• canyoufeelthat > how you can help dr.mani fight chd
  • how you can help dr.mani fight chd

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    How YOU Can Help Dr.Mani Fight CHD!
    A Short Guide to Keeping the Conversation Going – and Growing
    Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian is a heart surgeon using his Internet marketing business to fund heart surgery for under-privileged children in India.
    This message has reached several thousand people over the last decade. It has brought in over $100,000 in donations to the Dr.Mani Children Heart Foundation. The money has already sponsored 23 heart operations for children with congenital heart disease, with many to follow. By helping spread the message to many more people about Dr.Mani's work with children affected by congenital heart defects, you will help save a child's life. And you can do it easily. How
    By joining the conversation.
    Good brands create conversation. And the conversation spreads and reinforces the brand. Dr.Mani's brand is all about saving a heart child's life. You will help in this worthy goal simply by extending and expanding the conversation. In this short guide, you will learn WHY you should care WHAT you can do HOW you can help It will NOT take much time; it will NOT cost any money; it will NOT involve much effort.
    And it will save a child's life.
    Thank you for joining the conversation. Let's talk about where it's happening...
    Dr.Mani & Congenital Heart Defects Where's The Conversation
    Results from a survey we conducted showed that many people were inspired and interested in the queer combination of a heart surgeon using Internet marketing to raise money. That alone, together with the consistency of Dr.Mani's work over 10 years, led to many conversations about congenital heart defects. They were in 2 areas: Dr.Mani's work with 'heart kids' Dr.Mani's Internet business Some of it was 'Event based' and built around:
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    CHD Awareness Day on February 14th the 'Heart Kids Blogathon' (held in August-September) the 'Save a Child's Heart Firesale' (held every quarter)
    The rest was 'Activity based' and divided between Dr.Mani's CHD awareness work and his Internet business. Much of the conversation is happening online - in discussion forums, via email, through personal messaging, on websites and blogs, and other places. Some of it happens offline - at seminars and workshops, in discussions with clients and partners, and (as a pleasant surprise) even in conversations with family and friends.


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