing Institute of Technologies. Computer science education was an extension of my pursuit in electronic knowledge, it had led me into the world of applied electronics. Courses I had taken are: Calculus, Computer Programming (FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC), Computer architecture, algorithm, maintenance, system analysis, and some related courses in Accounting, Statistics, Operating research, Digital value analysis. Beginning at the second year of college, I participated in a work study program and was assigned to the computer center of Far East Textile Corp. as night-shift computer operator, The computers I dealt with were CDC 3300 MSOS and IBM 370-115 DOS/VS system. The major work I had done was the system transference of CDC 3300: MSOS to IBM 370-115 DOS/VS. In 1989, I was employed by China Automobile Corp. as a computer programmer, and was informed to work on the first of June. For the first six months of my service, I was in charge of the IBM 4331; DOS/ VSE System Operation, and later on dealt with personnel / payroll and financing system programming works. In the second year, I was promoted to be a system analyst for personnel/ payroll system. In an attempt to upgrade the efficiency of computer data process and to simplify users operating procedures, I redesigned the whole working system and I successfully transferred a Batch operation from oriented system to on-line system. In the third year, I spent five months in the developing of subsystem of financing-accounting. No sooner had I finished that system than I was reassigned as a Subsystem Programmer in charge of DOS / VSE, CICS, and VTAM. At that position I have full responsibility for affairs of technical transition, system development, recruit training, and network communications. With the elapse of time and the accumulation of experiences, I am now familiar with all of the popular computer languages: FORTRAN, COBOL, ASSEMBLY, and BASIC. Other than these languages, I have also learned and practiced in planning, designing, and analyzing of the following computer applications: DL/ 1, Data Base, On-line (CICS, BMS), Data Communication Network (ACF/ VTAM / NCP), VM, DOS / VSE Operating System: Personnel / Payroll, Accounting Application System and etc.. For these achievements I owe a great deal to China Information Association Since I have taken almost every training course they have offered. With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other. Though I personally possess many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research. My love for computer sciences and my inquisitiveness had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admission, and I have decided . should I be accepted by you, I will concentrate on the field of net-work-data-communication, then make a breakthrough on my current ways of thinking in computer related research and development. Finally, I expect that I, myself, as one member of today's world of computer domain, I should strive to offer my best professional computer service to our society. 计算机专业攻读博士 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE From childhood I have been surrounded by and thrived on many things intimately connected with science. Born into an engineering family, my interest in science was cultivated from an early age, for not only were my parents avid pursuers of further knowledge, which they were always willing to share with me, my hometown, Chengdu, is a city famous for its electronics industry. Before I reached the age of 17, I had already won several prizes in various Chengdu electronics contests. I won the Chengdu Electronic Design Contest for Teenagers with my Traffic Control Simulator based on 555Ics, and a computer programme I designed won second prize in the Chengdu Science and Technology Contest for high School Students. In 1991, in the highly competitive National Entrance Examination I placed first out of more than 20, 000 students. I chose to attend Sichuan University, the best of its kind in southwest China. During my four years there I worked hard to achieve straight A's and my GPA was consistently in the top 2% in my Department. Furthermore, as recognition of my academic achievements, I was awarded the first prize scholarship every year. In order to graduate with a more rounded education, I elected to take extra courses in both the Mathematics and Computer Science Department. In 1994 I won 2nd prize in the University's Mathematical Model Building Competition. In taking all the major courses in the Computer Science Department, I discovered that I have a particular talent for computer science. Thus I began to explore more and more areas of this field. I participated in the 5th National Conference on Image and Graphics, organised by the Institute of the Image and Graphics (IIG), which further fuelled my interest by opening my eyes to the possibilities presented by modern computer science. The Director of the Computer Science Department of the IIG is Professor You Zhishen, also Vice Chairman of The Chinese Association of Image and Graphics. Famous for his work on image processing and computer graphics, aspiring computer science students vie for the opportunity to study under his guidance. In 1995, I earned this honor by scoring first place in the highly selective national graduate student examinations in all of the computer science examinations. Before taking up this opportunity, I completed an internship at the Headquarters of ChangHong Electronics Corporation, one of the biggest in China, where I obtained first-hand, practical experience of the application of advanced technologies in the modern electronics industry. I then graduated with my Bachelor of Science, and began research for my Master's Degree in Computer Science. From this moment forth I have concentrated my attentions on computer science. My first project was to conduct research on the Multichannel Digital Synchronised Log, part of a larger project (DRS Radio Simulator) our Institute was organising. This project came 2nd in the 1996 National Science and Technology Progress Awards, the most prestigious awards in the industry. As a team member, I learnt the value of co-operation, as well as the importance of individual responsibility in a project-oriented group. In 1996, I participated in research on "Mias-2000 Series PC Based Imagery Analysis System", during which time I developed the multi-dimensional slide window method, while concurrently developing software on image restoration. As a result of this research, the Dean of the Department invited me to assist in programming another departmental project, a privilege he bestowed on few people. In the fall of 1996 I assisted in the most exciting project I have yet undertaken, helping the software group develop a Real Time Video Coding/Decoding System, based on CL560, and conforming to the motion-JPEG standard. Despite the difficulties we encountered, due to the fact that this field was new to us all, we worked day in and day out, filled with energy and excitement at the prospects this field has to offer. It is in this area I would like to carry out my future research, perhaps developing new networking algorithms and image-compression algorithms to solve the problems posed by transmitting images on networks. Soon after this the completion of this program, I worked on a CAAC-sponsored project, "Research on High Resolution Display Systems," which was based on the Sony 2000 * 2000 high-resolution monitor. After completion of my Master of Science Degree, I began work in the Computer Science Department, and am currently in charge of a new project entitled "Research on Computer Aided Sperm Analysis". I excelled more than just at my studies. Amidst my tight schedule, I always found the time to develop my skills in other areas, constantly participating in college activities. I was the Vice-Chairman of the Department's Student Council, Vice President of the Student Council from 1994-1995 and President of the Graduate Council for 2 years. Furthermore, I was an active member of the Speech and Debating Club, involved in debates in both Chinese and English and winning 1st prize in the 1995 Sichuan University English Speech Competition. I am currently working as a graduate teaching assistant, tutoring the undergraduate students, who know that my door is always open to them. For as long as I can remember, I have been exploring the wonders of the information age, attempting to discover its secrets. In doing so, I have developed an entrenched team spirit, as I believe that advanced technologies are always the products of joint human efforts I have a solid background in mathematics, electronics and computer science, which I have taken full advantage of in intensive research in the areas of information transferring (e. g. computer networking), information processing (e. g. image and signal processing), and information organisation (e. g. multimedia and computer graphics). As the Thayer School encourages interdisciplinary research, it perfectly suits my background and ideals. I not only have the conviction that the world needs more advanced technology but also follow that through with the ambition and daring to undertake high quality, cutting-edge research, research that will undoubtedly make a bountiful contribution both to your school and to my country. My burning ambition is to ensure that, with my assistance, China continues to make steady progress into the advanced world. Therefore, upon completion of my studies I plan to return to my homeland and turn this dream into a reality. I realise that admission into your school is highly competitive, but I know that I am highly qualified, eager and prepared to meet all of the challenges I will undoubtedly be presented with Please open your doors to me so I can open the doors of discovery to the world. 建筑专业攻读硕士 PERSONAL STATEMENT This document is being submitted in support of my application for admission into your program. Born in June 1974, I grew up in Lanzhou, a city that boasts of a history of thousands of years and a cultural heritage that is as colorful as it is old. Few cities, either in China or beyond, can match it in the richness of architectural styles. Stradding the upper Yellow River that sired the Chinese civilization, Lanzhou prides itself in both her past glory laden in the ancient structures on the north bank and her new found prosperity oozing out of the dazzling high-rises in the south. Although, as a child, I was not always able to articulate my admiration for such striking contrast, I constantly beheld the city's landscape in awe. I began to understand, at that young age, that architecture can be a powerful symbol of culture, a people and the spirit of an era. My first intellectual mentor, one of my parents' best friends, was an artist seasoned in oil painting and photography. She often brought me with her when she traveled, and it was on these trips that her creative mind worked in full gear. I thus observed how human hands could work wonders by recreating the beauty of natural scenery in the form of sketches, paintings and photos. What was more important, I got to know that there are professions of creative work that calls for imagination and craftsmanship. Fervent with creative art and fascinated with architectural design, I entered in 1992 into the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University, China's top engineering school, on the strength of my outstanding performance in the highly competitive National University Entrance Examinations. At Tsinghua, I went through five years of vigorous training and thus acquired exquisite skills in drawing and design. Since I understood from early childhood that inspiration often comes from nature, I traveled far and wide throughout China's vast territory, setting my foot even in outlying Tibet and Xingjiang, both in the country's westernmost interior. These travels allowed me to trace modern China's culture to its different sources, and the variety not only deeply impressed me but also fired my imagination. In my graduation project, Cashi Contemporary Art Museum in Xinjiang, I successfully blended a natural environment into my artistic design by using a system of water circulation to support and sustain the building. As the most significant resource in an agricultural enclave surrounded by desert, water represents hope for both the people and their land. With the water circulation system, the building took on added vitality. In mid-1997, I graduated with my B. S. and took a job as a designer with the Beijing-based "company." My career as an architect thus took off. Once I have settled into the real world of architectural design, I developed my career path quickly, playing substantial roles in a stream of projects. To date, my most significant responsibility has been to work as a main designer in (a key state) project, in which I led a group of my colleagues in meeting a daunting challenge. In addition to gaining a profound understanding of the technical difficulties necessarily attendant to such large-scale projects, I learned to work effectively within a team that also included my clients and colleagues. The teamwork thus not only strengthened my professional competence at conceptual and technical design but also honed my leadership skills that can be put to good use in other situations. As a result, I now feel even more confident of myself than I was before. My experience in general, and the six years of frequent traveling in particular, has left an indelible mark on my intellectual development. As I can now readily appreciate a society's cultural, historical and socio-political impact on its architectural styles, I now try to reflect my own cultural and social background in my own designs. These days, I view architecture not just as a career but, more importantly, as an expression of my professional progress, and I fell that it is an view more compatible with Western rather than Chinese pedagogy. In any case, I have already been through China's best school for architectural studies, and I am convince that the further development of my professional qualifications requires more advanced training in a school like yours. I believe that advanced studies under your seasoned guidance will endow me with a broader vision and more profound insights, with which I can make still more contribution to my motherland China. 