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    HPH News: The newsletter of the High Plains Harriers
    Summer 2010
    An affiliate of the Road Runners Club of America
    Inside This Issue
    1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 President's Corner Race Recap: Laramie Duathlon Race Recap: Pilot Hill 25k Classic A Newbie's Perspective on Pilot Hill Trail Spotlight: Medicine Bow Rail Trail Runner Spotlight: Ethan Lockwood Runner Spotlight: Elisabeth Boersma Runner Spotlight: Patrick Eastman To Your Health: The Gluteus Medius Ready, set… start training! Race Recap: Big Horn 50 Miler Celebrate Life! Buckin' for the Cure Harrier Happenings Results Page Summer Race Calendar About the High Plains Harriers Membership Application
    President's Corner
    Welcome to HPH News - the newsletter for the High Plains Harriers running club! We are excited to bring you the second issue of the newsletter. The first issue included Race Recaps, Runner Spotlights, and a Spring 2010 race calendar. In this issue, we bring you even more features, including a new Trail Spotlight section (p. 2), a "To Your Health" column by local chiropractor Dr. David Milam (p. 4), and a Results Page (p. 7), as well as more Race Recaps and Runner Spotlights of club members Ethan Lockwood, Elisabeth Boersma, and Patrick Eastman. Wyoming State Championship 10k Don't miss out on the Adam Towler Memorial 5k/10k on July 17. The 10k race will be the Wyoming State Championship 10k! Both courses are certified – as the only two certified courses in town, these are great opportunities to go for a new PR! HPH is getting a makeover! Stay tuned for a new High Plains Harriers logo and website in the coming months!
    Race Recap: Laramie Duathlon
    June 12, 2010
    Find us on the web:
    The Laramie Duathlon consisted of a 5k run - 25k bike - 2k run on the roads of West Laramie and offered both individual and relay categories, as well as a children's race. The duathlon is a low key event that provides an excellent opportunity for beginning and experienced athletes to challenge themselves at a multisport event. Mother Nature added to the challenge this year as racers were greeted with a cold, wet, and windy June morning. Despite the inclement weather and a smaller number of participants, the race was a great success. The participants ranged from those completing their first-ever duathlon to seasoned competitors. Brian Bradley, a member of the U.S. Marine Corp Triathlon team, won the overall title, while Tina Willson was the first female across the line. Complete results can be found at http://www.highplainsharriers.org/results/DUATHALON_2010_OVERALL.HTM.


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