• 护士与院长视频 > 精省后台湾省护理师护士公会功能与定位分析
  • 精省后台湾省护理师护士公会功能与定位分析

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    An analysis of the function and position on The Nurses'Associations of Taiwan Around the Province-Downsizing
    研 究 生 : 刘丽芳 (Li-Fang Liu ) 指导教授 : 廖又生 (Yu-sheng Liao Ph.D)
    国 立 阳 明 大 学 医 务 管 理 研 究 所 硕士论文 National Yang-Ming University Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration Master Thesis
    中华民国九十三年六月 June 2004

    这是一个多变的年代,也是一个多元的社会,唯一不变的是岁月的飞 逝,从不曾为任何人而停留;世事的多变,从不因任何事而驻足.在从事 护理工作三十余年后,蓦然回首,不禁使我警悟到处此知识爆发的时代, 不进则退的道理,带给我的是莫大的震撼与竦动,於是在初为外祖母后, 仍毅然再踏入校门,加入阳明大学医务管理研究所的研读行列,与其说是 终身学习的实践,倒不如说是受内心对追求新知的渴望所驱使. 走进教室,坐在台下,彷佛又回到学生时代的羞涩与喜悦,一切都是 那麼的新奇,好陌生,也好熟悉,就像是进入知识的宝库,让我目不暇给, 等待我去探索,去发掘.然而,职场上工作的繁重,家事的羁绊,记忆力 的减退,常使我感到力有未逮,好在老师们的循循善诱,鼓励有加;同学 们的切磋琢磨,关怀备至,给予我许多实质上的协助与精神上的支持,陪 伴我走过这两年艰苦的岁月,七百多个日子以来,写报告,赶论文,看似 痛苦难捱,却有一番充实的喜悦.尤其我们这一班,虽来自不同的工作环 境和年龄层,却能真情相融,在课业上彼此问难解惑,在课余之暇,更藉 由参访,餐叙作经验的交换与情感的交流,建立了最珍贵的情谊,在在成 为我一生中最难忘怀的甜蜜记忆,对於这一路走来,相携相伴的同学,岂 是「感谢」二字所能形容道尽 ! 论文的撰写,从题目的拟定,大纲的建立,到著手写作,准备口试, 充满挑战,这期间,仰赖指导教授廖又生博士悉心与耐心的指导,不但在 专业领域上使我受益良多,而廖老师的治学精神,为人处世的态度,举止 言谈间流露出学者人师以及谦谦君子的风范,让我油然而生「高山仰止」 般的崇敬与感佩.在论文写作与口试过程中,蒙王燕理事长,曾珍丽理事 长,石淑珍理事长及现任常务理监事们接受专访,给予我珍贵的资讯;口 试时尹裕君副教授,李选教授,尹祚芊副教授,钱庆文副教授等提供宝贵 意见与指导,内心感谢莫名,谨此一并致谢. 最后,愿以此论文,献给我年迈慈祥的双亲以及我亲爱的外子与儿女, 感谢他们一路的扶持和担待,也容我再一次对恩师廖又生博士致上最真挚 的敬意与谢忱,在我生命中因为有他们而更增绚丽.
    刘 丽 芳 谨 志 2004 年 6 月 30 日
    自政策实施后,各属组织莫受到影响及冲击,由於 政策中明文规定政府与其所属机关(构)或学校,必须依其职 权业务做适当之调整,导致相关组织面对未多有彷徨.故本研 究探讨台湾护师护士公会,如何配合政府再造工程的脚步, 从公会过去完成之任务,重新找出自我的优势,厘清现况与处 境,订定新的功能取向,思考必要的因应对策,并以此作为未 规划之重点. 本研究以质性研究方法为主,用文献探讨法 (Documentation Analysis)进分析,另辅以深访谈法进调 查.本研究一方面将相关文献资汇整分析,一方面以台湾护 师护士公会之任务达成,存废问题,组织重整及财务规划等四 个重点进深访谈,之后将受访者叙述性的意经过判断,归 纳后成为有系统的译码.最后将文献分析与深访谈之结果融会 贯通,成为本研究之结. 本研究获得成果如下: 一, 政府政策,将使护师护士公会由原的三级制 走向二级制,公会必须配合政策,进调整改造. 二, 台湾护师护士公会之功能应改革创新之后予以延 续. 三, 建议相关配套措施及法案应尽早制定完备,使 所属组织机关及相关单位,配合政策进调整时,有 明确依循方向及法源依据. 四, 建议台湾护师护士公会可基於护人员们的需求 与期待,於现阶段开始预备成基会之相关非营 组织. 本研究希冀最后之研究成果及建议,能提供各界讨与后续 研究者斟酌考.
    After Province-Downsizing Policy put into practice, each
    province-controlled organizations were influenced to some extent. Because the policy was proclaimed that the Provincial Government and its insititutions or schools should adjust their responsibilities and practices, it only leads to indecision for those related organizations. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Taiwan Provincial Nurses' Association cooperates with Government's reconstruction programs. Viewing from the association's significant contributions, the association can further determine its advantageous position, specify present situation and define new directions. It is hoped to figure out countermeasures and emphasize them as future developments. The research focuses on Qualitative Research and applies Documentation Analysis to analyze results. At the same time, interview techniques are used to deepen the investigation. On one hand, the research analyzes related documentations; on the other hand, interviews are conducted from four aspects: the achievements Taiwan Provincial Nurses' Association had accomplished, existence matter of the association, reconstruction of the association and its financial scheme. Interviewees' descriptive opinions are induced into systematical treatise. The conclusion of this research is generated from Documentation Analysis and interview techniques. Findings of the research are listed as follows: 1. Province-Downsizing Policy has lead Taiwan Provincial Nurses' Association's three-tier system to two-tier system. Hence, the said association should adjust accordingly. 2. 3. The function of Taiwan Provincial Nurses' Association can be followed after the reformation. It is suggested that Provincial-Downsizing Policy can finalize as early as possible. Therefore, the related institutions pursue. 4. It is suggested that Taiwan Provincial Nurses' Association can establish a non-profitable foundation according to nursing staff's need and request. Key word: Province-Downsizing, group , Positioning


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