• uc3844pdf > file:///E|/uc/dc/html/Agendahtml
  • file:///E|/uc/dc/html/Agendahtml

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    Title: Date of meeting: Venue: Date Modified: Description:
    Agenda of Usage Board meeting Saturday, 12 October 2002 - all day Sunday, 13 October 2002 - all day Florence, Italy 2002-10-07 The agenda is maintained and occasionally updated by the Usage Board Chair, Tom Baker in the weeks preceding a meeting. Revisions are posted to the Usage Board mailing list, which publicly accessible on a read-only basis at [1]. On completion of a meeting, the agenda is archived on the DCMI Web site and can be accessed through the Usage Board Meetings page [2]. Guests: Makx Dekkers, Saturday Rachel Heery, Sunday Apologies: Roland Schwaenzl
    Expected participation: Tom Baker, chair Andy Powell Diane Hillmann Haruki Nagata Rebecca Guenther, late arrival Stuart Sutton Traugott Koch
    Saturday, 12 October 0830-1200: 210" Total 20" Grammar (1) 90" Process (2) 30" Encoding Scheme registration (3) 40" UB Web pages (8) 30" Coffee 1200-1300: 60" Lunch
    1300-1700: 240" Total 30" Schema representations (9) 30" Coffee Time permitting: -- Anything not finished from the morning -- DC-Gov terms -- Structured values Sunday, 12 October 0830-1200: 210" 60" 60" 30" 1200-1300:
    Total (need 180" ) DC-Gov terms (7) Role values (6) Coffee
    60" Lunch Total Structured Values (4) Libraries profile (5) Coffee
    1300-1700: 240" 60" 60" 30"
    1. Statement of Dublin Core "grammar" (Tom Baker) Time: 20 min Tom: Everyone should re-read the currently posted version of the one-page grammar statement and compare it with the 2002-10-06 version. The 2002-10-06 version includes an Issues list at the end that would of course be deleted
    file:///E|/uc/=dc/_html/Agenda.html (1 of 4) [08/10/2002 09:58:05]


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