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  • Institutionalize an Achievement Culture

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    2010 WVU School of Medicine Strategic Plan
    Revised August 2007
    Developed and endorsed by the West Virginia University School of Medicine Leadership
    2010 Strategic Plan
    2010 WVU School of Medicine Strategic Plan
    Strategic Planning Process Overview ……………………………………………...…… Priority #1 - Institutionalize an Achievement Culture …………………………………... Priority #2 - Provide Innovative, High-Quality Education Programs ……………………… Priority #3 - Provide High -Quality, Cost -Effective, Comprehensive Patient Care …...…….. Priority #4 - Promote Discovery and Exchange of Knowledge and Ideas ………………….. Priority #5 - Improve West Virginia's Health, Economy and Quality of Life ……….....……... Page(s)
    3-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16
    2010 Strategic Plan
    2010 WVU School of Medicine Strategic Plan
    The School of Medicine embarked in a strategic planning process in the spring of 2005. At the on-set of this process it was clear that we needed to: Answer three basic questions: 1.) Where are we at today 2.) What do we want to become 3.) How do we get there Make this process different. Plan for all four of our missions, which includes patient care, education, research, and service Include our partners in the planning process, which included our teaching hospital and practice plan. Incorporate department level planning (as a sub-process). Design the process as on-going and flexible. Streamline the actual strategic plan document. Develop measures that illustrate our incremental success. Complete the planning process using only internal resources.
    The following diagram illustrates the on-going planning process at the School of Medicine. This document reflects the continuation of this process.
    Where are we today
    Define Process Define Process Structure Structure Assess External Assess External Environment Environment Define/Validate Define/Validate Mission & Vision Vision Assess Internal Assess Internal Environment Environment Strategic Development of Indicators & Targets Plan Development


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