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  • 基于单片机的电梯模型控制系统的实现

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    文档标题:基于单片机的 电梯模型控制系统的实现

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    现代科学仪器 第 1 期 2009 年 2 月 - 50 - Modem Scientific Instruments No. 1 Feb 2009 基于单片机的 电梯模型控制系统的实现 刘嵩L2 陈心浩1 (1 中南民族大学电子信息工程学院 武汉 430074;2湖北民族学院信息工程学院 恩施 445000) 摘 要 电梯在人们的生产、生活、工作中日益重要,电梯模型是一种面向教学和科研的的电梯控制仿真系统, 有助于分析和设计实际电梯的电气控制系统。 以在电子竟赛中实现的五层教学电梯模型为例,介绍了一种以单片机 为核心的电梯模型控制系统的 实现方案,具体阐述了 系统的总体结构、硬件设计和软件调试。 调试结果表明该电梯 模型系统可靠性高、系统成本低、较为真实的模拟出一台单厢电梯模型控制系统的运行状况,对实际电梯的控制系统 设计有一定借鉴意义。 关键词 电梯模型;单片机;控制系统;调试 中图分类号 TP23 Realization of Elevator Model Control System Based on MCU Liu s0ng 1-2 ,chen xinhaol (1Co]lege of Electronics and Information engineering, SCUFN , Wuhan 430074,China) (2College of Infomation Engineering, Hubei Institute for Nationalities, Enshi Hubei 445000,China) Abstract The elevator has been playing a key role in our life such as production work and daily life. The elevator model is a frame of the high performance elevator control simulation system for teaching and research . In this paper, the elevator model for five ?oors is given as a example realized in the competition. The realization pro- ject of elevator model control system with the core of the MCU is presented. The hardware and software implemen- tation way on modularization is described, which contributed to the analysis and design of the actual elevator’ S e- lectric control system. Debugging result shows that the system not only has high reliability, but also cost is low. It is a real imitation of a single - phase building. The model gives a platform for the further research of the new ele- vator control technologies. Key Words Elevator model; MCU; Control system;Debugging 电梯是现代高层建筑中必不可少 的垂直代步设备,


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