机械工程专业自述范例(攻读博士) Mechanical engineering is the foundation of industry. It plays a key role in the national economy. It's broad field including general engineering, aeronautical, chemical and nuclear engineering, etc. Provides a sufficient room of choices for me to realize the dream of becoming a scientist or a mechanical engineer. It was with this fact in mind that I decided to choose mechanical engineering as the major field of study for both undergraduate and graduate career at Tsinghua University. During nearly eight years of study at Tsinghua University, I completed a total of 47 courses in undergraduate study, 14 courses in graduate study. The major courses that interested me most included: Theoretical Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Elasticity and Plasticity Mechanical Analysis of Plastic Deformation Processes, Theory of Metal Forming, Computer Language and Programming, Mechanical Design, etc… After graduation, I entered the First Heaby Machinery Works (in northeast of China). During this period, I became familiar with the design and manufacturing of some heavy machines, thus furthering my interest in mechanical engineering. At the same time, I found that many good ideas of design could not be put into existence because of the backwardness in raw material quality and processing techniques. This fact impelled the related areas and me to concentrate my research interest on materials science and processing. Through careful survey, I selected a subject about the quality control of heavy disc forging and took it as my research subject for master degree. After over tow years of investigation, I finally made a great innovation in the forging process, making the end product rate increase from 50% to 90%. In the course of investigation and my later working after graduate study, I also found some problems that are common in mechanical industry. For example, how do cracks in products during hot metal working generate and develop? How to avoid cracks? How do non-metallic inclusions affect the properties of materials? How to control the content, shape and distribution of inclusions in final products? Solution to these problems will improve the quality of many kinds of products. But they are often difficult to be solved because they include knowledge of many disciplines and require many new research methods. I feel that what I have learned is far from sufficient to tackle all the problems. Thus I have decided to continue my education by pursuing a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering in a highly industrialized country like the United States. I plan to complete my degree objective I 3 to 5 year and hope that I will be able to further my knowledge I areas including Solid Mechanics, Materials Science and Processes, CAD/CAM, etc… After completing my graduate study, I will return to contribute my learning to my country. I plan to work as a researcher of a teacher at an institute or a university. 会计系毕业生个人简历 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL STATEMENT I was born on December 6, 1967 in Shijiazhuang, the largest city in Hebei, China. I lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. In September 1984, I was admitted to Tianjin Finance and Economics College after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. In the four years that followed, I studied in the Department of Accounting and Statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in June 1988. In August 1988. I began to work in business and was an assistant at Da Xing Enterprise Corp. Since November 1980, I have been working with Electronic Memories & Magnetics Corp. At first. I was a junior accountant; then successively I became assistant to Accounting Manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).The attached Personal Data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. As a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. I have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. This, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. To meet the needs of career development in the future, I have decided to continue my education. My plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an MBA degree in the field of accounting. Most business firms in China are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. My proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position. 计算机专业攻读硕士 PERSONAL STATEMENT A fourth-year student grounded solidly in the basics of computer science, I am writing in pursuit of graduate studies that I hope can help me acquire cutting-edge expertise in software programming in general and parallel processing in particular. Intrigued by the power of the computer since high school, I have been trying to stay on top of the computer science by concentrating my undergraduate studies on those subjects that underpin the discipline, particularly mathematics and electronics. To build up my solid knowledge in these subjects, I have taken virtually all the related courses that the university has had to offer. These courses include Algorithm & Data Structure, Mathematical Modeling, Network Theory, Digital Circuit, Discrete Mathematics, and Electric Circuit. With a sophisticated understanding in these areas, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories of computer science and their applications to software development. Aided by the firm command of the basics, I have found it not only easy but also exciting to study the various subjects covered by my major. As most of my classmates, I took a variety of courses ranging from AI to Computer Network, from AI Programming to Knowledge Engineering, from Pattern Recognition to Software Engineering, and from Database Design to Programming Language Design. But I distinguished myself by my academic record, which places me as one of the very top students in my class. My grades in these course never went below A or B. I have also stood out as one of the few who have taught themselves Real Time System and Computer Graphics. Armed with sound training in the basic theories and applied technologies, I have been able to move on into deeper and wider areas of computer science. Early in my university life, I began to understand that the modern computer's base, the Turing machine, was reaching its limits in AI. Gradually, I have narrowed down my research interest to parallel & distributive computing, which I understand can significantly boost the performance of personal computers by giving them some of the functions of mainframe computers. Of all the areas of computer science, parallel processing fascinates me the most. The term first came to me when I read the book Computer Organization & Design: the Hardware/Software Interface as part of my Computer Architecture course. By teaching me how the performance of computers can be improved through pipelining and parallel processing, the book reshaped my thinking in computer science. My lab experience deepened my understanding of parallel processing. In my third year, I worked on a GIFT project with Dr. Komatsu, chief researcher of IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory and Dr. Koseki, one of Dr. Komatsu's colleagues. The project was to introduce the architecture supports that can allow compilers to derive more parallelism from programs. These architecture supports include three designs, a conditional execution mechanism to execute instructions without normal conditional jump instructions, speculative execution mechanism, and a dynamic memory disambiguation mechanism to execute memory access instructions simultaneously. As undergraduate students seldom get to be involved in actual research, I took full advantage of the opportunity of working in the lab. I particularly enjoyed the seminars held twice a week as part of the lab work. At these seminars, I engaged in in-depth discussions with Master's students under Dr. Komatsu's seasoned guidance. The lab experience is adding weight and insights to my graduation paper An Improvement of Software pipelining using Loop Transformations. In this paper, I will introduce a translation algorithm using loop interchange and loop skewing. This algorithm can minimize the initiation interval of loop nest to improve the performance of software pipelining. Through my lab experience and other research, I have developed a long-term professional objective: the advancement of the parallel processing technology. While I have strong faith in this technology, I also know its limitations as it is today. Some sequential algorithms can't be easily translated into fast parallel algorithms and most compilers can only distribute works on one platform. Another unsettled problem is that programming parallel computers is now still a manual work. But even the modern language (like Java, C++) can do some automatic translation work. If a compiler can be developed to translate and distribute work into different platforms, personal computers will be able to work like mainframe computers at a fraction of the mainframes' costs. This will make it possible to connect all the computers in the world and speed up all the processes. To help take the parallel processing technology beyond what is capable of today, I have to undertake more advanced studies. This, I believe, can only be accomplished in a quality graduate program like yours. I plan to pursue a master's degree with a concentration on paralleling and distributing compilers, operating systems or computer networks, a combination thereof. With the training that goes into such an advanced degree, I think I will be able to take great strides towards fulfilling my professional objective. When I do, I think I will be standing on the cutting-edge of the computer science. 传播学专业个人自述(攻读硕士) A student of the Peking University's inaugural program of advertising, I am writing in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program of communication studies. With my solid education and my professional experience that is as colorful as it is rare, I believe that, with your seasoned guidance, I can build upon my strong background, for a pioneering career in China's booming advertising industry. At Peking University, dubbed the Harvard of China by President Clinton on his recent trip to Chins, I have been a student star on campus due to my outstanding academic performances. When I entered into this university in 1995, I already stood out among my crop of freshmen, having won a total of scores in the 1995 National College Entrance Examinations that was the fifth highest in Beijing. A fervent fan of my chosen subject of studies, I have proved myself as much of an intellectual wizard in higher learning as I was in grade school, as demonstrated by my grades, which placed me at the very top in my class of 23. My GPA in the first three years is 89.5, a rarely seen high grade in PKU. My GPA for core courses is over 90, far higher than that of my fellow students. I was the only one who received 100, the full mark, in two theoretical courses, the advanced mathematics and appreciation of fine arts. In practical courses like computer design, my grades were also high, sometimes as high as 96. In recognition of such stellar performances, I have been named the top student of the department and granted Academic Excellence Scholarships for three consecutive years. I was elected the Student Representative for Academic Affairs. But I was no bookworm. To broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge, I also chose electives in such fields as Russian Literature and Chinese History. I have spent considerably more time in the library than my classmates. The more I learnt on campus, the more I hoped to see the real world outside the ivory tower. So in the first summer recess, I applied for a temporary job at the Yaxing Advertising Agency, affiliated with the China Sports Daily, when most of my friends and classmates were enjoying themselves at home or travelling around. Appointed as the accounting executive assistant, I helped organize a promotional event for the Atlantic Olympic Games. This job gave me a picture of China's advertising industry. In the first semester of the academic year 1996-1997, I worked part-time with the PKU TV Net, where I was offered a splendid opportunity to improve my ability in journalism. Being a Weekly News broadcaster, I regularly faced tens of thousands of audience, which greatly increased my confidence. I learnt to think independently and cooperate wit others when doing the series reports "PKU students' life", a program which was mainly about student recipients of prizes in national and international contests. Conducted with creativity and diligence, the program was placed among the best programs in the PKU TV Net. Unlike most other students, I have never stopped working while in school. From September 1997 on, I have been working as a research assistant in CCTV' s Qiantu Advertising Company, the sixth biggest in China. My responsibility is to establish a market database. Difficult as it was, I have handled it without a glitch. I have also done part-time work helping to promote the President Food Corporation and served as a research assistant in the S & D Research Agency, a consulting firm specialized in conducting market surveys for multinationals in China. With special skills in Chinese calligraphy, I taught calligraphy in the China Children's Center, the best of its kind in China. My students, mostly six to twelve years old, had difficulties in understanding the aesthetics inherent Chinese calligraphy. To help them, I taught them Chinese poems