华南理工大学简介 华南理工大学创办于1952年,原名华南工学院,1988年1月,更名为华南理工大学. 1960年,华南理工大学成为全国重点大学;1981年成为首批博士、硕士学位授予单位;1995年进入国家面向21世纪重点建设的大学行列;2001年进入国家高水平大学建设行列. 目前,全校有24个学院,1个独立学院;拥有教职工4500多人,其中教师和研究人员2400多人,中国科学院院士3名,中国工程院院士3名,俄罗斯外籍院士1名,双聘院士23人;各类学生73677名;有10个学科门类,一级学科博士点14个,二级学科博士点73个,硕士点176个,有工程硕士(23个领域)、建筑学硕士、工商管理硕士、公共管理硕士及风景园林硕士等专业学位授予权;78个本科专业;覆盖 87个专业的19个博士后流动站;1个国家工科数学课程教学基地、1个国家集成电路人才培养基地和1个国家大学生文化素质教育基地;7个国家重点学科和2个国家重点实验室、2个国家工程研究中心、2个国家工程技术研究中心、3个国家工程实验室(与企业合建),以及1个国家甲级建筑设计研究院、1个国家大学科技园. 华南理工大学一贯重视国际交流与合作,目前已和世界上60多所知名大学建立了良好的校际交流与合作关系,每年聘请长短期短期外国专家150多人,有来自82个国家和地区的留学生850多人. 华南理工大学正在认真贯彻国家科教兴国、人才强国和建设创新型国家战略,充分发挥自己各方面的优势,为创建国内一流、世界知名的高水平大学而努力奋斗. A Brief Introduction of South China University of Technology South China University of Technology (SCUT) was established in 1952. It was formerly known as the South China Institute of Technology, and was renamed South China University of Technology (SCUT) in January 1988. In 1960, SCUT became one of the key universities of China. In 1981, it became one of the first universities in China to confer Doctoral degrees and Master's degrees,authorized by the State Council. In 1995, SCUT was selected as one of the 100 universities into which China would make significant investment well into the 21st century. In 2001, SCUT was listed into the national program for the development of high-level universities in China. Currently, there are 24 schools and 1 independent college at SCUT with a faculty of over 4500, including 2,400 teachers and researchers, 3 members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, one foreign member of the Russian Academy of Engineering and 23 double appointed professors (honored by two universities). SCUT has a total enrollment of 73677. Disciplines currently offered by SCUT cover 10 academic fields. The university offers 78 undergraduate programs, 176 Master's programs, including Master of Engineering programs in 23 disciplines, 1 Master of Architecture program, Master of Business Administration programs (MBA and EMBA) and 1 Master of Public Administration program (MPA); there are 14 doctoral programs in primary disciplines, 73 doctoral programs in secondary disciplines, and 19 post-doctoral research positions covering 87 disciplines. SCUT also has 7 national key disciplines. Moreover, a number of leading research centers are located here:1 State Engineering Teaching Center for Mathematics, 1 National Specialist Education Center in Integrated Circuit, 1 State Higher Education Center for Cultural Quality, 2 State Key Lab, 2 State Key Engineering Research Centers, 2 State Key Engineering Technology Research Centers, 3 State Engineering Lab (cofounded with enterprises), 1 State Class-A Architectural Design and Research Institute, and 1 State University Science Park. SCUT has always attached great importance to international cooperation and exchanges. It has extended friendly collaboration relationships with over 60 well-known universities overseas. Each year, over 150 long-term foreign experts and foreign teachers are invited to SCUT to give lectures, and launch cooperative research or academic exchanges. Over 850 foreign students from 82 countries and regions come to study in SCUT annually. SCUT is carrying out the strategies of "Revitalizing China through Science and Education", "Rejuvenating China with Talents" and "Establishing a Innovation-Oriented Country", giving full play to all its advantages at various levels, and reaching for the goal of remaining a top national university with international recognition.