电子工程研究所 硕士学位论文
微软视窗系统之 USB 装置驱动程式产 生器之研制
Design and Implementation of USB Device Driver Generator for Windows Operating Systems
研 究 生: 张众函 指导教授: 王立洋
在作业系统中,驱动程式扮演著不可或缺的角色,无论任何硬体都需要相对 应的驱动程式才能在作业系统中正常运作,然而撰写驱动程式往往是困难而且耗 时的,因为驱动程式是位於系统核心执行的程式,所以开发驱动程式不仅要具备 良好的程式设计经验以及技巧,才能避免驱动程式运作流程中导致系统出错,同 时还需要了解硬体相关的知识才能知道如何跟硬体做资料的交换,因此,对於一 般的纯软体设计人员想要开发驱动程式造成一大困扰.
在本论文中,我们针对周边硬体中的力回馈装置设计了一个 USB 力回馈装 置驱动程式产生器(USB Force Feedback Device Driver Generator),使用者可以藉 由此驱动程式产生器快速产生驱动程式,安装所需的 INF 档案以及相对应的应 用程式,此举可以免除一般的软体从业人员必须了解作业系统核心以及硬体的相 关知识,因此可以加速开发驱动程式,而且藉由此驱动程式产生器所产生的应用 程式可以达到立即测试硬体的功能.在实验的过程中,我们使用不同硬体规格的 力回馈装置来做测试,结果都能够正确的产生驱动程式,并且顺利的将其安装到 作业系统中.最后实际执行了一些应用程式来测试硬体,结果硬体的反应也都正 确无误.
The device driver plays an important role in an operating system. It is the communication bridge between the hardware peripheral and the application programs running on computer. Device drivers are very sophisticate to develop, because it depends on knowledge of peripheral device specification as well as the OS. kernel's details. Because a driver is a program which operates in the kernel of OS, it is very sensitive to the modification/upgrade of an OS. Even dealing with the same peripheral device, it usually can not avoid to redevelop a new version of device driver for a newer version of OS. Therefore, the development of device drivers has become a big problem for many PC peripheral system providers.
In this thesis, we proposed a device driver generator for PC peripherals using USB interface. More specifically, we focus on the USB force feedback devices. Given the necessary parameters for a specific device, the tool can automatic generate a specific device driver, an INF file and a corresponding application program for verification. This tool can release a software engineer from learning the heavy burden of investigating the operating system core and relevant knowledge of the hardware, hence accelerates the development of the driver. In short, it is a very useful synthesis tool for device driver, which can help many hardware peripheral providers to solve their problem.
- 麦克风驱动 > 微软视窗系统之usb装置驱动程式产生器之研制
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