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  • 中华民国图书馆学会电子报

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    中华民国图书馆学会电子报 2007 No.6
    A Study of Users Space Needs for the Academic Library
    潘淑惠 Shu-Hui, Pan 国立台湾大学图书资讯学研究所硕士
    Master, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University e-mail:pan@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
    图书馆属於功能性建筑,学术图书馆建筑的规划,在於顺应使用者需求以及 机构目标,厘清使用者需求为建筑规划首要课题.历来图书馆的规划以馆藏,读 者与馆员三者为空间需求主要考量,由於科技,政治,经济,社会变迁和馆藏的 变化,图书馆建筑规划持续面临挑战.本研究目的主要为藉由搜集国内外大学图 书馆建筑规划与使用者需求调查等文献,分析大学图书馆使用者建筑空间需求趋 势,再以嘉义大学为个案,实证调查大学师生空间需求特质.采用的研究方法包 括文献分析,焦点团体访谈,问卷调查.本研究最后提出七项结论:一,馆藏空 间仍是使用者最重视的图书馆建筑空间;二,教师,研究生与大学生的资讯行为 与图书馆使用行为有极大差异;三,不同学域师生在资讯与图书馆空间使用行为 上有很大差异;四,课程辅助机制的空间为教师与学生重要需求;五,电子资源 的发展为图书馆空间需求主要影响因素;六,馆员的使用者研究对整体图书馆建 筑规划具有重要影响;七,使用者资讯行为与空间使用行为有持续变化特质,图 书馆空间需求亦将持续变迁.
    A library is a functional building. The designing of an academic library should serve and support the needs of the users and the goals of the institute. To identify the needs of the users would be the most important topic of architecture designing. Previously, the functions of an academic library were mainly to fulfill three purposes: housing for the collections, service to readers, and space for staff activities. Recently the library architecture designing has been challenged by the growth of library collections as well as the rapid changes of technology, politics, economics, and society. The purpose of this study is to analyze the users' needs for the space of an academic library building. To achieve the goal, the investigator collected literature on the designing of academic library buildings and surveys of users' needs. Furthermore, I used the library of
    中华民国图书馆学会电子报 2007 No.6
    NCYU as a case study to do empirical investigation of the faculty, students and librarians' needs for library space. The methodology of the study include literature analysis, focus groups interview, and questionnaire survey. Based on the findings of the study, the investigator provides seven conclusions for overall users' needs of an academic library in the following: 1.Collection space is the most important for faculty, students and librarians. 2.There are many differences in information and library space user behavior among faculty, graduate and undergraduate students. 3.There is significant difference in users of different academic areas on the use of information and library space. 4.It is an important requirement that an academic library should provide space and facility to support teaching and learning. 5.The influence of e-resources is the main factor to the users needs of a library space. 6.Librarian devoted to studying users' needs is valuable for the designing of a library building. 7.The information and space using behavior of the users are subject to change and so should the library space continue to meet the challenge.


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