• 微星990fxagd65 > GWERS

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Cyfarchion (Greetings). Ymestyn geirfa (Extending vocabulary)
    Geirfa plant annwyd gwraig f geiriau ardal f gwell gwella 'nabod children cold wife words area better to get better, to recover to know (a person) today tonight, this evening after but one as plantos y ffliw gr cn f gweddol blino cwrdd cyfarfod cyflwyno kiddies 'flu husband song fair to tire to meet to meet to present, to introduce this morning this afternoon
    heddiw heno ar l ond un
    y bore 'ma y p'nawn 'mao lawer yr ungyda, efo
    much, by far the same with
    y drws nesa(f) - next door ers blynyddoedd - for years i gyd all yn dda iawn a dweud y gwir -
    o'r blaen - before, previously yn gyfarwydd - familiar with very well
    as a matter of fact, in fact, to tell the truth, actually
    RHAN 1 Greetings - then asking after various members of the family. 1. The following greetings and responses are quite familiar to you Bore da! Nos da! Prynhawn da! Noswaith dda!
    Sut rwyt ti . . . . . . . . . Sut rydych chi . . . . . . Sut mae / Shwmai . . .
    heddiw y bore / p'nawn 'ma heno
    Sut mae Tom / dy wraig / dy r / y plant eich gwraig / eich gr / y plantos
    Da iawn (diolch) Eitha(f) da (diolch) Iawn (diolch) Ardderchog Gweddol Yn well (diolch) Yn well o lawer (diolch) Ddim yn dda (iawn) Ddim yn dda o gwbl Wedi blino!
    - Very well (thanks) - Quite well (thanks) - O.K Fine (thanks) Excellent - Fairly well - Better (thanks) - Much better (thanks) - Not (very) well - Not well at all - Tired!
    Sut mae Mary - Yn well (diolch). - How's Mary - Better (thanks) Sut mae'r plant - Ddim yn dda o gwbl. - How are the children - Not well at all. Sut mae'r teulu - Iawn (diolch). - How's the family - O.K Fine (thanks).
    Different types of questions Ydy Eleanor yn well ar l yr annwyd
    - Is Eleanor better after the (her) cold Ydy hi wedi gwella ar l yr annwyd - Has she recovered after the (her) cold Ydy Kevin yn well ar l y ffliw - Is Kevin better after the (his) flu Wyt ti wedi gwella ar l y ffliw - Have you recovered after the flu Ble mae Mary heddiw - Where's Mary today Ble mae'r plant y bore 'ma - Where are the children this morning 3. In responding to greetings, we can - as in English - merely use a word or a short phrase. But you can, if you choose to do so, reply using a full sentence Sut rwyt ti heddiw, Bill - How are you today Bill Da iawn diolch / 'Dw i'n dda iawn diolch. - Very well thanks / I'm very well thanks. Ble mae'r plant y bore 'ma - Where are the children this morning Yn y parc / Maen nhw yn y parc. - In the park / They're in the park. 4. o lawer This is a useful phrase to place after the adjective to convey 'much' or' by far' 'Dw i'n well o lawer heddiw. - I'm much better today. 5. gwella to improve, get better, recover


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