United Overseas Bank Limited Hong Kong Branch (the "Bank") Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance")
(a) From time to time, it is necessary for customers to supply the Bank with data, such as address of the customer, date of birth, and copies of identification documents in connection with the opening or continuation of accounts and the establishment or continuation of banking facilities or provision of banking services. (b) Failure to supply such data may result in the Bank being unable to open or continue accounts or establish or continue banking facilities or provide banking services. (c) It is also the case that data are collected from customers in the ordinary course of the continuation of the banking relationship, for example, when customers write cheques or deposit money. (d) The purposes for which data relating to a customer may be used are as follows: (i) The daily operation of the services and credit facilities provided to customers; (ii) Conducting credit checks at the time of application for credit and at the time of regular or special reviews which normally will take place one or more times each year. (iii) Creating and maintaining the Bank's credit scoring models; (iv) Assisting other financial institutions to conduct credit checks and collect debts; (v) Ensuring ongoing credit worthiness of customers; (vi) Designing financial services or related products for customers' use; (vii) Marketing services or products of the Bank and/or selected companies; (viii) Determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by customers; (ix) The enforcement of the customers' obligations, including the collection of amounts outstanding from customers and other providing security for customers' obligations; (x) Meeting the requirements to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Bank, any of its branches or any Bank Group Company (as defined below), whether in Hong Kong, Singapore or elsewhere or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which the Bank, any of its branches or Bank Group Company are expected to comply (but in the case of a Bank Group Company, the data that may be used for this purpose shall be limited to those already held by such Bank Group Company and not otherwise). (xi) Providing references for status enquiries. (xii) Maintaining a credit history of customers (whether or not there exists a business relationship between the relevant customer and the Bank at the relevant time) for present and future reference. (xiii) Enabling an actual or proposed assignee of the Bank, or participant or sub-participant of the Bank's right in respect of the customer to evaluate the transaction intended to be subject of assignment, participation or sub-participation; and (xiv) Purposes relating or incidental thereto. The Bank may carry out "matching procedures" (as defined in the Ordinance) in respect of all or any of such purposes. (e) Data held by the Bank relating to a customer will be kept confidential but the Bank, any of its branches or a Bank Group Company may provide such information to the following parties notwithstanding that the recipient's place of business is outside Hong Kong including Singapore, for the purposes set out in paragraph (d): (i) Any Bank Group Company, agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, securities clearing, data processing, debt collection, marketing or other services to the Bank in connection with its business; (ii) Any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Bank including a Bank Group Company which has undertaken to keep such information confidential; (iii) The drawee bank providing a copy of a paid cheque (which may contain information about the payee) to the drawer; (iv) Any charge or credit card issuing companies and financial institutions; (v) Credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, debt collection agencies, (vi) Any person to whom the Bank or a Bank Group Company is under an obligation to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on the Bank, any of its branches or Bank Group Company, including any legal, governmental or regulatory authorities, whether in Hong Kong, Singapore, the PRC or elsewhere or under and for the purposes of any guidelines issued by regulatory or other authorities with which the Bank or any of its branches or Bank Group Company are expected to comply; (vii) Any actual or proposed assignee of the Bank or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the Bank's rights in respect of the customer; (viii) Any person with the express or implied consent of the customer; (ix) Any person where the public interest requires disclosure; (x) Any person where the interests of the Bank require disclosure; (xi) Auditors or legal advisors of the Bank, governments (including the governments of Hong Kong, Singapore and the PRC) and departments thereof, and quasi governmental authorities, courts and tribunals (including those of overseas countries) of competent jurisdiction; (xii) Any surety, guarantor or any other person providing security or any person proposing to give surety, guarantee or security for the customer's liabilities; (xiii) Any person who has established or proposes to establish any business relationship with the Bank; and (xiv) Selected companies for the purpose of informing customers of services which the Bank believes will be of interest to customers. (f) The Bank may access and obtain from credit reference agencies such information of the customer, including any account and personal information, held by a credit reference agency in accordance with the Ordinance. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank may from time to time access such information for reviewing any of the following matters in relation to the existing credit facilities granted to the customer: (i) an increase in the credit amount; (ii) the curtailing of credit (including the cancellation of credit or a decrease in the credit amount); (iii) the putting in place or the implementation of a scheme of arrangement with the customer. (g) Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance, any individual has the right: (i) To check whether the Bank holds data about him and of access to such data; (ii) To require the Bank to correct any data relating to him which is inaccurate; (iii) To ascertain the Bank's policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Bank; (iv) To be informed on request which items of data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies, and be provided with further information to enable the making of an access and correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency; and (v) In relation to data which has been provided by the Bank to a credit reference agency, to instruct the Bank upon termination of an account by full repayment to make a request to the credit reference agency to delete such data from its database, as long as the instruction is given within five years of termination and at no time did the account have a default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days within 5 years immediately before account termination. In the event the account has had a default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, the data may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or five years from the date of discharge from a bankruptcy as notified to Bank, whichever is earlier. (h) In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Bank has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. (i) In this Notice, the word "Bank Group Company" means the Head Office of the Bank in Singapore, any subsidiary or related company of the Bank, the holding company of the Bank's Head Office and any subsidiary or related company of such holding company. (j) The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding policies and practices and kinds of data held are to be addressed as follows: Data Protection Officer United Overseas Bank Limited Hong Kong Branch 25/F, Gloucester Tower The Landmark 15 Queen's Road, Central Hong Kong Facsimile: (852) 2810 5506 Telephone: (852) 2910 8888 (k) The Bank may have obtained a credit report on the customer from a credit reference agency in considering any application for credit. In the event the customer wishes to access the credit report, the Bank will advise the contact details of the relevant credit reference agency. (l) Data of customers may be processed, stored and transferred or disclosed in and to another jurisdiction outside Hong Kong as the Bank or any parties set out in paragraph (e) considers appropriate. Such data may also be released or disclosed in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations in such jurisdiction. (m) Nothing in this Notice shall limit the rights of customers under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. (n) The provisions of this Notice form part of the account terms and conditions and/or agreement or arrangements which a customer enters into with the Bank and if any inconsistency is found, the provisions of this Notice shall prevail. Effective 1st September 2007 Note: In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
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