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  • 中国临床心理学杂志

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    2006 年
    第 14 卷
    第 1期
    · · 17
    程利娜, 吴筱玫
    (河南大学教育科学学院 , 河南 开封 475001)
    【摘要】 目的 : 编制研究生心理压力源量表.方法: 首先, 在访谈的基础上, 初步编制了 83 个 压 力 源 项 目 . 然 后 , 对 再次, 用另一半 427 名研究生做 421 名研究生进行了问卷测试, 通过探索性因素分析进行项目的筛选和因子的提取. 验证性因素分析.结果: ① 通过项目分析, 确定研究生心理压力源量表由 70 个项目组成.② 探索性因素分析确定了 研究生心理压力源量表的 7 因素结构, 即学业, 人际交往, 就业和前途, 家庭关系, 婚姻爱情, 经济, 其它. 7 个维度的 累积解释方差率为 53.532%. 验证性因素分析证明该量表的理论结构模型拟合良好. 量表的 % 系数和分半信度 ③ ④ 分别为 0.908,0.860 , 量表总分与 SCL- 90 总分的相关系数在 0.01 水平上显著. 结论: 研究生心理压力源量表的信效 度基本符合心理测量学的要求. 【关键词】 压力源; 研究生; 量表; 信度; 效度 中图分类号 : G449.1 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1005- 3611(2006)01- 0017- 03
    Development of the Psychological Str essor Scale of Under gr aduates
    CHENG Li- na, WU Xiao- mei College of Educational Science, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China
    【Abstr act 】 Obiective: To develop the Psychological Stressor Scale of postgraduate. Methods: Firstly, based on the
    interview with the postgraduates, a preliminary questionnaire including 83 items was developed. Then, 421 subjects were investigated and items were sifted, and factors were extracted by the exploratory factor analysis. Then, another 427 subjects were used as confirmatory factor analysis. Results: ①The Psychological Stressor Scale of postgraduate consisted of 70 items through item analysis. ② Exploratory factor analysis identified that the scale had 7 main factors, such as learning, interpersonal contact, employment and prospect, family relationship, marriage and love, economy and so on, all of which could account for 53.532 percent of the whole variance. ③ Confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit of % theoretical structure of the scale. ④The cronbach ' coefficients, split- half reliability were 0.908, 0.860, and the total of the scale was significantly correlated with the total of the SCL - 90. Conclusion: The Psychological Stressor Scale of postgraduates meeted with the needs of psychometric standard.
    【Key wor ds】 Psychological stressor; Postgraduate; Scale; Reliability; Validity


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