• 盗情txt新浪 > 010expo/2010-09/06/content112602
  • 010expo/2010-09/06/content112602

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    IPR2 in the news
    A collection of news media coverage of IPR2 activities
    www.ipr2.org info@ipr2.org
    IPR2 in the news – World Expo Shanghai 2010
    A collection of news media coverage and reporting of the EU-China Project for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR2) for activities taking place in the context of the World Expo Shanghai from 3-4 September 2010. www.ipr2.org
    Summary of Press Clippings
    Total: 130 counted press clippings
    ‐ 115 online clippings
    15 online clippings in English 92 online clippings in Chinese 8 online clippings in European languages (Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
    ‐ ‐
    6 newspaper clippings 9 TV/Online Video press clippings
    Xinhua's CNC World TV Station released a TV program in English featuring interviews with Mr. Battistelli and Mr. Tian Xinhua News Agency released two TV reports in Chinese International Channel Shanghai released a TV news program in English featuring an interview with Mr. Pulch People's Daily Online IP Channel released two online video reports of the moot court People's Daily Online IP Channel released two online videos of exclusive interview with Mr. Battistelli and Mr. Lawrence CCTV released an episode of their TV Program Dialogue featuring an in-depth conversation between Mr. Battistelli and TV anchor Mr. Yang Rui
    Media clipping overview (World Expo Shanghai, September 2010) Online news clippings Print news clippings TV/Online video clippings Page 3-20 Page 21-113 Page 114-126 Page 127-141
    Media clipping overview (World Expo Shanghai, September 2010)
    Publication Online News Clippings English Language
    Intellectual property rights protection improving in China Intellectual property rights protection improving in China Intellectual property rights protection improving in China China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU China promises larger role in IPR protection, more co-op with EU


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