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  • Non-Power-Limited

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2010-06-09   下载次数:0   点击次数:4
    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Subjects 13, 444, 1424, 1425, 1655, 1651, 1690, 2250 and 2261 June 1, 2010 TO: Subscribers to UL's Certification Services for: Communications Cable (DUZX / DUZX7) Communications Cable Verified to UL Performance Category Program (DUZX) Data Transmission Cable Verified in Accordance With National or International Specifications (DVBI) Community Antenna Television Cable (DVCS) Data Processing Cable (EMRB) Non-Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Cable (HNHT) Power-Limited Fire-Alarm Cable (HNIR / HNIR7) Instrumentation Tray Cable (NYTT) Network Powered Broadband Communications Cable (PWIP) Optical Fiber Cable (QAYK / QAYK7) Power Limited Circuit Cable (QPTZ) Plenum Cable Compounds (QMTM2) – For Information Only SUBJECT: UL's Mark Integrity Program for Telecommunications Cables
    The purpose of this bulletin is to inform UL Subscribers of the revisions made to the proposed requirements affecting the Mark Integrity (Follow-Up) Programs for the above product categories based on Industry's response. The program elements proposed in our January 4, 2010 Bulletin were discussed during Industry Forums which were held in the US and China. Comments were received at the forum and from individual subscribers. The revised program described in this Bulletin incorporates some of the suggested changes requested by Industry. The implementation timeframe for each new requirement is provided in the details below. I. Holographic Listing Marks and October 1, 2010 Effective Date To further enhance the integrity of the UL Mark, UL is introducing a holographic label requirement for the product categories shown above. This requirement will become effective October 1, 2010. The use of these special holographic labels has proven to be an effective tool in deterring counterfeit products from entering the marketplace. The number of labels, format, and effective date were revised based on comments received from Industry. On and after October 1, 2010 all UL Marks for the above product categories (except for Plenum Cable Compounds (QMTM2)) will be printed on special UL holographic material. Of course, you may order and begin using UL holographic labels prior to the October 1, 2010 effective date, if you so choose. To ensure delivery of custom hologram labels by October 1, orders should be placed by Aug 15, 2010. Standard label orders should be placed by September 15 to ensure arrival by October 1, 2010. There will be unique holographic labels for each of the product categories (CCN's) noted above. UL Label Centers will stock Standard hologram labels in several of the categories in the more popular denominations. Subscribers will also be able to order Combination (custom) labels printed on holographic label material, through UL's vendor of holographic labels after a successful review and approval of the label artwork by one of UL's Label Centers.


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