The fundamentalists now have billion dollar private armies. The Taliban is back but never went away. Women are burned, raped, bludgeoned, sold, starved, and buried alive and still don't know they are the majority Water is clearly nearly running out but even in the desert where there's serious drought the golf courses are green and lush And the swimming pools are full of water For the 12 rich people who might decide to come. Special people adopt hand picked babies in far away lands their flight there cost more than the babies parents made this year. Why don't they just give it to them Slavery is back but never went away. Just asked anyone whose been whipped how deep the legacy Six million dead in the Congo and they never made the news and don't tell me it doesn't have
to do with color and minerals. Poor folks are dying first From Hurricanes Shame Tsunamis Radiation Pollution Floods And neglect. Rich folks Just put up fancier super electrified gates On their private perfect cities. Everyone's having "benefits" and throwing fancy parties with lots of swag so the rich people feel good about giving away the tiny little bit of the whole lot they have. But no one really wants to change anything if you really want it you have to give something up like everything and then those that have, wouldn't and then who would they be And that's too complicated
so they write checks and keep doing the same old things. Selling change. Making revolution profitable. Corporations own everything anyway even our hippie jeans, memory cells and rain. Why do so many women leaders look like Margaret Thatcher And act even meaner Why doesn't anyone remember anything And how come rich bad people Get paid lots of money to give speeches And poor bad people are tortured And in prisons Is there anyone in charge Or is this whole thing spinning out until it explodes or dissolves And if there is something we can do why aren't we doing it What happened to fury What happened to accuracy or accountability What happened to not showing off your wealth What happened to kindness What happened to teenagers rebelling instead of buying and selling What happened to teenagers kissing
- hereshecomesnow > once-something-now-so-over
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