• 德马吉机床 > 德马吉简介吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商,其先进的技术在行业 ...
  • 德马吉简介吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商,其先进的技术在行业 ...

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    文档标题:德马吉简介 吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商,其先进的技术在行业中无与伦比。集团核
    文档作者:Gao Jane
    单位:Gildemeister AG
    文档创建者:Acrobat PDFMaker 7.0 for Word
    修订:Acrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
    Page 1
    德马吉简介 吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商,其先进的技术在行业中无与伦比。集团核心业务领 域覆盖全面,包括“车削”、“铣削”、“超声振动加工”、“激光加工技术”及机床自动化控制系 统与软件解决方案。 同时,公司充分认识到服务的重要性并将自身定义为提供全方位服务的供应商。吉特迈集团拥 有行业内最完善的销售服务网络,6,121 多名员工服务于遍布全球的 73 家销售服务公司(德 马吉公司)。 本着 “技术决定未来”的公司理念,吉特迈集团将在 2008 年进一步发挥自身强大的创新能力, 实现成为世界机床行业技术创新者的目标。 Brief Introduction of DMG GILDEMEISTER is the leading manufacturer of cutting machine tools worldwide. The company’s know-how is unparalleled in the industry. Its core areas of expertise “turning”, “milling”, “ultrasonic” and “laser technology” are complemented by automation and software solutions for machine tools. Furthermore, the company defines itself a full-service supplier by recognizing the importance of service. With more than 6,121 employees in 73 group-owned sales and service companies (DMGs) worldwide, GILDEMEISTER has the industry’s most complete sales and service network. Under the motto “technologies for tomorrow” GILDEMEISTER starts the year 2008 with the aim to expand its role as a technological trendsetter through its unabated strong focus of innovation.
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