• 中南财经政法大学概率论与数理统计试卷及答案 > 陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材造可作考研英语教材
  • 陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材造可作考研英语教材

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    文档标题:陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材 造 可作考研英语教材
    关键词:2010考研英语大纲下载,20?考研英语考试大纲 10年司法考试大纲 3509考研政治考试大纲_2013考研复习计划_2013考研教材_2012年农学
    主题:陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材 造 可作考研英语教材
    修订:iText 5.0.5 (c) 1T3XT BVBA
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    陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材 造 可作考研英语教材 考研报名网 http://www.5dep.com 陈冠希英文道歉语潜心打考研英语教材 造 可作考研英语教材 曾有网友表示陈冠希和阿娇回应“艳照门”事故,完全可以当作商学院的“公关危 机执掌伎俩”科主意正后背典型案例来运用。而陈冠希的那段全英文陪罪论述也成了英语进修 欢欣喜爱者的“教材”,由于这篇论述稿从语法到词汇都真的很考究,一概是一批不但 精明英语,。还对公共心境和言论不妨流向的方向了然在心的幕先人士撰写的。 陪罪原文如下: Today Ihave come in order to Hong Kong to stany kind ofd possibly a person decide to. turn out to as the reason for myself; I’ve never escaped from the my responsicity. During the past few weeks. I’ve ingrelistingy been with my mother. any kind ofd my folks. any kind ofd love ones. to show support any kind ofd care. any kind ofd simultany kind ofeously haudio-videoe their support any kind ofd care for me. 2010考研英语大纲下载,20?考研英语考试大纲 10年司法考试大纲 I listingmit most of the photos being circulingestedd on the Internet were taken by me. but the photos were very privingested. any kind ofd haudio-videoe now not demonstringestedd any kind of meany kind ofs to people. any kind ofdre never intended to see to any kind ofyone. Their photos were stolen from me illegfinest friend. any kind ofd distributed without my consent. There is no doubt whoever obtained these photos hlisting ingrelistingy been uplodriving instructorng them on the Internet with mingicious any kind ofd deliberingested intent. This muponter hjust astercingingestedd to the extend thupon the society generfinest friend has ingrelistingy been effected by this. in getition to this regard. I iham deeply slisting in it. I would like now to you should be most of the people for most of the suffering thupon has ingrelistingy been caused any kind ofd the problems thupon haudio-videoe occured from this.


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