• 徐州上门男士按摩服务 > 富邦网上理财服务更改表格
  • 富邦网上理财服务更改表格

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    富邦「网上理财」服务更改表格 Fubon e-banking Service Maintenance Form
    致:富邦银(香港)有限公司 To: Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited 日期 Date ________________________
    请填妥以下表格,签署后亲身交回本各分或寄回香港中环邮政总局 9878 号富邦银收. Please complete this form with signature and return it to any Fubon branch in person or mail to Fubon Bank GPO Box 9878, Hong Kong. 1. 请以英文正楷填写,并在适当地方加上剔号及删去未被应用之空位 Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS, place「」in the appropriate box and delete whichever inapplicable. 2. 在一般情况下,阁下的申请表将在本收到当日起计算 5 个工作天内完成 Your request will normally be processed within 5 working days upon receipt of your form. 3. 如有需要,本职员会络申请人以核实并正有关资 The Bank may contact you if any clarification is required.
    客户资 Customer Details
    客户姓名 Customer Name 身份证明文件号码 / 商业登记号码 ID Document No. / BR No. 电邮地址 * Email Address* 基本户口号码 Primary Account No.
    指示 Instruction(s)
    □ 「一次专用密码」短讯及交确认提示服务 One Time Password (OTP) and SMS Confirmation Alert Service

    如登记 / 改「一次专用密码」及交确认短讯提示服务,请把表格亲身交回本 For Register / Amend One Time Password (OTP) and SMS Confirmation Alert Service, please return the completed form to any Fubon branch in person 「一次专用密码」及交确认短讯提示服务只提供予个人及名户口(单式签署) The OTP and SMS Confirmation Alert Service is available to personal and joint account (either one to sign) only 此服务只适用於香港动电话号码 This service is only applicable to Hong Kong mobile phone number 用以下香港动电话号码以接收「一次专用密码」及交确认短讯提示以进指定的网上交 # Register the following Hong Kong mobile phone number to receive One Time Password (OTP) and SMS Confirmation Alert in order to perform designated online transaction # 香港动电话号码 Hong Kong Mobile Phone No.:
    登记 Register
    改 Amend
    删除「一次专用密码」短讯服务 Delete OTP SMS Service
    注意 Notes: 1) 上述之动电话号码将会取代阁下任何过往曾用以登记「一次专用密码」之动电话号码.如有改,请填妥此表格后亲身交回本. The mobile number specified above will override any mobile number previously registered with the Bank for receiving the OTP. Please complete this form and return it to any Fubon branch in person if the Hong Kong mobile phone number is changed. 为加强网上财保安,阁下获得多一重交确认提示短讯的保障.如一内未有使用指定网上交#,此服务会暂停. In the interests of added security, you will receive additional security of a SMS Confirmation Alert for any designated online transaction made. If customer has not made designated online transaction # for one year, such service will be suspended. 阁下的香港动电话服务供应商可能会因上述之短讯收取费用.本会承担任何上述之短讯而阁下的动电话服务供应商或其他有关机构 所收取的费用. There may be service charges levied by your Hong Kong mobile phone service provider for the SMS specified above. The Bank will not be liable to any charges requested by your Hong Kong mobile phone service provider or any other related parties for the above SMS. 短讯传送及接收可能会因为上述之香港动电话号码或其他有关机构之网络交通繁忙或其他原因有所延误,本会承担因电讯网络故障而 构成之任何服务中断,延误,或误发所引致的损失. Delivery of the SMS may be subject to delayed transmission due to the network traffic of the service provider of the Hong Kong mobile phone number specified above or any other related parties. The Bank will not be liable for any interruption, delays, unavailability or mistaken delivery due to any failure of the telecommunication network. 指定网上交包括以下交 Designated online transaction includes the following - 转账至未登记的「第三者富邦银」账户及「其他香港银」账户之服务 - 缴费至「银或信用卡服务」,「信贷财务」,「证券公司」,「膳食服务」,「印刷服务」及「其他」商户之服务 - Service of Fund transfer to non-registered third party Fubon account and other local bank account - Service of Bill payment to 'Banking and Credit Card Services', 'Credit Services', 'Securities Broker', 'Catering Services', 'Printing Services' and 'Others'


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