• 土壤养分分级标准 > pdf - 基于asi 法的长江流域冬油菜区土壤有效磷钾硼丰缺指标研究
  • pdf - 基于asi 法的长江流域冬油菜区土壤有效磷钾硼丰缺指标研究

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    文档作者:Bowne of Washington -- EDOC
    中国农业科学 2009,42(6):2028-2033 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
    doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2009.06.019
    基于 ASI 法的长江流域冬油菜区土壤有效 磷,钾,硼丰缺指标研究
    邹 娟 ,鲁剑巍 ,陈 防 ,李银水
    1 1 2 1
    (1 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉 430070;2 中国科学院武汉植物园,武汉 430074)
    摘要:【目的】为当前生产条件下长江流域油菜测土配方施肥技术的推广提供理论依据.【方法】2004-2006 连续 3 个年度在长江流域 10 省布置油菜肥效田间试验,并用 ASI 法对基础土壤样品进行测试分析,以缺素区与推 荐施肥区油菜籽相对产量95%为标准,分别将土壤有效磷,钾和硼分 成"严重缺乏""缺乏""轻度缺乏""适宜"和"丰富"5 级.【结果】长江流域油菜区土壤有效磷"严重缺 , , , 乏"指标为38.0 mg PL-1;本研究没有建立土壤有效钾及有效硼的"严重缺乏" 指标,土壤有效钾 "缺乏""轻度缺乏""适宜"和"丰富"的指标分别是100 mg KL-1;土壤有效硼"缺乏""轻度缺乏""适宜"和"丰富"的指标分别是1.50 mg BL-1. 【结论】在长江流域油菜主产区,运用 ASI 法测定 的土壤有效磷,钾及硼含量高低分别与不施磷,不施钾及不施硼处理的油菜籽相对产量呈显著正相关关系,据此 建立的土壤养分丰缺指标可以用来指导长江流域油菜的测土配方施肥工作. 关键词:油菜;ASI 方法;土壤有效磷;土壤有效钾;土壤有效硼;土壤养分丰缺指标
    Study on Abundance and Deficiency Indices of Soil Available P, K and B for Winter Rapeseed in Yangtze River Valley Based on ASI Method
    ZOU Juan1, LU Jian-wei1, CHEN Fang2, LI Yin-shui1
    (1College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070; 2Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430074)
    Abstract:【Objective】To provide a theoretical basis for soil testing and fertilizing recommendation for rapeseed production in the region of Yangtze River valley. 【Method】 Field experiments were conducted in 10 main rapeseed production provinces in the valley during 2004-2006. A series of soil samples were taken before rapeseed transplanting and analyzed by ASI (Agro Services International) method. The abundance and deficiency indices were determined based on the relationship between crop relative yield and available soil nutrient values. Compared to the complete treatment, the relative yields of 60%, 75%, 90% and 95% obtained from the -P, -K and -B treatments were selected to establish the abundance and deficiency indices of soil available P, K and B for winter rapeseed. 【Result】 The extreme deficiency, deficiency, slight deficiency, optimum and abundance indices for soil available P were 38.0 mg PL-1, respectively. The extreme deficiency critical values for soil available K and B were not appeared in this research. The deficiency, slight deficiency, optimum and abundance critical values for soil available K and B were 100 mg KL-1; and 1.50 mg BL-1, respectively.【Conclusion】The relative yields of the -P, -K and -B treatments were significantly correlated with soil available


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