• 上海美术馆近期展览 > 百年王肇民艺术展
  • 百年王肇民艺术展

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    2007 / 08
    展览 Exhibitions
    Centennial Art Exhibition of Wang Zhaomin
    展览时间: 8月11日-8月17日12:00 展 厅: 2,3号 主办单位: 中国美术家协会,中国美术馆,广东美术家协会,广东美术馆,广州美术学院
    Time: August 11th –August 17th 12:00 Hall:No.2, 3 Hosting Unit: China Artists Association, National Art Museum of China, Guangdong Artists Association, Guangdong Museum of Fine Art, Guangzhou Academy of Art
    Centennial Art Exhibition of Wang Zhaomin
    "Dunhuang Watch" – Gansu Calligraphy Exhibition
    展览时间:8月11日-8月18日12:00 展 厅:4,6号 主办单位:甘肃省委宣传部,中国书法家协会,甘肃省文学艺术界联合会, 甘肃省文化厅
    Time: August 11th – August 18th 12:00 Hall: No.4, 6 Hosting Unit: Gansu Provincial Bureau of Propaganda, China Calligrapher Association, Gansu Society of Literature and Art, Gansu Provincial Bureau of Culture
    Forget the Shape in Excitement – Brush Drawing by Huang Guangnan
    展览时间:8月11日—8月23日 展 厅:7号 主办单位:中华文化联谊会,中国美术馆,财团法人沈春池文教基金会
    Time: August 11th – August 23 Hall: No.7 Hosting Unit:Chinese Culture Association, National Art Museum of China, Financial Group Legal Person Shen Chunchi Culture and Education Fund
    The Place Without Winter – wood cut by Zheng Shuang
    展览时间:8月18日15:00——8月26日12:00 展 厅:3号 主办单位:中国美术家协会,广州美术学院,广东省美术家协会
    Time: August 18th 15:00 – August 26th 12:00 Hall: No. 3 Hosting Unit: China Artists Association, Guangzhou Academy of Art, Guangdong Artists Association, Engraving Arts Committee of China Artists Association
    王肇民(1908-2003),安徽萧县人,一生坎坷,先在杭州艺专求学,与李可染同学.在参加"一八艺社"被开除 后,又远赴北京,进入北平艺专.抗战初期参加新四军.后奔父丧,进入四川,靠当中学教员维持生计.抗战后到武 汉,进入武昌艺专任教.解放后随并校先进入中南美专,后进广州美术学院,直到逝世.他在艺术方面的造诣,一直 获得广泛好评.著名美学家迟轲先生评价他的作品是"伟大的风格".原来人们以为王肇民擅长水彩,而在水彩中, 尤擅静物.细观他的全部存世水彩后,才知道他除了静物外,在风景,肖像和人体方面,也有极高的水准. 本次展览精选王肇民先生于上世纪70—90年代创作的水彩静物,风景及肖像人体作品,谨以此展览纪念即将到来的王 肇民先生诞辰100周年.
    Wang Zhaomin (1908-2003), born in Xiaoxian County of Anhui Province, went through many hardships in life. He studied at the Hangzhou National College of Art and was Li Keran's classmate. After being expelled from the Yiba Art Society, he made a long journey to Beijing and entered the Beiping College of Art. He joined the New Fourth Army at the beginning of the war against Japanese aggression. When his father died, he hastened to Sichuan and settle for a job as a junior high school teacher. After the war, he went to Wuhan and became a teacher at the Wuchang College of Art. After China's liberation, he held posts in Zhongnan College of Art and Guangzhou Academy of Art consecutively until he passed away. He is widely praised for his accomplishments in art. Famous esthetician Mr. Chi Ke appreciated his work as of a "mighty style". Wang Zhaomin is an expert of watercolor painting. People used to have the perception that he only specializes in still life until a thorough study of his entire work showed that his landscape, portrait and human body paint are also of great standard. This exhibition is a selection of Wang Zhaomin's masterpieces from the 1970s to the 1990s including watercolor still life, landscape and human body portrait in commemoration of the upcoming 100th year anniversary of Mr. Wang Zhaomin's birth.


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