• cadarx时间锁定 > 厂商聚集的锁定效果递增报酬的模拟观察
  • 厂商聚集的锁定效果递增报酬的模拟观察

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    地理学报 第四十期:69-97 (2005) JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE (40): 69-97 (2005)
    全球经济变迁,发展型国家 与台湾城乡规划之重探
    都市企业主义适用性的地理探查及其治理危机 Global Shifts, Developmental State and the Town-Rural Planning Revisited in Taiwan
    A Geographic Enquiry and Governance Crisis for the Adaptation of Urban Entrepreneurialism
    李永展* Yung-Jaan Lee 蓝逸之** I-Chih Lan 庄翰华 Han-Hwa Juang
    The experience of spatial development in Taiwan during the postwar era suggests that the most serious problems are the urban-rural uneven development and spatial polarization. The problems have now become even worse owing to the impact of economic globalization. Meanwhile, the state, in order to respond to the challenges within global economy, has adapted to some narratives from "urban entrepreneurialism" for the urban development strategies since the 1990s. The
    * 中国文化大学建筑及都市计画研究所教授 Professor, Graduate Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chinese Culture University. ** 国立彰化师范大学地理学系硕士 Master, Department of Geography, National Chang-Hua University of Education. 国立彰化师范大学地理学系教授 Professor, Department of Geography, National Chang-Hua University of Education.
    planning authorities, however, have dramatically neglected the differences between developmental state and West-Atlantic urban experience. This essay attempts to make sense of the concept and background from the perspective of urban entrepreneurialism. We then discuss the urban process under a developmental state ideology and its consequent uneven development. We also try to explain how the developmental state ideology functions within the context of global economy and its hazardous effect of spatial polarization. Finally, we criticize the discourse paradox and possible crisis in Taiwan's urban-rural development if the planning authorities adapt entrepreneurial narratives without an awareness of the problem origins created from the developmentalist. Keywords: town-rural planning, urban entrepreneurialism, developmental state, spatial polarization, flexible accumulation.


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