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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Lenovo User
    Service & Support 为什么 CP443-1 Advanced 的固件版本与 NCM S7 诊断中的 C-PLUG 信息文本显示的版本号不同 显示订货号 6GK7443-1EX40-0XE0 6GK7443-1EX41-0XE0 SIMATIC NET, CP 443-1 ADVANCED SIMATIC NET, CP 443-1 ADVANCED
    描述: 下列相关信息应用于以下的工业以太网 CP 模块: 6GK7443-1EX40-0XE0 (CP443-1 Advanced) 6GK7443-1EX41-0XE0 (CP443-1 Advanced)
    模块带有一个 C-PLUG 卡 (通过插入组态).组态信息和文件系统是通过 HTML 文件和 FTP 文件来存 储在此的.如果模块损坏了, C-PLUG 和它所存储的所有信息将被传送到替换的模块上. 通过 NCM 诊断可以读出 C-PLUG 所存储的原来的模块信息 (参见图. 01 "NCM 诊断").
    ( 27 KB ) 图. 01: NCM 诊断 一个软件版本显示在 "C-PLUG 信息文本"中.此软件版本是 C-PLUG 最后一次初始化所带的值. 在 "Modules" 对话框中显示的固件版本是在当前实际诊断模块上所载入的值. 在下列的案例中可能会引起在"C-PLUG 信息文本" 和"Modules" 对话框中版本的不同. 备件更换:损坏模块的替换.把出现损坏的模块上所插的 C-PLUG 卡更换到现在所使用的新 的模块上.如果新模块的固件版本比原来模块的更新,那么会显示不同的版本号. 固件更新:如果模块的固件被更新,那么新的固件版本会显示在"Modules" 对话框中.旧的固件 版本仍然显示在 "C-PLUG 信息文本"中.
    在此列出的案例, 固件版本显示的不同不会影响模块的功能,即:功能不受限制 同步显示固件版本: 可以通过格式化 C-PLUG 同步显示固件版本,方法是通过 NCM 诊断目录 "Operating Mode" -> "Format C-PLUG for this module". 注意: 格式化 C-PLUG 会永久删除存储的数据因此必须重新下载模块: 永久存储地址参数如 I 地址,LAN 设置等. 存储 HTML 文件和 FTP 文件的文件系统 存储 CBA 互联网络信息
    因此必须重视. 条目号:27080046 日期:2008-01-03
    Why with CP443-1 Advanced is a different firmware version than the module displayed in the C-PLUG info text in the NCM S7 Diagnostics Display part number www.4008104288.com.cn (填写文档类型:常问问题) P1-2
    Service & Support 6GK7443-1EX40-0XE0 6GK7443-1EX41-0XE0 SIMATIC NET, CP 443-1 ADVANCED SIMATIC NET, CP 443-1 ADVANCED
    Description: The information given here applies to the following Industrial Ethernet CPs: 6GK7443-1EX40-0XE0 (CP443-1 Advanced) 6GK7443-1EX41-0XE0 (CP443-1 Advanced)
    The modules have a C-PLUG (Configuration Plug). Configuration information and the file system for storing HTML files and FTP files are stored there. If the module is defective, the C-PLUG and all its stored information can be transferred to the replacement module. Via the NCM Diagnostics you can read out the information of the C-PLUG just used (see Fig. 01 "NCM Diagnostics").
    ( 27 KB ) Fig. 01: NCM Diagnostics A software version is given under "C-PLUG info text". This is the software version with which the CPLUG was last initialized. In the "Modules" dialog window you have a display of the firmware version that is actually loaded in the diagnosed module. In the following cases it is possible that different versions are displayed under "C-PLUG info text" and in the "Modules" dialog window. Spare parts scenario: A defective module is replaced. The C-PLUG of the defective module is used in the new module. If the new module has a more recent firmware version loaded than in the defective module, you get display of the different versions. Firmware update: If the firmware of a module is updated, the new firmware version is displayed in the "Modules" dialog window. The old firmware version is still displayed under "C-PLUG info text".


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