条款及细则: 1. 处处积分兑现」 推广优惠( 「此推广」 )之推广期由2011年11月1日至2012年3月31日 ,包括首 ,尾两天( 「推广期」 ).优惠只适用於参与签账积分计 划之MANHATTAN信用卡及MANHATTAN联营卡( 「适用信用卡」 ).优惠并不适用於参与渣打 「CASHBACK现金回赠」 计划之信用卡.适用信用 卡以渣打银行(香港)有限公司( 本行」 「 )之不时公布为准. 2. 客户参加此推广必须以适用信用卡完成合资格零售交易满HK$500(以单一交易计算),并於签账后14天内进行以积分换领签账金额的手续( 「积分 换领」 ),否则本行不接受迟交之登记. 3. 合资格零售交易( 合资格交易」 「 )包括以适用信用卡於推广期内所作之本地零售购物签账,并以港币结算交易(根据显示在月结单上之交易日期计算 及已志账之交易).其他交易包括但不只限於海外签账,现金透支 ,网上购物,邮购,电话购物, 自动转账,缴交公共事务费用,保费, 八达通自动增 值 ,免息分期付款计划之总金额及每月供款,手续费,年费,逾期费用,超额费用, 利息/财务费用,结余转账之金额及利息 「兑现年息优惠」 , 计划 之金额及利息/手续费, 「兑现分期」 「月结单分期」 或 计划之供款及利息/手续费,网上缴款, 兑换筹码及缴税金额均不适用於此推广计划.所有 未志账/取消/退款/伪造/未经许可的交易均不适用於此推广计划. 4. 兑换率以每260积分可兑换HK$1并以整数计算(须为HK$1之倍数), 客户最高可以积分兑换该签账最多一半金额.抵消之签账金额将会回赠至该信 用卡户口.任何已过期之积分并不适用. 5. 如适用信用卡户口内之积分结余不足够兑换签账金额之一半, 本行将会根据兑换率扣除最多之积分以兑换该签账部份金额,而无须预先通知. 例子: 签账金额 HK$500 HK$500 可扣除签账积分 65,000 13,000 兑换签账金额 65,000/260 = HK$250 13,000/260 = HK$50
6. 兑换之签账金额将於10个工作天内志账入适用信用卡之主卡户口内, 并显示在下期月结单上.客户亦会於14个工作天内收到信函通知换领结果. 7. 此推广适用於适用信用卡户口之主卡及附属卡, 户口内之积分会合并计算用作积分换领.惟每次积分换领会以每个信用卡户口计算 客户不能合并 , 其他信用卡户口作积分换领. 8. 积分换领一经本行处理,不能更改 ,取消或退回已换领之积分. 9. 换领之积分受签账积分优惠之条款及细则限制,详情请浏览 10. 於有关之持卡人账户取消后(不论是自愿或非自愿)接获之任何签账积分换领申请均属无效.自账户取消该天起,该账户内所累积之积分即属无效. 11. 有关之信用卡户口必须於存入兑换之签账金额时仍为有效及信用状况良好, 方可享有此推广优惠.若客户於签账年度内曾未能於信用卡户口之月 结单上列明的缴款日期或之前缴付最低款额, 本行保留不给予此推广优惠之权利. 12. 本行保留修订签账积分计划条款细则及此推广计划的条款及细则之权利,毋须事先通知.如有任何争议, 本行保留最终决定权. 13. 中英文版本之内容如有歧义,概以英文版为准. Terms & Conditions: 1. Bonus Points Cash Conversion Promotion ("Promotion") is valid from 1 November 2011 to 31 March 2012 (both days inclusive) ("Promotion Period"), and is applicable to MANHATTAN Credit Card and MANHATTAN Co-branded Cards under the Bonus Points Scheme ("Qualified Credit Card"), except Cards under the Standard Chartered Cash Back Scheme. The Qualified Credit Card is subject to announcement by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited ("The Bank") from time to time. 2. To be eligible for the Promotion, customer must make an Eligible Retail Transaction (as defined in clause 3 below) of at least HK$500 or more, and register for the Bonus Points Cash Conversion to offset the transaction amount of Eligible Retail Transaction within 14 days after the transaction made ("Redemption"). Late registration will not be accepted. 3. Eligible Retail Transaction ("Eligible Retail Transaction") includes local retail purchase made in Hong Kong Dollar with the Qualified Credit Card during the Promotion Period (based on the transaction date shown on the monthly statement and only posted transactions would be included). Other transactions including but not limited to overseas transactions, cash advance, internet order, mail order, phone order, auto payment, utilities bill, insurance payment, Octopus Automatic Add-Value amount, principal & monthly billed amount of Interest-free Instalment Plan, handling fee, annual fee, past due charges, overlimit charges, interest/finance charges, balance transfer amount and interests, "Credit-toCash" Preferential Annual Rate Program amount and interests/handling fee, "Instalment Credit" Plan or "Statement Instalment Plan" monthly instalment amount and interest/handling fee, online bill payment, casino chip exchange and tax payment are not eligible for the Promotion. Any unposted/cancelled/refunded/falsified and any unauthorized transactions are also excluded. 4. With the conversion rate of every 260 Bonus Points to HK$1(multiple of HK$1), Cardholder can offset maximum 50% of the Eligible Retail Transaction amount with Bonus Points. Offset amount will be credited into specified card account as spending credit. Any expired Bonus Points will not be counted. 5. If the Bonus Points balance in the specified card account is insufficient to redeem 50% of the Eligible Retail Transaction, the Bank will redeem available Bonus Points to offset the partial amount based on the conversion rate as much as possible without further notice. For examples: Transaction Amount HK$500 HK$500 Bonus Points Available 65,000 13,000 Offset Amount 65,000/260 = HK$250 13,000/260 = HK$50
- 百度wwwe2011年8月9号 > MANHATTAN 信用卡处处积分兑现登记表格 (由2011年9月1日至10月31日)
MANHATTAN 信用卡处处积分兑现登记表格 (由2011年9月1日至10月31日)
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