and ancient characters instead of confining myself to only calligraphy. The approach turned out to be very effective, and their skills improved dramatically. In these and other similar experiences, I gained skills of interpersonal communication, particularly in terms of how to understand other people's problems and how to help them out. It is in my working experience that I first developed the desire to pursue advanced studies in a quality graduate program in the United States. As an intern with the Dentsu Young & Rubicam Advertising Corporation, one of the world's largest communications groups, I now witness firsthand the dramatic social and economic changes engenderd by the proliferation of digital technologies and increasing corporate globalization. These changes have created the highly sophisticated information society. Trying daily to develop wordings that could catch people's attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving attention in this complex society, I have acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving China's advertising industry at both theoretical and practical levels. I believe that advertising expertise from such advanced countries as the U. S. and Japan would certainly help China. In order to command such expertise and then introduce it to my country, I am making this application so that I can have a firm grasp of the advanced theories and practices your country has developed in communication field, particularly in respect of advertising. I believe that my English proficiency is more than sufficient for me to undertake the kind of studies that I am seeking through this application. I have scored well in such English language tests as TIEFL and GRE. As a better indicator of my practical language skills, I just finished translating an English book "The History of Graphic Design" into Chinese together with four other translators, including a professor. My writing, listening and oral English are as good as my reading. This application is being made with a sense of mission. As an undergraduate, I have learned the basics of advertising, and I would be promising in China as a graduate from one of the country's best universities. With a booming advertising industry in China, I will surely secure a well-paying job. But I cannot be satisfied unless I can help my country as much I help myself. For that, I wish to enhance my capabilities by pursuing graduate studies in such fields as mass communication, communication studies or media studies at a university in North America, where these genres of studies are much more developed than in China. Whatever program I get in, I would like my studies to be focused on the theories of and practices in advertising. If you find me qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may have. The University of Hawaii is well known for its unique position as a bridge between east and west. It is well known for its excellence in the communication field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. With students from various nations, it provides its students with a good chance to learn from different cultures. It is an ideal place for communication studies. If I am accepted, I believe I can make quick progress in communication studies in general, and in advertising in particular. I plan to return to China after the completion of my graduate studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chinese advertising company. In either case, I will bring back what I will have learned. I hope that, when the history of modern advertising in China is written, I will be remembered as one of those who have played a pioneering role in the development of the industry. 航空专业自述范例 My purpose for applying to graduate school is to both expand on my existing knowledge and to create additional opportunities for myself in the future. I believe that graduate school will prepare me for a successful and challenging career in the aerospace industry. Even though I have chosen dynamics as my field of specialization, I am keeping my mind open to other areas of aerospace so that I do not limit myself. I am currently working at JPL in an academic part time position and I believe that this first hand experience will clarify my future educational needs and directions. While attending UCLA, I have had a number of part time positions, which included being a computer consultant, AutoCAD operator, and a lab for the Non-Destructive Evaluation Laboratory at UCLA. My diverse work experiences have given me a better understanding of what opportunities are available to me. There is so much that I would want to learn and under-stand. I have always been fascinated with the space program, and some day, I want to be instrumental in operating in the space program. I have wanted to be an engineer ever since my father shared with me some of his published engineering ariticles. I have always been a hard worker and have shown that I can handle a diverse work load incoporating work and college intocollege into my schedule. I believe that UCLA can provide me with the tools to succeed in the aerospace industry. I have enjoyed attending UCLA as an undergraduate student and would enjoy being a graduate student here as well. 商学院ESSAY样例 Please give a brief evaluation of yourself as a leader. Becoming a leader in the business world has been my goal since high school. In order to succeed at any goal, one must first find a path to reach the goal, and then embark on that path. My path to becoming a leader began in high school. While studying in high school, I demonstrated great dedication, a trait necessary for a leader. I mastered several different disciplines. I passed Advanced Placement tests in Art History, Chemistry and Physics, and graduated in the top 5% of my class. I also had the opportunity to exercise actual leadership skills as President of both the Science Club and the Business Club. At the State University of California at Los Angeles, I continued to serve leadership positions while remaining committed to my studies. I won first place in the Phi Beta Lambda 31st State Leadership Conference in Management and Information Management. Although I worked 36 hours a week at two part-time jobs, in addition to participating in this conference, I as able to maintain my grades. I joined the General Education Honors Program. Upon entering the working world, I found that the value of leadership is priceless. The climate has changed drastically, from a cooperative, serene learning environment to a place where only the fittest survive. Luckily, my leadership training from high school and college has paid off. I was quickly promoted from purchasing agent to procurement supervisor. As a further step in becoming a business leader, I recently accepted an offer from Rain Bird to be a buyer/planner. In this role, I am in total control of two product lines that make about $15 million in sales each year. Although I have learned new ways to manage labor and products, in this new position I have finally found my leadership qualities to be inadequate. I need to discover how engineering changes, climate changes, and marketing promotions of Rain Bird and its competitors affect my product lines. I want to learn how information systems enhance and ease business transactions, and how to be more productive and efficient in this global economy. After consulting several fellow co-workers who have studied in UCLA's FEMBA Program, I think studying there would help me continue on my path of success. What do you consider to be your most important personal and professional accomplishments? I have made my most important personal and professional accomplishments as a member of APICS, the Educational Society for Resource Management. A co-worker introduced me to this organization. At first, I was reluctant to join because I thought, "I already have a degree in operations management; why do I need to join an association in which I would learn nothing new?" As time went on I found out more and more about this prestigious organization and gradually discovered that by contributing to it I could improve my managing abilities. I quickly became certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM). After about a year, I was appointed director of the San Gabriel Valley Chapter of APICS, which is the most cherished accomplishment I have to date. Running a chapter is like running a small business. There is a national body, like a government, which establishes by laws and rules to which we have to adhere. We have to market ourselves, capture customers(members) and make them happy by offering our products and services. We book classrooms and sponsor workshops on different aspects of manufacturing for members and non-members. Every month we have a joint meeting with the Anaheim chapter which features a renowned speaker. We also create and publish a newsletter every month to update our members about APICS and the latest manufacturing trends. Sometimes we solicit companies in the San Gabriel Valley about the possibility of offering APICS classes onsite. The greatest challenge in directing an APICS chapter is in financing all of the chapters activities. The most valuable benefit I have gained from being an APICS director has been the ties I have developed with fellow directors and members. In APICS, I continually meet new colleagues. They come from large and small companies, and in positions from receiving clerks to vice presidents. We all meet to discuss the latest trends in manufacturing and job opportunities around the area. By learning from each other, we can improve our companies' bottom lines. As an APICS director, I have learned a lot about marketing and finance. I would not have been able to gain such valuable knowledge without hands-on experience.The entrepreneurial abilities I have developed in this position will prove useful as I move further along my path to business success. Why have you decided to enter the Fully Employed MBA Program? Why is this the appropriate time for you to begin? There are many reasons why I believe this is the perfect time for me to start the Fully Employed MBA Program at UCLA. With regard to gaining knowledge, I have been learning continuously since high school. During high school summer breaks, I took SAT workshops, and in college, I took classes even in summer quarters. When I graduated and started working, I studied to become CPIM- certified for APICS. Starting the MBA program now is the next most logical step in my career. In terms of career advancements, I am also pushing myself to the limit. I was quickly promoted to a supervisory level at Rain Bird and to a directing position at APICS. I want to keep my pace on this fast career track. Starting the MBA program now will surely open doors to upper management positions within Rain Bird. With regard to personal goals, I have wanted to go to UCLA since high school. I got accepted by the undergraduate school but financial difficulties forced me to choose a state university. Getting my MBA at UCLA will be a childhood dream coming true. Last but not least in making this the ideal time for me to pursue an MBA is the great support from people around me. My wife believes getting an MBA will improve the quality of our lives; my parents think that with an MBA I can be an exemplary model for my brother and sister; co-workers that are already in the FEMBA program told me the program is excellent and the experience worthwhile; and my plant manager, who is a FEMBA alumna, told me it was the best two and a half years she ever spent in school. With my high expectations and support from others, I am confident that I can succeed at UCLA. I am ready to start the FEMBA program this fall. 留学申请文书的写作技巧 作者 新东方写作中心 何庆权老师 蜀女游美国 青海某大学一个学经济的女生有过一段不寻常的经历.她通过因特网和一个美国女孩做笔友,前后长达七年之久.到她大学一年级读完,对方邀请她去美国相聚,其父母慷慨地表示要承担全部费用.这个跨国友情是如此不寻常,以致于挑剔的美国签证官都被感动了.她轻而易举地得到了签证,在她笔友的陪同下在美国游玩了两个星期. 几年过去了,这位小姐想再赴美国,这次是要留学.她几年前在美国的友谊之旅是如此的刻骨铭心,她非常想用它来打动美国教授.在她精心写作的personal statement里,她用重墨描绘了她的这段经历.可惜地是,当她把这篇文章交给一个外国老师修改时,人家毫不留情地把她倍加珍视的内容全删除了. 外国老师如此处理自有其道理.在他看来,这个中国学生不寻常的经历与她在专业上的能力和志向太不相干了.申请文件通常是外国学校了解你专业水平的唯一媒介和手段,你如果在其中把笔墨过多地放在与专业无关的叙述上,你就会喧宾夺主. 这位不甘心的青海姑娘继续寻求帮助,最后她的文章到了我手里.在我的帮助下,这篇文章有了一个新的结构,使用了新的语言,尽管所有的事实都还是原来的.但在新的version里,她的美国之行对她来说是一个eye-opener.在短暂的旅途中,她对美国的印象是肤浅的,但那些很表面的东西仍然不可避免地向她反映出美国经济的发达和内在活力. 中美经济发展的明显差异既激发了她要帮助中国在经济上强大起来的愿望,又促使她这个学经济的中国学生要从经济学上找到说明.在学习中,她认识到美国经济的发达和美国经济学的发达必然有着某种联系,所以她现在希望到美国留学.在强大的motivation的推动下,她比别人更加发奋地学习和研究经济学,使她现在有了比别人更加扎实的经济学功底,为她去美国深造奠定了基础.这样,她的personal statement不仅描绘了她的独特经历,而且读者还可以透过她的独特经历看到她在专业方面的基础和水平. 关键在于独特性 我们的青海姑娘敏感地意识到,把自己的美国之行写进自己的personal statement可能会打动美国教授.她是对的,因为这是一次不寻常的旅行,源于一段不寻常的友谊.这段经历不仅能把她与绝大多数中国申请者区分开来,也使她有别于几乎所有申请者.有这段独特的经历作背景,她的申请材料就能吸引住美国教授那匆匆一瞥的目光. 把自己独特的地方写出来,这是申请材料写作的关键.国外大学教授往往要审查比录取名额多几倍、十几倍甚至几十倍的申请人.太多的留学申请人在制作申请文书时太草率.他们在艰苦卓绝地考完TOEFL、GRE、GMAT之类的语言考试以后,或者已经太累了,或者觉得已经大功告成了.轮到需要制作申请文书了,往往去买一本范文,拿来依样画葫芦抄一抄就完事儿了.在现在学员拿给我读的申请文件里,我太经常地读到我自己的语言,一看就知道是从我那本《留学申请书信写作指导》中抄来的.这本书中所提供的思路、写作方法和语言也许有些借鉴意义.但你如果照抄的语言和内容太多了,就会导致掩盖或削弱你自己的个性特征,而这是最要命的. 每一个人都是独特的@ 很多申请人抱怨说他们没有什么独特的东西可写,这是不对的.我女儿出生在加拿大,小时候经常唱一首儿歌,歌词开始是:I am special, you are special, and everyone is special, each in his or her own way. 她每次唱这歌时都很得意,因为她相信她非常地special.如果儿童能有这样的自信,你作为一个至少上完大学的成年人有什么理由一定要觉得自己普通得不足挂齿呢? 你是否独特,是否special,要看你自己怎么审视自己.只要你找对了视角,你一定会看到自己与众不同的地方. 一次座谈时,一位英俊的男士说自己是个小官僚,为改变自己的命运,想去读MBA.细问之下我才知道,他在中国人民银行已经工作了12年,官至副处长.他也许就是个小官僚.但是,他如果到美国的商学院读书,他的同学中有多少人会象他一样在世界上最大的也是发展最快的新型市场经济国家的中央银行做过这么多年的管理工作呢? 一个并不特别难看的女士去找我,说自己不过普通女孩一个.我问,你上过大学吗?上过,但上过大学的人多了.读过研究生了吗?读了,但这年头研究生也多了.学的什么专业?建筑系的.主攻方向呢?景观设计.在中国读景观设计的女研究生多吗?学景观设计的人本来就还不多,读这方面研究生的女生当然就更少了.这时我说,想想看,你怎么会普通了,要知道,即便在西方,读景观设计的女生也不多,你在这个对女生来说非传统的专业已经读了研究生了,了不起得很呢!何况,中国现在建设的速度和规模全世界罕有,你肯定已经接触或参预了不少项目的设计工作了,你的经验和前途都是绝大多数同龄的美国女孩不能企及的,你怎么能说自己太普通? 有些人仍会说,自己太年轻了,还没有来得及干出惊天动地的丰功伟绩,因此这申请文件就是反映不出什么独特性来.这样的认识错了.我现在快人到中年了,当年在中国干过记者,后来在国外充过律师,现在回国做老师,三十好几年的人生中,穿插了无数坎坷,也间或小有成绩.你作为一个二十几岁的小姐或小伙子,不需要证明你现在已经有了比我丰富的经历或者比我伟大的成就;你要证明的是,等你到我这个岁数,你一定 ― 至少很有可能 -有比我多得多的成就和能力.我相信没有几个人做不到这一点儿. 