• 九年级上册英语unit1 > 六年级上册PEP英语单元检测Unit 3
  • 六年级上册PEP英语单元检测Unit 3

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    六年级上册PEP英语单元检测Unit 3
    祝君 拟题人:合丰小学··赵老师 好运
    卷面得分(2分) 姓名:分数:
    ( ) 1. A. today B. tomorrow C. tonight D. tomato
    ( ) 2. A. this morning B. this afternoon C. this evening D.this weekend
    ( ) 3. A. busy B. buy C. study D. honey
    ( ) 4. A. shop B. shoe C. store D. stop
    ( ) 5. A. post office B. pet shop C. post card D. theme park
    词典 图画书 漫画书 故事书 报纸

    A: Where are you going ?
    B: I'm going to the .
    A: What are you going to ?
    B: I am going to .
    A: When are you going?
    B: I am going .
    ( ) 1. A. father B. path C. ask D. bath
    ( ) 2. A. run B. sun C. hungry D. must
    ( ) 3. A. cup B. mother C. fun D. uncle
    ( ) 4. A. that B. fat C. math D. mask
    ( ) 5. A. honey B. nut C. summer D. study
    读报纸 看电视 探望祖父母 踢足球
    1 2 3 4
    1. Where are you going?A. By train.
    2. When are you going?B. Buy a comic book.
    3. What are you going?C. It's east of the cinema.
    4. How do you go to the zoo? D. At 3 o'clock.
    5. Where is the post office?E. The fruit stand.
    1. I'm going to the bookstore. (就划线部分提问)
    2. He's going at 3 o'clock. (就划线部分提问)
    3. She is going to climb mountains this weekend. (就划线部分提问)
    4. I, take, going, to, my, a, am, parents, trip, with. (连词成句)
    5. 明天我要植树. (中译英)


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