• circleoflove > Imustoftensoasked
  • Imustoftensoasked

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    文档作者:Ch. JULIEN
    主题:Liste des composants obsolettes ou non g閞閟
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    INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 Center for Life Transitions Managing The Holidays A Time To Rejoice 3-10 Program Year 2008 Donors 11 "Big Feat": Big Fun Hospice: Living, Dying, or Both 12 notes from executive director
    When meeting new people, Imustoftensoasked what I do.ForAssome time, IIused to smilework for hospice" not knowam quickly as respond, "I comes the all too familiar response, "That be depressing." uncomfortably,
    Last winter, Circle of Caring at Hospice of the Good Shepherd hosted Dr. Maria Sirois, who spoke on "Faith, Hope & Resilience in the Presence of Suffering." In her first book, every day counts, Dr. Sirois writes, "Even in moments of great suffering, the time is now to connect deeply to the experience of our very own lives."
    ing how to respond. Four years and a few too many awkward conversations later, I now reply with confidence, "Hospice can be sad, but it is rarely depressing."
    This fall, for the first time, we invite you into the hearts, spirits and experiences of a few of the people for whom we have cared. At Hospice of the Good Shepherd, we are often rejuvenated by the clients and families we care for, as they remind us that there is love and life, even in the presence of loss. Jennifer Sax, Director of Outreach
    Brave Bird
    Robyn Nelson
    Flying high, no matter what, happens to come up. Overhead, above the others, where it could get lost. She's a brave little bird. Out sick a lot, miss some school, all because I'm different. But never mind it. I've only got a week, this Robyn's flying on. Flying south, seems big you would think, for just, a little bird. Sometimes, just sometimes, birds will think back, and say, "Hey, this isn't so hard." This bird will get there. Mixed emotions, come up a lot, like happiness and worries. Happy that I'm almost there, then there are, those who worry. Like Mom. Like Dad. Like Lee. and like that bird, who wrote a poem, about her feelings, for me. Flying is hard, but the flock, will soon get there. Worries will leave, happiness arrives. This Robyn is a Brave Bird.


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