即便你的分数、专业、志向、个性、兴趣、经历、工作岗位等背景乍看上去都比较一般,你也要知道,这些因素在每一个人身上的组合是不一样的;即便组合一样,每一个人的内心感受也是不同的.你要做的,是严肃、认真并全面地审视自己.你要在对自己深刻了解的基础上,对你的素质、经历和成就进行区分、组织和取舍,来满足学校录取的要求和标准.你把这样编排和归纳好的讯息用漂亮的英语表达出来,置于一个叙述性的结构中,你能拟出一篇具有说服力的文章来. 写作的技巧 再好的想法如果不能被充分地表达出来也是枉然.国外的教授一般只能从书面材料来对你的学识、人品和语言能力进行判断,而你也只能以书面的形式来表现和证明你自己.你和他们之间唯一的媒介是写在纸上的文字.由于洋教授一般不爱读长篇大论,你的篇幅一般有限.你必须使用一些写作技巧. * 最有效、最容易应用也最容易被忽略的技巧之一是给段落一个topic sentence,或者叫主题句,并将其摆放在段落最前面.中文写作时,主题句经常埋伏在段落中间.但英文段落如有topic sentence,则应置于段落开头.这个topic sentence应表达一定的见解、认识、判断或态度,由段落的其余部分用事实和推理来进行论证和支持.譬如,你可以在一段开头时说你的研究能力很好,紧接着讲你学过什么方法论、做过什么样的试验、参预过什么样的试验以及取得过什么样的研究成果等.Topic sentence可以帮助读者清楚地把握文章的内容.对于英文写作不熟练的人来说,给每一重要段落一个带总结性的topic sentence是一个提高写作质量非常行之有效的办法. * 在文章中注意建立强烈的对比能够帮读者留下比较深刻的印象.在上面提到的青海姑娘的personal statement中,为了渲染她美国之行的不一般,我用了这么一句话:The summer of 1996 saw me, a poor student in China's landlocked Qinghai Province, flying across the Pacific Ocean to the United States to meet my penpal and her family at their home in a small American town. 这句话可以轻易地写成:In the summer of 1996, I went to the US to see my penpal and her family. 但这后一种说法完全无法反映她作为一个中国内陆省份的穷学生与美国小镇上的笔友之间所客观存在的巨大距离. 一个留学申请者早年因家贫放弃大学读了中专技校,几年后直接考上中科院某所研究生.当他为自己没有正规本科学历惴惴不安时,我帮他把personal statement修改了,用他没有本科教育也能考研来衬托他在逆境中奋斗的能力.Exercising diligence to give full play to my intelligence, I parlayed my vocational career in the provinces into graduate studies at a top research institute in the nation's capital, Beijing, where I now wish to vault to the forefront of the field of spatial statistics by pursuing doctorate studies at a leading American university. 这样,由于三个加黑短语的适当排比,造成了一种不断向上的印象. * 你要尽量把你所提到的事实与洋教授所熟悉、所看重的东西联系起来讲,因为很多洋教授对中国相当无知.在国外,我曾不止一次被问过Beijing University和Peking University是不是在同一个城市,可见一斑.我当年高考襄阳地区第一名,要说给洋人听他们会一脸漠然,所以我说:I achieved the highest total of scores in area with a population the size of Ontario's.一个中央电视台的记者要去美国,我帮她写道:I am regularly watched in China by an audience that numbers more than the American population.1998年克林顿来华访问,所以在文章中提到北大时这么写:Beijing University, dubbed as China's Harvard by President Clinton on his recent trip to the country. 同理,当你提到863工程、联想集团等中国名词时,最好也给一个美国人能够理解的解释. * 最好举出具体的实际事例来证明你用的那些形容词所言非虚,一个好的例子可以顶很多个华丽的词藻.中国留学申请者在写作留学申请文件时,要么是大量堆砌形容词,但没有可佐证的事例,要么是讲一大串事例,但不知这些事例反映什么问题.尤以第一种错误为多,特别是在帮老师草拟给自己的推荐信时.试想,空中楼阁如何立得住?弄不好,洋教授会认为你弄虚作假,你的工夫可就白费了. 当然还有很多别的写作技巧.同时,象任何其它方面的写作一样,你也需要应用那些最一般的写作基本功.但是,如果你把这里说的几点儿做到了,你就不会错得太远. 重点在于专业水平和目标@ 值得强调的是,你在申请文件中一般需要重点展示你的专业水平和志向,再适当涉及你的品德和个性.老外录取不录取你,给不给你资助,起决定性作用的是你在专业方面的能力和潜力.我作为一个学英语、新闻和法律出身的人,永远也不可能去读生物工程的Ph.D.,因为我完全没有相应的专业背景.因此,应注意在描绘你的独特性时,尽量不要脱离你的专业;恰恰相反,你应当利用你独特的经历和背景来加强你对你专业能力、潜力和志向的说明,就象我们的青海姑娘最终在她的personal statement中所做到的那样.最有效的留学申请文件,是把对独特性的描绘和对专业水平的说明结合得恰到好处的文章. 可以说,在中国学生向国外大学争取录取和资助时,申请文件的准备在很大程度上相当于中国的入学考试,其最重要的功能是展示申请人的专业水平.国内升学,从小学到大学到博士研究生,每前进一步,都必须通过严格的考试;我们的研究生入学考试,主要都是考专业知识和技能.一般来说,北美大学录取,尤其是硕、博士研究生院的录取,都不会经过专业考试.TOEFL、GRE之类的考试,只不过是对语言和能力倾向(aptitude)的测验,根本不反映一个人所掌握的专业知识和才干. 国外大学了解你专业上的qualifications,几乎完全是靠审查各种申请文件来实现的.这些文件既包括你的各种成绩单,更包括你的resume, personal statement, answers to essay questions, sample writings,reference letters,等等.国外大学的录取委员会是在审查这些文件的基础上,来评估你的专业水平、成就、抱负和个人品德的,并进而来决定是否录取你和是否给你录取和资助.如果你没有把各种文件作好,你就不能充分展示你自己的优势,国外的大学就不能全面了解你,那么你本应得到的机会也会飘然而去的.这样看来,你的申请文书的重要性至少完全可能不低于你的TOEFL和GRE成绩.因此你在准备这些文件时,万万不能掉以轻心. 推荐信 选自:互联网 如何写推荐信 在给你的下属、合作伙伴或是朋友写推荐信之前,你有必要阅读一下以下这篇小文章.虽然只是只字片语,但你却能人中受益匪浅.同样,若你想请人帮你写推荐信,你也可以提示他(她)从以下几个角度来写. 推荐信的基本结构(三段式): 第一段:你应该开门见山地介绍一下你所推荐的这个人的能力和你对他的熟悉达到什么程度.如果被推荐的人是你的一个雇员或合作者,你有必要先介绍一下被推荐人担任的职务,他个人在任中出色完成的一些项目.接下来,你最好用一句简明扼要的话提一下你们公司的性质和主营范围.另外,你也应简要地谈一下你对被推荐者的看法. 第二段:在这一段中,你应该具体地阐述一下你对这位雇员(被推荐者)的评价.可以通过列举一些他在雇用期间出色完成的项目来强化你的观点,并适当提供一些细节.你还应该段描写一下这位被推荐者的优缺点,尤其是在工作所表现出的那些特点.还可以写一下你与之一起共事的感受. 第三段:你可以在这段中写一些与这个被推荐者综合素质有关的内容.总而言之,可以是这个人是否负责、有礼貌、热情、不尽人意、懒惰、精神矍铄或之类的特点.最后,你可以发表一下关于对这个人是否能胜任他将要寻找的工作的意见.这个意见可以是毫无保留的,可以是直截了当的,也可以是有所保留或部分保留的. 备注:在正式写推荐信之前,你可以向被推荐人要一张他曾做过的项目的清单,因为你可能对被推荐人做过的具体内容不太清晰.另外,如果你不是很了解被推荐人的话,你最好婉言拒绝他要你写推荐信的请求,这样总比含糊其词或没有说服力的介绍好. 写推荐信的10个技巧 1.看一遍申请人的个人材料或申请书,这样你的推荐信才能和申请相吻合,而不会在内容上有所冲突或重复. 2.让申请人给你提供更多的材料,如简历等. 3.描述你把该申请人和其他申请人对比的先决条件. 我已从教20年,过去五年来,我指导过大约450名学生的独立研究项目.五年来,我每年夏天带10名实习生,同时还以大银行集团(Big Bank Corp.)培训老师的身份带200多名大学生. 4.探讨你对申请人的了解程度. 我认识Doe先生是因为我每周的两次课他都上,而事实上只要求上一次.史密斯小姐在大六会计事务所(Big Six Accounting Firm)升职前两年一直直接向我报告. 5.选你所观察到的申请人的一、两个优点. 珍妮有绝佳的写作和与人交往技巧.Doe先生的特点是坚韧不拔、有分析头脑、善于与人沟通. 6.在描述这些优点的时候,举具体事例来支持你的观点,事例要尽量具体、详细. 他是我所教过的学生中唯一一名把听我所有的课当成一种不懈而最终成功掌握金融理论的努力的学生.班上只有10%的学生得了A,他是其中之一. 珍妮有这样好的写作技巧,我毫不犹豫就让她写了一份报告,这份报告是我们政治行动委员会(PAC)一项重要政策声明的基础.有了珍妮这20多页关于中东政治的分析,国会议员XXX用这份声明去游说,以图吸纳更多的资金. 7.力求把这名学生的能力量化,或把他和其他申请人相对比. 他是班上10%的好学生之一.在我所知的她的同龄人中,她的分析能力是最好的. 8.避免一般化和陈词滥调. 9.有一些很温和的批评. 就我所知,他唯一的缺点是他与世无争的性格,这种性格使得他有时隐匿了年轻人的活力和广博的兴趣. 偶尔地,她的坚韧和坚持会变成固执,但通常她都性格很好,头脑也很冷静. 10.谈谈申请人在他/她所选领域里的前景 我竭力向贵商业学校推荐Doe先生,这名成熟的学生会成为一名优秀的商人. 史密斯小姐有优异的领导、写作等才能,她会成为一名出色的战略咨询人员,会成为她所服务的商业机构的骄傲. 推荐信中描述个性的常见用词 留学申请时,推荐信的作用很重要,好的推荐信对申请人来说能够起到事半功倍的作用.在写推荐信时,必然会提及被推荐人的品性(Characters).介绍每个人独特的个性用词也十分讲究,下列的Characters是国外大学所欣赏的: 1.Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a. Native intellectual ability(天赋) b. Imagination(想像力) c. Creativity(创造力) d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. Intellectual curiosity或Spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力) g. Memory(记忆力) h. Accuracy(准确性) i. Methodology(研究方法) j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力) k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) 1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing (口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity,desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) 2.Academic performance(学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富) b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就) d. Industry, diligence(勤勉) e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极) f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟) 3.Languages(语言能力) a. Ability to speak,understand,read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力) b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力) 4.Character(品行) a. Honesty;integrity(诚实) b. Sincerity(诚恳) c. Sense of responsibility(责任感) d. Cooperation (合作) e. Enthusiasm(热诚) f. Conscientiousness(自觉性) g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. Reliability;dependability(可靠性) 推荐信样例 (一) RECOMMENDATION OFFICIAL October 26,1998 IMMIGRANT SECTION CANADIAN EMBASSY Dear Sir / Madam: This letter is to support Mr. xxx for his immigration application to Canada. Mr. xxx joined our company in July 1996, as a mechanical assistant engineer. Last year, he had been already a formal engineer inside our corporation developing mechanical and electromagnetism shielding design. His monthly salary is RMB 5,000. Within the last 2 years, as the project chair, Mr. xxx has designed or participated in designing the following products: The computer case of "OVER-RAY" brand; The computer case of "SHIHE" brand; The computer case of "WANDAO" brand; The mechanical structure of four electric fire control cabinets; The temperature sensors for oil drilling; A radiation protection antenna of mobile telephone. He has taken consulting service about electromagnetism shielding for several factories. In addition, Mr. xxx is very skillful at using CAD methods in design, and also very skillful at solving any problems about computer either in hardware or in software. He has deeply impressed us with his fine art designs by using computer. He has designed several fine brands for corporations including our company and many faceplates for equipment. In Sep. 1997, he had been appointed to the position of engineer inside of our corporation. He has worked very earnestly, and contributed outstandingly to our company. I fully support his application for immigration to Canada. Considering his kind and conscientious personality, his mechanics and electromagnetism shielding knowledge, his English capability, as well as his strong computer skills, I think Mr. xxx will make great contribution to Canada. If you want to know more about Mr. xxx, please do not hesitate to reach me. Yours Sincerely, Xxxxxx Vice General Manager, Engineer Beijing xxxxxx Electrical Ltd. Tel: 0086-10-xxxxxxxx(O) 0086-10-xxxxxxxx(H) Mobil phone: 0086-10-xxxxxxxxx Bp: 0086-10-xxxxxxxxxxxx Mailing Address: Post-office Box 1234 Beijing P.R.China Postcode: xxxxxxx Address: xxxxx Beijing China (二) December 1, 1999 To Whom It May Concern: I'm glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr.XXX. This is to confirm that Mr.XXX has worked in XXXXX, one of the most important harbor of China, from July 1993 to September 1998. He acted as a civil engineer. Main projects in designing he was involved were: 1. 10/1993-11/1993: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 12 and Building 15 of XXX District, XXX City. 2. 12/1993-02/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 28 and Building 30 of XXX District, XXX City. 3. 03/1994-06/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System and Fire-Prevention System, XXX. Designing work needs great patience and sense of responsibility. Mr. XXX could complete them by himself and without any mistakes. With his excellent grasp of computer and his good method, we have been able to raise our working efficiency. From July 1994 to December 1995, Mr. XXX worked on the construction management of water & waste joint auxiliary project at the building conduct field of XXX District of Anju Project. He was mainly in charge of roads, water pipeline and waste pipeline. Mr. XXX went all out to serve this civil project. Being engaged in the inspection and control of project at the construction site of XXX Building (a 33-storey building used as a commercial residential building) from January 1996 to September 1998, Mr. XXX had been working so hard that the big project has been completed without mistakes. During the process of construction, in order to guarantee the correspondence between the construction design and specification of building codes, Mr. XXX checked the design of drawing again and again. Also, through his analysis in details, he would evaluate the construction materials and indicate the requirements of the key installation. While inspecting the construction site, he solved the technical questions, which arose at the site. Mr. XXX was responsible in his works and his outstanding capacity for hard work and whole-hearted devotion deeply impressed us. I'm sure that Mr. XXX is able to do the job well independently . He has won appreciation from his leaders and colleagues. I hope the above information is helpful for your evaluation. If there is any information required regarding Mr. XXX's work record, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely Yours Mr. YYY Director XXX City, China Tel.: XXX (三) THE COMPANY'S TITLE Date: December 24, 1997 This letter is to certify that Mr.xxxx has been employed by this company in the computer department as Computer Programmer since April,1992. Being the Computer Programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programs as well as designing maintaining and modifying computer system for our company and our clients. During his employment with this company in the last five years, he has respectively computer programs by using computer languages such as: FoxBase, FoxPro, COBOL,C,SQL,DB2,HTML and Delphi. In addition to that he is also familiar with computer systems such as Novell, Windows NT, SCO-UNIX, and as well as computer software tools such Word, S-designer and VISIO. He has respectively involved in numerous big computer projects with a number of our company's clients in china (Please refer to the attached list for detail information) According to our record, Mr. xxx has attended formal university edcation and received his Bachelor degree in xxxx xxxx(it means your major) offered by xxxx University in Beijing with a very strong background in computer Programming. His performance in the last five years has been totally to our satisfactory. Should further information be required regarding Mr.xxx position with this company, please feel free to contact the undersigned at any time Yours very truly, (xxxx's signature) Vice general Manager: xxxxx (四) December 1, 1999 To Whom It May Concern: I'm glad to write this letter of recommendation for Mr.XXX. This is to confirm that Mr.XXX has worked in XXXXX, one of the most important harbor of China, from July 1993 to September 1998. He acted as a civil engineer. Main projects in designing he was involved were: 1. 10/1993-11/1993: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 12 and Building 15 of XXX District, XXX City. 2. 12/1993-02/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System, Building 28 and Building 30 of XXX District, XXX City. 3. 