• 供应链管理的概念 > 供应链管理模式之整合性分析组织学习与知识作业
  • 供应链管理模式之整合性分析组织学习与知识作业

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    供应链管理模式之整合性分析--组织学习与知识作业管理 影响观点之比较研究
    计画类别: 个别型计画 计画编号: NSC93-2416-H-218-017执行期间: 93 年 08 月 01 日至 94 年 07 月 31 日 执行单位: 南台科技大学行销与流通管理系暨研究所
    计画主持人: 施坤寿 计画参与人员: 丁敦吟, 苏容瑾, 叶美君
    报告类型: 精简报告 处理方式: 本计画可公开查询

    国 94 年 10 月 4 日
    供应链管理模式之整合性分析--织织学习与知识作业管理影响观点之比较 研究 The Integrated Analysis of Supply Chain Management—An Empirical and Comparative Study with Perspectives of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Operational Management 计画编号: 执行期限:93 年 8 月 01 日至 94 年 7 月 31 日 计画主持人:施坤寿 助理教授 南台科技大学行销与流通管理系暨研究所 计画参与人员:丁敦吟,苏容瑾,叶美君 兼任研究助理
    一,摘要 因应未来全球数位化网际网路环 境,供应链管理已是企业竞争的利器,谁 能先掌握先机,谁就能拥有较多的竞争优 势; 而运用资讯系统整合强化企业的组织 学习及知识作业管理将会有效提升企业供 应链管理的成效,因而使得企业组织更具 竞争力.因此,本研究以台湾制造产业进 行企业资讯系统整合,组织学习,知识作 业管理,供应链管理及企业竞争力之结构 化模式 (LISREL 模式分析) 的比较分析, 并讨论其在各构念间影响效果之差异.其 结果值 GFI 值为 0.888,AGFI 值是 0.866, RMR 值为 0.035,显示本研究整体模式之 适合度为佳.研究结果显示,资讯系统整 合能力对组织学习能力及供应链管理能力 的推动都具有显著的正面影响,并进而影 响企业竞争能力;又组织学习能力对知识 作业管理能力具有显著之正面影响;而知 识作业管理对供应链管理能力及竞争力也 具有显著的正面影响.最后,供应链管理 能力对企业竞争能力的提升也具有显著之 正面影响. 关键词:资讯系统整合能力,组织学习能
    knowledge management capability and reinforce the learning ability of the organization, which, in turn, will promote supply chain management capability and ultimately lead to a more competitive business organization. To solve the dilemma, we recruited manufactory industry in Taiwan as the subjects for the study. The purpose of this thesis is to study Information System Integration, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Operational Management, Supply Chain Management to create a model analysis of business competitive capability. The whole model was analyzed by LISREL and shown as follows: GFI0.888, AGFI- 0.866, RMR- 0.035. These findings indicate the adequacy of this model system in its business application. The results indicate that the Information System Integration not only has a significantly positive impact on Organizational Learning, and Supply Chain Management, but also assists the establishment of competitive capability. Organizational Learning has a positive effect on Knowledge Operational Management and Knowledge Operational Management also has a positive effect on Supply Chain Management and competitive capability. Finally, Supply Chain Management also has a positive effect on business competitive capability Keywords: Information System Integration, Organization Learning, Knowledge Operational Management, Supply Chain Management, Competitive Capability.


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