杨昭 张甫仁 马一太
(天津大学热能研究所 天津 300072)
摘 要 利用焓差法对具有相同最高制冷能力的普通空调器与双压缩机空调器进行了季节能效比的对比试验测试
分析,结合我国具有气候代表性的 6 个城市的气象资料进行了实际能效分析计算,在此基础上对双压缩机型及普通
关键词 热工学;房间空调器;双压缩机;季节能效比;试验;分析评价
Examination and AnaIysis of SeasonaI Energy Efficiency Ratio of Room Air
Conditioner With Two Compressors
By Yang Zhao☆ ,Zhang Furen and Ma Yitai
☆Tianjin Univer ity,China
Abstract Enthalpy - difference method ha been utilized in thi paper to te t and analyze Sea onal Energy Efficiency
Ratio(SEER)of normal model air conditioner and two - compre or model air conditioner with ame refrigeration ability.
According to te t data and the weather data of 6 citie ,the energy efficiency of each product ha been gotten in thi pa_
per. Ba ed on above re earch,the economic and energy aving capability were analyzed in quantity.
Keywords Pyrology room air Conditioner,two - compre or, ea onal efficiency ratio,experiment,analy i andevalu_
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