03/1994-06/1994: Indoors Designing of Water & Waste System and Fire-Prevention System, XXX. Designing work needs great patience and sense of responsibility. Mr. XXX could complete them by himself and without any mistakes. With his excellent grasp of computer and his good method, we have been able to raise our working efficiency. From July 1994 to December 1995, Mr. XXX worked on the construction management of water & waste joint auxiliary project at the building conduct field of XXX District of Anju Project. He was mainly in charge of roads, water pipeline and waste pipeline. Mr. XXX went all out to serve this civil project. Being engaged in the inspection and control of project at the construction site of XXX Building (a 33-storey building used as a commercial residential building) from January 1996 to September 1998, Mr. XXX had been working so hard that the big project has been completed without mistakes. During the process of construction, in order to guarantee the correspondence between the construction design and specification of building codes, Mr. XXX checked the design of drawing again and again. Also, through his analysis in details, he would evaluate the construction materials and indicate the requirements of the key installation. While inspecting the construction site, he solved the technical questions, which arose at the site. Mr. XXX was responsible in his works and his outstanding capacity for hard work and whole-hearted devotion deeply impressed us. I'm sure that Mr. XXX is able to do the job well independently . He has won appreciation from his leaders and colleagues. I hope the above information is helpful for your evaluation. If there is any information required regarding Mr. XXX's work record, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely Yours Mr. YYY Director XXX City, China Tel.: XXX (五) THE COMPANY'S TITLE Date: December 24, 1997 This letter is to certify that Mr.xxxx has been employed by this company in the computer department as Computer Programmer since April,1992. Being the Computer Programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programmer of this company, he is mainly responsible for developing computer programs as well as designing maintaining and modifying computer system for our company and our clients. During his employment with this company in the last five years, he has respectively computer programs by using computer languages such as: FoxBase, FoxPro, COBOL,C,SQL,DB2,HTML and Delphi. In addition to that he is also familiar with computer systems such as Novell, Windows NT, SCO-UNIX, and as well as computer software tools such Word, S-designer and VISIO. He has respectively involved in numerous big computer projects with a number of our company's clients in china (Please refer to the attached list for detail information) According to our record, Mr. xxx has attended formal university edcation and received his Bachelor degree in xxxx xxxx(it means your major) offered by xxxx University in Beijing with a very strong background in computer Programming. His performance in the last five years has been totally to our satisfactory. Should further information be required regarding Mr.xxx position with this company, please feel free to contact the undersigned at any time Yours very truly, (xxxx's signature) (六) Recommendation for Mr. Yi Dear Sir or Madam: The purpose of this letter is to recommend Mr. Yi, a worthy candidate for admission to your graduate program. Mr. Yi have ever took my course "Introduction to Control". I was deeply impressed with him not only the good score "A" he got in the class but also the highly active and devout attitude he learn Control Theory. Sometimes, he came to my office to ask me some interesting questions about the Control and System theories not mensioned in the autobiology of my class and to discuss the development and application of control theory in Science and Industry. with me. He imagined this theory is truly an amazing subject. If people understand and use it very well, this world will get better. "Well!" I thought, " This young man is really like Control." Then he took part in my research "Design of Sinusoidal Oscillators Using the Theory of Variable Structure Systems" (published in the Int. J. of Electronics, 1992, Vol. 72, No. 1) to design the oscillator circuits. From simulating the circuits he designed with PSPICE to assembling the electronic elements. he shown me the enthusiam and hardily spirit in his work. When getting a new idea or finding some questions, he always shared his opinion about how to overcome the error or improve the experiment results to me. After try-and-error and ameliorating the circuit many times, we finally got a refined but good-performance oscillator. Mr. Yi also got admirable grades in a couple of courses of control and systems, I truly believe he has strong learning capability and enthusism in this field. So I no doubt that he will become a good student in your esteemed departmant. Should you need any further information about Mr. Yi, please do not hesitate contact me. Sincerely Yours, (七) To whom it may concern, It is my pleasure to write this recommendation letter for Ms. ****, who was one of my favorite students in my class. As her teacher in the main course of Industrial Economy, I got to know her since nearly seven years ago. I distinctively remember that she is a clever girl with respect of her study. Ms. **** usually promoted some valuable questions and actively discussed these questions with me personally. She seldom accepted an opinion without any self- thinking and was critical with what especially international and domestic economical situation and latest computer technology. She read widely and intensively. During the three-year college studies, she enriched herself not only in academic study but also in the profoundness knowledge. **** as the monitor of her class ever assisted me to manage the whole class. No matter in classroom or in dormitory she always required herself with the standard of a monitor and performed her duty well. She ever helped many of her classmates in study or other living trivial matters. She was the monitor of her class for the whole three years and what she had done won the consistent commendation from teachers and her classmates. ****'s ability was presented not only in the class work but also in her performance in Student Union of our school. She was ever the head of Public Relation Section of our college for nearly two years. In the period time, she successfuly planed and conducted several large-scale activities, which caused much attention and produced positive effect in the whole school. I feel glad that **** is willing to study in your country. It is worthy proposal. I believe, in your country the field of her vision will be broadened and she will be able to learn more modern knowledge, which will be beneficial for her own development in the future. As a teacher, I would like to see all my former and present students improve and perfect themselves constanly, therefore it is my own will and pleasure to recommend **** to apply for a place at your program. Sincerely yours, **** Dean of Department of Economics (八) Dead ** Department of Textile Engineering Dalian ** College Dalian, 11600l P.R. China Dear Sir or Madam: I would 1ike to recommend Miss. **, one of the most distinguished students in our department, to your graduate school. As the professor and director of the Department of Textile Engineering, I came to know Miss * in l991 when I became her professor on Enterprise Management. What I va1ue the most in her is not her grade but her ability in practica1 work. During my course, she attended our HF project which was organized by our teaching staff. It was to give good advice on * * * company's City Garden project. She demonstrated her special ability to put book theory into practice and special talent in management and strategy. She completed her paper "Market Orientation Decision Researcl1 and Project Management1t of City Garden, wl1ich was excellent for an undergraduate. Because of this, she was awarded the first prize by * * * company. Besides. Miss. * impressed me with her ingenious and creative ways of thinking. She often discussed with me about the development management of the state-owned enterprises. Through her profound insight and innovative ideas, I am sure that she has the talent to develop herself in business. Beyond her ability, she is an honest, optimistic, easy--going young lady. She is very popular on the campus. I have every reason to believe that Miss. * will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. I recommend her' without reservation. If much information about her is required, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely yours ** Head and professor Department of Textile Engineering Dalian *** College (九)(经济专业) Sept. 19,1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I taught Mr. Dai Tongzhi Corporate Finance, and I am writing in support of his application for acceptance into your graduate school. In my class, Mr. Dai stood out for the penetrating questions he asked. The course emphasized practical skills, with a lot of in-class discussions and a heavy load of homework in the form of case studies. Mr. Dai was more often than not the first to talk, and no discussion ever ended in class without his well-reasoned input. Once I asked the students to analyze a case of investment in a new washing powder. Most of them only worked out the net present value of this investment scheme according to its return. But Mr. Dai not only worked out the NPV, but also considered the risk of it and revised the NPV taking in account the Certainty Equivalent Factor of the washing powder industry. He concluded that the company should use the new type of washing powder to replace its old one on the market. He carefully analyzed the cost of producing and marketing the new brand, considering, for example, the opportunity cost of the production of the new brand. He reasoned, among other things, that the production of the new variety would necessitate the use of the storeroom, which could otherwise be rented to others. Few other students analyzed the case as thoroughly as Mr. Dai did. One of the things that distinguishes Mr. Dai from other students is his strength in mathematics. Whatever convoluted cases he had to deal with, he never ever made a single mistake in his computation and mathematical deduction. This put him at a distinct advantage over other students, as evidenced by his grade of 96 in my course, the highest among over 100 students who took part in the final exam. Mr. Dai has a strong ability to put theory into practice. Because I specialize in practical economics, he has often asked me questions on stocks and shares. Making good use of his spare time, he has made small investments in some stocks to test his judgments. To give himself hands - on experience, he has taken up some part-time job with some small companies. Heeding my advice, he worked for the Special Appliances Company in Chengdu, his hometown, in the summer of 1998, and the company has found his advice very valuable. I am pleased when he told me he would like to pursue advanced studies in economics in your university. I am sure that your distinguished program will help stand him in good stead in his future career. Sincerely, Jiao Shou Associate Professor of Economics Tsinghua University (十)(工程) Li Li Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100080, P.R. China Dean School of Graduate Studies and Research Dear Colleagues: Mr. Ren Ren requested a letter of reference from me to support his application for graduate studies at your university. As his research adviser when he was a graduate student in my institute, I am pleased to comply with his request. I have known Mr. Ren since 1991, when he was admitted as a Master of Engineering candidate into the Institute. As his research adviser, I directed his research and found him a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During his first year, he got a very good record in major courses. He particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network. During the following two years, Mr. Ren worked on a communication project for his degree thesis "the Radio Shunting System on Railroad". To make the product meet the actual needs, he faced down many practical problems, such as high reliability and volume and weight of the product. Working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. Judging by his outstanding performance while he studied with me, I am convinced that Mr. Ren has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which he can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend him my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of his application. Sincerely yours Li Li Professor, Graduate Adviser (十一)(计算机) From: Jiao Shou Department of the SPECIAL CLASS GIFTED for YOUTHS University of Science and Technology Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R. China July 1, 1998 Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Ren Ren, one of my favorite students, for admission into your distinguished graduate program. Mr. Ren was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the SPECIAL CLASS for the GIFTED YOUTHS, my university's unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented Chinese youngsters. It was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performance through the years of his elementary and secondary school. He impressed me almost as he entered into my university, a major cradle of china's scientific and technological talents. At the time, members of the Gifted Class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus and then take an exam so that we could evaluate their self-study capability. Mr. Ren scored the highest grade in that exam. He also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. To my regret at the time, his English was not as good as his mathematics or physics. But I noticed he made a point of working especially hard in improving his English during his five undergraduate years with us. By now, he seems to be at least as proficient in English as most of his former classmates in the Gifted Class. In my experience with Mr. Ren, I was impressed with not only his extraordinary intelligence but also his ambitions and persistence. I am sure that Mr. Ren will be an outstanding student in any doctoral program that he may care to enroll in. So I would like to support him firmly in his quest recommendation into account when considering his application. I would greatly appreciate it you decide to accept him as he wishes. Yours sincerely Jiao Shou Professor and Deputy Head (十二)(数学) Dear Sir/Madam: I am writing this letter of recommendation for Mr.Caleb,my former student. I have known Mr. Caleb for more than 6 years since his freshman year at "University of Minnesota". At that time, he took the course-- "Mathematical Analysis," which I taught mainly for junior students majoring in Mathematics. To my surprise, I found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. Moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. Thus it was natural that I liked discussing with this young man and became familiar with him. The more I knew him, the more I found he was talented at mathematics. As you can see, he got excellent scores on the course. In fact, he ranked No. 1 on this 270 hours course in the talented