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  • 第二十届全国佛学论文联合发表会第二十届全国佛学论文...

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    关键词:高考 试卷 课件 下载 教案 学案 学生 考试 练习 习题
    2009 相会在宜兰 佛光大学佛教研修学院
    浅析菩提心内涵 菩提心内涵 ----以寂天《入菩萨行论》第一品为例 以寂天《入菩萨行论》 以寂天
    释禅松(林秀娟 释禅松 林秀娟) 林秀娟 华 梵 大 学 东方人文思想研究所
    中 华 民 国 九十八年七月
    目录 --------------------------------------------------------------I 摘 要--------------------------------------------------------------I ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------II ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------------II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------目 录-------------------------------------------------------------III -------------------------------------------------------------IV 表 录-------------------------------------------------------------IV 摘要
    曾听过藏传佛教格鲁派梭帕仁波切来台宏法时说过:在这世界上能听闻一句 「菩提心」的人,是要累积相当大的福份,净除相当多的罪业,才能听到这希有 的三个字.何谓「菩提心」 又,有了菩提心后将带来怎样的利益 忘失菩提心 将会有何种后果 本文将深入浅出探讨汉藏菩提心之意义和利益等差异,因碍於 篇幅,仅琐定寂天 《入菩萨行论》 第一品 〈菩提心利益品〉 作为差异分析之例证, 以窥视汉藏菩提心之同异处,并藉此令未闻菩提心者赶快生起,已生起者不要衰 退,辗转增上永远滋生菩提苗芽,使世界和平,灾难平息,众生永离诸苦.这就 是撰写本文的动机与目的. 【关键字】寂天, 《入菩萨行论》 ,菩提心.
    Briefly Analyze the Bodhi-Citta's Connotation ----Giving "ntideva '《Bodhicaryvatra》 》 Articles 1" as an example
    "A man in the world who is able to hear the precious word of 3-letter in Chinese of Bodhi-citta is definitely a man with cumulatively good luck and free from considerable sin" ever said by Lama Zopa Rinpoche who is in the key position of Kerlupa faction and come to deliver Dharma in Taiwan. What is Bodhi-citta What kind of benefit you could gain from the Bodhi-citta What kind of consequence you might meet in case of losing Bodhi-citta This thesis will comprehensively discuss over the difference of the meaning and benefit of Bodhi-citta between the version of Chinese and Tibetan. However, I can only focus on 〈The benefit of Bodhi-citta 〉 which is the first article by Sntideva who write in Bodhicaryvatra》 be illustrated 《 to as a result of gap analysis due to page limitation. Let people who have never heard about the Bodhi-citta so as to come up with it and/or those who have owned it without dying away. To carry on growing up the sprout of Bodhi-citta over and over again, thus it can be a peace-maker of the world, a terminator of disaster and lead all creatures to keep away from sorrow. This is what purpose and motivation have driven me to write this thesis. 【Key Word】 ntideva 寂天, Bodhicaryvatra》 《入菩萨行论》 , 《 》 Bodhi-citta.


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