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    照明新概念 照明新概念 节省电费50% 节省电费
    Patent and Patent pending over 48 countries all over the world USA - US 7,083,309 B2 HK - HK 1052834 China - ZL 02 2 54617.0 Singapore - 110354 PCT No. PCT/CN/03/00602
    are registered trademarks and patent products which are protected by intellectual property laws in respective
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    照明新概念 照明新概念 节省电费50% 节省电费
    踏入二十一世纪,全球的经济,政治及环保出现重大的改变,因中国的经济大飞跃,致使能源相应 需求大,引致能源供应紧张,人们不断引发新思维,无论何种方法都想能节约能源,包括大型的电 梯,冷气以致光源都希望节省10 - 20%,其实光源占整体用电量大概15 - 20%,此情此景,我们权昆 国际有限公司研发一款更换易,省电多的一体化节能光管,不需要大改变现状就可以更换光管,既 方便,又可省电45 - 50%的用电量.
    Energy crisis has been alerted gradually all over the world. Some of the energy expertise estimate the whole world's energy will all be consumed up to 2050. Before the new energy products invented, the only way to extent the life of our energy is to Save. Actually, lighting source is around 20% of the total power consumption. Based on our past 26 year experience, Faeco ETIT energy saving tube had then been developed. Faeco ETIT energy saving uorescent tubes had already recognized as a safety, quality and energy saving products by introducing "Tube in Tube" technology with built in high eciency T5 tubes system inside the limited space. It has been proved that total saving of energy consumption can be up to 50%. Replacement is so simple as normal tube without any amendment, re-wiring or modications on the existing xtures. Just demolish the conventional tubes, removal of the starter and directly install into the existing lamp xture. After less than a minute procedure, you can enjoy up to 50% energy saving consumption. "To save energy to save cost, it is right choice to use Faeco ETIT to replace the conventional electromagnetic ballast lighting system.
    Model / 型号 Voltage , Frequency / 电压,频率 Tube Type Length / 呎吋 Watts / 功率 Power Factor / 功率因数 T.H.D. / 谐波损耗 Ta °C Color temperature / 色温 4000K (Warm White / 黄光) 6500K (Day Light / 白光 ) Average Life Hours / 平均寿命 Current (mA) / 管电流 Luminous Ecient (Lm/W) / 流明效率比 Lumens (Lm) / 流明 CRI / 显色指数 Cap Type / 灯座型式 FK114-F T5 in T8 600mm / 2' 12W FK128-F FK135-F AC220 - 240V , 50 Hz T5 in T8 T5 in T8 1200mm / 4' 26W 0.95 0.9; 3 不需对原装置进行任何改装和驳线,方便还原; 4 和一般更换光管程序一样; 5 寿命长达一万小时,信心保证; 6 即开即著,没有任何闪烁,灯光稳定,免除眼睛疲劳; 7 选用高显色指数的T5节能光管, 灯光下物件的颜色还原度高; 8 工作温升比电感镇流器的大幅降低, 减轻冷气系统的负荷,间接节省电费开支; 9 没有运作噪音,温度适中; 10 达到IEC61347 / IEC60598,CE标准及香港安全认证 L00157A


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