• dnf131 > commonalities/harmonisation
  • commonalities/harmonisation

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Date: 17.06.2008
    DS D2.5 – Generic Conceptual Model: Comments and Resolutions Table
    (Comments are related to the D2.5 version 2.0)
    Comm# Progres sive comme nt numb. ID LMO/SDIC ID LMO/ 1 2 3 4 5 - Comment SDIC LMO/ Commen Chapter, Paragraph Type Comment (justification for /Figure of change) SDIC t ID section or clause /Table comm no./ /Note ent Subclause No./ Annex SDIC 45778 Requirement G We support all of the requirements s and and recommendations except as Recommend detailed below ations LMO IGN1 all document G How existing specifications, metadata, etc. of existing datasets are to be made available as such with the datasets themselves from the Inspire specs, metadata etc. 6 - Proposed change Proposed change 7 - Resolution Final combined resolution (Drafting Team DS, Comment Resolution Workshop, JRC)
    1 EuroGeographics EuroGeographics 2 Institut Géographique National
    3 Institut Géographique National 4 Institut Géographique National
    all document
    use of examples is precious for the comprehension! There is no clear view of the focus of the document: does it provide a Generic Conceptual Model Rules for Data Harmonization For Specification Harmonization The document Generic Conceptual Model describes a very comprehensive and advanced Clarify
    Ap - It is unclear, if a change to the document is proposed. The comment has not been understood that way. To clarify: INSPIRE will give access mechanisms to the original information coming from the stakeholders that are free to decide if they want to share their specifications and which way they do so. Metadata will be published by the data owners according to the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules. A possible way to access them will be through the INSPIRE Geoportal. INSPIRE data specifications will be published as Implementing Rules and - according to the proposal from DT DS - also via registry services. -


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