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    《信息经济学》课程 PBL 教学模式问题研究报告
    学 院 经济与贸易学院 专 业 国际经济与贸易 国贸 2007 级(3)班 年级班别 组 别 国贸 2007 级(3)班 1 组 组 长 黄雁生 组员姓名:郑健龙,鲍国文,陈志均 程坤峰,范伟峰,甘 炜 胡俊超,胡 韬,詹晓嘉 指导教师 易露霞
    2009 年 12 月

    商务谈判是商务活动的主要内容和核心,它是指在商务活动中,不同企业为满 足某一需要或达到某一目标而进行的讨论和洽谈的商业活动.它的显著特点是商业 性和对抗性.商务谈判过程的本质是双方(或多方)当事人的博弈过程.谈判中各方 充分利用谈论技巧,策略,在追求自身最佳得益的前提下,获取最有利的交易条[1]. 近年来,博弈论在商务谈判中的应用也备受关注.商务谈判作为经济交往重要 组成部分,具有博弈活动所具有的特征.在商务谈判中会遇到类似"囚徒困境"这 样的博弈问题.纳什利用当时博弈论的成就解决谈判问题,提出了强谈判理论,给 出了谈判的唯一可行解,使谈判具有一定的科学性. 本研究报告主要研究的是商务谈判中的博弈行为. 本报告在第一,二章介绍了博弈论的基本知识以及商务谈判的有关知识的基础 上,在第三章通过对变和博弈中著名的"囚徒困境"和"红黑博弈"的分析来介绍 了常见的商务谈判局面,阐述了商务谈判中的博弈行为,给出了商务谈判的模型. 第四章通过对相关数据的收集和谈判模型的仿真,揭示了博弈模型中所蕴含着的复 杂的商务谈判的道理,进一步揭示了博弈论在商务谈判中的应用.
    The business negotiation is the main content and the core in the business activities. It is a kind of commercial activities discussion between many different enterprises, in order to reach a certain goal. It is characterized by a significant commercial and confrontational. The business negotiation' nature is a game that between the negotiation both sides. In pursuit of their own benefit, to obtain the most favorable terms of trade, skills and strategies are usually used in the business negotiation. In recent years, game theory has become a hot research economist in the business negotiation. As the main content of the economists, business negotiation also has some characteristics just as the characteristics in the game activities. In the business negotiation, some games may be met like "Prisoner's Dilemma". Nash's achievements of game theory solved the business negotiation at that time, and he put forward a strong bargaining theory, given the only feasible solution, made the negotiations with a certain degree of scientific. The paper researches game behavior in the business negotiation. Base the basic knowledge of game theory and business negotiations in the first and second chapter, in chapter three, the paper introduces the common situation of the business negotiation according to the analysis of the famous "Prisoner's Dilemma" and the "Red Game" in the changed game, and elaborate the game behaviors on the business negotiation, and then gives out the model of business negotiation.Finally, according to the collection of relevant data and simulate the model of business negotiation, the paper conclude the complexity logic of the business negotiations inherent in the game model, and reveals the game theory's application in the business negotiations further.


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