• 97djr > non-committingWe
  • non-committingWe

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Important Information
    The information provided in this catalog has been carefully complied,but we may emphasize that it is non-committing.We do not give any warranty for the correctness.Particularly we do not undertake any warranty for changes in the equipment by the manufacturers of vehicles or engines nor for changes in the designation of the parts.Any references to errors in the catalog which you may advise are welcome and will lead to corrections in future issues of the catalog. Subject to be changed without notice. Names ,desriptions,numbers of vehicles or manufacturers etc. are only stated for reference.All figures,drawings and other data serve for explanatory and for illustration purposes only.Any reprint ,imitation and reproduction shall be subject to our prior approval in writing with exact indication of the source.
    Design feature of Pistons
    Cast Piston Distinguish itself with a long operating life and economic viability for gasoline and diesel engines.In this piston ,the piston crown,ring zone and skirt make a robust unit.Therefore the possibilities for use range from a small to a large engine
    Al-fin Piston Have a ring carrier made of special cast iron which is cast into piston.This provides protection to the top ring groove from the wear and tear which diesel engines in particular are increase the loads to which the pin boss can be subjected.
    Al-fin & cooling gallery piston The piston is used in situations in which particularly high operating temperature occur.In order to reduce the high temperatures-which are caused by the increased performance –in the piston crown and in the ring area,intensive cooling is done by circulating oil in the cooling gallery.
    Al-fin, cooling gallery & head anodized piston This design is used for highly loaded diesel engines.For additional protection and in order to avoid cracking in the combustion chamber and the crown.the piston has a special hard anodized layer on the piston crown.(Head anodized)


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