• 1616点阵原理图 > 1H-MRS在鉴定大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝模型构建中的作用
  • 1H-MRS在鉴定大鼠非酒精性脂肪肝模型构建中的作用

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    China. dr_liang62@hotmail.com Received: 2007-11-21 Revised: 2008-02-23 Abstract AIM: To investigate the use of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) in the evaluation of nonalcoholic fatty liver model in rats. METHODS: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease model in Wistar rats (n = 24) was induced with high-fat diet. Eight rats fed with normal diet were used as controls. 1H-MRS was performed to confirm fatty liver at 0, 4, 8 and 12 wk. Degrees of fatty liver were evaluated pathologically. Blood of the rats were collected before sacrifice to analyze the liver function and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotrans- ferase (AST), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). RESULTS: Mild fatty liver was observed at 4 wk with predominantly microvesicular steato- sis. The degree of fatty liver progressed with the time, and moderate to severe fatty liver was induced at 12 wk. Except for 1 rat at 4 wk, fatty liver was successful induced in the rest 23 rats (grade 1 in 3, grade 2 in 14 and grade 3 in 6 rats according to the pathological grading system). Liver index, liver function and serum TC, TG and HDL-C were higher in experiment group than those in control group. Relative liver fat content measured by 1H-MRS in control group was 13.0% ± 7.1%, lower than 21%, and it was 56.7% ± 16.4% in experiment group, higher than 28%. There was significant difference between the above groups (t = 5.78, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Nonalcoholic fatty liver model can be induced with high-fat and high-cholester-


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