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  • price/performance

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    文档作者:Rui Alves Grilo
    White Paper A Flexible Architecture to Drive Sharp Two-Way Viewing Angle and Standard LCDs
    One of the most common elements in today's consumer and automotive electronics is the liquid crystal display (LCD). LCD technology has produced a large array of products that meet a wide range of size, power, and image quality requirements. Recent innovation from Sharp Electronics goes one step further with the development of a two-way viewing angle LCD product. The popularity of standard LCDs has led to a number of semiconductor solutions to drive them, ranging from ASSPs to full-custom devices. These devices are fixed-function solutions that can restrict the options of product developers who need either a flexible solution to support the needs of specific applications, or a scalable solution to support multiple, similar applications as in the case of a product line or family. In the case of two-way viewing LCD products, no standard driver solution exists, so a custom solution is required to support them. This paper discusses an innovative architecture based on FPGAs and soft-core embedded processors that supports both standard and two-way viewing LCD products.
    Traditional Solutions for Driving LCDs


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