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    昆山科技大学 机械工程系 硕士论文
    快速原型系统,磨削式断层影像撷取系统及平台式印表 机之研发 The Development of Rapid Prototyping System, Abrasive Computer Tomography System and Platform Printer
    研究生:江宏伟 Student: Hung-Wei Chiang
    Advisor Chong-Ching Chang
    Department of Mechanical Engineering Kun Shan University of Technology Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. Thesis for Master of Science June 2003
    快速原型系统,磨削式断层影像撷取系统及平台式印表 机之研发
    昆山科技大学 机械工程系

    本论文为三大部分:第一部分是发展快速原型(Rapid Prototyping; RP) 系 统 . 其 次 是 发 展 磨 削 式 断 层 影 像 撷 取 ( Abrasive Computed Tomography;ACT) 技术.最后是发展平台式印表机 (Platform Printer) . 所开发的快速原型系统主要有下列三项: (1)UV 树脂喷涂式快速原型 机 (UV Resin Spray Rapid Prototyping System) .本系统由 UV 光源取代 雷射光已大大降低 RP 成本,并且以喷头喷涂路径的方法减少材料浪 费.喷嘴路径除了提供制作 RP 件的新方法之外,此技术也可以发展不 同的喷涂方式,以加速成型. (2)微型快速原型系统,此项技术将微 机电制程所需要多项设备整合在一机中,并以 UV 光源经聚焦后以路 径扫描来减少制作光罩成本. (3)CNC 快速原型机,此项技术是应用 一般 CNC 加工母机,再配合一个送料机构及贴合机构所构成的快速成 型系统,此项系统不但具有 CNC 加工机高精度的优点外,也同时具有 快速成型系统不受模型外观型的限制.以上所开发的快速原型系统在 软体介面部分,主要利用现有的 CAD/CAM 系统,开发直接切层及 G-Code 加工路径介面,此方法可降低开发时间及成本. 磨削式断层取像扫描技术,此研究结合 CCD 取像技术以及逆向工 程技术,其原理是将测量物镶埋在颜色对比明显的树脂内,再利用磨
    削机构层层破坏,并取得每个断层影像资料,最后依据数值运算找出 测量物在各断层之边界线,重组 3D 电脑数据,此方法的优点克服了一 般接触式及非接触扫描系统,无法有效扫描复杂模型的缺点.此技术 应用在牙齿模型可扫描完整的全口齿模,因此在本论文中会介绍一套 新的假牙与牙套制程技术,可以解决现阶段制作假牙与牙套精度无法 控制的问题,将此项研究称为 E 世代数位牙齿的新观念. 平台式印表机主要改善卷轴磨擦进纸受到厚度限制的缺点,此方法 可直接将图案喷印在不易变形或是不易夹持的物件上.此技术加上防 水墨水或是 UV 墨水便可在衣服上做各式的图案设计,并且立即列印 出来,尤其是在压克力及一些非吸水性物质都可以进行印制,以达到 简便迅速的生产方式,比以往利用热转印,网版印刷及人工上色的方 式更为方便.
    关键字:快速原型机,UV 树脂喷涂式快速原型机机,微快速原型机, CNC 快速原型机,磨削式断层取像扫描,E 世代数位牙齿, 平台式印表机
    研究生 指导教授
    The Development of Rapid Prototyping System, Abrasive Computer Tomography System and Platform Printer
    Chiang Hong-Wei
    Chang Chong-Ching
    Department of Mechanical Engineering Kun Shan University of Technology
    The purpose of this research was to develop system of Rapid Prototyping (RP), the technique of Abrasive Computed Tomography and the Platform Printer. The Rapid Prototyping System consists of three major machines, which are: (1) A UV Resin Spray RP machine that greatly reduces the cost of operation, such as UV light in stead of laser and nozzle spray on the path directly to avoid material waste. The files of spray path not only offer a new method of RP manufactures but also develop different ways of spray to hasten shaping. (2) A Micro-RP System that combines the Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEM) procedure. The technique was to integrate all required equipment of MEM procedure into one mechanism and scan path by UV light source after focusing to reduce the cost of Masking. (3) A CNC RP System, which combines a traditional 3-axis CNC machine and a delivery-positioning mechanism. It has the high-precision advantage of CNC machine but not limited by the shapes of work-piece (cavity, overhanging etc.) because of the RP concept. The software interface of RP System mainly utilizes existing CAD/CAM software that develops direct slicing and G-Code processing path to perform the spraying material, process and accumulation. The technique of Abrasive Computed Tomography (ACT) is to combine CCD image technique and reverse engineering. The principle is to submerge the sample into resin of contrasting color and use an Abrasive


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