student class which has 34 intelligent others. With his outstanding talent and solid mathematical background, he also did quite well in most other courses during his undergraduate study. By the way, you may wonder why his undergraduate scores look not so good compared to other Chinese applicants. It is easy to explain, because he belonged to the talented student class, which were required to endure harder test papers and stricter grading than most other college students did at least at "University of Minnesota". He even served as Prof. Linda 's Research Assistant for one year. No one could deny his commitment to his job. As a matter of fact, Prof. Linda's electronic lab happened to be neighboring my office and I could always see him working in the lab, either repairing the instruments or helping Prof. Linda collect lab reports. Maybe one more example will demonstrate his commitment more clearly. Once he suggested compiling a FORTRAN program to solve a complicated circuit problem in his class. In order to do that, he had to do a lot of computer work. However, because there were few computers available in our computer lab, he had to wake up at 5 a.m. in winter (please note: "Twin city" is a downtown near the north border of China, so it is pretty cold in winter and the heating system is not working very well.) to ensure the 1st position of the long waiting line for his classmates and himself! At last he and his classmates finished the program successfully with his great efforts. As to his personality, I would like to say Mr. Caleb is a warm-hearted, honest and upright student. He was always ready to help others. During my lectures, many students got confused at some points and I could always see Mr. Caleb help them explain during breaks. In the meanwhile, I must admit that Mr. Caleb was a bit impatient sometimes. Finally, I would like to conclude my recommendation as follows: frankly, Mr. Caleb is not a genius, but I promise his great intelligence, commitment to work and his kind nature will impress you deeply. Thus I recommend him without reservation for his admission and financial aid to your program. Please feel free to contact me if needed. Sincerely Yours, XXX (十三)(控制和系统) Dear Sir or Madam: The purpose of this letter is to recommend Mr. Yi, a worthy candidate for admission to your graduate program. Mr. Yi have ever took my course "Introduction to Control". I was deeply impressed with him not only the good score "A" he got in the class but also thehighly active and devout attitude he learn Control Theory. Sometimes, he came to my office to ask me some interesting questions about the Control and System theories not mentioned in the autobiology of my class and to discuss the development and application of control theory in Science and Industry with me. He imagined this theory is truly an amazing subject. If people understand and use it very well, this world will get better. "Well!" I thought, " This young man is really like Control." Then he took part in my research "Design of Sinusoidal Oscillators Using the Theory of Variable Structure Systems" (published in the Int. J. of Electronics, 1992, Vol. 72, No. 1) to design the oscillator circuits. From simulating the circuits he designed with PSPICE to assembling the electronic elements. he shown me the enthusiam and hardily spirit in his work.When gettinga new idea or finding some questions,he always shared his opinion about how to overcome the error or improve the experiment results to me.After try-and-error and ameliorating the circuit many times, we finally got a refined but good-performance oscillator. Mr. Yi also got admirable grades in a couple of courses of control and systems, I truly believe he has strong learning capability and enthusism in this field. So I no doubt that he will become a good student in your esteemed department. Should you need any further information about Mr. Yi, please do nothesitate to contact me. Sincerely Yours XXX (十四)MBA (From A Manager) To whom it may concern: I think extremely highly of Hongbin Wu, and therefore it is my great pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on his behalf, for entrance into your MBA program. I have known Hongbin for more than one and a half years. I hired him to work for me as a Research Analyst at SRR in July of 1996. SRR is a full-service marketing research firm whose clients are primarily large radio stations and other music oriented media companies such as Capital Records, and MTV Networks. My roles at SRR include manager of new product development (research products and the software to analyze the results), and internal research consultant (sampling methodology and multivariate statistical analysis). In addition, as a member of the management team at SRR, I am charged with constantly working to find more efficient, cost-effective means of gathering respondent level data and producing our research products. Since joining SRR as a Senior Research Analyst, and more recently as Manager of Research and Development, Hongbin has been a major weapon in my arsenal of tools for accomplishing these tasks. Hongbin is a creative and original thinker. He has native intelligence, great curiosity about people and ideas, and plenty of common sense that he has applied to solving many problems at SRR. In addition, he has demonstrated excellent powers of observation, and an ability to communicate and suggest change in effective but non-threatening ways. To illustrate… Early on, Hongbin was assigned to an important research project as a fill-in Project Manager. In this role he was responsible for the technical aspects of creating a computer-based survey questionnaire (from one given to him by our client services department), monitoring the telephone data collection process, and completing the data processing and analysis of the survey results. From the beginning of this assignment, Hongbin began to re-define our expectations of a good project manager. He started by participating in discussions with the client and suggesting and implementing several changes to the script that shortened its length and clarified the instructions to respondents. Without prompting or precedence he spent several days working odd hours, observing and monitoring interviewers and supervisors as they began to field this 2000 person study. Within a few days he had shortened and clarified the script even more - removing redundant questions, collapsing multiple questions into one, and improving the flow from question to question and screen-to-screen - all to the great praise of both interviewers and the director of our phone center. He had also observed something about a particular aspect of the interviewing process that was common to all surveys at SRR. He wrote a memo to several managers outlining his proposed change in methodology that clearly demonstrated the value of his idea: an annual cost reduction of close to $50,000. At the end of the project, he wrote a several page critique of our interviewing and supervisory staff. He described the characteristics and skills employed by the best interviewers he'd observed and made suggestions for how these skills could be taught to the entire staff. His recommendations were well received and soon implemented by the very manager whose staff was being critiqued; such was the value of his contribution and the skill and sensitivity with which he presented his ideas. In processing the survey results, Hongbin also quickly learned to use several advanced statistical techniques including Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis with which he had only a passing knowledge prior to the project. Hongbin has also demonstrated his technical and analytical abilities in helping create a new model for bidding on new business, and in spearheading the development of tool that used a Maximum Likelihood algorithm for ascribing missing respondent data. Recently, Hongbin helped me identify the most desirable qualifications and background of computer programming candidates, and he assisted me in the recruiting and mentoring of two Chinese student interns to this position. They have both made significant contributions in only a few months of employment. Hongbin is not a native English speaker or writer, and thus, he has had to work very hard to clearly communicate his ideas. I have seen him grow in this area tremendously over the last one and half years. His attentive listening and great enthusiasm has helped him overcome any language limitations. He is both self-confident and self-deprecating, and has a great sense of humor that has helped him form strong relationships with subordinates, peers, and members of our management team. Managers in other departments frequently seek his advice, and his name is always at the top of the list when choosing team members to spearhead important company initiatives. In all of these areas, Hongbin Wu has gone beyond expectations, and has out-shined all others in his peer-group at SRR. His efforts were recently rewarded with a promotion to the position of Manager of Research & Development. Hongbin is very likeable and ambitious person. I have no doubt that he will be a serious and enthusiastic student, and someday a quite successful senior level manager or entrepreneur that you would be proud to call an alumni. Sincerely, Mark Peterman Vice President SRR 留学推荐信范例 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信.有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一.推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符.推荐信也应注意格式、文法等.因为向来有"名师出高徒"之说.推荐信的格式与一般书信基本相同.有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,推荐人姓名,职称及工作单位等部分.但推荐信还应着重以下方面: 1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名. 2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等). 3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心.主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面. 4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐. 最近一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同. 范例1 计算机教授推荐信 At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of Computer Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation of his academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science. I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters' course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "A" according to our grading system. I also found him good at other studies. After the class, he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated a great interest in computer hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in Computer Science, which can be further developed. In view of his previous achievements in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student.Your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated. 范例2 商管系教授推荐信 It gives me a great pleasure to recommend Mr. Cheng as a transfer to the School of Business Administration of your University in the summer quarter of 1989. During academic year 1980-1984, he was a student in our Department, World College of Journalism. I found him very diligent and intelligent. He often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to community affairs. Though Mr. Cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often. Worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature. I strongly recommend this promising young man and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will be very much appreciated. 范例3 法律系教授推荐信 I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this College with an L.B. degree in June 1978. Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group. Miss Li made herself distinguished. As professor and dean of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass. So I have known her quite well. Miss Li's performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered "A" , the highest level. As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study. I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application. 必背一百句(含分析) 选自:手把手http://www.audiy.com/ 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. ("主-系-表"结构,倒装句.) 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century? (of 介词短语提前到句首,起强调作用,"常规位置"应在主谓之间,即people与will live之间.) 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. (含有宾语从句的主从复合句,主句为现在完成时,从句为一般现在时被动语态.) 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. (简单句,现在完成时,被动语态,because of 介词短语作原因状语.) 5. In order to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. (含有定语从句的主从复合句,定语从句的引导词that在从句中作consider的宾语,故省略,useful or desirable 是形容词作宾语补足语;in order to do sth. 是不定式短语作目的状语的强调形式;in the long run 意为"长远看来"/"最终".) 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. ("The more..., the more... " 特殊句型,通常译为"越……,越……";there be 句型;refuse 在此不是"拒绝"的意思,而是"废物, 垃圾".) 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. (含有比较状语从句和定语从句的复合句,than 引导的比较状语从句为避免重复省略了谓语部分"it is difficult";此句的重点是 it 代替不定式短语作"形式主句",原因是避免"头重脚轻";that 引导的定语从句是普通的"主谓宾"结构,obscure作动词,被从句修饰/ 限定的"先行词"是expressions.) 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. (简单句;典型的 "with + n. + 分词短语" 独立主格结构,作状语;attempt 要求用不定 式作宾语;形容词的比较级;interiors在此是名词,意为"内部装饰".) 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. (含有表语从句的主从复合句,主句为"主-系-表"结构,从句是并列句;该句是表述区别的典型句式:The difference between A and B is that A ... while B .... ;between 介词短语作后置定语.) 10. The knee is the joint where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. (含有定语从句的主从复合句,从句引导词是关系副词where,相当于 at which,从句是"主-谓-宾"结构,一般现在时;主句是"主-系-表"结构,一般现在时.) 11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red. ("主-系-表"结构,名词性表语带有一个由that引导的限制性定语从句,从句是"主-谓-宾"结构,宾语是三个并列的名词a taste, an action and the ability;其中ability后跟不定式短语作定语,该短语中的red是宾语补足语.) 12. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. ("主-谓"结构的简单句,主干是"reputation rests",on介词短语作状语,介词宾语ability后跟不定式短语作定语.) 13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality. ("主-系-表"结构,名词性表语带有of介词短语作后置定语,介词宾语是一个由what引的、被动语态的名词性从句.) 14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. (带有由before引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句;用一般现在时陈述客观事实;主句的 干they communicate是"主-谓"结构,through和by两个介词短语作状语.) 