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  • Carrabec group studies effects of altitude and exercise on he...

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    The Town Line – April 29, 2010
    Carrabec group studies effects of altitude and exercise on heart rate
    The Carrabec High School anatomy and physiology class and advanced physical education class conducted a lab experiment where students recorded and studied the effects of exercise and altitude on heart rate and blood pressure. The first phase of the lab was conducted at the Summit building on top of Sugarloaf Mountain at 4,200 feet altitude. The Sugarloaf staff graciously provided transportation up and down the mountain with their snow cat. Once the students settled into the environment, they took their homeostatic blood pressure and pulse rates. These were done with newly-acquired digital blood pressure cuffs and heart monitors purchased through This group of Carrabec High School students participated in an experthe Oak Grove/Coburn Grant iment to monitor heart rate and blood pressure from exercise at high awarded to Carrabec this past altitudes. Photo by Alice Thompson winter. After recording their blood pressure and heart rates, students rates for the next 22 minutes. time to run the experiment and warmed up and did an exercise That completed the first phase of not miss classes. Carrabec is at an altitude of about 300 feet. regimen that included weights, the lab. The second phase of the exper- Students recorded information lunges, jumping jacks, and running in place. They exercised for iment was conducted on Sunday and exercised in identical fashion 40 minutes. After completing the morning at 7 a.m. in the Carrabec as in phase one. Students are curSchool gymnasium. rently applying the scientific routine, students immediately High Students chose to come in method to analyze and graph recorded blood pressure and heart Sunday in order to have enough their results.
    Norridgewock student raises butterflies
    by Lucille Greer Norridgewock Mill Stream School fifth grade student, Kessea Emerine-Hendren, displayed her Earth Day collection of Painted Lady Butterflies at the Skowhegan Community Center on Earth Day. Kessea's aunt, Barbara Blaisdell provided inspiration and the mesh cage for the 10 caterpillars which Kessea ordered. To everyone's delight nine of them hatched although only seven at the most were expected. From the accompanying information, Kessea learned that the butterflies open and close their wings when they are happy or need to cool, and they love to sleep upside down. Like flies, butterflies have photo receptive cells for eyes, only ten times as many at 10,000. Kessea put plants in the mesh cage for them to lay their eggs


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