15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live. (带有where引导的定语从句的主从复合句;主句的主干crops grow是"主-谓"结构,in 词短语作状语,介词宾语后跟where引导的定语从句;主句是一般现在时,从句是一般过时;thanks to介词短语作状语.) 16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them. ("主-谓-宾"结构的简单句;主干是 development spurred search;主语和宾语均带有介词短语作定语;with which to regulate them 是特殊的不定式短语,相当于定语从句 with which one could regulate them;them 指代的是 timepieces.) 17. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others. (含有 in that...原因状语从句和that定语从句的主从复合句;主句是"主-系-表"结构,名词作表语;定语从句是被动语态,先行词是 observations;to document observations... 是不定式短语作目的状语.) 18. Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris. (用一般现在时陈述真理性事实;含有非限制性定语从句的主从复合句,主句是"主-系- "结构,形容词作表语,in介词短语作状语;定语从句是有三个谓语的并列句,先行词是process,of decay介词短语作process的定语.) 19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time. (含有when时间状语从句的主从复合句;主句主干是 a fork produces a tone,显然是"主-谓-宾"结构;tuning是动名词作定语,表示用途;retaining...是现在分词短语作伴随状语.) 20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found as far north as Ohio and Illinois. (含有although引导的让步状语从句的主从复合句;主句是被动语态;从句是"主-系-表" 结构.) 21. Eliminating problems by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating. (被动语态简单句;主语是动名词短语,其中的by介词短语作动名词eliminating的状语; to others是介词短语作动名词transferring的状语;scapegoating是动名词作主语补足语.) 22. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on what grows best in its climate and soil. (含有宾语从句的主从复合句;depend on 意为"取决于"/"要看";主语foods后跟过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句,可改为that are eaten in any country...;what引导的名词性从句作介词on的宾语.) 23. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event's occurring is equal to the probability that it will not occur. (含有同位语从句的主从复合句;主句为"主-系-表"结构,表语是形容词短语equal to...;of介词短语作主语的定语;that引导同位语从句;over介词短语作状语.) 24. Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance's solid is higher than the density of its liquid. (主从复合句,含有when引导的时间状语从句、so that引导的结果状语从句和than引导的比较状语从句;主句主干substances contract是"主-谓"结构.) 25. The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is not clearly understood. (主从复合句,含有by which引导的定语从句;主句主干是被动语态;从句主干是"主-谓-宾"结构.) 26. By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art. (简单句,过去完成时与作时间状语的by介词短语连用;exert an influence over sth./sb. 对……施加影响;in the United States是介词短语作定语.) 27. In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center. (简单句,典型的倒装句----主语是the city of Elizabeth,原因是主语带有同位语,整个主语部分比较长----如果在逗号后添加which is,句语主语的同位语就变成了非限制性定语从句;lie, stand, go, come 等词经常用于介词短语(作地点状语)提前到句首的倒装句.) 28. Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff. (主从复合句,含有that引导的定语从句----先行词institution作Infirmary的同位语;主句主干是"主-谓-宾"结构;主语和谓语之间是主语的同位语.) 29. Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone. (主从复合句,含有that引导的宾语从句和than引导的状语从句;重点掌握表示"取舍"的句型"...would rather... than...".) 30. Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance. (主从复合句,含有because引导的原因状语从句;主句和从句都是"主-系-表"结构,分别是过去分词和形容词作表语;remain和become都是连系动词.) 31. Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact. (主从复合句,含有that引导的定语从句;主句是"主-谓-宾"结构,从句是"主-谓-宾-补"结构;掌握固定搭配"enable sb./sth. to do sth.",to withstand... 是不定式短语作宾语补足语;although apparently rigid是一个作状语的形容词短语,相当于although引导的让步状语从句"although they are apparently rigid".) 32. That xenon could not form chemical compounds was once believed by scientists. (主从复合句,含有that引导的主语从句,引导词that不充当成分也没有任何意义但不能省略;主句主干是"主-谓"结构,被动语态.) 33. Research into the dynamics of storms is directed toward improving the ability to predict these events and thus to minimize damage and avoid loss of life. (简单句,主干是research is directed,被动语态;into介词短语作后置定语;toward improving...介词短语作状语;improving the ability...动名词短语作介词toward的宾语;to predict... and to minimize... and avoid... 是不定式短语作ability的定语.) 34. The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. (虚拟语气主从复合句,含有that引导的宾语从句;主句主干"elimination would ensure that..."是"主-谓-宾"结构;从句主干"the amount would have the value..."是"主-谓-宾"结构;as引导特殊的定语从句,掌握the same... as...;注意过去分词used...和borrowed作定语,相当于被动语态的定语从句,可分别改为"that is used in repaying a loan"和"that was borrowed".) 35. Futurism, an early twentieth-century movement in art, rejected all traditions and attempted to glorify contemporary life by emphasizing the machine and motion. (并列句,一个主语两个谓语;两个分句共用一个主语,都是"主谓宾"结构,主干分别是"futurism rejected traditions"和"futurism attempted to glorify...";to glorify...by...是不定式短语作attempted的宾语;by emphasizing the machine and motion是介词短语作to glorify的状语;两个逗号之间是同位语,加上which was即可改为非限制性定语从句.) 36. One of the wildest and most inaccessible parts of the United States is the Everglades where wildlife is abundant and largely protected. (主从复合句,含有where引导的定语从句.) 37. Lucretia Mott's influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States. (主从复合句,含有so...that引导的结果状语从句;建议把so...that..."如此……以致于……"当作句型来记;主句是"主系表"结构,从句是被动语态,"主谓"结构,by介词短语和as短语都是状语,of和in介词短语作后置定语.) 38. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer. (主从复合句,含有than引导的比较状语从句,从句省略了谓语部分"are broad";of介词短语作后置定语;those代替前面出现过的复数名词activities,是英语里避免重复的习惯用法.) 39. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divide the waters flowing into the Atlantic Ocean from those flowing into the Pacific. (主从复合句,含有that引导的定语从句,先行词是line,in the North American Rockies是介词短语作定语,作定语的短语位置应在定语从句之前;主句主干"divide refers to a line" 是"主谓宾"结构,从句主干"that divide the waters from..."也是"主谓宾"结构;those指代前面出现过的复数名词waters.) 40. Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them. (主从复合句,含有that引导的宾语从句和when引导的时间状语从句;两个of介词短语均作后置定语;主句的主干"Studies indicate that..."是"主谓宾"结构;宾语从句的主干"crust and mantle yield"是"主谓"结构;时间状语从句的主干"weight is placed on..."是"主-谓-主补"结构;them 指代的是 the earth's crust and mantle.) 41. The annual worth of Utah's manufacturing is greater than that of its mining and farming combined. (复合句,含有than引导的比较状语从句;that指代前面出现过的不可数名词worth.) 42. The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support. (复合句,含有because引导的原因状语从句;on, along, for介词短语均作状语.) 43. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives, that is the main focus of social psychology. (强调句型"It is... that/who...",强调句子主语interaction;两个逗号之间是rather than表示舍弃/否定的短语;"主-系-表"结构,名词作表语.非强调表述法:The interaction between people is the main focus of social psychology.) 44. No social crusade aroused Elisabeth William's enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States. (用比较级表达最高级含义;"no... more than" 句型;含有than引导的比较状语从句;of, for, to介词短语均作后置定语,被限定的名词分别是expansion, facilities, immigrants.) 45. Quails typically have short rounded wings that enable them to spring into full flight instantly when disturbed in their hiding places. (复合句,含有that引导的定语从句;主句是"主-谓-宾"结构;从句是"主-谓宾-补"结构,to spring...不定式短语作宾补;when disturbed...是带有连词的过去分词短语,相当 于被动语态的时间状语从句"when they are disturbed in their hiding places".) 46. According to anthropologists, the earliest ancestors of humans that stood upright resembled chimpanzees facially, with sloping foreheads and protruding brows. (复合句,含有that引导的定语从句"that stood upright",先行词是ancestors,of humans是介词短语作定语;主句主干"ancestors resembled chimpanzees"是"主-谓-宾"结构;with介词短语作状语,sloping和protruding都是现在分词作定语.) 47. Not until 1866 was the fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid. (Not until置于句首的倒装句,起强调时间状语not until...的作用,请注意必须是主句"部分倒装";本句是简单句,正常语序应为"The fully successful transatlantic cable was not finally laid until 1866.") 48. In his writing, John Crowe Ransom describes what he considers the spiritual barrenness of society brought about by science and technology. (复合句,含有what引导的宾语从句,其中barrenness在从句中作宾补;brought about by... 是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于被动语态的定语从句"that has been brought about by science and technology",先行词是barrenness,of society是介词短语作后置定语;in his writing是介词短语作状语.) 49. Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence. (复合句,含有whose引导的定语从句,先行词是parents;主句和从句都是"主-系-表"结构.) 50. The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops, but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy. (由but连接的并列句,第一分句的主干"people cultivated corn and other crops"是"主谓宾"结构;第二分句的主干"hunting and gathering were of improtance"是"主系表"结构,"of + 抽象名词"是介词短语作表语,相当于一个形容词:be of critical importance = be critically importance.) 51. Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of information on a single map. (简单句,"主-谓-宾-补"结构,it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是to put...不定式短语;using...是动名词短语作主语.) 52. Anarchism is a term describing a cluster of doctrines and attitudes whose principal uniting feature is the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary. (复合句,含有whose引导的定语从句和that引导的同位语从句;describing...是现在分词短语作后置定语,改为"that describes..."则变成一个主动语态的定语从句;定语从句的先行词是doctrines and attitudes;主句和从句都是"主-系-表"结构,主句主干是"Anarchism is a term",定语从句的主干是"feature is the belief",同位语从句的主干是"government is both harmful and unnecessary".) 53. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United States than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production. ("no...more than"句型,以比较级的形式表示最高级的含义;复合句,注意比较状语从句里的技术性倒装,原因是主语后面跟有一个名词短语作同位语;重要搭配:have effect on....) 54. The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes possible the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning. (简单句,"主-谓-宾-补"结构----possbile形容词作宾补;主干是"use makes testing possible";句子将宾补提前到宾语之前,原因是宾语部分比较长----带有of介词短语作定语;of, of, in, of介词短语均作定语.) 55. The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made. (复合句,含有that引导的定语从句;主句主干"The history is a chain of events"是"主系表"结构;定语从句所修饰的先行词是events,从句是"主谓"结构,with介词短语作状语;of painting是介词短语作定语;fascinating是现在分词活用作形容词,作定语;ever made是过去分词短语作定语,相当于被动语态的定语从句"that have ever been made".) 56. Perfectly matched pearls, strung into a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls sold individually. (复合句,含有than引导的比较状语从句----从句省略了谓语部分"would bring";strung into a necklece是过去分词短语,相当于定语从句"that/which have been strung into a necklace";sold individually是过去分词短语作定语,相当于"that were sold individually".主句主干是"pearls bring a price","主-谓-宾"结构.) 57. During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio. (复合句,含有whose引导的定语从句---先行词是tribe---和what引导的表语从句;主句和两个从句都是"主-系-表"结构,主干分别是"Little Turtle was chief"、"territory became ..."、"what is Indiana and Ohio";during介词短语作时间状语,of介词短语作后置定语----短语作定语时都必须后置.) 58. Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours. (while连接的并列句,among介词短语置于句首起强调作用---请参看第2句;第一分句是主系表"结构,grown过去分词作表语;第二分句是"主谓"结构---grow是不介物动词,three feet是名词短语作状语;at和in介词短语都作状语;while连接两个分句时有比较、对照的含义.) 59. Before starting on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter. (并列句+复合句,含有定语从句,先行词是conditions;learn, study, memorize三个谓语动词并列,共用一个主语navigators;to prepare...不定式短语作目的状语;before starting...现在分词短语作时间状语;prepare...for...是一个很重要的句型.) 60. Of all the economically important plants, palms have been the least studied. (简单句,现在完成时,被动语态;of介词短语置于句首,相对独立,起强调作用.请参见第2句,理解并熟读后模仿造句.) 61. Buyers and sellers should be aware (that) new development in technology can and does affect marketing activities. (主从复合句,主句是"主-系-表"结构,由that引导的从句是一种特殊的状语从句;建议把"be aware that..."当作句型来记;does affect 是affect的强调形式---原形谓语动词前加do/does/did是强调谓语的最常见方式;marketing是动名词作定语;in technology是介词短语作后置定语.) 62. The application of electronic controls made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage has multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. (简单句,主干"The application has multiplied the uses"是"主-谓-宾"结构;两个of介词短语均作后置定语;"made possible by... and..."是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于被动语态的定语从句"that has been made possible by the microprocessor and computer storage",注意:先行词是application;定语从句中的possible是形容词作主语补足语.) 63. The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments. (简单句,"主谓宾"结构,谓语consist of是固定搭配,常见的同义表达法有:be made up of, be composed of, etc. 此句值得注意的是过去分词作后置定语:bound together by... 可改为定语从句"that are bound by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues";called ligaments 可改为定语从句"that are called ligaments";inelastic与elastic互为反义词,in-是常见的否定意义前缀,有im-, il-, ir-等几种变体.) 64. The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives. (主从复合句,包含两个由in which引导的定语从句,先行词分别为oyster和water;主句是被动语态;of the water...是介词短语作depth, temperature, salt content的定语;it指代的是a pearl.) 65. Although mockingbirds superbly mimic the songs and calls of many birds, they can nonetheless be quickly identified as mockingbirds by certain aural clues. (主从复合句,含有由although引导的让步状语从句,"主谓宾"结构;主句是被动语态,as...和by...均作状语.) 66. Not only can walking fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land. (并列句,not only... but also... 的典型例证,只需注意not only置于句首时的部分倒装.) 67. Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changes in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible. (并列+复合句,but是并列连词;含有两个宾语从句,分别由why和that引导,均为"主-系-表"结构;in geography, climate and sea levels是介词短语作后置定语.) 68. The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences. (主从复合句,含有一个由in which引导的、"主系表"结构的、非限制性定语从句;science和horticulture是"同位关系";derived from other sciences是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于被动语态的定语从句"that is/has been derived from other sciences".) 69. Snow aids farmers by keeping heat in the lower ground levels, thereby saving the seeds from freezing. (简单句,"主谓宾"结构,by介词短语作状语,其中含有动名词短语keeping...in...---- in介词短语作"宾语补足语";saving...是现在分词短语作伴随状语.) 70. Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary works may vary over time, the basic exemplary function of the hero seems to remain constant. (主从复合句,含有even though引导的让步状语从句,"主-谓"结构,of、in等介词短语均作定语;主句为"主-系-表"结构.) 71. People in prehistoric times created paints by grinding materials such as plants and clay into powder and then adding water. (简单句,"主谓宾"结构,by+动名词短语作状语,grinding和adding并列;in介词短语作定语.) 72. Often very annoying weeds, goldenrods crowd out less hardy plants and act as hosts to many insect pests. (并列句,两个分句共用一个主语goldenrods;逗号前面的部分是一个相对独立的名词性短语,属附加成分;annoying是现在分词活用作形容词,与intereting, disappointing, embarrassing, exciting, beguiling相仿.) 73. Starting around 7000 BC, and for the next four thousand years, much of the Northern Hemisphere experienced temperatures warmer than at present. (主从复合句,主干是"主谓宾"结构;含有一个省略的比较状语从句---该从句是形容词短语warmer than at present的一部分,该短语作后置定语,相当于一个"主系表"结构的定语从句,可改写为"(temperatures) that were warmer than (temperatures are) at present";starting...是现在分词短语作时间状语;for... 是介词短语作时间状语.) 74. When Henry Ford first sought financial backing for making cars, the very notion of farmers and clerks owning automobiles was considered ridiculous. (主从复合句,含有一个when引导的时间状语从句---"主谓宾"结构;主句是被动语态---"主-谓-主补"结构;of介词短语作后置定语,ridiculous作主语补足语;"the very+n." 是强调表示法,语序不可换,定冠词也不可省略.) 75. Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years. (简单句,主干"population has declined"是"主-谓"结构,of介词短语作后置定语,in介词短语作时间状语;though once quite large是一个作状语的形容词短语,是由让步状语从句"Though it was once quite large"省略而来---it指代的是句子主语population.) 76. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material with which to build its home. (简单句,"主谓宾"结构,to get...不定式短语作目的状语;with which to build its home是特殊的不定式短语作定语,相当于定语从句"with which it can build its home"---先行词是material.) 77. Poodles were once used as retrievers in duck hunting, but the American Kennel Club does not consider them sporting dogs because they are now primarily kept as pets. (并列-复合句,but是并列连词,连接两个并列分句,前一个分句显然是被动语态简单句,后一个分句则是主从复合句---含有一个由because引导的原因状语从句;主句是"主-谓-宾-宾补"结构,从句是被动语态.) 78. As a result of what is now known in physics and chemistry, scientists have been able to make important discoveries in biology and medicine. (主从复合句,含有一个what引导的宾语从句---介词宾语;as a result of...是很实用的短语介词,意为"由于/因为";主句是"主-谓-宾"结构---把be able to视为谓语的一部分.) 79. The practice of making excellent films based on rather obscure novels has been going on so long in the United States as to constitute a tradition. (精品简单句:) 主干"the practice has been going on"是"主谓"结构;of介词短语作后置定语,其中含有一个"动-宾-后定"结构的动名词短语,过去分词短语based on...相当于定语从句"that are based on rather obscure novels";so... as to... 是不定式短语作结果状语的典型句式,意为"如此……以致于",相当于结果状语从句"(so long in the US) that it has constituted a tradition".) 80. Since the consumer considers the best fruit to be the most attractive, the grower must provide products that satisfy the discerning eye. (主从复合句,since引导原因状语从句---"主-谓-宾-补"结构,其中to be the most attractive是不定式短语作宾语补足语;that引导定语从句;discerning是现在分词活用作形容词,作定语.) 81. Television, the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. (主从复合句,含有which引导的非限制性定语从句---先行词是era,其中to reshape...是不定式短语作宾语;the most... technologies是名词性插入语,相当于非限制性定语从句"which is the most... technologies";marked by...是过去分词短语作插入语,相当于非限制性定语从句"which is/has been marked...";an era of...是名词性短语作同位语,其中of...介词短语作后置定语.) 82. Television is more than just electronics; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. (并列句,分号是并列标志,and是并列连词;三个分句都是"主-系-表"结构.) 83. Even more shocking is the fact that the number and rate of imprisonment have more than doubled over the past twenty years, and recidivism -- that is the rate of rearrest -- is more than 60 percent. (主从复合句,主句倒装.破折号之前的是插入语;主句主语fact后跟有that引导的同位语从句---该从句又是一个由and连接的并列句:第一分句的主干"the number and rate have... doubled"是"主-谓"结构;第二分句"recidivism is more than 60 percent"是"主-系-表"结构.) 84. His teaching began at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new University of Chicago, where he remained officially for exactly a generation and where his students in advanced composition found him terrifyingly frigid in the classroom but sympathetic and understanding in their personal conferences. (并列-复合句,but是并列连词;第一分句是"主谓"结构,MIT是世界闻名的"麻省理工学院";第二分句中含有两个由where引导的非限制性定语从句,先行词是"芝加哥大学",主句是"主-谓-宾-补"结构,第一个从句是"主-谓"结构,第二个从句是"主-谓-宾-补"结构;at, for, in等介词短语作状语;to介词短语作宾补;of technology, of Chicago, in advanced composition都是介词短语作后置定语;特别值得注意和学习的是:"find sb./sth. + adj." 句型---"动-宾-补"结构.) 85. The sloth pays such little attention to its personal hygiene that green algae grow on its coarse hair and communities of a parasitic moth live in the depths of its coat producing caterpillars which graze on its mouldy hair. (精品难句,并列-复合句,含有两个从句,一个是(such...)that引导的结果状语从句---这个从句是一个并列句,and连接了两个"主-谓"结构的分句;另一个是which引导的定语从句---先行词是caterpillars;producing...是现在分词作伴随状语.) Its muscles are such that it is quite incapable of moving at a speed of over a kilometer an hour even over the shortest distances and the swiftest movement it can make is a sweep of its hooked arm. (并列-复合句,and连接两个并列分句,第一分句含有that引导的结果状语从句,第二分句含有省略关系代词that的定语从句---先行词是movement;be (in)capable of doing sth.是一个很有用的句型;at, over介词短语作状语,of 介词短语作定语.) 86. Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. (简单句,"主-谓(-状)"结构,被动语态.) They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. (主从复合句,含有(so...) that引导的结果状语从句,主从句均为被动语态,such as...是插入语;注意句型:be made from...和be distinguished from...,改为主动语态应为make something from...和distinguish something from...) 87. Three years of research at an abandoned coal mine in Argonne, Illinois, have resulted in findings that scientists believe can help reclaim thousands of mine disposal sites that scar the coal-rich regions of the Untied States. (主从复合句,主句是"主谓"结构,"result in"意为"导致/造成";含有两个由that引导的定语从句---第一个定语从句所修饰的先行词是findings,"主谓宾"结构,"scientists believe"是插入语,reclaim...是省略to的动词不定式短语作help的宾语;第二个定语从句的先行词是sites,"主谓宾"结构.) 88. When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines. (主从复合句,含有一个由when引导的时间状语从句,过去完成时,被动语态,for介词短语作定语;主句是"主谓"结构,冒号/破折号起解释作用,后面是一个名词性短语,中心词是business,前后都是定语.) 89. Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has become increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen its collections. (精品简单句,主干"museum has become cautious"是"主-系-表"结构;because of, in介词短语短语作状语;in some cases = sometimes;passing up...是现在分词短语作伴随状语;to strengthen its collections是动词不一定式短语作目的状语.) 90. The United States Constitution requires that President be a natural-born citizen, thirty-five years of age or older, who has lived in the Untied States for a minimum of fourteen years. (精品复合句,主句主干"consitution requires that..."显然是"主-谓-宾"结构;that引导虚拟语气的宾语从句---由require决定,其宾语从句必须用"should+动词原形"的虚拟语气,但should常常省略,此例如果不省略,就将should置于be之前;两个逗号之间的部分是插入语,"who is 35 years of age older";who引导一个非限制性定语从句,注意完成时与for介词短语时间状语的搭配,先行词是citizen.) 91. Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert. 92. Stone doesn't decay, and so tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the man who made them have disappeared without trace. 93. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. 94. It is true that during their explorations they often faced difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature, equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought, but they did not go out of their way to court such excitement. 95. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is. 96. I find young people exciting. They have an air of freedom, and they have not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love comfort. They are not anxious social climbers, and they have no devotion to material things. 97. I am always amazed when I hear people saying that sport creates goodwill between the nations, and that if only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield. 98. It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around. 99. It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles -- or locate flying insects on which they feed. This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar. 100. As the time and cost making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failure. 译文: 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达. 8.随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感. 9.诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的. 10.膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处. 11.酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红. 12. Billie Holiday's作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力. 13.理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达. 14.儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了. 15.受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长. 16.机械计时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械计时器. 17.人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测结果,而这样记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的. 18.真菌在腐化过程中十分重要,而腐化过程将化学物质回馈于土壤,提高其肥力,并分解动物粪便. 19.音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音量经久不衰. 20.虽然美洲山河桃树最集中于美国的东南部但是在北至俄亥俄州及伊利诺州也能看见它们. 21.用怪罪别人的办法来解决问题通常被称为寻找替罪羊. 22.一个国家的主要食物是什么,大体取决于什么作物在其天气和土壤条件下生长得最好. 23.在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于它不发生的几率. 24.大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态. 25.大脑细胞储存记忆的机理并不为人明白. 26.到了二十一世纪中叶,美国画家和雕塑家开始在世界范围内对艺术产生重大影响. 27.伊丽莎白市,一个重要的航运和制造业中心,坐落于新泽西州的东部. 28. Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所. 29. Alexander Graham Bell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者. 30.采摘下的迷迭香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷迭香树与怀念联系在一起. 31.骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击. 32.科学家曾相信:氙气是不能形成化合物的. 33.对风暴动力学的研究是为了提高风暴预测从而减少损失,避免人员伤亡. 34.消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同. 35.未来主义,二十世纪早期的一个艺术思潮.拒绝一切传统,试图通过强调机械和动态来美化生活. 36. Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护. 37. Lucretia Mott's的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人. 38.国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔. 39.大陆分水岭是指北美洛矶山脉上的一道想象线,该线把大西洋流域和太平洋流域区分开来. 40.对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移. 41.尤它州制造业的年产值大于其工业和农业的总和. 42.墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附. 43.社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件. 44.给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情. 45.典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地. 46.根据人类学家的说法,直立行走的人的鼻祖面部轮廓与黑猩猩相似,额头后倾,眉毛突出. 47.直到1866年第一条横跨大西洋的电缆才完全成功的架通. 48. John Crowe Ransom在他的著作中描述了他认为是由科学技术给社会带来的精神贫困. 49.父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信. 50.北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其他农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的. 51.使用多种多样的符号可以在一张地图里放进大量的信息. 52.无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的. 53.恐怕没有谁对大多数美国人的日常生活影响能超过汽车生产的先驱亨利.福特. 54.使用精心挑选的无意义词汇,可以检验语言学科里许多基本的假定. 55.优化历史是由一连串的迷人事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯到最早的图画. 56.相互般配的珍珠,串成一条项链,就能卖到比单独售出好得多的价钱. 57.十八世纪时,"小乌龟"是迈阿密部落的酋长,该部落的地盘就是今天的印第安那州和俄亥俄州. 58.在竹子的近七百个品种中,有的全长成还不到一英尺,有的却能在二十四小时内长出三英尺. 59.谨慎的航海员在出航前,会研究航向,记录的灯塔的位置,以便对各种可能出现的情况做到有备无患. 60.在所有的经济作物中,棕榈树得到的研究最少. 61.购买者和销售者都应该留意技术的新发展,原因很简单,因为技术能够并且已经影响着营销活动. 62.电脑储存和由于电子微处理机得以实现的电控运用成倍的增加了现代打字机的功能. 63.人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起. 64.珍珠的色泽受到作为其母体牡蛎种类及牡蛎生活水域的深度,温度和含盐度的制约. 65.尽管模仿鸟学很多种鸟的鸣叫声惟妙惟肖,但人类还是能够依其声音上的线索很快识别它们. 66.鲇鱼不仅可以离开水存活,还可以在岸上短距离移动. 67.科学家不知道恐龙为何绝种了,但是一些理论推断是地理,气候和海平面的变化造成的. 68.主要目的在于丰富和优质的农艺学利用了其他科学的知识. 69.雪对农民是一种帮助,因为它保持地层土壤的温度,使种子不致冻死. 70.历代文学作品中的英雄本色虽各有千秋,但其昭世功力却是恒古不变的. 71.史前的人们制造颜料是将植物和泥土等原料磨成粉末,然后加水. 72.黄菊花通常令人生厌,它挤走不那么顽强的植物,并找来很多害虫. 73.大约从公元前七千年开始,在四千年当中,北半球的温度比现在高. 74.当亨利.福特最初制造汽车为寻求资金支持时,农民和一般职员也能拥有汽车的想法被认为是可笑的. 75.北美秃头鹰的数量一度很多,但在近四十年中全北美的秃头鹰数量急剧下降. 76.水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料. 77.长卷毛狗曾被用作猎鸭时叼回猎物的猎犬,但是美国Kennel Club却不承认它们为猎犬,因为它们现在大多数作为宠物饲养. 78.物理学和化学的一个成果是使得科学家们能在生物学和医学上获得重大发现. 79.根据默默无闻的小说制作优秀影片在美国由来已久,已经成为传统. 80.因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品. 81.电视,这项从迅速变化和成长为标志的最普及和最有影响力的现代技术,正在步入一个新时代,一个极为成熟和多样化的时代,这将重塑我们的生活和世界. 82.电视不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体并因此成为联系他人的有力工具. 83.更让人吃惊的事实是监禁的数目和比例在过去的二十年中翻了一番还有余,以及累犯率——即再次拘押的比例——为百分之六十强. 84.他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是William Rainey Harper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学.他在那里正式任职长达整整一代人的时间.他的高级作文课上的学生觉得他在课上古板得可怕,但私下交流却富有同情和理解. 85.树獭即不讲究卫生,以至于它粗糙的毛发上生出绿苔,成群的寄生蛾生长在它的皮毛深处,变成毛毛虫,并以它的脏毛为食.她的肌肉不能让他哪怕在很短的距离以内以每小时一公里的速度移动.它能做的最敏捷的动作就是挥一挥它弯曲的胳膊. 86.人造花卉即可用于科学目的,也可用于装饰目的,它们可以用各种各样的材料制成,臂如蜡和玻璃;其制作如此精巧,几乎可以以假乱真. 87.在伊利诺州Angonne市的一个废弃煤矿的三年研究取得了成果,科学家们相信这些成果可以帮助改造把美国产煤区弄得伤痕累累的数千个旧煤场. 88.当有关西部铁路的说服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作. 89.由于空间不足,艺术博物馆在考虑购买和接受捐赠的艺术品是越来越慎重,有些情况下放弃其进一步改善收藏的机会. 90.美国宪法要求总统是生于美国本土的公民,三十五岁以上,并且在美国居住了至少十四年. 91.美国西部的不毛之地正成为玩耍的地方,对越来越多拥有摩托车或越野单车类车辆的,喜欢放纵于爬坡比赛或开辟新的沙漠通道的寻欢作乐者具有不断增长的吸引力. 92.石头不会腐烂,所以以前的(石器)工具能保存下来,虽然它们的制造者已经消失的无影无踪. 93.昆虫就将会使我们无法在这个世界上居住;如果我们没有受到以昆虫为食的动物的保护,昆虫就会吞嚼掉我们所有的庄稼并杀死我们饲养的禽兽. 94.确实,他们在探险中遇到了极具威胁性的困难和危险,而他们的装备会让一个现代登山者想一想都会浑身颤栗.不过他们并不是刻意去追求刺激的. 95.老人和年轻人之间只有一个区别:年轻人的前面有辉煌的未来,老年人灿烂的未来却已在它们身后.这也许就是困难之所在. 96.我们位年强人振奋.它们带有自由的气息,他们不会为狭隘的野心和贪婪享受而孜孜以求.他们不是焦虑的向上爬的人,他们不会对物质性的东西难舍难分. 97.每次我听说体育运动能够在国家间建立起友好感情,说世界各地的普通人只要能在足球场或板球场上相遇就会没有兴趣在战场上相遇的话,我都倍感诧异. 98.没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或锻炼而运动:一旦有了问题,一旦你觉得你输了你和你所属团体会有失体面时,你最野蛮的好斗本能就会被激发出来. 99.人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物——或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫.蝙蝠这种回响定位法常拿来和原理与之很相近似的雷达相比. 100.随着芯片制造时间和费用降低到了几天和几百美元,工程师们可能很快可以任他们的想象驰骋而不会被昂贵的失败所惩罚. 华人移民购屋需全面考虑生活方式 选自:魁北克信息港 http://www.cnquebec.com 准备在本地置业安居的新移民必须了解,拥有自己的居所其实不单是财务上的承担,亦是按自己喜爱的生活方式去建造舒适安乐窝的好机会.一些提供房贷的金融业者,也希望其顾客能真正的建立起自己的安乐窝,提供以下的置业安居信息,以供参考. 最常碰到的其中一个问题是,买独立屋(单户房屋)好,还是多户房屋(城市屋、公寓)好呢?其实,两者可说各有千秋,视乎个人的需要与喜好而定. 独立屋不少优点显而易见,例如有更大自由度装修房屋,只需缴付个人使用的设施及服务费用,而不是定额的住户单位管理费用(当中可能包括一些您不需要的设施或服务).然而,其缺点则是屋主须独立负责所有维修保养费用,另外,每月支出也并不固定,较难作出预算. 多户住宅的优点则包括:每月管理费用已包括所有维修保养,无须再为庭院及其它室外清理保养等杂务而操心;管理费已包括如健身室、游泳池及康乐室等各项设施.另一方面,它的缺点是必须遵守住客条例,住户自由度较低;在缴还房屋贷款外,每月还要缴付数额非由自己一人所能控制的管理费;管理费如有增加,业主亦别无选择. 另一个经常碰到的问题,则是购买旧屋好呢,还是购买全新的房屋为佳?道明加拿大信托提供的资料,分别列出了两者的优缺点. 首先,购自承建商的新屋,固然优点多多,例如可弹性选择较豪华的房屋装修和设备,如用料、地板、喉管及电气装置等.另外,在大部分省份皆可享新屋保障,如喉管及暖气等重要家居系统皆有保用期.再者,新建房屋采用摩登舒适设计及根据新安全指标兴建,选用最先进的建筑材料及科技,所以一般能带来较高的成本及能源效益 但购买新屋也有一些缺点,譬如:在新发展区的新建房屋可能无法依期完工,而其它设施如学校或购物中心等亦可能尚未完善,这些设施一般在新区人口达到一定水平时方会完成.另外,区内其它未完成的建屋工程,可能会为已入住人士带来噪音及尘埃问题.进一步来说,新建房屋一般未有园艺设计或围栏,这些设备开支不少,会为业主增加负担. 至于旧屋或所谓的「重售房屋」,一般来说,其优点在于:重售房屋大多坐落在一些发展成熟社区,因此可实际察看区内现有之设施及服务.另外,前任业主可能已种植了优美园艺及安装围栏,可省却这方面的额外开支.房屋装修也可能已经精心改善,例如完成土库(地下室)等. 但另一方面也必须注意,旧屋的维修保养开支可能会较高,在暖气、电线及喉管等主要系统的维修开支尤甚.原有之装修若不配合自己的品味,还可能须重新装修、改变墙壁颜色、地板或其它设备,因而增加额外开支. 除了上述两大问题,其它值得购屋者注意的事项还不少.比方说,购买了理想家居后,大部分业主都不会轻易在短期内再搬迁,所以应确保社区有足够设施配合您的长远需要,以下是一些您应该考虑的生活及财务因素: (1)邻近是否设有学校及公共交通设施;(2) 地产物业税务高低;(3) 康乐休憩设施是否充足;(4) 与上班地点之距离远近;(5) 交通繁忙程度及停车位是否充足; (6)可能影响您未来计画的城市规划及分区(地目)条例. 编者后记 特别鸣谢:五月花出国论坛 网址:http://www.5yhua.org/ 特别鸣谢:蒙特利尔华人在线 网址:http://www.mtl163.com/ 特别鸣谢:魁北克信息港 网址 http://www.cnquebec.com 特别鸣谢:手把手网站 网址 http://www.audiy.com/ 特别感谢:提供文章的所有朋友们. 朋友们,当你们走在加国的大街小巷上的时候,你所遇见的人都可能是手册中文章的原作者.他(她)们的无私奉献给大家开拓一个广阔的视野,使得我们能够更好地了解身外的世界. 我们要善待我们周围的每一个人,真正把爱贯穿我们的生活工作和学习中.这世界世界之所以美好,就是因为爱无时无刻不在我们的身边. 花红时节风信捎,凤凰英姿白鸟朝. 心儿挑灯挽花舞,激扬文字千篇好. 岁平(Sui Ping) 甲申年